blob: f5721f875c0bf289072e694a9e21de3c26e644a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file me_fullfast.c
* \brief
* Motion Estimation using Full Search Fast
* \author
* Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
* - Alexis Michael Tourapis <>
// Includes
#include "contributors.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "mb_access.h"
#include "refbuf.h"
#include "me_distortion.h"
#include "me_fullsearch.h"
// Define External Global Parameters
extern int *mvbits;
extern short* spiral_search_x;
extern short* spiral_search_y;
extern int *byte_abs;
extern const int LEVELMVLIMIT[17][6];
***** static variables for fast integer motion estimation
static int **search_setup_done; //!< flag if all block SAD's have been calculated yet
static int **search_center_x; //!< absolute search center for fast full motion search
static int **search_center_y; //!< absolute search center for fast full motion search
static int **pos_00; //!< position of (0,0) vector
static distpel *****BlockSAD; //!< SAD for all blocksize, ref. frames and motion vectors
static int **max_search_range;
extern void SetMotionVectorPredictor (short pmv[2], signed char **refPic,
short ***tmp_mv, short ref_frame,
int list, int block_x,
int block_y, int blockshape_x,
int blockshape_y);
// Functions
* \brief
* Full pixel block motion search
* \brief
* function creating arrays for fast integer motion estimation
InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch ()
int i, j, k, list;
int search_range = input->search_range;
int max_pos = (2*search_range+1) * (2*search_range+1);
if ((BlockSAD = (distpel*****)malloc (2 * sizeof(distpel****))) == NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: BlockSAD");
for (list=0; list<2;list++)
if ((BlockSAD[list] = (distpel****)malloc ((img->max_num_references) * sizeof(distpel***))) == NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: BlockSAD");
for (i = 0; i < img->max_num_references; i++)
if ((BlockSAD[list][i] = (distpel***)malloc (8 * sizeof(distpel**))) == NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: BlockSAD");
for (j = 1; j < 8; j++)
if ((BlockSAD[list][i][j] = (distpel**)malloc (16 * sizeof(distpel*))) == NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: BlockSAD");
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
if ((BlockSAD[list][i][j][k] = (distpel*)malloc (max_pos * sizeof(distpel))) == NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: BlockSAD");
if ((search_setup_done = (int**)malloc (2*sizeof(int*)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: search_setup_done");
if ((search_center_x = (int**)malloc (2*sizeof(int*)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: search_center_x");
if ((search_center_y = (int**)malloc (2*sizeof(int*)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: search_center_y");
if ((pos_00 = (int**)malloc (2*sizeof(int*)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: pos_00");
if ((max_search_range = (int**)malloc (2*sizeof(int*)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: max_search_range");
for (list=0; list<2; list++)
if ((search_setup_done[list] = (int*)malloc ((img->max_num_references)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: search_setup_done");
if ((search_center_x[list] = (int*)malloc ((img->max_num_references)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: search_center_x");
if ((search_center_y[list] = (int*)malloc ((img->max_num_references)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: search_center_y");
if ((pos_00[list] = (int*)malloc ((img->max_num_references)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: pos_00");
if ((max_search_range[list] = (int*)malloc ((img->max_num_references)*sizeof(int)))==NULL)
no_mem_exit ("InitializeFastFullIntegerSearch: max_search_range");
// assign max search ranges for reference frames
if (input->full_search == 2)
for (list=0;list<2;list++)
for (i=0; i<img->max_num_references; i++)
max_search_range[list][i] = search_range;
for (list=0;list<2;list++)
max_search_range[list][0] = search_range;
