blob: 4dc3d4c27aa8320167fe3ce113634bcdadd81247 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Graph visitor algorithms.
use std::marker;
use std::collections::{
use std::hash::Hash;
use super::{
use graph::{
pub trait Graphlike : marker::MarkerTrait {
type NodeId: Clone;
/// A graph trait for accessing the neighbors iterator
pub trait NeighborIter<'a> : Graphlike{
type Iter: Iterator<Item=Self::NodeId>;
fn neighbors(&'a self, n: Self::NodeId) -> Self::Iter;
impl<'a, N, E, Ty, Ix> NeighborIter<'a> for Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix> where
Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
type Iter = graph::Neighbors<'a, E, Ix>;
fn neighbors(&'a self, n: graph::NodeIndex<Ix>) -> graph::Neighbors<'a, E, Ix>
Graph::neighbors(self, n)
impl<'a, N, E> NeighborIter<'a> for GraphMap<N, E>
where N: Copy + Clone + Ord + Hash + Eq
type Iter = graphmap::Neighbors<'a, N>;
fn neighbors(&'a self, n: N) -> graphmap::Neighbors<'a, N>
GraphMap::neighbors(self, n)
/// Wrapper type for walking the graph as if it is undirected
pub struct AsUndirected<G>(pub G);
/// Wrapper type for walking edges the other way
pub struct Reversed<G>(pub G);
impl<'a, 'b, N, E, Ty, Ix> NeighborIter<'a> for AsUndirected<&'b Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>> where
Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
type Iter = graph::Neighbors<'a, E, Ix>;
fn neighbors(&'a self, n: graph::NodeIndex<Ix>) -> graph::Neighbors<'a, E, Ix>
Graph::neighbors_undirected(self.0, n)
impl<'a, 'b, N, E, Ty, Ix> NeighborIter<'a> for Reversed<&'b Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>> where
Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
type Iter = graph::Neighbors<'a, E, Ix>;
fn neighbors(&'a self, n: graph::NodeIndex<Ix>) -> graph::Neighbors<'a, E, Ix>
Graph::neighbors_directed(self.0, n, EdgeDirection::Incoming)
pub trait VisitMap<N> {
/// Return **true** if the value is not already present.
fn visit(&mut self, N) -> bool;
fn is_visited(&self, &N) -> bool;
impl<Ix> VisitMap<graph::NodeIndex<Ix>> for BitSet where
Ix: IndexType,
fn visit(&mut self, x: graph::NodeIndex<Ix>) -> bool {
fn is_visited(&self, x: &graph::NodeIndex<Ix>) -> bool {
impl<N: Eq + Hash> VisitMap<N> for HashSet<N> {
fn visit(&mut self, x: N) -> bool {
fn is_visited(&self, x: &N) -> bool {
/// Trait for GraphMap that knows which datastructure is the best for its visitor map
pub trait Visitable : Graphlike {
type Map: VisitMap<<Self as Graphlike>::NodeId>;
fn visit_map(&self) -> Self::Map;
impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Graphlike for Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix> where
Ix: IndexType,
type NodeId = graph::NodeIndex<Ix>;
impl<N, E, Ty, Ix> Visitable for Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix> where
Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
type Map = BitSet;
fn visit_map(&self) -> BitSet { BitSet::with_capacity(self.node_count()) }
impl<N: Clone, E> Graphlike for GraphMap<N, E>
type NodeId = N;
impl<N, E> Visitable for GraphMap<N, E>
where N: Copy + Clone + Ord + Eq + Hash
type Map = HashSet<N>;
fn visit_map(&self) -> HashSet<N> { HashSet::with_capacity(self.node_count()) }
impl<'a, V: Graphlike> Graphlike for AsUndirected<&'a V>
type NodeId = <V as Graphlike>::NodeId;
impl<'a, V: Graphlike> Graphlike for Reversed<&'a V>
type NodeId = <V as Graphlike>::NodeId;
impl<'a, V: Visitable> Visitable for AsUndirected<&'a V>
type Map = <V as Visitable>::Map;
fn visit_map(&self) -> <V as Visitable>::Map {
impl<'a, V: Visitable> Visitable for Reversed<&'a V>
type Map = <V as Visitable>::Map;
fn visit_map(&self) -> <V as Visitable>::Map {
/// Create or access the adjacency matrix of a graph
pub trait GetAdjacencyMatrix : Graphlike {
type AdjMatrix;
fn adjacency_matrix(&self) -> Self::AdjMatrix;
fn is_adjacent(&self, matrix: &Self::AdjMatrix, a: Self::NodeId, b: Self::NodeId) -> bool;
impl<N, E> GetAdjacencyMatrix for GraphMap<N, E>
where N: Copy + Clone + Ord + Eq + Hash
type AdjMatrix = ();
fn adjacency_matrix(&self) { }
fn is_adjacent(&self, _: &(), a: N, b: N) -> bool {
self.contains_edge(a, b)
/// A depth first search (DFS) of a graph.
