blob: d1b38d480e00078310bc9df1676020afde1b7471 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file fmo.c
* \brief
* Support for Flexible Macroblock Ordering for different Slice Group Modes: MBAmap handling
* \date
* 16 June, 2002 Modified April 25, 2004
* \author
* Stephan Wenger
* Dong Wang
* Notes by Dong Wang (April 25 2004)
* Source codes are modified to support 7 slice group types (fmo modes).
* The functions for generating map are very similar to that in decoder, but have
* a little difference.
* The MB map is calculated at the beginning of coding of each picture (frame or field).
* 'slice_group_change_cycle' in structure 'ImageParameters' is the syntax in the slice
* header. It's set to be 1 before the initialization of FMO in function code_a_picture().
* It can be changed every time if needed.
* How does a MBAmap look like?
* An MBAmap is a one-diemnsional array of ints. Each int
* represents an MB in scan order. A zero or positive value represents
* a slice group ID. Negative values are reserved for future extensions.
* The numbering range for the SliceGroupIDs is 0..7 as per JVT-C167.
* This module contains a static variable MBAmap. This is the MBAmap of the
* picture currently coded. It can be accessed only through the access
* functions.
//#define PRINT_FMO_MAPS 1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "fmo.h"
static int FirstMBInSlice[MAXSLICEGROUPIDS];
byte *MBAmap = NULL;
byte *MapUnitToSliceGroupMap = NULL;
unsigned int PicSizeInMapUnits;
static void FmoGenerateType0MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static void FmoGenerateType1MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static void FmoGenerateType2MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static void FmoGenerateType3MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static void FmoGenerateType4MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static void FmoGenerateType5MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static void FmoGenerateType6MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static int FmoGenerateMapUnitToSliceGroupMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps);
static int FmoGenerateMBAmap (ImageParameters * img, seq_parameter_set_rbsp_t* sps);
* \brief
* Generates MapUnitToSliceGroupMap
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static int FmoGenerateMapUnitToSliceGroupMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps)
PicSizeInMapUnits = img->PicHeightInMapUnits * img->PicWidthInMbs;
if (pps->slice_group_map_type == 6)
if ((pps->pic_size_in_map_units_minus1+1) != PicSizeInMapUnits)
error ("wrong pps->pic_size_in_map_units_minus1 for used SPS and FMO type 6", 500);
// allocate memory for MapUnitToSliceGroupMap
if (MapUnitToSliceGroupMap)
free (MapUnitToSliceGroupMap);
if ((MapUnitToSliceGroupMap = malloc ((PicSizeInMapUnits) * sizeof (byte))) == NULL)
printf ("cannot allocated %d bytes for MapUnitToSliceGroupMap, exit\n", (int) ( PicSizeInMapUnits * sizeof (byte)));
exit (-1);
if (pps->num_slice_groups_minus1 == 0) // only one slice group
memset (MapUnitToSliceGroupMap, 0, PicSizeInMapUnits * sizeof (byte));
return 0;
switch (pps->slice_group_map_type)
case 0:
FmoGenerateType0MapUnitMap (img, pps);
case 1:
FmoGenerateType1MapUnitMap (img, pps);
case 2:
FmoGenerateType2MapUnitMap (img, pps);
case 3:
FmoGenerateType3MapUnitMap (img, pps);
case 4:
FmoGenerateType4MapUnitMap (img, pps);
case 5:
FmoGenerateType5MapUnitMap (img, pps);
case 6:
FmoGenerateType6MapUnitMap (img, pps);
printf ("Illegal slice_group_map_type %d , exit \n", pps->slice_group_map_type);
exit (-1);
return 0;
* \brief
* Generates MBAmap from MapUnitToSliceGroupMap
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param sps
* Sequence Parameter set to be used for map generation
static int FmoGenerateMBAmap (ImageParameters * img, seq_parameter_set_rbsp_t* sps)
unsigned i;
// allocate memory for MBAmap
if (MBAmap)
free (MBAmap);
if ((MBAmap = malloc ((img->PicSizeInMbs) * sizeof (byte))) == NULL)
printf ("cannot allocated %d bytes for MBAmap, exit\n", (int) ((img->PicSizeInMbs) * sizeof (byte)));
exit (-1);
if ((sps->frame_mbs_only_flag) || img->field_picture)
for (i=0; i<img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
MBAmap[i] = MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[i];
if (sps->mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag && (! img->field_picture))
for (i=0; i<img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
MBAmap[i] = MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[i/2];
for (i=0; i<img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
MBAmap[i] = MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[(i/(2*img->PicWidthInMbs))*img->PicWidthInMbs+(i%img->PicWidthInMbs)];
return 0;
* \brief
* FMO initialization: Generates MapUnitToSliceGroupMap and MBAmap.