for (i=1; i< img->max_num_references; i++) max_search_range[list][i] = search_range / 2;
* \brief
* function for deleting the arrays for fast integer motion estimation
ClearFastFullIntegerSearch ()
int i, j, k, list;
for (list=0; list<2; list++)
for (i = 0; i < img->max_num_references; i++)
for (j = 1; j < 8; j++)
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++)
free (BlockSAD[list][i][j][k]);
free (BlockSAD[list][i][j]);
free (BlockSAD[list][i]);
free (BlockSAD[list]);
free (BlockSAD);
for (list=0; list<2; list++)
free (search_setup_done[list]);
free (search_center_x[list]);
free (search_center_y[list]);
free (pos_00[list]);
free (max_search_range[list]);
free (search_setup_done);
free (search_center_x);
free (search_center_y);
free (pos_00);
free (max_search_range);
* \brief
* function resetting flags for fast integer motion estimation
* (have to be called in start_macroblock())
ResetFastFullIntegerSearch ()
int list;
for (list=0; list<2; list++)
memset(&search_setup_done [list][0], 0, img->max_num_references * sizeof(int));
* \brief
* calculation of SAD for larger blocks on the basis of 4x4 blocks
SetupLargerBlocks (int list, int refindex, int max_pos)
#define ADD_UP_BLOCKS() _o=*_bo; _i=*_bi; _j=*_bj; for(pos=0;pos<max_pos;pos++) _o[pos] = _i[pos] + _j[pos];
#define INCREMENT(inc) _bo+=inc; _bi+=inc; _bj+=inc;
distpel pos, **_bo, **_bi, **_bj;
register distpel *_o, *_i, *_j;
//--- blocktype 6 ---
_bo = BlockSAD[list][refindex][6];
_bi = BlockSAD[list][refindex][7];
_bj = _bi + 4;
//--- blocktype 5 ---
_bo = BlockSAD[list][refindex][5];
_bi = BlockSAD[list][refindex][7];
_bj = _bi + 1;
//--- blocktype 4 ---
_bo = BlockSAD[list][refindex][4];
_bi = BlockSAD[list][refindex][6];
_bj = _bi + 1;
//--- blocktype 3 ---
_bo = BlockSAD[list][refindex][3];
_bi = BlockSAD[list][refindex][4];
_bj = _bi + 8;
//--- blocktype 2 ---
_bo = BlockSAD[list][refindex][2];
_bi = BlockSAD[list][refindex][4];
_bj = _bi + 2;
//--- blocktype 1 ---
_bo = BlockSAD[list][refindex][1];
_bi = BlockSAD[list][refindex][3];
_bj = _bi + 2;
* \brief
* Setup the fast search for an macroblock
#define GEN_ME 0
#if GEN_ME
void SetupFastFullPelSearch (short ref, int list) // <-- reference frame parameter, list0 or 1
short pmv[2];
static imgpel orig_pels[768];
imgpel *srcptr = orig_pels;
int offset_x, offset_y, range_partly_outside, ref_x, ref_y, pos, abs_x, abs_y, bindex, blky;
int max_width, max_height;
int img_width, img_height;
StorablePicture *ref_picture;
distpel** block_sad = BlockSAD[list][ref][7];
int search_range = max_search_range[list][ref];
int max_pos = (2*search_range+1) * (2*search_range+1);
int list_offset = img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].list_offset;
int apply_weights = ( (active_pps->weighted_pred_flag && (img->type == P_SLICE || img->type == SP_SLICE)) ||
(active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc && (img->type == B_SLICE))) && input->UseWeightedReferenceME;
int abs_y4, abs_x4;
int i, j, k;
int level_dist = F_PEL + apply_weights * 3;
int pixel_x, pixel_y;
for ( j= img->opix_y; j < img->opix_y + MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j +=BLOCK_SIZE)
for (pixel_y = j; pixel_y < j + BLOCK_SIZE; pixel_y++)
memcpy( srcptr, &imgY_org[pixel_y][img->opix_x], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy( srcptr + 16, &imgY_org[pixel_y][img->opix_x + BLOCK_SIZE], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy( srcptr + 32, &imgY_org[pixel_y][img->opix_x + 2 * BLOCK_SIZE], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
memcpy( srcptr + 48, &imgY_org[pixel_y][img->opix_x + 3 * BLOCK_SIZE], BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
srcptr += BLOCK_SIZE;
srcptr += 48;
// storage format is different from that of orig_pic
// for YUV 4:2:0 we have:
// U U
// V V
if (ChromaMEEnable)
imgpel *auxptr;
int bsx_c = BLOCK_SIZE >> (chroma_shift_x - 2);
int bsy_c = BLOCK_SIZE >> (chroma_shift_y - 2);
int pic_pix_x_c = img->opix_x >> (chroma_shift_x - 2);
int pic_pix_y_c = img->opix_y >> (chroma_shift_y - 2);
// copy the original cmp1 and cmp2 data to the orig_pic matrix
// This seems to be wrong.
