blob: 162df7a030db2812783cdf2546dbaec7dffff884 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "mltaln.h"
#include "dp.h"
#define MACHIGAI 0
#define OUTGAP0TRY 1
#define DEBUG 0
#define XXXXXXX 0
#define USE_PENALTY_EX 0
static int impalloclen = 0;
static float **impmtx = NULL;
float part_imp_match_out_scQ( int i1, int j1 )
// fprintf( stderr, "impalloclen = %d\n", impalloclen );
// fprintf( stderr, "i1,j1=%d,%d -> impmtx=%f\n", i1, j1, impmtx[i1][j1] );
return( impmtx[i1][j1] );
#if 0
if( i1 == l1 || j1 == l2 ) return( 0.0 );
return( impmtx[i1+start1][j1+start2] );
static void part_imp_match_out_vead_gapmapQ( float *imp, int i1, int lgth2, int start2, int *gapmap2 )
float *pt = imp;
int *gapmappt = gapmap2;
while( lgth2-- )
*pt++ += impmtx[i1][start2+*gapmappt++];
int j;
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
imp[j] += impmtx[i1][start2+gapmap2[j]];
static void part_imp_match_out_vead_tate_gapmapQ( float *imp, int j1, int lgth1, int start1, int *gapmap1 )
float *pt = imp;
int *gapmappt = gapmap1;
while( lgth1-- )
*pt++ = impmtx[start1+*gapmappt++][j1];
int i;
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
imp[i] += impmtx[start1+gapmap1[i]][j1];
void part_imp_match_init_strictQ( float *imp, int clus1, int clus2, int lgth1, int lgth2, char **seq1, char **seq2, double *eff1, double *eff2, LocalHom ***localhom, int forscore )
int i, j, k1, k2, tmpint, start1, start2, end1, end2;
double effij, effijx;
char *pt, *pt1, *pt2;
LocalHom *tmpptr;
if( impalloclen <= lgth1 + 2 || impalloclen <= lgth2 + 2 )
if( impmtx ) FreeFloatMtx( impmtx );
impalloclen = MAX( lgth1, lgth2 ) + 2;
impmtx = AllocateFloatMtx( impalloclen+100, impalloclen+100 );
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "eff1 in _init_strict = \n" );
for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "eff1[] = %f\n", eff1[i] );
for( i=0; i<clus2; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "eff2[] = %f\n", eff2[i] );
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
impmtx[i][j] = 0.0;
effijx = 1.0 * fastathreshold;
for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ )
effij = eff1[i] * eff2[j] * effijx;
tmpptr = localhom[i][j];
while( tmpptr )
// fprintf( stderr, "start1 = %d\n", tmpptr->start1 );
// fprintf( stderr, "end1 = %d\n", tmpptr->end1 );
// fprintf( stderr, "i = %d, seq1 = \n%s\n", i, seq1[i] );
// fprintf( stderr, "j = %d, seq2 = \n%s\n", j, seq2[j] );
pt = seq1[i];
tmpint = -1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == tmpptr->start1 ) break;
start1 = (int)( pt - seq1[i] ) - 1;
if( tmpptr->start1 == tmpptr->end1 ) end1 = start1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( tmpint == tmpptr->end1 ) break;
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
end1 = (int)( pt - seq1[i] ) - 1;
while( *pt != 0 )
// fprintf( stderr, "tmpint = %d, end1 = %d pos = %d\n", tmpint, tmpptr->end1, pt-seq1[i] );
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == tmpptr->end1 ) break;
end1 = (int)( pt - seq1[i] ) - 1;
pt = seq2[j];
tmpint = -1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == tmpptr->start2 ) break;
start2 = (int)( pt - seq2[j] ) - 1;
if( tmpptr->start2 == tmpptr->end2 ) end2 = start2;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( tmpint == tmpptr->end2 ) break;
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
end2 = (int)( pt - seq2[j] ) - 1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == tmpptr->end2 ) break;
end2 = (int)( pt - seq2[j] ) - 1;
// fprintf( stderr, "start1 = %d (%c), end1 = %d (%c), start2 = %d (%c), end2 = %d (%c)\n", start1, seq1[i][start1], end1, seq1[i][end1], start2, seq2[j][start2], end2, seq2[j][end2] );
// fprintf( stderr, "step 0\n" );
if( end1 - start1 != end2 - start2 )
// fprintf( stderr, "CHUUI!!, start1 = %d, end1 = %d, start2 = %d, end2 = %d\n", start1, end1, start2, end2 );
