Bump version to v1.9.0

Signed-off-by: Tibor Vass <tibor@docker.com>
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 51de614..8cb58d7 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,106 @@
 # Changelog
+Items starting with `DEPRECATE` are important deprecation notices. For more
+information on the list of deprecated flags and APIs please have a look at
+https://docs.docker.com/misc/deprecated/ where target removal dates can also
+be found.
+## 1.9.0 (2015-10-29)
+## Runtime
++ `docker stats` now returns block IO metrics (#15005)
++ `docker stats` now details network stats per interface (#15786)
++ Add `ancestor=<image>` filter to `docker ps --filter` flag to filter
+containers based on their ancestor images (#14570)
++ Add `label=<somelabel>` filter to `docker ps --filter` to filter containers
+based on label (#16530)
++ Add `--kernel-memory` flag to `docker run` (#14006)
++ Add `--message` flag to `docker import` allowing to specify an optional
+message (#15711)
++ Add `--privileged` flag to `docker exec` (#14113)
++ Add `--stop-signal` flag to `docker run` allowing to replace the container
+process stopping signal (#15307)
++ Add a new `unless-stopped` restart policy (#15348)
++ Inspecting an image now returns tags (#13185)
++ Add `-m`/`--message` flags to `docker import` to set a commit message
++ Add container size information to `docker inspect` (#15796)
+- Remove the deprecated `/container/ps` endpoint from the API (#15972)
+- Send and document correct HTTP codes for `/exec/<name>/start` (#16250)
+- Share shm and mqueue between containers sharing IPC namespace (#15862)
+- Event stream now shows OOM status when `--oom-kill-disable` is set (#16235)
+- Ensure special network files (/etc/hosts etc.) are read-only if bind-mounted
+with `ro` option (#14965)
+- DEPRECATE `-c` short flag variant for `--cpu-shares` in docker run (#16271)
+## Client
++ Allow `docker import` to import from local files (#11907)
++ Add `--format` to `docker ps` to allow for output customization using Go's
+template syntax (#14699)
+## Builder
++ Add a `STOPSIGNAL` Dockerfile instruction allowing to set a different
+stop-signal for the container process (#15307)
++ Add an `ARG` Dockerfile instruction and a `--build-arg` flag to `docker build`
+that allows to add build-time environment variables (#15182)
+## Storage
+- devicemapper: Implement deferred deletion capability (#16381)
+## Networking
++ `docker network` exits experimental and is part of standard release (#16645)
++ New network top-level concept, with associated subcommands and API (#16645)
++ Support for multiple isolated/micro-segmented networks (#16645)
++ Built-in multihost networking using VXLAN based overlay driver (#14071)
++ Support for third-party network plugins (#13424)
++ Ability to dynamically connect containers to multiple networks (#16645)
++ Support for user-defined IP address management via pluggable IPAM drivers (#16910)
++ Add daemon flags `--cluster-store` and `--cluster-advertise` for built-in nodes discovery (#16229)
++ Add `--cluster-store-opt` for setting up TLS settings (#16644)
++ Add `--dns-opt` to the daemon (#16031)
+## Volumes
++ New top-level `volume` subcommand and API (#14242)
+- Move API volume driver settings to host-specific config (#15798)
+- Print an error message if volume name is not unique (#16009)
+- Ensure volumes created from Dockerfiles always use the local volume driver
+- DEPRECATE auto-creating missing host paths for bind mounts (#16349)
+## Logging
++ Add `awslogs` logging driver for Amazon CloudWatch (#15495)
++ Add generic `tag` log option to allow customizing container/image
+information passed to driver (e.g. show container names) (#15384)
+- Implement the `docker logs` endpoint for the journald driver (#13707)
+- DEPRECATE driver-specific log tags (e.g. `syslog-tag`, etc.) (#15384)
+## Distribution
++ `docker search` now works with partial names (#16509)
+- Push optimization: avoid buffering to file (#15493)
+- The daemon will display progress for images that were already being pulled
+by another client (#15489)
+- Only permissions required for the current action being performed are requested (#)
++ Renaming trust keys (and respective environment variables) from `offline` to
+`root` and `tagging` to `repository` (#16894)
+- DEPRECATE trust key environment variables
+## Security
++ Add SELinux profiles to the rpm package (#15832)
+- Fix various issues with AppArmor profiles provided in the deb package
+- Add AppArmor policy that prevents writing to /proc (#15571)
 ## 1.8.3 (2015-10-12)
 ### Distribution
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index b57588e..e563932 100644
@@ -1 +1 @@