blob: 21d072f323be4efc63f841512cfbeed426554437 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use petgraph_core::deprecated::visit::{
IntoNeighborsDirected, IntoNodeIdentifiers, Reversed, VisitMap, Visitable,
use crate::{
traversal::{with_dfs, DfsSpace},
/// \[Generic\] Perform a topological sort of a directed graph.
/// If the graph was acyclic, return a vector of nodes in topological order:
/// each node is ordered before its successors.
/// Otherwise, it will return a `Cycle` error. Self loops are also cycles.
/// To handle graphs with cycles, use the scc algorithms or `DfsPostOrder`
/// instead of this function.
/// If `space` is not `None`, it is used instead of creating a new workspace for
/// graph traversal. The implementation is iterative.
/// # Errors
/// If the graph contains a cycle, returns a `CycleError` containing the node where the cycle was
/// detected.
pub fn toposort<G>(
g: G,
space: Option<&mut DfsSpace<G::NodeId, G::Map>>,
) -> Result<Vec<G::NodeId>, CycleError<G::NodeId>>
G: IntoNeighborsDirected + IntoNodeIdentifiers + Visitable,
// based on kosaraju scc
with_dfs(g, space, |dfs| {
let mut finished = g.visit_map();
let mut finish_stack = Vec::new();
for i in g.node_identifiers() {
if dfs.discovered.is_visited(&i) {
while let Some(&nx) = dfs.stack.last() {
if dfs.discovered.visit(nx) {
// First time visiting `nx`: Push neighbors, don't pop `nx`
for succ in g.neighbors(nx) {
if succ == nx {
// self cycle
return Err(CycleError { node: nx });
if !dfs.discovered.is_visited(&succ) {
} else {
if finished.visit(nx) {
// Second time: All reachable nodes must have been finished
for &i in &finish_stack {
let mut cycle = false;
while let Some(j) = {
if cycle {
return Err(CycleError { node: j });
cycle = true;
mod tests {
use alloc::vec;
use petgraph_core::edge::Directed;
use petgraph_graph::Graph;
use petgraph_proptest::dag::graph_dag_strategy;
use proptest::prelude::*;
use crate::tests::assert_topologically_sorted;
/// This uses the example from the Wikipedia page on topological sorting:
/// <>
/// Node to name mapping:
/// * 2: "A"
/// * 3: "B"
/// * 5: "C"
/// * 7: "D"
/// * 8: "E"
/// * 9: "F"
/// * 10: "G"
/// * 11: "H"
fn setup() -> Graph<&'static str, &'static str> {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
let c = graph.add_node("C");
let d = graph.add_node("D");
let e = graph.add_node("E");
let f = graph.add_node("F");
let g = graph.add_node("G");
let h = graph.add_node("H");
(b, e, "B → E"), //
(b, g, "B → G"),
(c, h, "C → H"),
(d, e, "D → E"),
(d, h, "D → H"),
(e, f, "E → F"),
(h, a, "H → A"),
(h, f, "H → F"),
(h, g, "H → G"),
fn example() {
let graph = setup();
let order = super::toposort(&graph, None).expect("graph should be acyclic");
assert_topologically_sorted(&graph, &order);
fn disjoint() {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
let c = graph.add_node("C");
let d = graph.add_node("D");
graph.add_edge(a, b, "A → B");
graph.add_edge(c, d, "C → D");
let order = super::toposort(&graph, None).expect("graph should be acyclic");
assert_eq!(order.len(), 4);
assert_topologically_sorted(&graph, &order);
fn path() {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
graph.add_edge(a, b, "A → B");
let order = super::toposort(&graph, None).expect("graph should be acyclic");
assert_eq!(order, vec![a, b]);
fn error_on_cycle() {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
graph.add_edge(a, b, "A → B");
graph.add_edge(b, a, "B → A");
let order = super::toposort(&graph, None);
proptest! {
fn toposort_is_topologically_sorted(graph in graph_dag_strategy::<Graph<(), (), Directed, u8>>(None, None, None)) {
let order = super::toposort(&graph, None).expect("graph should be acyclic");
assert_topologically_sorted(&graph, &order);