blob: ac14d4348722bfc7b445868d26e4d8775046d281 [file] [log] [blame]
use alloc::{vec, vec::Vec};
use petgraph_core::deprecated::{edge::EdgeType, index::IndexType};
use petgraph_graph::{Graph, NodeIndex};
use crate::components::kosaraju_scc;
/// [Graph] Condense every strongly connected component into a single node and return the result.
/// If `make_acyclic` is true, self-loops and multi edges are ignored, guaranteeing that
/// the output is acyclic.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use petgraph::{
/// algorithms::components::condensation,
/// core::edge::Directed,
/// graph::{Graph, NodeIndex},
/// };
/// let mut graph: Graph<(), (), Directed> = Graph::new();
/// let a = graph.add_node(()); // node with no weight
/// let b = graph.add_node(());
/// let c = graph.add_node(());
/// let d = graph.add_node(());
/// let e = graph.add_node(());
/// let f = graph.add_node(());
/// let g = graph.add_node(());
/// let h = graph.add_node(());
/// graph.extend_with_edges(&[
/// (a, b),
/// (b, c),
/// (c, d),
/// (d, a),
/// (b, e),
/// (e, f),
/// (f, g),
/// (g, h),
/// (h, e),
/// ]);
/// // a ----> b ----> e ----> f
/// // ^ | ^ |
/// // | v | v
/// // d <---- c h <---- g
/// let condensed_graph = condensation(graph, false);
/// let A = NodeIndex::new(0);
/// let B = NodeIndex::new(1);
/// assert_eq!(condensed_graph.node_count(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(condensed_graph.edge_count(), 9);
/// assert_eq!(condensed_graph.neighbors(A).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
/// A, A, A, A
/// ]);
/// assert_eq!(condensed_graph.neighbors(B).collect::<Vec<_>>(), vec![
/// A, B, B, B, B
/// ]);
/// ```
/// If `make_acyclic` is true, self-loops and multi edges are ignored:
/// ```rust
/// # use petgraph::algorithms::components::condensation;
/// # use petgraph::core::edge::Directed;
/// # use petgraph::graph::{Graph, NodeIndex};
/// #
/// # let mut graph : Graph<(),(), Directed> = Graph::new();
/// # let a = graph.add_node(()); // node with no weight
/// # let b = graph.add_node(());
/// # let c = graph.add_node(());
/// # let d = graph.add_node(());
/// # let e = graph.add_node(());
/// # let f = graph.add_node(());
/// # let g = graph.add_node(());
/// # let h = graph.add_node(());
/// #
/// # graph.extend_with_edges(&[
/// # (a, b),
/// # (b, c),
/// # (c, d),
/// # (d, a),
/// # (b, e),
/// # (e, f),
/// # (f, g),
/// # (g, h),
/// # (h, e)
/// # ]);
/// let acyclic_condensed_graph = condensation(graph, true);
/// let A = NodeIndex::new(0);
/// let B = NodeIndex::new(1);
/// assert_eq!(acyclic_condensed_graph.node_count(), 2);
/// assert_eq!(acyclic_condensed_graph.edge_count(), 1);
/// assert_eq!(
/// acyclic_condensed_graph.neighbors(B).collect::<Vec<_>>(),
/// vec![A]
/// );
/// ```
pub fn condensation<N, E, Ty, Ix>(
g: Graph<N, E, Ty, Ix>,
make_acyclic: bool,
) -> Graph<Vec<N>, E, Ty, Ix>
Ty: EdgeType,
Ix: IndexType,
let sccs = kosaraju_scc(&g);
let mut condensed: Graph<Vec<N>, E, Ty, Ix> = Graph::with_capacity(sccs.len(), g.edge_count());
// Build a map from old indices to new ones.
let mut node_map = vec![NodeIndex::end(); g.node_count()];
for comp in sccs {
let new_nix = condensed.add_node(Vec::new());
for nix in comp {
node_map[nix.index()] = new_nix;
// Consume nodes and edges of the old graph and insert them into the new one.
let (nodes, edges) = g.into_nodes_edges();
for (nix, node) in nodes.into_iter().enumerate() {
for edge in edges {
let source = node_map[edge.source().index()];
let target = node_map[];
if make_acyclic {
if source != target {
condensed.update_edge(source, target, edge.weight);
} else {
condensed.add_edge(source, target, edge.weight);
mod tests {
use alloc::format;
use petgraph_core::{edge::Directed, visit::EdgeRef};
use petgraph_graph::{Graph, NodeIndex};
use proptest::prelude::*;
use crate::cycles::is_cyclic_directed;
/// Sets up the example graph
/// Uses the graph from: <>
/// Reference: <>
fn setup() -> Graph<&'static str, &'static str> {
let mut graph = Graph::new();
let a = graph.add_node("A");
let b = graph.add_node("B");
let c = graph.add_node("C");
let d = graph.add_node("D");
let e = graph.add_node("E");
let f = graph.add_node("F");
let g = graph.add_node("G");
let h = graph.add_node("H");
(a, b, "A → B"), //
(b, c, "B → C"),
(b, e, "B → E"),
(b, f, "B → F"),
(c, d, "C → D"),
(c, g, "C → G"),
(d, c, "D → C"),
(d, h, "D → H"),
(e, a, "E → A"),
(e, f, "E → F"),
(f, g, "F → G"),
(g, f, "G → F"),
(h, d, "H → D"),
(h, g, "H → G"),
fn acyclic() {
let graph = setup();
let condensed = super::condensation(graph, true);
assert_eq!(condensed.node_count(), 3);
assert_eq!(condensed.edge_count(), 3);
// The graph should look like this:
// A → B
// ↘ ↓
// C
let a = condensed
.expect("first strongly connected component");
let b = condensed
.expect("second strongly connected component");
let c = condensed
.expect("third strongly connected component");
assert_eq!(a, &["F", "G"]);
assert_eq!(b, &["C", "D", "H"]);
assert_eq!(c, &["A", "B", "E"]);
let a = NodeIndex::new(0);
let b = NodeIndex::new(1);
let c = NodeIndex::new(2);
assert!(condensed.find_edge(c, a).is_some());
assert!(condensed.find_edge(c, b).is_some());
assert!(condensed.find_edge(b, a).is_some());
fn not_acyclic() {
let graph = setup();
let condensed = super::condensation(graph, false);
assert_eq!(condensed.node_count(), 3);
assert_eq!(condensed.edge_count(), 14);
// The graph should look like this:
// A → B
// ↘ ↓
// C
// but here we do not condense any edges
let a = condensed
.expect("first strongly connected component");
let b = condensed
.expect("second strongly connected component");
let c = condensed
.expect("third strongly connected component");
assert_eq!(a, &["F", "G"]);
assert_eq!(b, &["C", "D", "H"]);
assert_eq!(c, &["A", "B", "E"]);
let a = NodeIndex::new(0);
let b = NodeIndex::new(1);
let c = NodeIndex::new(2);
assert_eq!(condensed.edges(c).filter(|e| == a).count(), 2);
assert_eq!(condensed.edges(c).filter(|e| == b).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(condensed.edges(b).filter(|e| == a).count(), 2);
assert_eq!(condensed.edges(a).filter(|e| == a).count(), 2);
assert_eq!(condensed.edges(b).filter(|e| == b).count(), 4);
assert_eq!(condensed.edges(c).filter(|e| == c).count(), 3);
proptest! {
fn condensation_is_acyclic(graph in any::<Graph<(), (), Directed, u8>>()) {
let condensed = super::condensation(graph, true);
let is_cylic = is_cyclic_directed(&condensed);