blob: cb587fca18e9fdcbd237c8dac6f8acf581a5750e [file] [log] [blame]
/* ********************************************************** */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* * $Module: FOL DFG * */
/* * * */
/* * Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute * */
/* * it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * */
/* * General Public License as published by the Free * */
/* * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * */
/* * or (at your option) any later version. * */
/* * * */
/* * This program is distributed in the hope that it will * */
/* * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * */
/* * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * */
/* * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public * */
/* * License for more details. * */
/* * * */
/* * You should have received a copy of the GNU General * */
/* * Public License along with this program; if not, write * */
/* * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * */
/* * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */
/* * * */
/* * * */
/* $Revision$ * */
/* $State$ * */
/* $Date$ * */
/* $Author$ * */
/* * * */
/* * Contact: * */
/* * Christoph Weidenbach * */
/* * MPI fuer Informatik * */
/* * Stuhlsatzenhausweg 85 * */
/* * 66123 Saarbruecken * */
/* * Email: * */
/* * Germany * */
/* * * */
/* ********************************************************** */
/* $RCSfile$ */
#ifndef _FOLDFG_
#define _FOLDFG_
/* Includes */
#include "flags.h"
#include "unify.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "term.h"
/* Global Variables and Constants (Only seen by macros) */
extern SYMBOL fol_ALL;
extern SYMBOL fol_EXIST;
extern SYMBOL fol_AND;
extern SYMBOL fol_OR;
extern SYMBOL fol_NOT;
extern SYMBOL fol_IMPLIES;
extern SYMBOL fol_IMPLIED;
extern SYMBOL fol_EQUIV;
extern SYMBOL fol_VARLIST;
extern SYMBOL fol_TRUE;
extern SYMBOL fol_FALSE;
/* Access to the first-order symbols. */
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_All(void)
return fol_ALL;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Exist(void)
return fol_EXIST;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_And(void)
return fol_AND;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Or(void)
return fol_OR;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Not(void)
return fol_NOT;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Implies(void)
return fol_IMPLIES;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Implied(void)
return fol_IMPLIED;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Equiv(void)
return fol_EQUIV;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Varlist(void)
return fol_VARLIST;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_Equality(void)
return fol_EQUALITY;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_True(void)
return fol_TRUE;
static __inline__ SYMBOL fol_False(void)
return fol_FALSE;
/* Macros */
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsQuantifier(SYMBOL S)
return symbol_Equal(fol_ALL,S) || symbol_Equal(fol_EXIST,S);
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsTrue(TERM S)
return symbol_Equal(fol_TRUE,term_TopSymbol(S));
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsFalse(TERM S)
return symbol_Equal(fol_FALSE,term_TopSymbol(S));
static __inline__ LIST fol_QuantifierVariables(TERM T)
/* T's top symbol must be a quantifier ! */
return term_ArgumentList(term_FirstArgument(T));
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsLiteral(TERM T)
return symbol_IsPredicate(term_TopSymbol(T)) ||
(symbol_Equal(term_TopSymbol(T),fol_Not()) &&
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsNegativeLiteral(TERM T)
return (symbol_Equal(term_TopSymbol(T),fol_Not()) &&
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsJunctor(SYMBOL S)
return fol_IsQuantifier(S) || symbol_Equal(S, fol_AND) ||
symbol_Equal(S, fol_OR) || symbol_Equal(S, fol_NOT) ||
symbol_Equal(S, fol_IMPLIED) || symbol_Equal(S, fol_VARLIST) ||
symbol_Equal(S, fol_IMPLIES) || symbol_Equal(S, fol_EQUIV);
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsPredefinedPred(SYMBOL S)
return symbol_Equal(S, fol_EQUALITY) || symbol_Equal(S, fol_TRUE) ||
symbol_Equal(S, fol_FALSE);
static __inline__ TERM fol_Atom(TERM Lit)
if (term_TopSymbol(Lit) == fol_NOT)
return term_FirstArgument(Lit);
return Lit;
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsEquality(TERM Term)
return term_TopSymbol(Term) == fol_EQUALITY;
static __inline__ BOOL fol_IsAssignment(TERM Term)
return (term_TopSymbol(Term) == fol_EQUALITY &&
((term_IsVariable(term_FirstArgument(Term)) &&
term_TopSymbol(term_FirstArgument(Term)))) ||
(term_IsVariable(term_SecondArgument(Term)) &&
static __inline__ LIST fol_DeleteFalseTermFromList(LIST List)
INPUT: A list of terms.
