blob: 33182c0562b8302aa2464ebf6b80b1d6a3a02aa9 [file] [log] [blame]
**** Gaussian Elimination with partial pivoting. ****
**** This file contains the factorization routine SGEFA ****
#include "ge.h"
static char SGEFASid[] = "@(#)sgefa.c 1.1 2/4/86";
int sgefa( a, ipvt )
struct FULL *a;
int *ipvt;
SGEFA factors a real matrix by gaussian elimination.
SGEFA is usually called by SGECO, but it can be called
directly with a saving in time if rcond is not needed.
(time for SGECO) = (1 + 9/n)*(time for SGEFA) .
a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure.
See the definition in ge.h.
a A pointer to the FULL matrix structure containing
an upper triangular matrix and the multipliers
which were used to obtain it.
The factorization can be written a = l*u where
l is a product of permutation and unit lower
triangular matrices and u is upper triangular.
ipvt An integer vector (of length a->cd) of pivot indices.
= -1 Matrix is not square.
= 0 Normal return value.
= k if u(k,k) .eq. 0.0 . This is not an error
condition for this subroutine, but it does
indicate that sgesl or sgedi will divide by zero
if called. Use rcond in sgeco for a reliable
indication of singularity.
register int i, j;
int isamax(), k, l, nm1, info, n;
float t, *akk, *alk, *aij, *mik;
/* Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting. */
if( a->cd != a->rd ) return( -1 );
n = a->cd;
nm1 = n - 1;
akk = a->pd[0];
info = 0; /* Assume nothing will go wrong! */
if( n < 2 ) goto CLEAN_UP;
/* Loop over Diagional */
for( k=0; k<nm1; k++, ipvt++ ) {
/* Find index of max elem in col below the diagional (l = pivot index). */
akk = a->pd[k] + k;
l = isamax( n-k, akk, 1 ) + k;
*ipvt = l;
/* Zero pivot implies this column already triangularized. */
alk = a->pd[k] + l;
if( *alk == 0.0e0) {
info = k;
/* Interchange a(k,k) and a(l,k) if necessary. */
if( l != k ) {
t = *alk;
*alk = *akk;
*akk = t;
/* Compute multipliers for this column. */
t = -1.0e0 / (*akk);
for( i=k+1, mik = akk+1; i<n; i++, mik++ )
*mik *= t;
/* Column elimination with row indexing. */
for( j=k+1; j<n; j++ ) {
/* Interchange a(k,j) and a(l,j) if necessary. */
t = pelem(a,k,j);
if( l != k ) {
pelem(a,k,j) = pelem(a,l,j);
pelem(a,l,j) = t;
t = pelem(a,k,j);
for( i=k+1, aij=a->pd[j]+k+1, mik=akk+1; i<n; i++, aij++, mik++ )
*aij += t*(*mik);
} /* End of for k loop */
*ipvt = nm1;
if( *akk == 0.0e0 ) info = n;
return( info );