/// Using a **Dfs** you can run a traversal over a graph while still retaining
/// mutable access to it, if you use it like the following example:
/// ```
/// use petgraph::{Graph, Dfs};
/// let mut graph = Graph::<_,()>::new();
/// let a = graph.add_node(0);
/// let mut dfs = Dfs::new(&graph, a);
/// while let Some(nx) = {
/// // we can access `graph` mutably here still
/// graph[nx] += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(graph[a], 1);
/// ```
/// **Note:** The algorithm may not behave correctly if nodes are removed
/// during iteration. It may not necessarily visit added nodes or edges.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Dfs<N, VM> {
pub stack: Vec<N>,
pub discovered: VM,
impl<G: Visitable> Dfs<G::NodeId, G::Map>
/// Create a new **Dfs**, using the graph's visitor map, and put **start**
/// in the stack of nodes to visit.
pub fn new(graph: &G, start: G::NodeId) -> Self
let mut dfs = Dfs::empty(graph);
/// Create a new **Dfs** using the graph's visitor map, and no stack.
pub fn empty(graph: &G) -> Self
Dfs {
stack: Vec::new(),
discovered: graph.visit_map(),
impl<N, VM> Dfs<N, VM> where
N: Clone,
VM: VisitMap<N>
/// Keep the discovered map, but clear the visit stack and restart
/// the dfs from a particular node.
pub fn move_to(&mut self, start: N)
impl<N, VM> Dfs<N, VM> where
N: Clone,
VM: VisitMap<N>
/// Return the next node in the dfs, or **None** if the traversal is done.
pub fn next<'a, G>(&mut self, graph: &'a G) -> Option<N> where
G: Graphlike<NodeId=N>,
G: for<'b> NeighborIter<'b>,
while let Some(node) = self.stack.pop() {
for succ in graph.neighbors(node.clone()) {
if self.discovered.visit(succ.clone()) {
return Some(node);
/// A breadth first search (BFS) of a graph.
/// Using a **Bfs** you can run a traversal over a graph while still retaining
/// mutable access to it, if you use it like the following example:
/// ```
/// use petgraph::{Graph, Bfs};
/// let mut graph = Graph::<_,()>::new();
/// let a = graph.add_node(0);
/// let mut bfs = Bfs::new(&graph, a);
/// while let Some(nx) = {
/// // we can access `graph` mutably here still
/// graph[nx] += 1;
/// }
/// assert_eq!(graph[a], 1);
/// ```
/// **Note:** The algorithm may not behave correctly if nodes are removed
/// during iteration. It may not necessarily visit added nodes or edges.
pub struct Bfs<N, VM> {
pub stack: VecDeque<N>,
pub discovered: VM,
impl<G: Visitable> Bfs<G::NodeId, <G as Visitable>::Map> where
G::NodeId: Clone,
/// Create a new **Bfs**, using the graph's visitor map, and put **start**
/// in the stack of nodes to visit.
pub fn new(graph: &G, start: G::NodeId) -> Self
let mut discovered = graph.visit_map();
let mut stack = VecDeque::new();
Bfs {
stack: stack,
discovered: discovered,
impl<N, VM> Bfs<N, VM> where
N: Clone,
VM: VisitMap<N>
/// Return the next node in the dfs, or **None** if the traversal is done.
pub fn next<'a, G>(&mut self, graph: &'a G) -> Option<N> where
G: Graphlike<NodeId=N>,
G: for<'b> NeighborIter<'b>,
while let Some(node) = self.stack.pop_front() {
for succ in graph.neighbors(node.clone()) {
if self.discovered.visit(succ.clone()) {
return Some(node);
pub struct Visitor<G> where
G: Visitable,
stack: Vec<<G as Graphlike>::NodeId>,
discovered: <G as Visitable>::Map,
pub fn visitor<G>(graph: &G, start: <G as Graphlike>::NodeId) -> Visitor<G> where
G: Visitable
stack: vec![start],
discovered: graph.visit_map(),