blob: bf7e19a15f1a9b395a4ca395179cc7a039597085 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file refbuf.c
* \brief
* Declarations of teh reference frame buffer types and functions
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "refbuf.h"
* \brief
* Yields a pel line _pointer_ from one of the 16 sub-images
* Input does not require subpixel image indices
imgpel *FastLine4X (imgpel ****Pic, int y, int x)
return &(Pic[(y & 0x03)][(x & 0x03)][y >> 2][x >> 2]);
* \brief
* Yields a pel line _pointer_ from one of the 16 sub-images
* Input does not require subpixel image indices
imgpel *UMVLine4X (imgpel ****Pic, int y, int x)
int xpos = iClip3( 0, width_pad , x >> 2);
int ypos = iClip3( 0, height_pad, y >> 2);
return &(Pic[(y & 0x03)][(x & 0x03)][ypos][xpos]);
* \brief
* Yields a pel line _pointer_ from one of the 16 (4:4:4), 32 (4:2:2),
* or 64 (4:2:0) sub-images
* Input does not require subpixel image indices
imgpel *UMVLine8X_chroma (imgpel ****Pic, int y, int x)
int xpos = iClip3 (0, width_pad_cr , x >> chroma_shift_x);
int ypos = iClip3 (0, height_pad_cr, y >> chroma_shift_y);
return &(Pic[y & chroma_mask_mv_y][x & chroma_mask_mv_x][ypos][xpos]);
* \brief
* Yields a pel line _pointer_ from one of the 16 (4:4:4), 32 (4:2:2),
* or 64 (4:2:0) sub-images
* Input does not require subpixel image indices
imgpel *FastLine8X_chroma (imgpel ****Pic, int y, int x)
return &(Pic[y & chroma_mask_mv_y][x & chroma_mask_mv_x][y >> chroma_shift_y][x >> chroma_shift_x]);