for (k=0; k<2; k++)
srcptr = auxptr = orig_pels + (256 << k);
for ( pixel_y = 0, i = 0; i < (BLOCK_SIZE >> (chroma_shift_y - 2)); i++, pixel_y += bsy_c )
for ( pixel_x = 0, k = 0; k < (BLOCK_SIZE >> (chroma_shift_x - 2)); k++, pixel_x += bsx_c )
srcptr = auxptr;
for (j = 0; j < bsy_c; j++)
memcpy( srcptr, &imgUV_org[k][pic_pix_y_c + pixel_y + j][pic_pix_x_c + pixel_x], bsx_c * sizeof(imgpel));
srcptr += bsx_c;
auxptr += MB_BLOCK_SIZE;
ref_picture = listX[list+list_offset][ref];
ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
//===== Use weighted Reference for ME ====
ref_pic_sub.luma = ref_picture->imgY_sub;
if (apply_weights)
weight_luma = wp_weight[list + list_offset][ref][0];
offset_luma = wp_offset[list + list_offset][ref][0];
if ( ChromaMEEnable)
ref_pic_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[0];
ref_pic_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[1];
width_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_x_cr_pad;
height_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_y_cr_pad;
if (apply_weights)
weight_cr[0] = wp_weight[list + list_offset][ref][1];
weight_cr[1] = wp_weight[list + list_offset][ref][2];
offset_cr[0] = wp_offset[list + list_offset][ref][1];
offset_cr[1] = wp_offset[list + list_offset][ref][2];
max_width = ref_picture->size_x - 17;
max_height = ref_picture->size_y - 17;
img_width = ref_picture->size_x;
img_height = ref_picture->size_y;
width_pad = ref_picture->size_x_pad;
height_pad = ref_picture->size_y_pad;
//===== get search center: predictor of 16x16 block =====
SetMotionVectorPredictor (pmv, enc_picture->ref_idx[list], enc_picture->mv[list], ref, list, 0, 0, 16, 16);
search_center_x[list][ref] = pmv[0] / 4;
search_center_y[list][ref] = pmv[1] / 4;
if (!input->rdopt)
//--- correct center so that (0,0) vector is inside ---
search_center_x[list][ref] = iClip3(-search_range, search_range, search_center_x[list][ref]);
search_center_y[list][ref] = iClip3(-search_range, search_range, search_center_y[list][ref]);
search_center_x[list][ref] = iClip3(-2047 + search_range, 2047 - search_range, search_center_x[list][ref]);
search_center_y[list][ref] = iClip3(LEVELMVLIMIT[img->LevelIndex][0] + search_range, LEVELMVLIMIT[img->LevelIndex][1] - search_range, search_center_y[list][ref]);
search_center_x[list][ref] += img->opix_x;
search_center_y[list][ref] += img->opix_y;
offset_x = search_center_x[list][ref];
offset_y = search_center_y[list][ref];
//===== check if whole search range is inside image =====
if (offset_x >= search_range && offset_x <= max_width - search_range &&
offset_y >= search_range && offset_y <= max_height - search_range )
range_partly_outside = 0;
range_partly_outside = 1;
//===== determine position of (0,0)-vector =====
if (!input->rdopt)
ref_x = img->opix_x - offset_x;
ref_y = img->opix_y - offset_y;
for (pos = 0; pos < max_pos; pos++)
if (ref_x == spiral_search_x[pos] &&
ref_y == spiral_search_y[pos])
pos_00[list][ref] = pos;
//===== loop over search range (spiral search): get blockwise SAD =====
for (pos = 0; pos < max_pos; pos++)
abs_y = offset_y + spiral_search_y[pos];
abs_x = offset_x + spiral_search_x[pos];
abs_y4 = (abs_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE) << 2;
abs_x4 = (abs_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE) << 2;
if (range_partly_outside)
if (abs_y >= 0 && abs_y <= max_height &&
abs_x >= 0 && abs_x <= max_width )
ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
ref_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
srcptr = orig_pels;
bindex = 0;
for (blky = 0; blky < 4; blky++)
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = computeUniPred[level_dist](srcptr, 4, 4, INT_MAX, abs_x4, abs_y4);