RETURNS: The list where all terms equal to the 'False' term are removed.
EFFECTS: 'False' is a special predicate from the fol module.
Terms are compared with respect to the term_Equal function.
The terms are deleted, too.
return list_DeleteElementIfFree(List, (BOOL (*)(POINTER))fol_IsFalse,
(void (*)(POINTER))term_Delete);
static __inline__ LIST fol_DeleteTrueTermFromList(LIST List)
INPUT: A list of terms.
RETURNS: The list where all terms equal to the 'True' term are removed.
EFFECTS: 'True' is a special predicate from the fol module.
Terms are compared with respect to the term_Equal function.
The terms are deleted, too.
return list_DeleteElementIfFree(List, (BOOL (*)(POINTER))fol_IsTrue,
(void (*)(POINTER))term_Delete);
/* Functions */
void fol_Init(BOOL, PRECEDENCE);
SYMBOL fol_IsStringPredefined(const char*);
TERM fol_CreateQuantifier(SYMBOL, LIST, LIST);
TERM fol_CreateQuantifierAddFather(SYMBOL, LIST, LIST);
LIST fol_GetNonFOLPredicates(void);
TERM fol_ComplementaryTerm(TERM);
LIST fol_GetAssignments(TERM);
void fol_Free(void);
void fol_CheckFatherLinks(TERM);
BOOL fol_FormulaIsClause(TERM);
void fol_FPrintDFGSignature(FILE*);
void fol_PrettyPrintDFG(TERM);
void fol_PrintDFG(TERM);
void fol_FPrintDFG(FILE*, TERM);
void fol_FPrintDFGProblem(FILE*, const char*, const char*, const char*, const char*, LIST, LIST);
void fol_PrintPrecedence(PRECEDENCE);
void fol_FPrintPrecedence(FILE*, PRECEDENCE);
LIST fol_Instances(TERM, TERM);
LIST fol_Generalizations(TERM, TERM);
TERM fol_MostGeneralFormula(LIST);
void fol_NormalizeVars(TERM);
void fol_NormalizeVarsStartingAt(TERM, SYMBOL);
LIST fol_FreeVariables(TERM);
LIST fol_BoundVariables(TERM);
BOOL fol_VarOccursFreely(TERM,TERM);
BOOL fol_AssocEquation(TERM, SYMBOL *);
BOOL fol_DistributiveEquation(TERM, SYMBOL*, SYMBOL*);
void fol_ReplaceVariable(TERM, SYMBOL, TERM);
void fol_PrettyPrint(TERM);
LIST fol_GetSubstEquations(TERM);
TERM fol_GetBindingQuantifier(TERM, SYMBOL);
int fol_TermPolarity(TERM, TERM);
BOOL fol_PolarCheck(TERM, TERM);
void fol_PopQuantifier(TERM);
void fol_DeleteQuantifierVariable(TERM,SYMBOL);
void fol_SetTrue(TERM);
void fol_SetFalse(TERM);
void fol_RemoveImplied(TERM);
BOOL fol_PropagateFreeness(TERM);
BOOL fol_PropagateWitness(TERM);
BOOL fol_PropagateTautologies(TERM);
BOOL fol_AlphaEqual(TERM, TERM);
BOOL fol_VarBoundTwice(TERM);
NAT fol_Depth(TERM);
BOOL fol_ApplyContextToTerm(CONTEXT, TERM);
BOOL fol_CheckFormula(TERM);
BOOL fol_SignatureMatchFormula(TERM, TERM, BOOL);
BOOL fol_SignatureMatch(TERM, TERM, LIST*, BOOL);