Polish lib docs.

* Add an example showing simple graph creation and algorithms.
* Add an explanation of what "weights" mean.
* Add feature flag docs.
* Copy edit pass on existing verbiage.
diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
index b8251a9..4efd6ca 100644
--- a/src/lib.rs
+++ b/src/lib.rs
@@ -1,22 +1,108 @@
-//! **petgraph** is a graph data structure library.
+//! `petgraph` is a graph data structure library.
+//! Graphs are collections of nodes, and edges between nodes. `petgraph`
+//! provides several [graph types](index.html#graph-types) (each differing in the
+//! tradeoffs taken in their internal representation),
+//! [algorithms](./algo/index.html#functions) on those graphs, and functionality to
+//! [output graphs](./doc/petgraph/dot/struct.Dot.html) in
+//! [`graphviz`](https://www.graphviz.org/) format. Both nodes and edges
+//! can have arbitrary associated data, and edges may be either directed or undirected.
+//! # Example
+//! ```rust
+//! use petgraph::prelude::*;
+//! use petgraph::algo::{dijkstra, min_spanning_tree};
+//! use petgraph::data::FromElements;
+//! use petgraph::dot::{Dot, Config};
-//! - [`Graph`](./graph/struct.Graph.html) which is an adjacency list graph with
-//! arbitrary associated data.
+//! // Create an undirected graph where nodes are &str, and edges have no weight.
+//! let g = UnGraphMap::<&str, ()>::from_edges(&[
+//!     ("a", "b"), ("b", "c"), ("c", "d"),
+//!     ("a", "d")]);
-//! - [`StableGraph`](./stable_graph/struct.StableGraph.html) is similar
-//! to `Graph`, but it keeps indices stable across removals.
+//! // Find the shortest path from "a" to "d" using 1 as the cost for every edge.
+//! let node_map = dijkstra(&g, "a", Some("d"), |_| 1);
+//! assert_eq!(&1, node_map.get("d").unwrap());
-//! - [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html) is an adjacency list graph
-//! which is backed by a hash table and the node identifiers are the keys
-//! into the table.
+//! // Get the minimum spanning tree of the graph as a new graph, and check that
+//! // one edge was trimmed.
+//! let mst = UnGraphMap::from_elements(min_spanning_tree(&g));
+//! assert_eq!(g.all_edges().count() - 1, mst.all_edges().count());
-//! - [`MatrixGraph`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html) is an adjacency matrix graph.
+//! // Output the tree to graphviz DOT format
+//! println!("{:?}", Dot::with_config(&mst, &[Config::EdgeNoLabel]));
+//! // graph {
+//! //     0 [label="\"a\""]
+//! //     1 [label="\"b\""]
+//! //     2 [label="\"c\""]
+//! //     3 [label="\"d\""]
+//! //     0 -- 1
+//! //     2 -- 3
+//! //     1 -- 2
+//! // }
+//! ```
-//! - [`CSR`](./csr/struct.Csr.html) is a sparse adjacency matrix graph with
-//! arbitrary associated data.
+//! # Graph types
+//! * [`Graph`](./graph/struct.Graph.html) -
+//!   An adjacency list graph with arbitrary associated data.
+//! * [`StableGraph`](./stable_graph/struct.StableGraph.html) -
+//!   Similar to `Graph`, but it keeps indices stable across removals.
+//! * [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html) -
+//!   An adjacency list graph backed by a hash table. The node identifiers are the keys
+//!   into the table.
+//! * [`MatrixGraph`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html) -
+//!   An adjacency matrix graph.
+//! * [`CSR`](./csr/struct.Csr.html) -
+//!   A sparse adjacency matrix graph with arbitrary associated data.
-//! Optional crate feature: `"serde-1"`, see the Readme for more information.
+//! ### Generic parameters
+//! Each graph type is generic over a handful of parameters. All graphs share 3 common
+//! parameters, `N`, `E`, and `Ty`. This is a broad overview of what those are. Each
+//! type's documentation will have finer detail on these parameters.
+//! `N` & `E` are called *weights* in this implementation, and are associated with
+//! nodes and edges respectively. They can generally be of arbitrary type, and don't have to
+//! be what you might conventionally consider weight-like. For example, using `&str` for `N`
+//! will work. Many algorithms that require costs let you provide a cost function that
+//! translates your `N` and `E` weights into costs appropriate to the algorithm. Some graph
+//! types and choices do impose bounds on `N` or `E`.
+//! [`min_spanning_tree`](./algo/fn.min_spanning_tree.html) for example requires edge weights that
+//! implement [`PartialOrd`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/core/cmp/trait.PartialOrd.html).
+//! [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html) requires node weights that can serve as hash
+//! map keys, since that graph type does not create standalone node indices.
+//! `Ty` controls whether edges are [`Directed`](./petgraph/enum.Directed.html) or
+//! [`Undirected`](./petgraph/enum.Unirected.html).
+//! `Ix` appears on graph types that use indices. It is exposed so you can control
+//! the size of node and edge indices, and therefore the memory footprint of your graphs.
+//! Allowed values are `u8`, `u16`, `u32`, and `usize`, with `u32` being the default.
+//! ### Shorthand types
+//! Each graph type vends a few shorthand type definitions that name some specific
+//! generic choices. For example, [`DiGraph<_, _>`](./graph/type.DiGraph.html) is shorthand
+//! for [`Graph<_, _, Undirected>`](graph/struct.Graph.html).
+//! [`UnMatrix<_, _>`](./matrix_graph/type.UnMatrix.html) is shorthand for
+//! [`MatrixGraph<_, _, Undirected>`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html). Each graph type's
+//! module documentation lists the available shorthand types.
+//! # Crate features
+//! * **serde-1** -
+//!   Defaults off. Enables serialization for ``Graph, StableGraph`` using
+//!   [`serde 1.0`](https://crates.io/crates/serde). May require a more recent version
+//!   of Rust than petgraph alone.
+//! * **graphmap** -
+//!   Defaults on. Enables [`GraphMap`](./graphmap/struct.GraphMap.html).
+//! * **stable_graph** -
+//!   Defaults on. Enables [`StableGraph`](./stable_graph/struct.StableGraph.html).
+//! * **matrix_graph** -
+//!   Defaults on. Enables [`MatrixGraph`](./matrix_graph/struct.MatrixGraph.html).
 #![doc(html_root_url = "https://docs.rs/petgraph/0.4/")]