blob: 96d488a8929a6395cae70e87dd43bd1e49b62caf [file] [log] [blame]
* \file mode_decision.c
* \brief
* Main macroblock mode decision functions and helpers
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "rdopt_coding_state.h"
#include "mb_access.h"
#include "intrarefresh.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "transform8x8.h"
#include "ratectl.h"
#include "mode_decision.h"
#include "fmo.h"
#include "me_umhex.h"
#include "me_umhexsmp.h"
#include "macroblock.h"
imgpel temp_imgY[16][16]; // to temp store the Y data for 8x8 transform
const int b8_mode_table[6] = {0, 4, 5, 6, 7}; // DO NOT CHANGE ORDER !!!
const int mb_mode_table[9] = {0, 1, 2, 3, P8x8, I16MB, I4MB, I8MB, IPCM}; // DO NOT CHANGE ORDER !!!
double *mb16x16_cost_frame;
* \brief
* Update Rate Control Difference
void rc_store_diff(int cpix_x, int cpix_y, imgpel prediction[16][16])
int i, j;
int *iDst;
imgpel *Src1, *Src2;
for(j=0; j<MB_BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
iDst = diffy[j];
Src1 = imgY_org[cpix_y + j];
Src2 = prediction[j];
for (i=0; i<MB_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
iDst[i] = Src1[cpix_x + i] - Src2[i];
* \brief
* Fast intra decision
void fast_mode_intra_decision(short *intra_skip, double min_rate)
int i;
int mb_available_up, mb_available_left, mb_available_up_left;
long SBE;
double AR = 0, ABE = 0;
PixelPos up; //!< pixel position p(0,-1)
PixelPos left[2]; //!< pixel positions p(-1, -1..0)
for (i=0;i<2;i++)
getNeighbour(img->current_mb_nr, -1 , i-1 , IS_LUMA, &left[i]);
getNeighbour(img->current_mb_nr, 0 , -1 , IS_LUMA, &up);
mb_available_up = up.available;
mb_available_up_left = left[0].available;
mb_available_left = left[1].available;
SBE = 0;
if( (img->mb_y != (int)img->FrameHeightInMbs-1) && (img->mb_x != (int)img->PicWidthInMbs-1) && mb_available_left && mb_available_up)
for(i = 0; i < MB_BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
SBE += iabs(imgY_org[img->opix_y][img->opix_x+i] - enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y-1][img->pix_x+i]);
SBE += iabs(imgY_org[img->opix_y+i][img->opix_x] - enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y+i][img->pix_x-1]);
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
SBE += iabs(imgUV_org[0][img->opix_c_y][img->opix_c_x+i] - enc_picture->imgUV[0][img->pix_c_y-1][img->pix_c_x+i]);
SBE += iabs(imgUV_org[0][img->opix_c_y+i][img->opix_c_x] - enc_picture->imgUV[0][img->pix_c_y+i][img->pix_c_x-1]);
SBE += iabs(imgUV_org[1][img->opix_c_y][img->opix_c_x+i] - enc_picture->imgUV[1][img->pix_c_y-1][img->pix_c_x+i]);
SBE += iabs(imgUV_org[1][img->opix_c_y+i][img->opix_c_x] - enc_picture->imgUV[1][img->pix_c_y+i][img->pix_c_x-1]);
ABE = 1.0/64 * SBE;
else // Image boundary
ABE = 0;
if(AR <= ABE)
*intra_skip = 1;
* \brief
* Initialize Encoding parameters for Macroblock
void init_enc_mb_params(Macroblock* currMB, RD_PARAMS *enc_mb, int intra, int bslice)
int mode;
int l,k;
//Setup list offset
enc_mb->list_offset[LIST_0] = LIST_0 + currMB->list_offset;
enc_mb->list_offset[LIST_1] = LIST_1 + currMB->list_offset;
enc_mb->curr_mb_field = ((img->MbaffFrameFlag)&&(currMB->mb_field));
enc_mb->best_ref[LIST_0] = 0;
enc_mb->best_ref[LIST_1] = -1;
// Set valid modes
enc_mb->valid[I8MB] = input->Transform8x8Mode;
enc_mb->valid[I4MB] = (input->Transform8x8Mode==2) ? 0:1;
enc_mb->valid[I16MB] = 1;
enc_mb->valid[IPCM] = input->EnableIPCM;
enc_mb->valid[0] = (!intra );
enc_mb->valid[1] = (!intra && input->InterSearch16x16);
enc_mb->valid[2] = (!intra && input->InterSearch16x8);
enc_mb->valid[3] = (!intra && input->InterSearch8x16);
enc_mb->valid[4] = (!intra && input->InterSearch8x8);
enc_mb->valid[5] = (!intra && input->InterSearch8x4 && !(input->Transform8x8Mode==2));
enc_mb->valid[6] = (!intra && input->InterSearch4x8 && !(input->Transform8x8Mode==2));
enc_mb->valid[7] = (!intra && input->InterSearch4x4 && !(input->Transform8x8Mode==2));
enc_mb->valid[P8x8] = (enc_mb->valid[4] || enc_mb->valid[5] || enc_mb->valid[6] || enc_mb->valid[7]);
enc_mb->valid[12] = (img->type == SI_SLICE);
