Splunk logging driver

The splunk logging driver sends container logs to HTTP Event Collector in Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Cloud.


You can configure the default logging driver by passing the --log-driver option to the Docker daemon:

dockerd --log-driver=splunk

You can set the logging driver for a specific container by using the --log-driver option to docker run:

docker run --log-driver=splunk ...

Splunk options

You can use the --log-opt NAME=VALUE flag to specify these additional Splunk logging driver options:

splunk-tokenrequiredSplunk HTTP Event Collector token.
splunk-urlrequiredPath to your Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud instance (including port and scheme used by HTTP Event Collector) https://your_splunk_instance:8088.
splunk-sourceoptionalEvent source.
splunk-sourcetypeoptionalEvent source type.
splunk-indexoptionalEvent index.
splunk-capathoptionalPath to root certificate.
splunk-canameoptionalName to use for validating server certificate; by default the hostname of the splunk-url will be used.
splunk-insecureskipverifyoptionalIgnore server certificate validation.
tagoptionalSpecify tag for message, which interpret some markup. Default value is {{.ID}} (12 characters of the container ID). Refer to the log tag option documentation for customizing the log tag format.
labelsoptionalComma-separated list of keys of labels, which should be included in message, if these labels are specified for container.
envoptionalComma-separated list of keys of environment variables, which should be included in message, if these variables are specified for container.

If there is collision between label and env keys, the value of the env takes precedence. Both options add additional fields to the attributes of a logging message.

Below is an example of the logging option specified for the Splunk Enterprise instance. The instance is installed locally on the same machine on which the Docker daemon is running. The path to the root certificate and Common Name is specified using an HTTPS scheme. This is used for verification. The SplunkServerDefaultCert is automatically generated by Splunk certificates.

docker run --log-driver=splunk \
    --log-opt splunk-token=176FCEBF-4CF5-4EDF-91BC-703796522D20 \
    --log-opt splunk-url=https://splunkhost:8088 \
    --log-opt splunk-capath=/path/to/cert/cacert.pem \
    --log-opt splunk-caname=SplunkServerDefaultCert
    --log-opt tag="{{.Name}}/{{.FullID}}"
    --log-opt labels=location
    --log-opt env=TEST
    --env "TEST=false"
    --label location=west