k1 = start1; k2 = start2;
pt1 = seq1[i] + k1;
pt2 = seq2[j] + k2;
while( *pt1 && *pt2 )
if( *pt1 != '-' && *pt2 != '-' )
// ½Å¤ß¤òÆó½Å¤Ë¤«¤±¤Ê¤¤¤è¤¦¤ËÃí°Õ¤·¤Æ²¼¤µ¤¤¡£
// impmtx[k1][k2] += tmpptr->wimportance * fastathreshold;
// impmtx[k1][k2] += tmpptr->importance * effij;
impmtx[k1][k2] += tmpptr->fimportance * effij;
// fprintf( stderr, "k1=%d, k2=%d, impalloclen=%d\n", k1, k2, impalloclen );
// fprintf( stderr, "mark, %d (%c) - %d (%c) \n", k1, *pt1, k2, *pt2 );
k1++; k2++;
pt1++; pt2++;
else if( *pt1 != '-' && *pt2 == '-' )
// fprintf( stderr, "skip, %d (%c) - %d (%c) \n", k1, *pt1, k2, *pt2 );
k2++; pt2++;
else if( *pt1 == '-' && *pt2 != '-' )
// fprintf( stderr, "skip, %d (%c) - %d (%c) \n", k1, *pt1, k2, *pt2 );
k1++; pt1++;
else if( *pt1 == '-' && *pt2 == '-' )
// fprintf( stderr, "skip, %d (%c) - %d (%c) \n", k1, *pt1, k2, *pt2 );
k1++; pt1++;
k2++; pt2++;
if( k1 > end1 || k2 > end2 ) break;
tmpptr = tmpptr->next;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "impmtx = \n" );
for( k2=0; k2<lgth2; k2++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.3f ", (double)k2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for( k1=0; k1<lgth1; k1++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%d", k1 );
for( k2=0; k2<lgth2; k2++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%2.1f ", impmtx[k1][k2] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
exit( 1 );
void part_imp_rnaQ( int nseq1, int nseq2, char **seq1, char **seq2, double *eff1, double *eff2, RNApair ***grouprna1, RNApair ***grouprna2, int *gapmap1, int *gapmap2, RNApair *additionalpair )
foldrna( nseq1, nseq2, seq1, seq2, eff1, eff2, grouprna1, grouprna2, impmtx, gapmap1, gapmap2, additionalpair );
void part_imp_match_initQ( float *imp, int clus1, int clus2, int lgth1, int lgth2, char **seq1, char **seq2, double *eff1, double *eff2, LocalHom ***localhom )
int dif, i, j, k1, k2, tmpint, start1, start2, end1, end2;
static int impalloclen = 0;
char *pt;
static char *nocount1 = NULL;
static char *nocount2 = NULL;
if( impalloclen < lgth1 || impalloclen < lgth2 )
if( impmtx ) FreeFloatMtx( impmtx );
if( nocount1 ) free( nocount1 );
if( nocount2 ) free( nocount2 );
impalloclen = MAX( lgth1, lgth2 ) + 2;
impmtx = AllocateFloatMtx( impalloclen, impalloclen );
nocount1 = AllocateCharVec( impalloclen );
nocount2 = AllocateCharVec( impalloclen );
impalloclen -= 2;
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
for( j=0; j<clus1; j++ )
if( seq1[j][i] == '-' ) break;
if( j != clus1 ) nocount1[i] = 1;
else nocount1[i] = 0;
for( i=0; i<lgth2; i++ )
for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ )
if( seq2[j][i] == '-' ) break;
if( j != clus2 ) nocount2[i] = 1;
else nocount2[i] = 0;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "nocount2 =\n" );
for( i = 0; i<impalloclen; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "nocount2[%d] = %d (%c)\n", i, nocount2[i], seq2[0][i] );
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ ) for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
impmtx[i][j] = 0.0;
for( i=0; i<clus1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "i = %d, seq1 = %s\n", i, seq1[i] );
for( j=0; j<clus2; j++ )
fprintf( stderr, "start1 = %d\n", localhom[i][j]->start1 );
fprintf( stderr, "end1 = %d\n", localhom[i][j]->end1 );
fprintf( stderr, "j = %d, seq2 = %s\n", j, seq2[j] );
pt = seq1[i];
tmpint = -1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == localhom[i][j]->start1 ) break;
start1 = pt - seq1[i] - 1;
while( *pt != 0 )
// fprintf( stderr, "tmpint = %d, end1 = %d pos = %d\n", tmpint, localhom[i][j].end1, pt-seq1[i] );
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == localhom[i][j]->end1 ) break;
end1 = pt - seq1[i] - 1;
pt = seq2[j];