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
* \param sps
* Sequence Parameter set to be used for map generation
int FmoInit(ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps, seq_parameter_set_rbsp_t * sps)
unsigned i,j;
int bottom;
int k;
for (k=0;k<MAXSLICEGROUPIDS;k++)
FirstMBInSlice[k] = -1;
FmoGenerateMapUnitToSliceGroupMap(img, pps);
FmoGenerateMBAmap(img, sps);
printf("FMO Map (Units):\n");
for (j=0; j<img->PicHeightInMapUnits; j++)
for (i=0; i<img->PicWidthInMbs; i++)
printf("%d ",MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[i+j*img->PicWidthInMbs]);
printf("FMO Map (Mb):\n");
for (j=0; j<(img->PicSizeInMbs/img->PicWidthInMbs); j++)
for (i=0; i<img->PicWidthInMbs; i++)
printf("%d ",MBAmap[i+j*img->PicWidthInMbs]);
printf("FMO Map (Mb in scan order for MBAFF):\n");
for (j=0; j<(img->PicSizeInMbs/img->PicWidthInMbs); j++)
for (i=0; i<img->PicWidthInMbs; i++)
printf("%d ",MBAmap[(j-bottom)*img->PicWidthInMbs+i*2+bottom]);
return 0;
* \brief
* Free memory if allocated by FMO functions
void FmoUninit()
if (MBAmap)
free (MBAmap);
MBAmap = NULL;
if (MapUnitToSliceGroupMap)
free (MapUnitToSliceGroupMap);
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap = NULL;
* \brief
* Generate interleaved slice group map type MapUnit map (type 0)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType0MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
unsigned iGroup, j;
unsigned i = 0;
for( iGroup = 0;
(iGroup <= pps->num_slice_groups_minus1) && (i < PicSizeInMapUnits);
i += pps->run_length_minus1[iGroup++] + 1)
for( j = 0; j <= pps->run_length_minus1[ iGroup ] && i + j < PicSizeInMapUnits; j++ )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[i+j] = iGroup;
while( i < PicSizeInMapUnits );
* \brief
* Generate dispersed slice group map type MapUnit map (type 1)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType1MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
unsigned i;
for( i = 0; i < PicSizeInMapUnits; i++ )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[i] = ((i%img->PicWidthInMbs)+(((i/img->PicWidthInMbs)*(pps->num_slice_groups_minus1+1))/2))
* \brief
* Generate foreground with left-over slice group map type MapUnit map (type 2)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType2MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
int iGroup;
unsigned i, x, y;
unsigned yTopLeft, xTopLeft, yBottomRight, xBottomRight;
for( i = 0; i < PicSizeInMapUnits; i++ )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ i ] = pps->num_slice_groups_minus1;
for( iGroup = pps->num_slice_groups_minus1 - 1 ; iGroup >= 0; iGroup-- )
yTopLeft = pps->top_left[ iGroup ] / img->PicWidthInMbs;
xTopLeft = pps->top_left[ iGroup ] % img->PicWidthInMbs;
yBottomRight = pps->bottom_right[ iGroup ] / img->PicWidthInMbs;
xBottomRight = pps->bottom_right[ iGroup ] % img->PicWidthInMbs;
for( y = yTopLeft; y <= yBottomRight; y++ )
for( x = xTopLeft; x <= xBottomRight; x++ )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ y * img->PicWidthInMbs + x ] = iGroup;
* \brief
* Generate box-out slice group map type MapUnit map (type 3)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType3MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
unsigned i, k;
int leftBound, topBound, rightBound, bottomBound;
int x, y, xDir, yDir;
int mapUnitVacant;
unsigned mapUnitsInSliceGroup0 = imin((pps->slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1) * img->slice_group_change_cycle, PicSizeInMapUnits);
for( i = 0; i < PicSizeInMapUnits; i++ )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ i ] = 2;
x = ( img->PicWidthInMbs - pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag ) / 2;
