blob: ec86aa3618da202a9cd5794d01e9c31745556447 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::{collections::VecDeque, vec::Vec};
use core::{
ops::{Index, IndexMut},
use fxhash::FxBuildHasher;
use petgraph_core::deprecated::{
visit::{EdgeRef, GraphProp, IntoEdgeReferences, NodeCount},
use petgraph_graph::{GraphIndex, NodeIndex};
use crate::{
cycles::feedback_arc_set::linked_list::{LinkedList, LinkedListEntry},
/// \[Generic\] Finds a [feedback arc set]: a set of edges in the given directed graph, which when
/// removed, make the graph acyclic.
/// Uses a [greedy heuristic algorithm] to select a small number of edges, but does not necessarily
/// find the minimum feedback arc set. Time complexity is roughly **O(|E|)** for an input graph with
/// edges **E**.
/// Does not consider edge/node weights when selecting edges for the feedback arc set.
/// Loops (edges to and from the same node) are always included in the returned set.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # #[cfg(feature = "stable-graph")] {
/// use petgraph::{
/// algo::{greedy_feedback_arc_set, is_cyclic_directed},
/// graph::EdgeIndex,
/// prelude::EdgeRef,
/// stable_graph::StableGraph,
/// };
/// let mut g: StableGraph<(), ()> = StableGraph::from_edges(&[
/// (0, 1),
/// (1, 2),
/// (2, 3),
/// (3, 4),
/// (4, 5),
/// (5, 0),
/// (4, 1),
/// (1, 3),
/// ]);
/// assert!(is_cyclic_directed(&g));
/// let fas: Vec<EdgeIndex> = greedy_feedback_arc_set(&g).map(|e|;
/// // Remove edges in feedback arc set from original graph
/// for edge_id in fas {
/// g.remove_edge(edge_id);
/// }
/// assert!(!is_cyclic_directed(&g));
/// # }
/// ```
/// [feedback arc set]:
/// [greedy heuristic algorithm]:
pub fn greedy_feedback_arc_set<G>(g: G) -> impl Iterator<Item = G::EdgeRef>
G: IntoEdgeReferences + GraphProp<EdgeType = Directed>,
G::NodeId: GraphIndex,
G: NodeCount,
let node_seq = good_node_sequence(g.edge_references().map(|e| {
.filter(move |e| node_seq[&e.source().index()] >= node_seq[&])
fn good_node_sequence(
edge_refs: impl Iterator<Item = (NodeIndex<usize>, NodeIndex<usize>)>,
) -> IndexMap<usize, usize> {
let mut nodes = FasNodeContainer { nodes: Vec::new() };
let mut buckets = Buckets {
sinks_or_isolated: NodeLinkedList::new(),
sources: NodeLinkedList::new(),
bidirectional_pve_dd: Vec::new(),
bidirectional_nve_dd: Vec::new(),
// Lookup of node indices from input graph to indices into `nodes`
let mut graph_ix_lookup = IndexMap::with_hasher(FxBuildHasher::default());
// Build node entries
for (from_g_ix, to_g_ix) in edge_refs {
let mut fas_node_entry = |g_ix: NodeIndex<usize>| -> FasNodeIndex {
match graph_ix_lookup.get(&g_ix) {
Some(fas_ix) => *fas_ix,
None => {
let fas_ix = FasNodeIndex(nodes.nodes.len());
nodes.nodes.push(LinkedListEntry::new(FasNode {
graph_ix: g_ix,
out_edges: Vec::new(),
in_edges: Vec::new(),
out_degree: 0,
in_degree: 0,
graph_ix_lookup.insert(g_ix, fas_ix);
let from_fas_ix = fas_node_entry(from_g_ix);
let to_fas_ix = fas_node_entry(to_g_ix);
// Set initial in/out-degrees
for entry in nodes.nodes.iter_mut() {
let node =;
node.out_degree = node.out_edges.len();
node.in_degree = node.in_edges.len();
// Add nodes to initial lists
for i in 0..nodes.nodes.len() {
