blob: 03954d7eee2e71c3458ecfef7a818dfb8dc2454c [file] [log] [blame]
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* * $Module: SORT * */
/* * * */
/* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */
/* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */
/* * General Public License as published by the Free * */
/* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */
/* * or (at your option) any later version. * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */
/* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */
/* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */
/* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */
/* * License for more details. * */
/* * * */
/* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */
/* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */
/* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */
/* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* $Revision$ * */
/* $State$ * */
/* $Date$ * */
/* $Author$ * */
/* * * */
/* * Contact: * */
/* * Christoph Weidenbach * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */
/* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */
/* * Email: * */
/* * Germany * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* $RCSfile$ */
#ifndef _SORT_
#define _SORT_
#include "clause.h"
#include "unify.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "subsumption.h"
/* Data Structures and Constants */
/* Objects of type SORT are used to store the sort information */
/* for terms. SORT is a list of NODE's */
typedef LIST SORT;
/* List of sort nodes */
typedef LIST SOJU;
/* Pair: First Component Sort, Second Component Condition */
/* The overall result of an sort theory analysis with respect to equations */
typedef struct CONDITION_HELP {
LIST constraint;
LIST antecedent;
LIST succedent;
LIST clauses;
/* This data structure collects the conditions from conditioned subsort clauses */
/* The constraint, antecedent, succedent lists contain lists of atoms used to */
/* derive the subsort relationship that come from clauses. */
typedef struct NODE_HELP {
LIST links;
NAT mark;
NAT start;
NAT extra;
LIST conditions;
SYMBOL symbol;
/* This is a node from the subsort graph with outgoing links the represented */
/* sort symbol and a mark indicating whether the node is already visited,i.e, */
/* it is TRUE. Whereas start indicates whether the node was put true right */
/* from the beginning. Conditions contains a list of conditions needed to set */
/* the node true. */
typedef struct SLINK_HELP {
LIST input;
NODE output;
int card;
int fire;
LIST constraint;
LIST antecedent;
LIST succedent;
CLAUSE clause;
/* This is a link in the subsort graph, with a list of input nodes that have */
/* to become true in order to fire the link and set the output node TRUE */
/* constraint, antecedent, succedent literals are the extra literals of */
/* <clause> and <var> is the subsort variable. It is always assumed that the */
/* subsort variable is the maximal variable with respect to the constraint, */
/* antecedent and succedent literals. */
typedef struct SORTTHEORY_HELP {
st_INDEX index;
NODE basesorttable[symbol__MAXSIGNATURE];
LIST suborigcls;
LIST termorigcls;
NAT mark;
/* The index contains the term declarations mapped to their possibly */
/* approximated term declarations of inserted clauses. The subsort declarations*/
/* are handled by a specific graph initiated over the base sorts. There is */
/* one node in the graph for every base sort (basesorttable) and links */
/* correspond to subsort declaration clauses */
/* The mark is used in the subsort graph to detect already visited nodes. */
/* The lists suborigcls and termorigcls map original clauses to sort theory */
