blob: 49aba9d9e2089766c2260703674b2b6660c58994 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::{
string::{String, ToString},
use petgraph_algorithms::isomorphism::{
is_isomorphic, is_isomorphic_matching, is_isomorphic_subgraph, subgraph_isomorphisms_iter,
use petgraph_core::{
edge::{Directed, EdgeType, Undirected},
use petgraph_graph::{edge_index, node_index, EdgeIndex, Graph, NodeIndex};
use proptest::{prelude::*, sample::SizeRange, strategy::TupleUnion};
/// Parse a text adjacency matrix format into a directed graph
fn parse_graph<Ty: EdgeType>(s: &str) -> Graph<(), (), Ty> {
let mut gr = Graph::with_capacity(0, 0);
let s = s.trim();
let lines = s.lines().filter(|l| !l.is_empty());
for (row, line) in lines.enumerate() {
for (col, word) in line.split(' ').filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).enumerate() {
let has_edge = word.parse::<i32>().unwrap();
assert!(has_edge == 0 || has_edge == 1);
if has_edge == 0 {
while col >= gr.node_count() || row >= gr.node_count() {
gr.update_edge(node_index(row), node_index(col), ());
fn str_to_graph(s: &str) -> Graph<(), (), Undirected> {
fn str_to_digraph(s: &str) -> Graph<(), (), Directed> {
macro_rules! test_snapshot {
// isomorphism (directed)
($name:ident <=>) => {
paste::paste! {
fn [<$name _directed>]() {
let a = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _a >]), ".txt"));
let b = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _b >]), ".txt"));
let graph_a = str_to_digraph(a);
let graph_b = str_to_digraph(b);
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
// isomorphism (undirected)
($name:ident == =) => {
paste::paste! {
fn [<$name _undirected>]() {
let a = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _a >]), ".txt"));
let b = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _b >]), ".txt"));
let graph_a = str_to_graph(a);
let graph_b = str_to_graph(b);
assert_eq!(graph_a.edge_count(), graph_b.edge_count());
assert_eq!(graph_a.node_count(), graph_b.node_count());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
// no isomorphism (directed)
($name:ident <!>) => {
paste::paste! {
fn [<$name _directed>]() {
let a = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _a >]), ".txt"));
let b = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _b >]), ".txt"));
let graph_a = str_to_digraph(a);
let graph_b = str_to_digraph(b);
assert!(!is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
// no isomorphism (undirected)
($name:ident =!=) => {
paste::paste! {
fn [<$name _undirected>]() {
let a = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _a >]), ".txt"));
let b = include_str!(concat!("snapshots/isomorphism/", stringify!([< $name _b >]), ".txt"));
let graph_a = str_to_graph(a);
let graph_b = str_to_graph(b);
assert!(!is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
// Petersen A and B are isomorphic
test_snapshot!(petersen <=>);
test_snapshot!(petersen ===);
// An almost full set, isomorphic
test_snapshot!(full <=>);
test_snapshot!(full ===);
// Praust A and B are not isomorphic
test_snapshot!(praust =!=);
// Isomorphic pair
test_snapshot!(coxeter <=>);
test_snapshot!(coxeter ===);
// G8 is not iso
test_snapshot!(g8 =!=);
// G3 is not iso
test_snapshot!(g3 =!=);
// S is not iso due to selfloop difference
test_snapshot!(s =!=);
test_snapshot!(g4u =!=);
test_snapshot!(g2u <=>);
test_snapshot!(g2u ===);
/// Parse a file in adjacency matrix format into a directed graph
fn graph_from_file(path: &str) -> Graph<(), (), Directed> {
let mut f = std::fs::File::open(path).expect("file not found");
let mut contents = String::new();
std::io::Read::read_to_string(&mut f, &mut contents).expect("failed to read from file");
fn empty() {
let graph0 = Graph::<(), ()>::new();
let graph1 = Graph::<(), ()>::new();
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph0, &graph1));
fn one_node() {
let mut graph0 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
let mut graph1 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph0, &graph1));
fn two_nodes() {
let mut graph0 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
let mut graph1 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph0, &graph1));
fn three_nodes() {
let mut graph0 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
let mut graph1 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