tmpint = -1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == localhom[i][j]->start2 ) break;
start2 = pt - seq2[j] - 1;
while( *pt != 0 )
if( *pt++ != '-' ) tmpint++;
if( tmpint == localhom[i][j]->end2 ) break;
end2 = pt - seq2[j] - 1;
// fprintf( stderr, "start1 = %d, end1 = %d, start2 = %d, end2 = %d\n", start1, end1, start2, end2 );
k1 = start1;
k2 = start2;
fprintf( stderr, "step 0\n" );
while( k1 <= end1 && k2 <= end2 )
#if 0
if( !nocount1[k1] && !nocount2[k2] )
impmtx[k1][k2] += localhom[i][j].wimportance * eff1[i] * eff2[j];
k1++; k2++;
if( !nocount1[k1] && !nocount2[k2] )
impmtx[k1][k2] += localhom[i][j]->wimportance * eff1[i] * eff2[j];
k1++; k2++;
dif = ( end1 - start1 ) - ( end2 - start2 );
fprintf( stderr, "dif = %d\n", dif );
if( dif > 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "dif = %d\n", dif );
k1 = start1;
k2 = start2 - dif;
while( k1 <= end1 && k2 <= end2 )
if( 0 <= k2 && start2 <= k2 && !nocount1[k1] && !nocount2[k2] )
impmtx[k1][k2] = localhom[i][j]->wimportance * eff1[i] * eff2[j];
k1++; k2++;
while( dif-- );
k1 = start1 + dif;
k2 = start2;
while( k1 <= end1 )
if( k1 >= 0 && k1 >= start1 && !nocount1[k1] && !nocount2[k2] )
impmtx[k1][k2] = localhom[i][j]->wimportance * eff1[i] * eff2[j];
k1++; k2++;
while( dif++ );
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "impmtx = \n" );
for( k2=0; k2<lgth2; k2++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.3f ", (double)k2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for( k1=0; k1<lgth1; k1++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%d", k1 );
for( k2=0; k2<lgth2; k2++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%6.3f ", impmtx[k1][k2] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
exit( 1 );
static void match_calc( float *match, float **cpmx1, float **cpmx2, int i1, int lgth2, float **floatwork, int **intwork, int initialize )
int j, l;
float scarr[26];
float **cpmxpd = floatwork;
int **cpmxpdn = intwork;
float *matchpt, *cpmxpdpt, **cpmxpdptpt;
int *cpmxpdnpt, **cpmxpdnptpt;
if( initialize )
int count = 0;
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
count = 0;
for( l=0; l<26; l++ )
if( cpmx2[l][j] )
cpmxpd[j][count] = cpmx2[l][j];
cpmxpdn[j][count] = l;
cpmxpdn[j][count] = -1;
for( l=0; l<26; l++ )
scarr[l] = 0.0;
for( j=0; j<26; j++ )
// scarr[l] += n_dis[j][l] * cpmx1[j][i1];
scarr[l] += n_dis_consweight_multi[j][l] * cpmx1[j][i1];
matchpt = match;
cpmxpdnptpt = cpmxpdn;
cpmxpdptpt = cpmxpd;
while( lgth2-- )
*matchpt = 0.0;
cpmxpdnpt = *cpmxpdnptpt++;
cpmxpdpt = *cpmxpdptpt++;
while( *cpmxpdnpt>-1 )
*matchpt += scarr[*cpmxpdnpt++] * *cpmxpdpt++;
int j, k, l;
float scarr[26];
float **cpmxpd = floatwork;
int **cpmxpdn = intwork;
// simple
if( initialize )
int count = 0;
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
count = 0;
for( l=0; l<26; l++ )
if( cpmx2[l][j] )
cpmxpd[count][j] = cpmx2[l][j];
cpmxpdn[count][j] = l;
cpmxpdn[count][j] = -1;
for( l=0; l<26; l++ )
scarr[l] = 0.0;
for( k=0; k<26; k++ )
// scarr[l] += n_dis[k][l] * cpmx1[k][i1];
scarr[l] += n_dis_consweight_multi[k][l] * cpmx1[k][i1];
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
match[j] = 0.0;
for( k=0; cpmxpdn[k][j]>-1; k++ )
match[j] += scarr[cpmxpdn[k][j]] * cpmxpd[k][j];
static void Atracking_localhom( float *impwmpt, float *lasthorizontalw, float *lastverticalw,
char **seq1, char **seq2,
char **mseq1, char **mseq2,
float **cpmx1, float **cpmx2,
int **ijp, int icyc, int jcyc,
int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2,
int *gapmap1, int *gapmap2 )
int i, j, l, iin, jin, ifi, jfi, lgth1, lgth2, k;
char gap[] = "-";
float wm;
lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );
#if 0
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "lastverticalw[%d] = %f\n", i, lastverticalw[i] );
if( outgap == 1 )
wm = lastverticalw[0];
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
