[RFC] Add batching dims to stablehlo.gather and stable.scatter specification

Status: Review
Initial version: 03/11/2024
Last updated: 03/11/2024
Discussion thread: TBD


This RFC proposes adding operand_batching_dims and start_indices_batching_dims attributes to stablehlo.gather. operand_batching_dims refers to the dimensions of the operand that are treated as batch. start_indices_batching_dims refers to the dimensions of the start_indices that are treated as batch. The corresponding dimension sizes must be equal. The semantics is equivalent to concatenating the outputs of the gather with each slices of operand and start_indices.

Similarly, this RFC proposes adding input_batching_dims and scatter_indices_batching_dims attributes to stablehlo.scatter. input_batching_dims refers to the dimensions of each tensor in inputs that are treated as batch. scatter_indices_batching_dims refers to the dimensions of the scatter_indices that are treated as batch.


StableHLO gather and scatter ops currently have no way of specifying batch dimensions that correspond between all operands and result, only the indices tensor can have implicit batch dimensions that only exist in the result/update tensor (batch_dims in specification).

This is important when the user wants a batched/vectorized version of gather/scatter across all operands and result (e.g., when using jax.vmap).

The current workaround is to use the implicit batch dimensions in the indices tensor (all dimensions but index_vector_dim) with stablehlo.concatenate and stablehlo.iota (and other ops like stablehlo.clamp) to mimic batch dimensions in the operand.

This isn't ideal as it hides the fact that those are batch dimensions that correspond between the operands and result tensors. This information is crucial when doing sharding propagation between the operands and result tensors of the gather/scatter op, where partitioning batch dimensions across tensors is trivial, as they can be sharded in the same way with no communication needed. The above workaround requires pattern matching to identify those batch dimensions, which can be error prone and hard to maintain.

This proposal is inspired by lhs_batching_dims and rhs_batching_dims of stablehlo.dot_general, which serve the same purpose.


The new stablehlo.gather and stablehlo.scatter can be decomposed to the old ops by applying the workaround above. For stablehlo.gather this would mean making the operand_batching_dims as collapsed_slice_dims and start_indices_batching_dims as implicit batch dimensions in start_indices, by incrementing index_vector_dim by the size of operand_batching_dims (and updating start_index_map accordingly), and concatenating an iota for each batch dimension to the original start_indices.

In the backward compatibility window (assuming 6 months), the old ops being loaded will automatically get an empty tensor for these added attributes.

Alternatives considered

We could do the workaround above (using concatenated iota for the indices tensor), but in addition mark the batch dimension in each tensor using an unregistered attribute, so that the information won't be lost and partitioning systems can use it to partition and propagate through these batch dimensions. However, unregistered attributes can be discarded at any time and are harder to maintain (e.g. if the iota is replaced by another op, who is responsible for updating the unregistered attributes).

Another option is to start with stablehlo.dynamic_slice and stablehlo.dynamic_update_slice, which are simpler ops that would suffice for a lot of the use cases (but not all) that we've encountered. Currently stablehlo.gather and stable.scatter are used to get a vectorized version of stablehlo.dynamic_slice and stablehlo.dynamic_update_slice respectively. However, for the same reason that they can be expressed by gather/scatter, we propose to go with the more general solution, that would address all use cases.


As indicated above, the proposed naming of the new attributes is inspired by lhs_batching_dims and rhs_batching_dims of stablehlo.dot_general. Note that the gather op specification already uses the term batch_dims (update_scatter_dims for scatter op), to refer to all dimensions in the result tensor that aren't offset dimensions, which have corresponding dimensions in the start-indices tensor. The difference is that the proposed dimensions are explicit batching dimensions that exist in all operands and result, whereas the existing batch_dims are implicit batch dimensions (as they are derived by the offset dimensions) that exist only in the start-indices and result tensors.

Proposed Specification



Gathers slices from operand tensor from offsets specified in start_indices and produces a result tensor.

The following diagram shows how elements in result map on elements in operand using a concrete example. The diagram picks a few example result indices and explains in detail which operand indices they correspond to.


More formally, result[result_index] = operand[operand_index] where:

  • batch_dims = [d for d in axes(result) and d not in offset_dims].
  • batch_index = result_index[batch_dims...].
  • start_index is defined as:
    • start_indices[bi0, ..., :, ..., biN] where bi are individual elements in batch_index and : is inserted at the index_vector_dim index, if index_vector_dim < rank(start_indices).
    • [start_indices[batch_index]] otherwise.
  • For d_operand in axes(operand),
    • full_start_index[d_operand] = clamp(start_index[d_start], 0, dim(operand, d_operand) - slice_sizes[d_operand]) if d_operand = start_index_map[d_start].
    • full_start_index[d_operand] = 0 otherwise.
  • For d_operand in axes(operand),
    • full_batching_index[d_operand] = batch_index[d_start - (d_start < index_vector_dim ? 0 : 1)] if d_operand = operand_batching_dims[i_batching] and d_start = start_indices_batching_dims[i_batching].
    • full_batching_index[d_operand] = 0 otherwise.
  • offset_index = result_index[offset_dims...].
  • full_offset_index = [oi0, ..., 0, ..., oiN] where oi are individual elements in offset_index, and 0 is inserted at indices from collapsed_slice_dims and operand_batching_dims.
  • operand_index = full_start_index + full_batching_index + full_offset_index.