srcptr += 16;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = computeUniPred[level_dist](srcptr, 4, 4, INT_MAX, abs_x4 + 16, abs_y4);
srcptr += 16;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = computeUniPred[level_dist](srcptr, 4, 4, INT_MAX, abs_x4 + 32, abs_y4);
srcptr += 16;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = computeUniPred[level_dist](srcptr, 4, 4, INT_MAX, abs_x4 + 48, abs_y4);
srcptr += 16;
abs_y4 += 16;
//===== combine SAD's for larger block types =====
SetupLargerBlocks (list, ref, max_pos);
//===== set flag marking that search setup have been done =====
search_setup_done[list][ref] = 1;
void SetupFastFullPelSearch (short ref, int list) // <-- reference frame parameter, list0 or 1
short pmv[2];
static imgpel orig_pels[768];
imgpel *srcptr = orig_pels, *refptr;
int k, x, y;
int abs_y4, abs_x4;
int offset_x, offset_y, range_partly_outside, ref_x, ref_y, pos, abs_x, abs_y, bindex, blky;
int LineSadBlk0, LineSadBlk1, LineSadBlk2, LineSadBlk3;
int max_width, max_height;
int img_width, img_height;
StorablePicture *ref_picture;
distpel** block_sad = BlockSAD[list][ref][7];
int search_range = max_search_range[list][ref];
int max_pos = (2*search_range+1) * (2*search_range+1);
int list_offset = img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].list_offset;
int apply_weights = ( (active_pps->weighted_pred_flag && (img->type == P_SLICE || img->type == SP_SLICE)) ||
(active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc && (img->type == B_SLICE))) && input->UseWeightedReferenceME;
int weighted_pel;
int *dist_method = input->MEErrorMetric[0] ? img->quad : byte_abs;
ref_picture = listX[list+list_offset][ref];
ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
ref_pic_sub.luma = ref_picture->imgY_sub;
max_width = ref_picture->size_x - 17;
max_height = ref_picture->size_y - 17;
img_width = ref_picture->size_x;
img_height = ref_picture->size_y;
width_pad = ref_picture->size_x_pad;
height_pad = ref_picture->size_y_pad;
if (apply_weights)
weight_luma = wp_weight[list + list_offset][ref][0];
offset_luma = wp_offset[list + list_offset][ref][0];
if ( ChromaMEEnable)
ref_pic_sub.crcb[0] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[0];
ref_pic_sub.crcb[1] = ref_picture->imgUV_sub[1];
width_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_x_cr_pad;
height_pad_cr = ref_picture->size_y_cr_pad;
if (apply_weights)
weight_cr[0] = wp_weight[list + list_offset][ref][1];
weight_cr[1] = wp_weight[list + list_offset][ref][2];
offset_cr[0] = wp_offset[list + list_offset][ref][1];
offset_cr[1] = wp_offset[list + list_offset][ref][2];
//===== get search center: predictor of 16x16 block =====
SetMotionVectorPredictor (pmv, enc_picture->ref_idx[list], enc_picture->mv[list], ref, list, 0, 0, 16, 16);
search_center_x[list][ref] = pmv[0] / 4;
search_center_y[list][ref] = pmv[1] / 4;
if (!input->rdopt)
//--- correct center so that (0,0) vector is inside ---
search_center_x[list][ref] = iClip3(-search_range, search_range, search_center_x[list][ref]);
search_center_y[list][ref] = iClip3(-search_range, search_range, search_center_y[list][ref]);
search_center_x[list][ref] = iClip3(-2047 + search_range, 2047 - search_range, search_center_x[list][ref]);
search_center_y[list][ref] = iClip3(LEVELMVLIMIT[img->LevelIndex][0] + search_range, LEVELMVLIMIT[img->LevelIndex][1] - search_range, search_center_y[list][ref]);
search_center_x[list][ref] += img->opix_x;
search_center_y[list][ref] += img->opix_y;
offset_x = search_center_x[list][ref];
offset_y = search_center_y[list][ref];
//===== copy original block for fast access =====
for (y = img->opix_y; y < img->opix_y+MB_BLOCK_SIZE; y++)
memcpy(srcptr, &imgY_org[y][img->opix_x], MB_BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