if( lastverticalw[i] >= wm )
wm = lastverticalw[i];
iin = i; jin = lgth2-1;
ijp[lgth1][lgth2] = +( lgth1 - i );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
if( lasthorizontalw[j] >= wm )
wm = lasthorizontalw[j];
iin = lgth1-1; jin = j;
ijp[lgth1][lgth2] = -( lgth2 - j );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
ijp[i][0] = i + 1;
for( j=0; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
ijp[0][j] = -( j + 1 );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
mseq1[i] += lgth1+lgth2;
*mseq1[i] = 0;
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
mseq2[j] += lgth1+lgth2;
*mseq2[j] = 0;
iin = lgth1; jin = lgth2;
*impwmpt = 0.0;
for( k=0; k<=lgth1+lgth2; k++ )
if( ijp[iin][jin] < 0 )
ifi = iin-1; jfi = jin+ijp[iin][jin];
else if( ijp[iin][jin] > 0 )
ifi = iin-ijp[iin][jin]; jfi = jin-1;
ifi = iin-1; jfi = jin-1;
l = iin - ifi;
while( --l )
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
*--mseq1[i] = seq1[i][ifi+l];
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
*--mseq2[j] = *gap;
l= jin - jfi;
while( --l )
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
*--mseq1[i] = *gap;
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
*--mseq2[j] = seq2[j][jfi+l];
if( iin != lgth1 && jin != lgth2 ) // ??
*impwmpt += part_imp_match_out_scQ( gapmap1[iin]+start1, gapmap2[jin]+start2 );
// fprintf( stderr, "impwm = %f (iin=%d, jin=%d) seq1=%c, seq2=%c\n", *impwmpt, iin, jin, seq1[0][iin], seq2[0][jin] );
if( iin <= 0 || jin <= 0 ) break;
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
*--mseq1[i] = seq1[i][ifi];
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
*--mseq2[j] = seq2[j][jfi];
iin = ifi; jin = jfi;
static float Atracking( float *lasthorizontalw, float *lastverticalw,
char **seq1, char **seq2,
char **mseq1, char **mseq2,
float **cpmx1, float **cpmx2,
int **ijp, int icyc, int jcyc )
int i, j, l, iin, jin, ifi, jfi, lgth1, lgth2, k, lastk;
char gap[] = "-";
float wm = 0.0;
lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );
#if 0
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "lastverticalw[%d] = %f\n", i, lastverticalw[i] );
if( outgap == 1 )
wm = lastverticalw[0];
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
if( lastverticalw[i] >= wm )
wm = lastverticalw[i];
iin = i; jin = lgth2-1;
ijp[lgth1][lgth2] = +( lgth1 - i );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
if( lasthorizontalw[j] >= wm )
wm = lasthorizontalw[j];
iin = lgth1-1; jin = j;
ijp[lgth1][lgth2] = -( lgth2 - j );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
ijp[i][0] = i + 1;
for( j=0; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
ijp[0][j] = -( j + 1 );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
mseq1[i] += lgth1+lgth2;
*mseq1[i] = 0;
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
mseq2[j] += lgth1+lgth2;
*mseq2[j] = 0;
iin = lgth1; jin = lgth2;
lastk = lgth1+lgth2;
for( k=0; k<=lastk; k++ )
if( ijp[iin][jin] < 0 )
ifi = iin-1; jfi = jin+ijp[iin][jin];
else if( ijp[iin][jin] > 0 )
ifi = iin-ijp[iin][jin]; jfi = jin-1;
ifi = iin-1; jfi = jin-1;
l = iin - ifi;
while( --l )
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
*--mseq1[i] = seq1[i][ifi+l];
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
*--mseq2[j] = *gap;
l= jin - jfi;
while( --l )
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
*--mseq1[i] = *gap;
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
*--mseq2[j] = seq2[j][jfi+l];
if( iin <= 0 || jin <= 0 ) break;
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ )
*--mseq1[i] = seq1[i][ifi];
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ )
*--mseq2[j] = seq2[j][jfi];
iin = ifi; jin = jfi;
return( 0.0 );