y = ( img->PicHeightInMapUnits - pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag ) / 2;
leftBound = x;
topBound = y;
rightBound = x;
bottomBound = y;
xDir = pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag - 1;
yDir = pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
for( k = 0; k < PicSizeInMapUnits; k += mapUnitVacant )
mapUnitVacant = ( MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ y * img->PicWidthInMbs + x ] == 2 );
if( mapUnitVacant )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ y * img->PicWidthInMbs + x ] = ( k >= mapUnitsInSliceGroup0 );
if( xDir == -1 && x == leftBound )
leftBound = imax( leftBound - 1, 0 );
x = leftBound;
xDir = 0;
yDir = 2 * pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag - 1;
if( xDir == 1 && x == rightBound )
rightBound = imin( rightBound + 1, (int)img->PicWidthInMbs - 1 );
x = rightBound;
xDir = 0;
yDir = 1 - 2 * pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
if( yDir == -1 && y == topBound )
topBound = imax( topBound - 1, 0 );
y = topBound;
xDir = 1 - 2 * pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
yDir = 0;
if( yDir == 1 && y == bottomBound )
bottomBound = imin( bottomBound + 1, (int)img->PicHeightInMapUnits - 1 );
y = bottomBound;
xDir = 2 * pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag - 1;
yDir = 0;
x = x + xDir;
y = y + yDir;
* \brief
* Generate raster scan slice group map type MapUnit map (type 4)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType4MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
unsigned mapUnitsInSliceGroup0 = imin((pps->slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1) * img->slice_group_change_cycle, PicSizeInMapUnits);
unsigned sizeOfUpperLeftGroup = pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag ? ( PicSizeInMapUnits - mapUnitsInSliceGroup0 ) : mapUnitsInSliceGroup0;
unsigned i;
for( i = 0; i < PicSizeInMapUnits; i++ )
if( i < sizeOfUpperLeftGroup )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ i ] = pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ i ] = 1 - pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
* \brief
* Generate wipe slice group map type MapUnit map (type 5)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType5MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
unsigned mapUnitsInSliceGroup0 = imin((pps->slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1) * img->slice_group_change_cycle, PicSizeInMapUnits);
unsigned sizeOfUpperLeftGroup = pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag ? ( PicSizeInMapUnits - mapUnitsInSliceGroup0 ) : mapUnitsInSliceGroup0;
unsigned i,j, k = 0;
for( j = 0; j < img->PicWidthInMbs; j++ )
for( i = 0; i < img->PicHeightInMapUnits; i++ )
if( k++ < sizeOfUpperLeftGroup )
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ i * img->PicWidthInMbs + j ] = pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[ i * img->PicWidthInMbs + j ] = 1 - pps->slice_group_change_direction_flag;
* \brief
* Generate explicit slice group map type MapUnit map (type 6)
* \param img
* Image Parameter to be used for map generation
* \param pps
* Picture Parameter set to be used for map generation
static void FmoGenerateType6MapUnitMap (ImageParameters * img, pic_parameter_set_rbsp_t * pps )
unsigned i;
for (i=0; i<PicSizeInMapUnits; i++)
MapUnitToSliceGroupMap[i] = pps->slice_group_id[i];
* \brief
* FmoStartPicture: initializes FMO at the begin of each new picture
* \par Input:
* None
int FmoStartPicture ()
int i;
assert (MBAmap != NULL);
for (i=0; i<MAXSLICEGROUPIDS; i++)
FirstMBInSlice[i] = FmoGetFirstMBOfSliceGroup (i);
return 0;
* \brief
* FmoEndPicture: Ends the Scattered Slices Module (called once
* per picture).