srcptr += MB_BLOCK_SIZE;
if ( ChromaMEEnable)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k++)
for (y = img->opix_c_y; y < img->opix_c_y + img->mb_cr_size_y; y++)
memcpy(srcptr, &imgUV_org[k][y][img->opix_c_x], img->mb_cr_size_x * sizeof(imgpel));
srcptr += img->mb_cr_size_x;
//===== check if whole search range is inside image =====
if (offset_x >= search_range && offset_x <= max_width - search_range &&
offset_y >= search_range && offset_y <= max_height - search_range )
range_partly_outside = 0;
range_partly_outside = 1;
//===== determine position of (0,0)-vector =====
if (!input->rdopt)
ref_x = img->opix_x - offset_x;
ref_y = img->opix_y - offset_y;
for (pos = 0; pos < max_pos; pos++)
if (ref_x == spiral_search_x[pos] &&
ref_y == spiral_search_y[pos])
pos_00[list][ref] = pos;
//===== loop over search range (spiral search): get blockwise SAD =====
for (pos = 0; pos < max_pos; pos++)
abs_y = offset_y + spiral_search_y[pos];
abs_x = offset_x + spiral_search_x[pos];
abs_y4 = (abs_y + IMG_PAD_SIZE) << 2;
abs_x4 = (abs_x + IMG_PAD_SIZE) << 2;
if (range_partly_outside)
if (abs_y >= 0 && abs_y <= max_height&&
abs_x >= 0 && abs_x <= max_width )
ref_access_method = FAST_ACCESS;
ref_access_method = UMV_ACCESS;
if (apply_weights)
srcptr = orig_pels;
bindex = 0;
refptr = get_line[ref_access_method] (ref_pic_sub.luma, abs_y4, abs_x4);
for (blky = 0; blky < 4; blky++)
LineSadBlk0 = LineSadBlk1 = LineSadBlk2 = LineSadBlk3 = 0;
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value, ((weight_luma * *refptr++ + wp_luma_round) >> luma_log_weight_denom) + offset_luma);
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
refptr += img_padded_size_x - MB_BLOCK_SIZE;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk0;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk1;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk2;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk3;
if (ChromaMEEnable)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k ++)
bindex = 0;
refptr = get_crline[ref_access_method] (ref_pic_sub.crcb[k], abs_y4, abs_x4);
for (blky = 0; blky < 4; blky++)
LineSadBlk0 = LineSadBlk1 = LineSadBlk2 = LineSadBlk3 = 0;
for (y = 0; y < img->mb_cr_size_y; y+=BLOCK_SIZE)
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value_uv, ((weight_cr[k] * *refptr++ + wp_chroma_round) >> chroma_log_weight_denom) + offset_cr[k]);
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value_uv, ((weight_cr[k] * *refptr++ + wp_chroma_round) >> chroma_log_weight_denom) + offset_cr[k]);
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value_uv, ((weight_cr[k] * *refptr++ + wp_chroma_round) >> chroma_log_weight_denom) + offset_cr[k]);
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
weighted_pel = iClip1( img->max_imgpel_value_uv, ((weight_cr[k] * *refptr++ + wp_chroma_round) >> chroma_log_weight_denom) + offset_cr[k]);
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [weighted_pel - *srcptr++];
refptr += img_cr_padded_size_x - img->mb_cr_size_x;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk0;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk1;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk2;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk3;
srcptr = orig_pels;
bindex = 0;
refptr = get_line[ref_access_method] (ref_pic_sub.luma, abs_y4, abs_x4);
for (blky = 0; blky < 4; blky++)
LineSadBlk0 = LineSadBlk1 = LineSadBlk2 = LineSadBlk3 = 0;
for (y = 0; y < 4; y++)
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
refptr += img_padded_size_x - MB_BLOCK_SIZE;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk0;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk1;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk2;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] = LineSadBlk3;