float partQ__align( char **seq1, char **seq2, double *eff1, double *eff2, int icyc, int jcyc, int alloclen, LocalHom ***localhom, float *impmatch, int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, int *gapmap1, int *gapmap2, char *sgap1, char *sgap2, char *egap1, char *egap2 )
/* score no keisan no sai motokaraaru gap no atukai ni mondai ga aru */
// int k;
register int i, j;
int lasti, lastj; /* outgap == 0 -> lgth1, outgap == 1 -> lgth1+1 */
int lgth1, lgth2;
int resultlen;
float wm = 0.0; /* int ?????? */
float g;
float *currentw, *previousw;
#if 1
float *wtmp;
int *ijppt;
float *mjpt, *prept, *curpt;
int *mpjpt;
static float mi, *m;
static int **ijp;
static int mpi, *mp;
static float *w1, *w2;
static float *match;
static float *initverticalw; /* kufuu sureba iranai */
static float *lastverticalw; /* kufuu sureba iranai */
static char **mseq1;
static char **mseq2;
static char **mseq;
static float *digf1;
static float *digf2;
static float *diaf1;
static float *diaf2;
static float *gapz1;
static float *gapz2;
static float *gapf1;
static float *gapf2;
static float *ogcp1g;
static float *ogcp2g;
static float *fgcp1g;
static float *fgcp2g;
static float *og_h_dg_n1_p;
static float *og_h_dg_n2_p;
static float *fg_h_dg_n1_p;
static float *fg_h_dg_n2_p;
static float *og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p;
static float *og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p;
static float *fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p;
static float *fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p;
static float *gapz_n1;
static float *gapz_n2;
static float **cpmx1;
static float **cpmx2;
static int **intwork;
static float **floatwork;
static int orlgth1 = 0, orlgth2 = 0;
float fpenalty = (float)penalty;
float fpenalty_ex = (float)penalty_ex;
float tmppenal;
float *fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
float *og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
float *og_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
float *fg_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
float *gapz_n2_pt0;
float *gapz_n2_pt1;
float *fgcp2pt;
float *ogcp2pt;
float fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p_va;
float og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p_va;
float og_h_dg_n1_p_va;
float fg_h_dg_n1_p_va;
float gapz_n1_va0;
float gapz_n1_va1;
float fgcp1va;
float ogcp1va;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "eff in SA+++align\n" );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) fprintf( stderr, "eff1[%d] = %f\n", i, eff1[i] );
if( orlgth1 == 0 )
mseq1 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
mseq2 = AllocateCharMtx( njob, 0 );
lgth1 = strlen( seq1[0] );
lgth2 = strlen( seq2[0] );
if( lgth1 > orlgth1 || lgth2 > orlgth2 )
int ll1, ll2;
if( orlgth1 > 0 && orlgth2 > 0 )
FreeFloatVec( w1 );
FreeFloatVec( w2 );
FreeFloatVec( match );
FreeFloatVec( initverticalw );
FreeFloatVec( lastverticalw );
FreeFloatVec( m );
FreeIntVec( mp );
FreeCharMtx( mseq );
FreeFloatVec( digf1 );
FreeFloatVec( digf2 );
FreeFloatVec( diaf1 );
FreeFloatVec( diaf2 );
FreeFloatVec( gapz1 );
FreeFloatVec( gapz2 );
FreeFloatVec( gapf1 );
FreeFloatVec( gapf2 );
FreeFloatVec( ogcp1g );
FreeFloatVec( ogcp2g );
FreeFloatVec( fgcp1g );
FreeFloatVec( fgcp2g );
FreeFloatVec( og_h_dg_n1_p );
FreeFloatVec( og_h_dg_n2_p );
FreeFloatVec( fg_h_dg_n1_p );
FreeFloatVec( fg_h_dg_n2_p );
FreeFloatVec( og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p );
FreeFloatVec( og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p );
FreeFloatVec( fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p );
FreeFloatVec( fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p );
FreeFloatVec( gapz_n1 );
FreeFloatVec( gapz_n2 );
FreeFloatMtx( cpmx1 );
FreeFloatMtx( cpmx2 );
FreeFloatMtx( floatwork );
FreeIntMtx( intwork );
ll1 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth1), orlgth1 ) + 100;