If indices_are_sorted is true then the implementation can assume that start_indices are sorted with respect to start_index_map, otherwise the behavior is undefined. More formally, for all i1 < i2 from indices(result), full_start_index(i1) <= full_start_index(i2).


(I1)operandtensor or per-tensor quantized tensor(C1), (C8), (C11), (C17), (C19-C21), (C23)
(I2)start_indicestensor of integer type(C2-C3), (C14), (C17), (C22)
(I3)offset_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C1), (C4-C5), (C22)
(I4)collapsed_slice_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C1), (C6-C9), (C22)
(I5)operand_batching_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C1), (C6), (C10-C12), (C16-C18), (C22)
(I6)start_indices_batching_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C13-C17)
(I7)start_index_map1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C3), (C18-C19)
(I8)index_vector_dimconstant of type si64(C2-C3), (C15), (C22)
(I9)slice_sizes1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C9), (C12), (C20-C22)
(I10)indices_are_sortedconstant of type i1


resulttensor or per-tensor quantized tensor(C5), (C22-C23)


  • (C1) rank(operand) = size(offset_dims) + size(collapsed_slice_dims) + size(operand_batching_dims).
  • (C2) 0 <= index_vector_dim <= rank(start_indices).
  • (C3) size(start_index_map) = index_vector_dim < rank(start_indices) ? dim(start_indices, index_vector_dim) : 1.
  • (C4) is_unique(offset_dims) and is_sorted(offset_dims).
  • (C5) 0 <= offset_dims < rank(result).
  • (C6) is_unique(concatenate(collapsed_slice_dims, operand_batching_dims))
  • (C7) is_sorted(collapsed_slice_dims).
  • (C8) 0 <= collapsed_slice_dims < rank(operand).
  • (C9) slice_sizes[collapsed_slice_dims...] <= 1.
  • (C10) is_sorted(operand_batching_dims).
  • (C11) 0 <= operand_batching_dims < rank(operand).
  • (C12) slice_sizes[operand_batching_dims...] <= 1.
  • (C13) is_unique(start_indices_batching_dims).
  • (C14) 0 <= start_indices_batching_dims < rank(start_indices).
  • (C15) index_vector_dim not in start_indices_batching_dims.
  • (C16) size(operand_batching_dims) == size(start_indices_batching_dims).
  • (C17) dim(operand, operand_batching_dims...) = dim(start_indices, start_indices_batching_dims...).
  • (C18) is_unique(concatenate(start_index_map, operand_batching_dims)).
  • (C19) 0 <= start_index_map < rank(operand).
  • (C20) size(slice_sizes) = rank(operand).
  • (C21) 0 <= slice_sizes <= shape(operand).
  • (C22) shape(result) = combine(batch_dim_sizes, offset_dim_sizes) where:
    • batch_dim_sizes = shape(start_indices) except that the dimension size of start_indices corresponding to index_vector_dim is not included.
    • offset_dim_sizes = slice_sizes except that the dimension sizes in slice_sizes corresponding to collapsed_slice_dims and operand_batching_dims are not included.
    • combine puts batch_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to batch_dims and offset_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to offset_dims.
  • (C23) element_type(operand) = element_type(result).