assert!(!is_isomorphic(&graph0, &graph1));
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph0, &graph1));
fn identical_edge() {
let mut g0 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
let mut g1 = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
let a0 = g0.add_node(0);
let a1 = g1.add_node(0);
let b0 = g0.add_node(1);
let b1 = g1.add_node(1);
g0.add_edge(a0, b0, ());
assert!(!is_isomorphic(&g0, &g1));
g1.add_edge(a1, b1, ());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&g0, &g1));
struct DisjointGraph {
graph: Graph<i32, ()>,
a: NodeIndex,
b: NodeIndex,
c: NodeIndex,
impl DisjointGraph {
fn new() -> Self {
let mut graph = Graph::<_, ()>::new();
let a = graph.add_node(0);
let b = graph.add_node(1);
let c = graph.add_node(2);
Self { graph, a, b, c }
/// Graph A:
/// ```text
/// A → B
/// C
/// ```
/// Graph B:
/// ```text
/// A B
/// ↗
/// C
/// ```
fn one_edge() {
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_a,
a: a0,
b: b0,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_b,
b: b1,
c: c1,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
graph_a.add_edge(a0, b0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, b1, ());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
/// Graph A:
/// ```text
/// A → B
/// ↓
/// C
/// ```
/// Graph B:
/// ```text
/// A B
/// ↑ ↗
/// C
/// ```
fn two_edges() {
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_a,
a: a0,
b: b0,
c: c0,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_b,
a: a1,
b: b1,
c: c1,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
graph_a.add_edge(a0, b0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, b1, ());
graph_a.add_edge(a0, c0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, a1, ());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
/// Graph A:
/// ```text
/// A → B
/// ↓ ↙
/// C
/// ```
/// Graph B:
/// ```text
/// A ← B
/// ↑ ↗
/// C
/// ```
fn three_edges() {
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_a,
a: a0,
b: b0,
c: c0,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_b,
a: a1,
b: b1,
c: c1,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
graph_a.add_edge(a0, b0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, b1, ());
graph_a.add_edge(a0, c0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, a1, ());
graph_a.add_edge(b0, c0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(b1, a1, ());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
/// Graph A:
/// ```text
/// A → B
/// ↓ ↙ ↘
/// C D ← E
/// ```
/// Graph B:
/// ```text
/// A ← B
/// ↑ ↗ ↓
/// C D → E
/// ```
fn five_edges() {
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_a,
a: a0,
b: b0,
c: c0,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
let DisjointGraph {
graph: mut graph_b,
a: a1,
b: b1,
c: c1,
} = DisjointGraph::new();
graph_a.add_edge(a0, b0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, b1, ());
graph_a.add_edge(a0, c0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(c1, a1, ());
graph_a.add_edge(b0, c0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(b1, a1, ());
let d0 = graph_a.add_node(3);
let d1 = graph_b.add_node(3);
let e0 = graph_a.add_node(4);
let e1 = graph_b.add_node(4);
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
graph_a.add_edge(b0, e0, ());
graph_a.add_edge(e0, d0, ());
graph_b.add_edge(b1, d1, ());
graph_b.add_edge(d1, e1, ());
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
/// Graph:
/// ```text
/// ⤿0 → 1
/// ↓ ↙
/// 2
/// ```
fn isomorphic_matching() {
let graph_a = Graph::<(), _>::from_edges([
(0, 0, 1), //
(0, 1, 2),
(0, 2, 3),
(1, 2, 4),
let mut graph_b = graph_a.clone();
|x, y| x == y,
|x, y| x == y
graph_b[EdgeIndex::new(0)] = 0;
|x, y| x == y,
|x, y| x == y
let mut graph_c = graph_a.clone();
graph_c[EdgeIndex::new(1)] = 0;
|x, y| x == y,
|x, y| x == y
fn integration_test_large() {
let graph_a = str_to_digraph(include_str!("snapshots/isomorphism/large_a.txt"));
let graph_b = str_to_digraph(include_str!("snapshots/isomorphism/large_b.txt"));
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
fn integration_test_huge() {
let graph_a = graph_from_file("tests/snapshots/isomorphism/huge_a.txt");
let graph_b = graph_from_file("tests/snapshots/isomorphism/huge_b.txt");
assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
// isomorphism isn't correct for multigraphs.