ll2 = MAX( (int)(1.3*lgth2), orlgth2 ) + 100;
fprintf( stderr, "\ntrying to allocate (%d+%d)xn matrices ... ", ll1, ll2 );
w1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
w2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
match = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
initverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
lastverticalw = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
m = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
mp = AllocateIntVec( ll2+2 );
mseq = AllocateCharMtx( njob, ll1+ll2 );
digf1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
digf2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
diaf1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
diaf2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
gapz1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
gapz2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
gapf1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
gapf2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
ogcp1g = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
ogcp2g = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
fgcp1g = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
fgcp2g = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
og_h_dg_n1_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll1 + 2 );
og_h_dg_n2_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll2 + 2 );
fg_h_dg_n1_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll1 + 2 );
fg_h_dg_n2_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll2 + 2 );
og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll1 + 2 );
og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll2 + 2 );
fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll1 + 2 );
fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p = AllocateFloatVec( ll2 + 2 );
gapz_n1 = AllocateFloatVec( ll1+2 );
gapz_n2 = AllocateFloatVec( ll2+2 );
cpmx1 = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, ll1+2 );
cpmx2 = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, ll2+2 );
floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2, 26 );
intwork = AllocateIntMtx( MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2, 26 );
floatwork = AllocateFloatMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 );
intwork = AllocateIntMtx( 26, MAX( ll1, ll2 )+2 );
fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n" );
orlgth1 = ll1 - 100;
orlgth2 = ll2 - 100;
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) mseq1[i] = mseq[i];
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) mseq2[j] = mseq[icyc+j];
if( orlgth1 > commonAlloc1 || orlgth2 > commonAlloc2 )
int ll1, ll2;
if( commonAlloc1 && commonAlloc2 )
FreeIntMtx( commonIP );
ll1 = MAX( orlgth1, commonAlloc1 );
ll2 = MAX( orlgth2, commonAlloc2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n\ntrying to allocate %dx%d matrices ... ", ll1+1, ll2+1 );
commonIP = AllocateIntMtx( ll1+10, ll2+10 );
fprintf( stderr, "succeeded\n\n" );
commonAlloc1 = ll1;
commonAlloc2 = ll2;
ijp = commonIP;
cpmx_calc_new( seq1, cpmx1, eff1, lgth1, icyc );
cpmx_calc_new( seq2, cpmx2, eff2, lgth2, jcyc );
if( sgap1 )
new_OpeningGapCount_zure( ogcp1g, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, sgap1, egap1 );
new_OpeningGapCount_zure( ogcp2g, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, sgap2, egap2 );
new_FinalGapCount_zure( fgcp1g, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, sgap1, egap1 );
new_FinalGapCount_zure( fgcp2g, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, sgap2, egap2 );
getdigapfreq_part( digf1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, sgap1, egap1 );
getdigapfreq_part( digf2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, sgap2, egap2 );
getdiaminofreq_part( diaf1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, sgap1, egap1 );
