tree: 2d488be155b2e2d90cbad349612da88072d878aa [path history] [tgz]
  1. .build-deb/
  2. .build-rpm/
  3. .resources-windows/
  4. .binary
  5. .binary-setup
  6. .detect-daemon-osarch
  7. .ensure-emptyfs
  8. .go-autogen
  9. .integration-daemon-setup
  10. .integration-daemon-start
  11. .integration-daemon-stop
  12. .integration-test-helpers
  13. binary
  14. binary-client
  15. binary-daemon
  16. build-deb
  17. build-integration-test-binary
  18. build-rpm
  19. clean-apt-repo
  20. clean-yum-repo
  21. cover
  22. cross
  23. dynbinary
  24. dynbinary-client
  25. dynbinary-daemon
  26. generate-index-listing
  27. install-binary
  28. install-binary-client
  29. install-binary-daemon
  30. install-script
  32. release-deb
  33. release-rpm
  34. run
  35. sign-repos
  36. test-deb-install
  37. test-docker-py
  38. test-install-script
  39. test-integration-cli
  40. test-integration-shell
  41. test-old-apt-repo
  42. test-unit
  43. tgz
  44. ubuntu
  45. update-apt-repo
  46. win

This directory holds scripts called by in the parent directory.

Each script is named after the bundle it creates. They should not be called directly - instead, pass it as argument to, for example:

./hack/ test
./hack/ binary ubuntu

# Or to run all bundles:

To add a bundle:

  • Create a shell-compatible file here
  • Add it to $DEFAULT_BUNDLES in