// %operand: [
//            [
//             [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]],
//             [[9, 10],[11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16]],
//             [[17, 18], [19, 20], [21, 22], [23, 24]]
//            ],
//            [
//             [[25, 26], [27, 28], [29, 30], [31, 32]],
//             [[33, 34], [35, 36], [37, 38], [39, 40]],
//             [[41, 42], [43, 44], [45, 46], [47, 48]]
//            ]
//           ]
// %start_indices: [
//                  [
//                   [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1]],
//                   [[0, 1], [1, 1], [0, 9]]
//                  ],
//                  [
//                   [[0, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]],
//                   [[1, 2], [0, 1], [1, 0]]
//                  ]
//                 ]
%result = "stablehlo.gather"(%operand, %start_indices) {
  dimension_numbers = #stablehlo.gather<
    offset_dims = [3, 4],
    collapsed_slice_dims = [1],
    operand_batching_dims = [0],
    start_indices_batching_dims = [1],
    start_index_map = [2, 1],
    index_vector_dim = 3>,
  slice_sizes = array<i64: 1, 1, 2, 2>,
  indices_are_sorted = false
} : (tensor<2x3x4x2xi32>, tensor<2x2x3x2xi64>) -> tensor<2x2x3x2x2xi32>
// %result: [
//           [
//            [
//             [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
//             [[3, 4], [5, 6]],
//             [[13, 14], [15, 16]]
//            ],
//            [
//             [[33, 34], [35, 36]],
//             [[35, 36], [37, 38]],
//             [[41, 42], [43, 44]]
//            ]
//           ],
//           [
//            [
//             [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
//             [[13, 14], [15, 16]],
//             [[21, 22], [23, 24]]
//            ],
//            [
//             [[43, 44], [45, 46]],
//             [[33, 34], [35, 36]],
//             [[27, 28], [29, 30]]
//            ]
//           ]
//          ]

 More Examples



Produces results tensors which are equal to inputs tensors except that several slices specified by scatter_indices are updated with the values updates using update_computation.

The following diagram shows how elements in updates... map on elements in results... using a concrete example. The diagram picks a few example updates... indices and explains in detail which results... indices they correspond to.

More formally, for all update_index in index_space(updates[0]):

  • update_scatter_dims = [d for d in axes(updates[0]) and d not in update_window_dims].
  • update_scatter_index = update_index[update_scatter_dims...].
  • start_index is defined as:
    • scatter_indices[si0, ..., :, ..., siN] where si are individual elements in update_scatter_index and : is inserted at the index_vector_dim index, if index_vector_dim < rank(scatter_indices).
    • [scatter_indices[update_scatter_index]] otherwise.
  • For d_input in axes(inputs[0]),
    • full_start_index[d_input] = start_index[d_start] if d_input = scatter_dims_to_operand_dims[d_start].
    • full_start_index[d_input] = 0 otherwise.
  • For d_input in axes(inputs[0]),
    • full_batching_index[d_input] = update_scatter_index[d_start - (d_start < index_vector_dim ? 0 : 1)] if d_input = input_batching_dims[i_batching] and d_start = scatter_indices_batching_dims[i_batching].
    • full_batching_index[d_input] = 0 otherwise.
  • update_window_index = update_index[update_window_dims...].
  • full_window_index = [wi0, ..., 0, ..., wiN] where wi are individual elements in update_window_index, and 0 is inserted at indices from inserted_window_dims and input_batching_dims.
  • result_index = full_start_index + full_batching_index + full_window_index.

Given that, results = exec(schedule, inputs), where:

  • schedule is an implementation-defined permutation of index_space(updates[0]).
  • exec([update_index, ...], results) = exec([...], updated_results) where:
    • If result_index is in bounds for shape(results...)
      • updates_converted = to_destination_type( updates...[update_index], type(func_inputs(update_computation) [len(func_inputs(update_computation))//2:])... )
      • updated_values = update_computation(results...[result_index], updates_converted)
      • updated_results is a copy of results with results...[result_index] set to updated_values....
    • Otherwise
      • updated_results = results.
  • exec([], results) = results.

If indices_are_sorted is true then the implementation can assume that scatter_indices are sorted with respect to scatter_dims_to_operand_dims, otherwise the behavior is undefined. More formally, for all i1 < i2 from indices(result), full_start_index(i1) <= full_start_index(i2).

If unique_indices is true then the implementation can assume that all result_index indices being scattered to are unique. If unique_indices is true but the indices being scattered to are not unique then the behavior is undefined.


(I1)inputsvariadic number of tensors or per-tensor quantized tensors(C1), (C2), (C4-C6), (C11), (C13), (C18), (C21), (C23-C24)
(I2)scatter_indicestensor of integer type(C4), (C15), (C19), (C22)
(I3)updatesvariadic number of tensors or per-tensor quantized tensors(C3-C6), (C8)
(I4)update_window_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C2), (C4), (C7-C8)
(I5)inserted_window_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C2), (C4), (C9-C11)
(I6)input_batching_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C2), (C4), (C9), (C12-13), (C17-18), (C20)
(I7)scatter_indices_batching_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C14-C18)
(I8)scatter_dims_to_operand_dims1-dimensional tensor constant of type si64(C19-C21)
(I9)index_vector_dimconstant of type si64(C4), (C16), (C19), (C22)
(I10)indices_are_sortedconstant of type i1
(I11)unique_indicesconstant of type i1


resultsvariadic number of tensors or per-tensor quantized tensors(C24-C25)