getdiaminofreq_part( diaf2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, sgap2, egap2 );
getgapfreq( gapf1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
getgapfreq( gapf2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
getgapfreq_zure_part( gapz1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1, sgap1 );
getgapfreq_zure_part( gapz2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2, sgap1 );
st_OpeningGapCount( ogcp1g, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
st_OpeningGapCount( ogcp2g, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
st_FinalGapCount_zure( fgcp1g, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
st_FinalGapCount_zure( fgcp2g, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
getdigapfreq_st( digf1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
getdigapfreq_st( digf2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
getdiaminofreq_x( diaf1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
getdiaminofreq_x( diaf2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
getgapfreq( gapf1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
getgapfreq( gapf2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
getgapfreq_zure( gapz1, icyc, seq1, eff1, lgth1 );
getgapfreq_zure( gapz2, jcyc, seq2, eff2, lgth2 );
#if 1
lastj = lgth2+2;
for( i=0; i<lastj; i++ )
og_h_dg_n2_p[i] = ( 1.0-ogcp2g[i]-digf2[i] ) * fpenalty * 0.5;
fg_h_dg_n2_p[i] = ( 1.0-fgcp2g[i]-digf2[i] ) * fpenalty * 0.5;
og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p[i] = (1.0-ogcp2g[i]+fgcp2g[i]-digf2[i]) * 0.5 * fpenalty;
fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p[i] = (1.0-fgcp2g[i]+ogcp2g[i]-digf2[i]) * 0.5 * fpenalty;
gapz_n2[i] = (1.0-gapz2[i]);
lastj = lgth1+2;
for( i=0; i<lastj; i++ )
og_h_dg_n1_p[i] = ( 1.0-ogcp1g[i]-digf1[i] ) * fpenalty * 0.5;
fg_h_dg_n1_p[i] = ( 1.0-fgcp1g[i]-digf1[i] ) * fpenalty * 0.5;
og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p[i] = (1.0-ogcp1g[i]+fgcp1g[i]-digf1[i]) * 0.5 * fpenalty;
fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p[i] = (1.0-fgcp1g[i]+ogcp1g[i]-digf1[i]) * 0.5 * fpenalty;
gapz_n1[i] = (1.0-gapz1[i]);
currentw = w1;
previousw = w2;
match_calc( initverticalw, cpmx2, cpmx1, 0, lgth1, floatwork, intwork, 1 );
if( localhom )
part_imp_match_out_vead_tate_gapmapQ( initverticalw, gapmap2[0]+start2, lgth1, start1, gapmap1 );
match_calc( currentw, cpmx1, cpmx2, 0, lgth2, floatwork, intwork, 1 );
if( localhom )
part_imp_match_out_vead_gapmapQ( currentw, gapmap1[0]+start1, lgth2, start2, gapmap2 );
#if 0 // -> tbfast.c
if( localhom )
imp_match_calc( currentw, icyc, jcyc, lgth1, lgth2, seq1, seq2, eff1, eff2, localhom, 1, 0 );
if( outgap == 1 )
g = 0.0;
g += ogcp1g[0] * og_h_dg_n2_p[0];
g += ogcp2g[0] * og_h_dg_n1_p[0];
g += fgcp1g[0] * fg_h_dg_n2_p[0];
g += fgcp2g[0] * fg_h_dg_n1_p[0];
initverticalw[0] += g;
currentw[0] += g;
for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
tmppenal = gapz_n2[0]*og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p[0];
initverticalw[i] += tmppenal;
tmppenal = gapz_n2[1]*fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p[i];
initverticalw[i] += tmppenal;
for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
tmppenal = gapz_n1[0]*og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p[0];
currentw[j] += tmppenal;
tmppenal = gapz_n1[1]*fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p[j];
currentw[j] += tmppenal;
for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
currentw[j] -= offset * j / 2.0;
for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
initverticalw[i] -= offset * i / 2.0;
m[0] = 0.0; // iranai
for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; ++j )
mp[j] = 0;
m[j] = currentw[j-1] + 10000 * fpenalty; //iinoka?