let fas_ix = FasNodeIndex(i);
.suitable_bucket(fas_ix, &mut nodes)
.push_front(fas_ix, &mut nodes);
let mut s_1 = VecDeque::new();
let mut s_2 = VecDeque::new();
loop {
let mut some_moved = false;
while let Some(sink_fas_ix) = buckets.sinks_or_isolated.pop(&mut nodes) {
some_moved = true;
buckets.update_neighbour_node_buckets(sink_fas_ix, &mut nodes);
while let Some(source_fas_ix) = buckets.sources.pop(&mut nodes) {
some_moved = true;
buckets.update_neighbour_node_buckets(source_fas_ix, &mut nodes);
if let Some(list) = buckets
.find(|b| b.start.is_some())
let highest_dd_fas_ix = list.pop(&mut nodes).unwrap();
some_moved = true;
buckets.update_neighbour_node_buckets(highest_dd_fas_ix, &mut nodes);
Buckets::trim_bucket_list(&mut buckets.bidirectional_pve_dd);
Buckets::trim_bucket_list(&mut buckets.bidirectional_nve_dd);
if !some_moved {
.map(|(seq_order, node_index)| (node_index.index(), seq_order))
type NodeLinkedList = LinkedList<FasNode, FasNodeContainer, FasNodeIndex>;
struct FasNodeContainer {
nodes: Vec<LinkedListEntry<FasNode, FasNodeIndex>>,
impl Index<FasNodeIndex> for FasNodeContainer {
type Output = LinkedListEntry<FasNode, FasNodeIndex>;
fn index(&self, index: FasNodeIndex) -> &Self::Output {
impl IndexMut<FasNodeIndex> for FasNodeContainer {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: FasNodeIndex) -> &mut Self::Output {
&mut self.nodes[index.0]
struct Buckets {
sinks_or_isolated: NodeLinkedList,
sources: NodeLinkedList,
/// Bidirectional nodes with positive-or-0 delta degree
bidirectional_pve_dd: Vec<NodeLinkedList>,
/// Bidirectional nodes with negative delta degree (index 0 is -1 dd, 1 is -2 etc)
bidirectional_nve_dd: Vec<NodeLinkedList>,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct FasNodeIndex(usize);
/// Represents a node from the input graph, tracking its current delta degree
struct FasNode {
/// Node index in input graph.
graph_ix: NodeIndex<usize>,
/// All outward edges from this node (not removed during processing)
out_edges: Vec<FasNodeIndex>,
/// All inward edges from this node (not removed during processing)
in_edges: Vec<FasNodeIndex>,
/// Current out-degree of this node (decremented during processing as connected nodes are
/// removed)
out_degree: usize,
/// Current in-degree of this node (decremented during processing as connected nodes are
/// removed)
in_degree: usize,
impl Buckets {
fn suitable_bucket(
&mut self,
ix: FasNodeIndex,
nodes: &mut FasNodeContainer,
) -> &mut NodeLinkedList {
let node = nodes[ix].data();
if node.out_degree == 0 {
&mut self.sinks_or_isolated
} else if node.in_degree == 0 {
&mut self.sources
} else {
let delta_degree = node.out_degree as isize - node.in_degree as isize;
if delta_degree >= 0 {
let bucket_ix = delta_degree as usize;
if self.bidirectional_pve_dd.len() <= bucket_ix {
.resize_with(bucket_ix + 1, NodeLinkedList::new);
&mut self.bidirectional_pve_dd[bucket_ix]
} else {
let bucket_ix = (-delta_degree - 1) as usize;
if self.bidirectional_nve_dd.len() <= bucket_ix {
.resize_with(bucket_ix + 1, NodeLinkedList::new);
&mut self.bidirectional_nve_dd[bucket_ix]
fn update_neighbour_node_buckets(&mut self, ix: FasNodeIndex, nodes: &mut FasNodeContainer) {
for i in 0..nodes[ix].data().out_edges.len() {