/* clauses to links/terms respectively. They contain triples of this kind */
/* Extern */
void sort_ConditionDelete(CONDITION);
CONDITION sort_ConditionCopy(CONDITION);
/* Macros */
static __inline__ SORT sort_TopSort(void)
return list_Nil();
static __inline__ BOOL sort_IsTopSort(SORT S)
return list_Empty(S);
static __inline__ SORT sort_Copy(SORT S)
return list_Copy(S);
static __inline__ void sort_DeleteOne(SORT S)
static __inline__ SORT sort_Intersect(SORT S1, SORT S2)
return list_Nconc(S1, S2);
static __inline__ SORT sort_DeleteBaseNode(SORT S, NODE N)
return list_PointerDeleteElement(S,N);
static __inline__ SORT sort_AddBaseNode(SORT S, NODE N)
return list_Cons(N,S);
static __inline__ void sort_NodeFree(NODE N)
static __inline__ BOOL sort_NodeEqual(NODE N1, NODE N2)
return (N1 == N2);
static __inline__ void sort_DeleteConditionList(LIST List)
list_DeleteWithElement(List, (void (*)(POINTER)) sort_ConditionDelete);
static __inline__ void sort_NodeDelete(NODE N)
N->links = list_Nil();
N->conditions = list_Nil();
static __inline__ LIST sort_NodeLinks(NODE N)
return N->links;
static __inline__ BOOL sort_NodeValue(SORTTHEORY S, NODE N)
return (N->mark == S->mark);
static __inline__ BOOL sort_NodeExtraValue(SORTTHEORY S, NODE N)
return (N->extra == S->mark);
static __inline__ BOOL sort_NodeStartValue(SORTTHEORY S, NODE N)
return (N->start == S->mark);
static __inline__ NAT sort_NodeMark(NODE N)
return N->mark;
static __inline__ NAT sort_NodeStart(NODE N)
return N->start;
static __inline__ SYMBOL sort_NodeSymbol(NODE N)
return N->symbol;
static __inline__ LIST sort_NodeConditions(NODE N)
return N->conditions;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeMark(NODE N, NAT M)
N->mark = M;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeExtra(NODE N, NAT M)
N->extra = M;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeStart(NODE N, NAT S)
N->start = S;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeSymbol(NODE N, SYMBOL S)
N->symbol = S;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeLinks(NODE N, LIST C)
N->links = C;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeConditions(NODE N, LIST C)
N->conditions = C;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeTrue(SORTTHEORY S, NODE N)
N->mark = S->mark;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeExtraTrue(SORTTHEORY S, NODE N)
N->extra = S->mark;
static __inline__ void sort_PutNodeStartTrue(SORTTHEORY S, NODE N)
N->start = S->mark;
static __inline__ LIST sort_LinkInput(SLINK S)
return S->input;
static __inline__ NODE sort_LinkOutput(SLINK S)
return S->output;
static __inline__ int sort_LinkFire(SLINK S)
return S->fire;
static __inline__ int sort_LinkVar(SLINK S)
return S->var;
static __inline__ LIST sort_LinkConstraint(SLINK S)
return S->constraint;
static __inline__ LIST sort_LinkAntecedent(SLINK S)
return S->antecedent;
static __inline__ LIST sort_LinkSuccedent(SLINK S)
return S->succedent;
static __inline__ CLAUSE sort_LinkClause(SLINK S)
return S->clause;
static __inline__ int sort_LinkCard(SLINK S)
return S->card;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkInput(SLINK S, LIST T)
S->input = T;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkVar(SLINK S, SYMBOL V)
S->var = V;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkConstraint(SLINK S, LIST T)
S->constraint = T;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkAntecedent(SLINK S, LIST T)
S->antecedent = T;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkSuccedent(SLINK S, LIST T)
S->succedent = T;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkOutput(SLINK S,NODE H)
S->output = H;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkClause(SLINK S, CLAUSE C)
S->clause = C;
static __inline__ void sort_PutLinkCard(SLINK S,int L)