if( lgth2 == 0 )
lastverticalw[0] = 0.0; // Falign kara yobaretatoki kounarukanousei ari
lastverticalw[0] = currentw[lgth2-1];
if( outgap ) lasti = lgth1+1; else lasti = lgth1;
lastj = lgth2+1;
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "initverticalw = \n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth2+1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", initverticalw[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "fcgp\n" );
for( i=0; i<lgth1; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "fgcp1[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp1[i] );
for( i=0; i<lgth2; i++ )
fprintf( stderr, "fgcp2[%d]=%f\n", i, ogcp2[i] );
for( i=1; i<lasti; i++ )
wtmp = previousw;
previousw = currentw;
currentw = wtmp;
previousw[0] = initverticalw[i-1];
match_calc( currentw, cpmx1, cpmx2, i, lgth2, floatwork, intwork, 0 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
if( localhom )
// fprintf( stderr, "Calling imp_match_calc (o) lgth = %d, i = %d\n", lgth1, i );
// imp_match_out_vead( currentw, i, lgth2 );
part_imp_match_out_vead_gapmapQ( currentw, gapmap1[i]+start1, lgth2, start2, gapmap2 );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
fprintf( stderr, "i=%d\n", i );
fprintf( stderr, "currentw = \n" );
for( j=0; j<lgth2; j++ )
fprintf( stderr, "%5.2f ", currentw[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
currentw[0] = initverticalw[i];
mpi = 0;
mi = previousw[0] + 10000 * fpenalty;
ijppt = ijp[i] + 1;
mjpt = m + 1;
prept = previousw;
curpt = currentw + 1;
mpjpt = mp + 1;
fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p_pt = fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p + 1;
og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p_pt = og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p + 1;
og_h_dg_n2_p_pt = og_h_dg_n2_p + 1;
fg_h_dg_n2_p_pt = fg_h_dg_n2_p + 1;
gapz_n2_pt0 = gapz_n2 + 1;
gapz_n2_pt1 = gapz_n2 + 2;
fgcp2pt = fgcp2g + 1;
ogcp2pt = ogcp2g + 1;
fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p_va = fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p[i];
og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p_va = og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p[i];
og_h_dg_n1_p_va = og_h_dg_n1_p[i];
fg_h_dg_n1_p_va = fg_h_dg_n1_p[i];
gapz_n1_va0 = gapz_n1[i];
gapz_n1_va1 = gapz_n1[i+1];
fgcp1va = fgcp1g[i];
ogcp1va = ogcp1g[i];
for( j=1; j<lastj; j++ )
wm = *prept;
g = ogcp1va * *og_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
wm += g;
g = *ogcp2pt * og_h_dg_n1_p_va;
wm += g;
g = fgcp1va * *fg_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
wm += g;
g = *fgcp2pt * fg_h_dg_n1_p_va;
wm += g;
*ijppt = 0;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f->", wm );
tmppenal = gapz_n1_va1 * *fg_t_og_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
if( (g=mi+tmppenal) > wm )
wm = g;
*ijppt = -( j - mpi );
tmppenal = gapz_n1_va0 * *og_t_fg_h_dg_n2_p_pt;
if( (g=*prept+tmppenal) >= mi )
mi = g;
mpi = j-1;
mi += fpenalty_ex;
tmppenal = *gapz_n2_pt1 * fg_t_og_h_dg_n1_p_va;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f?", g );
if( (g=*mjpt+tmppenal) > wm )
wm = g;
*ijppt = +( i - *mpjpt );
tmppenal = *gapz_n2_pt0 * og_t_fg_h_dg_n1_p_va;
if( (g=*prept+tmppenal) >= *mjpt )
*mjpt = g;
*mpjpt = i-1;
m[j] += fpenalty_ex;
#if 0
fprintf( stderr, "%5.0f ", wm );
*curpt++ += wm;
lastverticalw[i] = currentw[lgth2-1];
if( !outgap )
for( j=1; j<lgth2+1; j++ )
currentw[j] -= offset * ( lgth2 - j ) / 2.0;
for( i=1; i<lgth1+1; i++ )
lastverticalw[i] -= offset * ( lgth1 - i / 2.0);
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) fprintf( stderr,"%s\n", seq1[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "#####\n" );
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) fprintf( stderr,"%s\n", seq2[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "====>" );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) strcpy( mseq1[i], seq1[i] );
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) strcpy( mseq2[j], seq2[j] );
if( localhom )
Atracking_localhom( impmatch, currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, cpmx1, cpmx2, ijp, icyc, jcyc, start1, end1, start2, end2, gapmap1, gapmap2 );
Atracking( currentw, lastverticalw, seq1, seq2, mseq1, mseq2, cpmx1, cpmx2, ijp, icyc, jcyc );
// fprintf( stderr, "### impmatch = %f\n", *impmatch );
resultlen = strlen( mseq1[0] );
if( alloclen < resultlen || resultlen > N )
fprintf( stderr, "alloclen=%d, resultlen=%d, N=%d\n", alloclen, resultlen, N );
ErrorExit( "LENGTH OVER!\n" );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) strcpy( seq1[i], mseq1[i] );
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) strcpy( seq2[j], mseq2[j] );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
for( i=0; i<icyc; i++ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", mseq1[i] );
fprintf( stderr, "#####\n" );
for( j=0; j<jcyc; j++ ) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", mseq2[j] );
// fprintf( stderr, "wm = %f\n", wm );
return( wm );