let out_ix = nodes[ix].data().out_edges[i];
if out_ix == ix {
// Ignore nodes which have already been moved to the good sequence
if !nodes[out_ix].is_in_list() {
self.suitable_bucket(out_ix, nodes).remove(out_ix, nodes);
// Other node has lost an in-edge; reduce in-degree by 1
nodes[out_ix].data().in_degree -= 1;
self.suitable_bucket(out_ix, nodes)
.push_front(out_ix, nodes);
for i in 0..nodes[ix].data().in_edges.len() {
let in_ix = nodes[ix].data().in_edges[i];
if in_ix == ix {
// Ignore nodes which have already been moved to the good sequence
if !nodes[in_ix].is_in_list() {
self.suitable_bucket(in_ix, nodes).remove(in_ix, nodes);
// Other node has lost an out-edge; reduce out-degree by 1
nodes[in_ix].data().out_degree -= 1;
self.suitable_bucket(in_ix, nodes).push_front(in_ix, nodes);
fn trim_bucket_list(list: &mut Vec<NodeLinkedList>) {
let trunc_len = if let Some(highest_populated_index) =
(0..list.len()).rev().find(|i| list[*i].start.is_some())
highest_populated_index + 1
} else {
mod linked_list {
use alloc::vec::Vec;
use core::{marker::PhantomData, ops::IndexMut};
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct LinkedList<Data, Container, Ix> {
pub start: Option<Ix>,
marker: PhantomData<(Data, Container)>,
pub struct LinkedListEntry<Data, Ix> {
pos: Option<LinkedListPosition<Ix>>,
data: Data,
struct LinkedListPosition<Ix> {
prev: Option<Ix>,
next: Option<Ix>,
impl<Data, Ix> LinkedListEntry<Data, Ix> {
pub fn new(data: Data) -> Self {
LinkedListEntry { pos: None, data }
pub fn data(&mut self) -> &mut Data {
pub fn is_in_list(&mut self) -> bool {
fn pos_mut(&mut self) -> &mut LinkedListPosition<Ix> {
.expect("expected linked list entry to have populated position")
impl<Data, Container, Ix> LinkedList<Data, Container, Ix>
Container: IndexMut<Ix, Output = LinkedListEntry<Data, Ix>>,
Ix: PartialEq + Copy,
pub fn new() -> Self {
LinkedList {
start: None,
marker: PhantomData,
pub fn push_front(&mut self, push_ix: Ix, container: &mut Container) {
if let Some(start_ix) = self.start {
let entry = &mut container[start_ix];
entry.pos_mut().prev = Some(push_ix);
let push_entry = &mut container[push_ix];
push_entry.pos = Some(LinkedListPosition {
next: self.start,
prev: None,
self.start = Some(push_ix);
pub fn pop(&mut self, container: &mut Container) -> Option<Ix> {
if let Some(remove_ix) = self.start {
self.remove(remove_ix, container);
} else {
/// `remove_ix` **must** be a member of the list headed by `self`
pub fn remove(&mut self, remove_ix: Ix, container: &mut Container) {
"node to remove should be member of current linked list"
let remove_entry = &mut container[remove_ix];
let ll_entry = remove_entry.pos.take().unwrap();
if let Some(prev_ix) = ll_entry.prev {
let prev_node = &mut container[prev_ix];
prev_node.pos_mut().next =;
if let Some(next_ix) = {
let next_node = &mut container[next_ix];
next_node.pos_mut().prev = ll_entry.prev;
// If the removed node was head of the list
if self.start == Some(remove_ix) {
self.start =;
/// For debug purposes
fn to_vec(&self, container: &mut Container) -> Vec<Ix> {
let mut ixs = Vec::new();
let mut node_ix = self.start;
while let Some(n_ix) = node_ix {
node_ix = container[n_ix].pos_mut().next;