// Keep this testcase to document how
#[ignore = "multigraphs support currently silently fails"]
fn panic_on_multigraph() {
let graph_a = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges([
(0, 0), //
(0, 0),
(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 0),
let graph_b = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges([
(0, 0), //
(0, 1),
(0, 1),
(1, 1),
(1, 0),
(1, 0),
assert!(!is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
fn subgraph() {
let edges = [
(0, 1), //
(1, 2),
(2, 0),
(2, 3),
(0, 4),
let graph_a = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges(&edges[..3]);
let graph_b = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges(edges);
assert!(!is_isomorphic(&graph_a, &graph_b));
assert!(is_isomorphic_subgraph(&graph_a, &graph_b));
fn subgraph_iter() {
let edges = [
(0, 1), //
(1, 2),
(2, 0),
(2, 3),
(0, 4),
let graph_a = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges(&edges[..3]);
let graph_b = Graph::<(), ()>::from_edges(edges);
let graph_a_ref = &graph_a;
let graph_b_ref = &graph_b;
let mut node_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mut edge_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mappings =
subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(&graph_a_ref, &graph_b_ref, &mut node_match, &mut edge_match)
// Verify the iterator returns the expected mappings
let expected_mappings: Vec<Vec<usize>> = vec![vec![0, 1, 2], vec![1, 2, 0], vec![2, 0, 1]];
for mapping in mappings {
fn subgraph_iter_coxeter() {
// Verify all the mappings from the iterator are different
let graph_a = str_to_digraph(include_str!("snapshots/isomorphism/coxeter_a.txt"));
let graph_b = str_to_digraph(include_str!("snapshots/isomorphism/coxeter_b.txt"));
let graph_a_ref = &graph_a;
let graph_b_ref = &graph_b;
let mut node_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mut edge_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mut unique = BTreeSet::new();
let mappings =
subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(&graph_a_ref, &graph_b_ref, &mut node_match, &mut edge_match)
for mapping in mappings {
let inserted = unique.insert(mapping);
fn subgraph_iter_non_isomorphic() {
// The iterator should return None for graphs that are not isomorphic
let graph_a = str_to_digraph(include_str!("snapshots/isomorphism/g8_a.txt"));
let graph_b = str_to_digraph(include_str!("snapshots/isomorphism/g8_b.txt"));
let graph_a_ref = &graph_a;
let graph_b_ref = &graph_b;
let mut node_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mut edge_match = PartialEq::eq;
let iter =
subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(&graph_a_ref, &graph_b_ref, &mut node_match, &mut edge_match)
assert_eq!(iter.count(), 0);
fn subgraph_iter_regression_534() {
let mut graph = Graph::<String, ()>::new();
let l1 = graph.add_node("l1".to_owned());
let l2 = graph.add_node("l2".to_owned());
graph.add_edge(l1, l2, ());
let l3 = graph.add_node("l3".to_owned());
graph.add_edge(l2, l3, ());
let l4 = graph.add_node("l4".to_owned());
graph.add_edge(l3, l4, ());
let mut subgraph = Graph::<String, ()>::new();
let l3 = subgraph.add_node("l3".to_owned());
let l4 = subgraph.add_node("l4".to_owned());
subgraph.add_edge(l3, l4, ());
let mut node_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mut edge_match = PartialEq::eq;
let mappings =
subgraph_isomorphisms_iter(&&subgraph, &&graph, &mut node_match, &mut edge_match)
assert_eq!(mappings, vec![vec![2, 3]]);
/// Generates a graph without parallel edges.
