StableHLO Forward Compatibility Testing

Status: Approved
Initial version: 5/17/2023
Last updated: 7/12/2023
Discussion thread: OpenXLA Discuss


StableHLO needs to verify both forward and backward compatibility. Currently we check backward compatibility by versioning and serializing stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.mlir, and need something similar for forward compatibility. This document makes the following proposal:

Proposal: Add tests to compare stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.0_X_0.mlir serialized at HEAD using --target 0.X.0 with existing stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.0_X_0.mlir.bc test files.


Forward compatibility testing has the following requirements, to ensure that it is both useful and practical:

  • R1. Tests must detect changes in StableHLO that break forward compatibility.
  • R2. Tests must detect LLVM revision bumps that break forward compatibility.
  • R3. Tests must scale with releases and execute in a reasonable amount of time.

Proposed Design: Statically Test Forward Compatibility

In this design, forward incompatibilities are detected by serializing stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.0_X_0.mlir at HEAD and comparing it to a known-good file serialized at previous releases. This approach operates on the assumption that at HEAD we are able to produce a byte-identical serialized artifact, excluding custom header info and debug locations.

Detecting forward incompatiblities can be accomplished by adding the following RUN line to the versioned stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.0_X_0.mlir test files.

diff %s.bc <(stablehlo-translate --serialize --target=0.X.0)

This test should be run in CI on all PRs to prevent merging incompatible changes in StableHLO (R1) and LLVM revision bumps (R2).

This will not work as is because bytecode::producer, op::location and block_argument::location fields may change between when the original bytecode file has been produced and when the test runs at HEAD. We can set a consistent producer string to take care of the first item. For debug locations, one option would be to explicitly specify debug locations, however this is very cumbersome in a 2.2k line test file. Another option is to strip this debug information when generating the bytecode files.

The StableHLO process for Contributing Incompatible Changes requires stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.mlir to be serialized for each compatibility breaking change, which means that we can test forward compatibility between HEAD and each minor release of StableHLO. Given that all changes to the StableHLO opset, as well as changes to serialization machinery like targeting a newer version of the MLIR bytecode format, require bumping the minor version, patch versions must produce identical bytecode to their minor versions. As such we should prevent the ability to target bytecode generation for patch versions other than 0. With that restriction, ensuring compatibility between HEAD and all minor releases (0.9.0, 0.10.0, etc.) provides full coverage of the two mentioned sources of forward incompatibilities.

Other benefits of this approach include that it is lightweight (R3), can be run locally to detect compatibility issues during development, and it fits nicely into existing CI build-and-test jobs.

Assumption: Comparing Bytecode Payloads

This design relies on the assumption that at HEAD we will be able to produce a byte-identical serialized artifact, excluding bytecode::producer, op::location and block_argument::location fields

If this doesn't work, we can fall back to the alternate design in a hybrid testing approach, since byte-comparison will safely identify all forward incompatibilities, with some risk of false positives that should be tested using the alternate design.

Alternate Design: Serialize at HEAD, Deserialize at Target Release

This design is explored more in a previous commit of this RFC, and is summarized in this version for brevity. If byte-equality cannot be safely relied on, then we may need to use this approach, or a hybrid of the two. This design can be summarized as:

  • Maintain bytecode files serialized at HEAD, which are re-serialized before each StableHLO release (~2x/wk): stablehlo_legalize_to_vhlo.0_X_0.mlir.bc.HEAD
  • Add CI jobs that build StableHLO/MLIR at every tagged minor release (v0.9.0, v0.10.0, etc.) and check out the 0_X_0.mlir.bc.HEAD file that corresponds to the tagged release to deserialize and run FileCheck tests on.

This approach is more resilient to compatible changes in the bytecode format. The downsides of this approach include that it cannot easily be tested locally, requiring CI jobs. As such it doesn't work out of the box in other environments, like projects that rely on StableHLO and want to run StableHLO tests. And lastly it is more costly and time consuming, as it requires building several releases of StableHLO and LLVM/MLIR.

Given the pros/cons of this design, this CI should only be used as needed. If there are changes that cause bytecode differences that cannot be tested statically, this infrastructure can be used. Otherwise, when possible, the static verification should be used.