  • (C1) same(shape(inputs...)).
  • (C2) rank(inputs[0]) = size(update_window_dims) + size(inserted_window_dims) + size(input_batching_dims).
  • (C3) same(shape(updates...)).
  • (C4) shape(updates[0]) = combine(update_scatter_dim_sizes, update_window_dim_sizes) where:
    • update_scatter_dim_sizes = shape(scatter_indices) except that the dimension size of scatter_indices corresponding to index_vector_dim is not included.
    • update_window_dim_sizes <= shape(inputs[0]) except that the dimension sizes in inputs[0] corresponding to inserted_window_dims and input_batching_dims are not included.
    • combine puts update_scatter_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to update_scatter_dims and update_window_dim_sizes at axes corresponding to update_window_dims.
  • (C5) 0 < size(inputs) = size(updates) = N.
  • (C6) element_type(updates...) = element_type(inputs...).
  • (C7) is_unique(update_window_dims) and is_sorted(update_window_dims).
  • (C8) 0 <= update_window_dims < rank(updates[0]).
  • (C9) is_unique(concatenate(inserted_window_dims, input_batching_dims))
  • (C10) is_sorted(inserted_window_dims).
  • (C11) 0 <= inserted_window_dims < rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C12) is_sorted(input_batching_dims).
  • (C13) 0 <= input_batching_dims < rank(inputs[0])).
  • (C14) is_unique(scatter_indices_batching_dims).
  • (C15) 0 <= scatter_indices_batching_dims < rank(scatter_indices).
  • (C16) index_vector_dim not in scatter_indices_batching_dims.
  • (C17) size(input_batching_dims) == size(scatter_indices_batching_dims).
  • (C18) dim(inputs[0], input_batching_dims...) = dim(scatter_indices, scatter_indices_batching_dims...).
  • (C19) size(scatter_dims_to_operand_dims) = index_vector_dim < rank(scatter_indices) ? dim(scatter_indices, index_vector_dim) : 1.
  • (C20) is_unique(concatenate(scatter_dims_to_operand_dims, input_batching_dims)).
  • (C21) 0 <= scatter_dims_to_operand_dims < rank(inputs[0]).
  • (C22) 0 <= index_vector_dim <= rank(scatter_indices).
  • (C23) update_computation has type (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>, tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>) -> (tensor<E0>, ..., tensor<EN-1>), where is_promotable(element_type(inputs[i]), Ei).
  • (C24) shape(inputs...) = shape(results...).
  • (C25) element_type(results[i]) = Ei for all i in [0,N).


// %input: [
//          [
//           [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]],
//           [[9, 10],[11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16]],
//           [[17, 18], [19, 20], [21, 22], [23, 24]]
//          ],
//          [
//           [[25, 26], [27, 28], [29, 30], [31, 32]],
//           [[33, 34], [35, 36], [37, 38], [39, 40]],
//           [[41, 42], [43, 44], [45, 46], [47, 48]]
//          ]
//         ]
// %scatter_indices: [
//                    [
//                     [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 1]],
//                     [[0, 1], [1, 1], [0, 9]]
//                    ],
//                    [
//                     [[0, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]],
//                     [[1, 2], [0, 1], [1, 0]]
//                    ]
//                   ]
// %update: [
//           [
//            [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
//            [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]
//           ],
//           [
//            [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]],
//            [[1, 1], [1, 1], [1, 1]]
//           ]
//          ]
%result = "stablehlo.scatter"(%input, %scatter_indices, %update) ({
  ^bb0(%arg0: tensor<i64>, %arg1: tensor<i64>):
    %0 = "stablehlo.add"(%arg0, %arg1) : (tensor<i64>, tensor<i64>) -> tensor<i64>
    "stablehlo.return"(%0) : (tensor<i64>) -> ()
}) {
  scatter_dimension_numbers = #stablehlo.scatter<
    update_window_dims = [3, 4],
    inserted_window_dims = [1],
    input_batching_dims = [0],
    scatter_indices_batching_dims = [1],
    scatter_dims_to_operand_dims = [2, 1],
    index_vector_dim = 3>,
  indices_are_sorted = false,
  unique_indices = false
} : (tensor<2x3x4x2xi64>, tensor<2x2x3x2xi64>, tensor<2x2x3x2x2xi64>) -> tensor<2x3x4x2xi64>
// %result: [
//           [
//            [[3, 4], [6, 7], [6, 7], [7, 8]],
//            [[9, 10],[11, 12], [15, 16], [17, 18]],
//            [[17, 18], [19, 20], [22, 23], [24, 25]]
//           ],
//           [
//            [[25, 26], [28, 29], [30, 31], [31, 32]],
//            [[35, 36], [38, 39], [38, 39], [39, 40]],
//            [[41, 42], [44, 45], [46, 47], [47, 48]]
//           ]
//          ]

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