* \par Input:
* None
int FmoEndPicture ()
// Do nothing
return 0;
* \brief
* FmoMB2Slice: Returns SliceID for a given MB
* \par Input:
* Macroblock Nr (in scan order)
int FmoMB2SliceGroup ( int mb)
assert (mb < (int)img->PicSizeInMbs);
assert (MBAmap != NULL);
return MBAmap[mb];
* \brief
* FmoGetNextMBBr: Returns the MB-Nr (in scan order) of the next
* MB in the (FMO) Slice, -1 if the SliceGroup is finished
* \par Input:
* CurrentMbNr
int FmoGetNextMBNr (int CurrentMbNr)
int SliceGroupID = FmoMB2SliceGroup (CurrentMbNr);
while (++CurrentMbNr<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs && MBAmap[CurrentMbNr] != SliceGroupID)
if (CurrentMbNr >= (int)img->PicSizeInMbs)
return -1; // No further MB in this slice (could be end of picture)
return CurrentMbNr;
* \brief
* FmoGetNextMBBr: Returns the MB-Nr (in scan order) of the next
* MB in the (FMO) Slice, -1 if the SliceGroup is finished
* \par Input:
* CurrentMbNr
int FmoGetPreviousMBNr (int CurrentMbNr)
int SliceGroupID = FmoMB2SliceGroup (CurrentMbNr);
while (CurrentMbNr>=0 && MBAmap[CurrentMbNr] != SliceGroupID)
if (CurrentMbNr < 0)
return -1; // No previous MB in this slice
return CurrentMbNr;
* \brief
* FmoGetFirstMBOfSliceGroup: Returns the MB-Nr (in scan order) of the
* next first MB of the Slice group, -1 if no such MB exists
* \par Input:
* SliceGroupID: Id of SliceGroup
int FmoGetFirstMBOfSliceGroup (int SliceGroupID)
int i = 0;
while ((i<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs) && (FmoMB2SliceGroup (i) != SliceGroupID))
if (i < (int)img->PicSizeInMbs)
return i;
return -1;
* \brief
* FmoGetLastCodedMBOfSlice: Returns the MB-Nr (in scan order) of
* the last MB of the slice group
* \par Input:
* SliceGroupID
* \par Return
* MB Nr in case of success (is always >= 0)
* -1 if the SliceGroup doesn't exist
int FmoGetLastCodedMBOfSliceGroup (int SliceGroupID)
int i;
int LastMB = -1;
for (i=0; i<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
if (FmoMB2SliceGroup (i) == SliceGroupID)
LastMB = i;
return LastMB;
void FmoSetLastMacroblockInSlice ( int mb)
// called by terminate_slice(), writes the last processed MB into the
// FirstMBInSlice[MAXSLICEGROUPIDS] array. FmoGetFirstMacroblockInSlice()
// uses this info to identify the first uncoded MB in each slice group
int currSliceGroup = FmoMB2SliceGroup (mb);
assert (mb >= 0);
mb = FmoGetNextMBNr (mb); // The next (still uncoded) MB, or -1 if SG is finished
FirstMBInSlice[currSliceGroup] = mb;
int FmoGetFirstMacroblockInSlice ( int SliceGroup)
return FirstMBInSlice[SliceGroup];
// returns the first uncoded MB in each slice group, -1 if there is no
// more to do in this slice group
int FmoSliceGroupCompletelyCoded( int SliceGroupID)
if (FmoGetFirstMacroblockInSlice (SliceGroupID) < 0) // slice group completelty coded or not present
return TRUE;
return FALSE;