/// This also limits the number of nodes and edges to 64 to avoid generating too large graphs, as
/// isomorphism calculation is expensive.
fn graph_without_parallel_edges() -> impl Strategy<Value = Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>> {
Some(Arc::new(|_| (0..64).into())),
/// This function generates one random graph. It then takes any random node and changes its weight.
/// The resulting graph **is not** isomorphic to the original graph.
/// This strategy ensures that
/// * the graph is non-empty
/// * the weight of the node changed is not equal to the previous weight
/// This function also limits the number of nodes to 64 to avoid generating too large graphs.
fn isomorphism_graph_changed_node()
-> impl Strategy<Value = (Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>, Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>)> {
.prop_filter("graph is empty", |graph| graph.node_count() > 0)
.prop_flat_map(|graph| {
// filter ensures that there's at least one node
let node = 0..graph.node_count();
(Just(graph), node)
.prop_flat_map(|(graph, node)| {
let existing_weight = graph[NodeIndex::new(node)];
let weight = any::<u8>().prop_filter("weight is different", move |&weight| {
weight != existing_weight
(Just(graph), Just(node), weight)
.prop_map(|(graph, node, weight)| {
let mut other = graph.clone();
other[NodeIndex::new(node)] = weight;
(graph, other)
// This function works the same as `iso_graph_changed_node` but for edges.
fn isomorphism_graph_changed_edge()
-> impl Strategy<Value = (Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>, Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>)> {
.prop_filter("graph is empty", |graph| graph.edge_count() > 0)
.prop_flat_map(|graph| {
// filter ensures that there's at least one edge
let edge = 0..graph.edge_count();
(Just(graph), edge)
.prop_flat_map(|(graph, edge)| {
let existing_weight = graph[EdgeIndex::new(edge)];
let weight = any::<u8>().prop_filter("weight is different", move |&weight| {
weight != existing_weight
(Just(graph), Just(edge), weight)
.prop_map(|(graph, edge, weight)| {
let mut other = graph.clone();
other[EdgeIndex::new(edge)] = weight;
(graph, other)
/// This strategy generates two graphs to check for isomorphism.
/// The first graph is generated by `graph_without_parallel_edges`, the second graph is then
/// generated by taking all nodes and shuffling them.
/// Even though the graphs are shuffled, they are still isomorphic.
fn isomorphism_graph_shuffled_nodes()
-> impl Strategy<Value = (Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>, Graph<u8, u8, Directed, u8>)> {
.prop_flat_map(|graph| {
let nodes = graph.node_indices().collect::<Vec<_>>();
(Just(graph), Just(nodes).prop_shuffle())
.prop_map(|(graph, nodes)| {
// create a new empty graph
let mut other = Graph::<u8, u8, Directed, u8>::default();
// add all nodes from the original graph
for _ in 0..graph.node_count() {
// because we're shuffling the nodes, we need to assign the weights in a separate
// step
for node in graph.node_indices() {
other[nodes[node.index()]] = graph[node];
// add all edges from the original graph
// remap the node indices to the new graph
for edge in graph.edge_indices() {
let (source, target) = graph.edge_endpoints(edge).expect("edge not found");
other.add_edge(nodes[source.index()], nodes[target.index()], graph[edge]);
(graph, other)
proptest! {
fn self_isomorphic(graph in graph_without_parallel_edges()) {
prop_assert!(is_isomorphic(&graph, &graph));
fn change_single_node((graph, other) in isomorphism_graph_changed_node()) {
prop_assert!(!is_isomorphic_matching(&graph, &other, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));
fn change_single_edge((graph, other) in isomorphism_graph_changed_edge()) {
prop_assert!(!is_isomorphic_matching(&graph, &other, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));
fn shuffle_nodes((graph, other) in isomorphism_graph_shuffled_nodes()) {
prop_assert!(is_isomorphic_matching(&graph, &other, PartialEq::eq, PartialEq::eq));