blob: a29b3747833ff8d6fdf37d750ecdfad8ef120e6e [file] [log] [blame]
use petgraph_core::deprecated::{edge::EdgeType, index::IndexType, visit::IntoNodeReferences};
use petgraph_graph::Graph;
/// \[Generic\] complement of the graph
/// Computes the graph complement of the input Graph and stores it
/// in the provided empty output Graph.
/// The function does not create self-loops.
/// Computes in **O(|V|^2*log(|V|))** time (average).
/// Returns the complement.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use petgraph_algorithms::operators::complement;
/// use petgraph_core::edge::Directed;
/// use petgraph_graph::Graph;
/// let mut graph: Graph<(), (), Directed> = Graph::new();
/// let a = graph.add_node(()); // node with no weight
/// let b = graph.add_node(());
/// let c = graph.add_node(());
/// let d = graph.add_node(());
/// graph.extend_with_edges(&[(a, b), (b, c), (c, d)]);
/// // a ----> b ----> c ----> d
/// let mut output: Graph<(), (), Directed> = Graph::new();
/// complement(&graph, &mut output, ());
/// let mut expected_res: Graph<(), (), Directed> = Graph::new();
/// let a = expected_res.add_node(());
/// let b = expected_res.add_node(());
/// let c = expected_res.add_node(());
/// let d = expected_res.add_node(());
/// expected_res.extend_with_edges(&[
/// (a, c),
/// (a, d),
/// (b, a),
/// (b, d),
/// (c, a),
/// (c, b),
/// (d, a),
/// (d, b),
/// (d, c),
/// ]);
/// for x in graph.node_indices() {
/// for y in graph.node_indices() {
/// assert_eq!(output.contains_edge(x, y), expected_res.contains_edge(x, y));
/// }
/// }
/// ```
// TODO: rework, make generic, weight over fn, doesn't support parallel edges
pub fn complement<N, E, Ty, Ix>(
input: &Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
output: &mut Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
weight: E,
) where
Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
E: Clone,
N: Clone,
for (_node, weight) in input.node_references() {
for x in input.node_indices() {
for y in input.node_indices() {
if x != y && !input.contains_edge(x, y) {
output.add_edge(x, y, weight.clone());
mod tests {
use alloc::{format, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
use petgraph_core::{edge::Directed, visit::EdgeRef};
use petgraph_graph::Graph;
use petgraph_proptest::default::graph_strategy;
use proptest::{collection::SizeRange, prelude::*};
use crate::operators::complement;
/// Graph:
/// ```text
/// a → b → c → d
/// ```
fn simple() {
let mut graph: Graph<(), (), Directed> = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node(());
let b = graph.add_node(());
let c = graph.add_node(());
let d = graph.add_node(());
(a, b), //
(b, c),
(c, d),
let mut output: Graph<(), (), Directed> = Graph::new();
complement(&graph, &mut output, ());
let expected = [
(a, c), //
(a, d),
(b, a),
(b, d),
(c, a),
(c, b),
(d, a),
(d, b),
(d, c),
let result = output
.map(|e| (e.source(),
assert_eq!(result, expected);
proptest! {
fn complement_of_complement_is_original(
graph in graph_strategy::<Graph::<(), (), Directed, u32>>(
0..u8::MAX as usize,
Some(Arc::new(|max| {
SizeRange::new(0..=usize::min(max.pow(2), (u8::MAX as usize) - 1))
) {
let mut output = Graph::default();
let mut output2 = Graph::default();
complement(&graph, &mut output, ());
complement(&output, &mut output2, ());
for x in graph.node_indices() {
let received = output2.edges(x).map(|edge|<Vec<_>>();
let expected = graph.edges(x).map(|edge|<Vec<_>>();
prop_assert_eq!(received, expected);