Externalize flake8 linting, introduce additional checks (#2638)

This change is a step towards removing `runtests.py` (see #1673).

The exclusion list in the flake8 configuration in `setup.cfg` has been updated
to enable running the linter from the root of the project by simply invoking
`flake8`.  This enables it to leverage its own file discovery and its own
multiprocessing queue without excessive subprocessing for linting every file.
This gives a minor speed up in local test runs. Before:

  total time in lint: 130.914682


  total time in lint: 20.379915

There's an additional speedup on Travis because linting is now only performed
on Python 3.6.

More importantly, this means flake8 is now running over all files unless
explicitly excluded in `setup.cfg`. This will help avoiding unintentional
omissions in the future (see comments on #2637).

Note: running `flake8` as a single lazy subprocess in `runtests.py` doesn't
sacrifice any parallelism because the linter has its own process pool.

Minimal whitespace changes were required to `mypy_extensions.py` but in return
flake8 will check it now exactly like it checks the rest of the `mypy/*`
codebase.  Those are also done on #2637 but that hasn't landed yet.

Finally, flake8-bugbear and flake8-pyi were added to test requirements to make
the linter configuration consistent with typeshed.  I hope the additional
checks will speed up future pull requests by automating bigger parts of the
code review.  The pyi plugin enables forward reference support when linting
.pyi files.  That means it's now possible to run `flake8` inside the typeshed
submodule or on arbitrary .pyi files during development (which your editor
could do for you), for example on fixtures.  See discussion on #2629 on checks
that are disabled and why.
1 file changed
tree: b0aedfe576a75ce0addd3f12f99b67799f205487
  1. mypy_extensions.py
  2. README.md
  3. setup.py

Mypy Extensions

The “mypy_extensions” module defines experimental extensions to the standard “typing” module that are supported by the mypy typechecker.