if (ChromaMEEnable)
for (k = 0; k < 2; k ++)
bindex = 0;
refptr = get_crline[ref_access_method] (ref_pic_sub.crcb[k], abs_y4, abs_x4);
for (blky = 0; blky < 4; blky++)
LineSadBlk0 = LineSadBlk1 = LineSadBlk2 = LineSadBlk3 = 0;
for (y = 0; y < img->mb_cr_size_y; y+=BLOCK_SIZE)
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
LineSadBlk0 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
LineSadBlk1 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
LineSadBlk2 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
for (x = 0; x < img->mb_cr_size_x; x += BLOCK_SIZE)
LineSadBlk3 += dist_method [*refptr++ - *srcptr++];
refptr += img_cr_padded_size_x - img->mb_cr_size_x;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk0;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk1;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk2;
block_sad[bindex++][pos] += LineSadBlk3;
//===== combine SAD's for larger block types =====
SetupLargerBlocks (list, ref, max_pos);
//===== set flag marking that search setup have been done =====
search_setup_done[list][ref] = 1;
* \brief
* Fast Full pixel block motion search
int // ==> minimum motion cost after search
FastFullPelBlockMotionSearch (imgpel* orig_pic, // <-- not used
short ref, // <-- reference frame (0... or -1 (backward))
int list,
int pic_pix_x, // <-- absolute x-coordinate of regarded AxB block
int pic_pix_y, // <-- absolute y-coordinate of regarded AxB block
int blocktype, // <-- block type (1-16x16 ... 7-4x4)
short pred_mv_x, // <-- motion vector predictor (x) in sub-pel units
short pred_mv_y, // <-- motion vector predictor (y) in sub-pel units
short* mv_x, // --> motion vector (x) - in pel units
short* mv_y, // --> motion vector (y) - in pel units
int search_range, // <-- 1-d search range in pel units
int min_mcost, // <-- minimum motion cost (cost for center or huge value)
int lambda_factor) // <-- lagrangian parameter for determining motion cost
int pos, offset_x, offset_y, cand_x, cand_y, mcost;
int max_pos = (2*search_range+1)*(2*search_range+1); // number of search positions
int best_pos = 0; // position with minimum motion cost
int block_index; // block index for indexing SAD array
distpel* block_sad; // pointer to SAD array
block_index = (pic_pix_y-img->opix_y)+((pic_pix_x-img->opix_x)>>2); // block index for indexing SAD array
block_sad = BlockSAD[list][ref][blocktype][block_index]; // pointer to SAD array
//===== set up fast full integer search if needed / set search center =====
if (!search_setup_done[list][ref])
SetupFastFullPelSearch (ref, list);
offset_x = search_center_x[list][ref] - img->opix_x;
offset_y = search_center_y[list][ref] - img->opix_y;
//===== cost for (0,0)-vector: it is done before, because MVCost can be negative =====
if (!input->rdopt)
mcost = block_sad[pos_00[list][ref]] + MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, 0, 0, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);
if (mcost < min_mcost)
min_mcost = mcost;
best_pos = pos_00[list][ref];
//===== loop over all search positions =====
for (pos=0; pos<max_pos; pos++, block_sad++)
//--- check residual cost ---
if (*block_sad < min_mcost)
//--- get motion vector cost ---
cand_x = (offset_x + spiral_search_x[pos])<<2;
cand_y = (offset_y + spiral_search_y[pos])<<2;
mcost = *block_sad;
mcost += MV_COST_SMP (lambda_factor, cand_x, cand_y, pred_mv_x, pred_mv_y);
//--- check motion cost ---
if (mcost < min_mcost)
min_mcost = mcost;
best_pos = pos;
//===== set best motion vector and return minimum motion cost =====
*mv_x = offset_x + spiral_search_x[best_pos];
*mv_y = offset_y + spiral_search_y[best_pos];
return min_mcost;