S->card = L;
static __inline__ void sort_LinkResetFire(SLINK S) {
S->fire = S->card;
static __inline__ int sort_LinkDecrementFire(SLINK S)
return S->fire;
static __inline__ void sort_LinkFree(SLINK S)
static __inline__ void sort_LinkDelete(SLINK S)
LIST Scan;
for (Scan=sort_LinkInput(S); !list_Empty(Scan); Scan=list_Cdr(Scan))
static __inline__ SYMBOL sort_ConditionVar(CONDITION C)
return C->var;
static __inline__ LIST sort_ConditionConstraint(CONDITION C)
return C->constraint;
static __inline__ LIST sort_ConditionAntecedent(CONDITION C)
return C->antecedent;
static __inline__ LIST sort_ConditionSuccedent(CONDITION C)
return C->succedent;
static __inline__ LIST sort_ConditionClauses(CONDITION C)
return C->clauses;
static __inline__ void sort_ConditionPutVar(CONDITION C, SYMBOL Var)
C->var = Var;
static __inline__ void sort_ConditionPutConstraint(CONDITION C, LIST Constr)
C->constraint = Constr;
static __inline__ void sort_ConditionPutAntecedent(CONDITION C, LIST Ante)
C->antecedent = Ante;
static __inline__ void sort_ConditionPutSuccedent(CONDITION C, LIST Succ)
C->succedent = Succ;
static __inline__ void sort_ConditionPutClauses(CONDITION C, LIST Clauses)
C->clauses = Clauses;
static __inline__ void sort_ConditionFree(CONDITION C)
memory_Free(C, sizeof(CONDITION_NODE));
static __inline__ BOOL sort_ConditionNoResidues(CONDITION C)
return (list_Empty(sort_ConditionConstraint(C)) &&
list_Empty(sort_ConditionAntecedent(C)) &&
static __inline__ BOOL sort_LinkNoResidues(SLINK S)
return (list_Empty(sort_LinkConstraint(S)) &&
list_Empty(sort_LinkAntecedent(S)) &&
static __inline__ BOOL sort_HasEqualSort(SORT S1, SORT S2)
return S1 == S2;
static __inline__ POINTER sort_PairSort(LIST Pair)
return list_PairFirst(Pair);
static __inline__ POINTER sort_PairCondition(LIST Pair)
return list_PairSecond(Pair);
static __inline__ LIST sort_PairCreate(SORT S , CONDITION Just)
return list_PairCreate((POINTER)S, Just);
static __inline__ void sort_PairFree(LIST Pair)
static __inline__ void sort_PairDelete(LIST Pair)
static __inline__ LIST sort_PairCopy(LIST Pair)
return sort_PairCreate(sort_Copy(sort_PairSort(Pair)),
static __inline__ NODE sort_TheoryNode(SORTTHEORY Theory, SYMBOL S)
return Theory->basesorttable[symbol_Index(S)];
static __inline__ NAT sort_TheoryMark(SORTTHEORY Theory)
return Theory->mark;
static __inline__ LIST sort_TheorySuborigcls(SORTTHEORY Theory)
return Theory->suborigcls;
static __inline__ LIST sort_TheoryTermorigcls(SORTTHEORY Theory)
return Theory->termorigcls;
static __inline__ void sort_TheoryIncrementMark(SORTTHEORY Theory)
if (Theory->mark == NAT_MAX) {
int i;
NODE Node;
for (i = 0; i < symbol__MAXSIGNATURE; i++) {
Node = Theory->basesorttable[i];
Node->mark = 0;
Node->extra = 0;
Node->start = 0;
Theory->mark = 0;
static __inline__ st_INDEX sort_TheoryIndex(SORTTHEORY Theory)
return Theory->index;
/* Functions */
void sort_Init(void);
void sort_Free(void);
void sort_Delete(SORT);
void sort_DeleteSortPair(SOJU);
void sort_Print(SORT);
void sort_PairPrint(SOJU);
LIST sort_GetSymbolsFromSort(SORT);
BOOL sort_ContainsSymbol(SORT, SYMBOL);
BOOL sort_IsSort(SORT);
SORTTHEORY sort_ApproxDynamicSortTheory(LIST);
SORTTHEORY sort_TheoryCreate(void);
void sort_TheoryDelete(SORTTHEORY);
void sort_TheoryPrint(SORTTHEORY);
void sort_TheoryInsertClause(SORTTHEORY, CLAUSE, CLAUSE, LITERAL);
void sort_TheoryDeleteClause(SORTTHEORY, CLAUSE);
SORT sort_TheorySortOfSymbol(SORTTHEORY, SYMBOL);
CONDITION sort_TheoryIsSubsortOfNoResidues(SORTTHEORY, SORT, SORT);
BOOL sort_TheoryIsSubsortOf(SORTTHEORY, SORT, SORT);
BOOL sort_TheoryIsSubsortOfExtra(SORTTHEORY , SORT , SORT , SORT);
LIST sort_TheoryComputeAllSubsortHits(SORTTHEORY, SORT, SORT);
STR sort_AnalyzeSortStructure(LIST, FLAGSTORE, PRECEDENCE);