enc_mb->valid[I8MB] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[IPCM] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[0] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[1] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[2] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[3] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[4] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[5] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[6] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[7] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[P8x8] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[12] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[I4MB] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[I16MB] = 1;
enc_mb->valid[I4MB] = 1;
enc_mb->valid[I16MB] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[I8MB] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[IPCM] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[0] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[1] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[2] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[3] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[4] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[5] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[6] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[7] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[P8x8] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[12] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[I4MB] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[I16MB] = 1;
enc_mb->valid[I8MB] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[IPCM] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[0] = 0;
enc_mb->valid[I16MB] = 0;
// Note that these are now computed at the slice level to reduce
// computations and cleanup code.
if (bslice && img->nal_reference_idc)
enc_mb->lambda_md = img->lambda_md[5][img->qp];
enc_mb->lambda_me[F_PEL] = img->lambda_me[5][img->qp][F_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_me[H_PEL] = img->lambda_me[5][img->qp][H_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_me[Q_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[5][img->qp][Q_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_mf[F_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[5][img->qp][F_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_mf[H_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[5][img->qp][H_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_mf[Q_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[5][img->qp][Q_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_md = img->lambda_md[img->type][img->qp];
enc_mb->lambda_me[F_PEL] = img->lambda_me[img->type][img->qp][F_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_me[H_PEL] = img->lambda_me[img->type][img->qp][H_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_me[Q_PEL] = img->lambda_me[img->type][img->qp][Q_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_mf[F_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[img->type][img->qp][F_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_mf[H_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[img->type][img->qp][H_PEL];
enc_mb->lambda_mf[Q_PEL] = img->lambda_mf[img->type][img->qp][Q_PEL];
// Initialize bipredME decisions
for (mode=0; mode<MAXMODE; mode++)
if (!img->MbaffFrameFlag)
for (l = LIST_0; l < BI_PRED; l++)
for(k = 0; k < listXsize[l]; k++)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment= 0;
if(img->structure == TOP_FIELD && img->structure != listX[l][k]->structure)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = -2;
if(img->structure == BOTTOM_FIELD && img->structure != listX[l][k]->structure)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = 2;
if (enc_mb->curr_mb_field)
for (l = enc_mb->list_offset[LIST_0]; l <= enc_mb->list_offset[LIST_1]; l++)
for(k = 0; k < listXsize[l]; k++)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment= 0;
if(img->current_mb_nr % 2 == 0 && listX[l][k]->structure == BOTTOM_FIELD)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = -2;
if(img->current_mb_nr % 2 == 1 && listX[l][k]->structure == TOP_FIELD)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment = 2;
for (l = enc_mb->list_offset[LIST_0]; l <= enc_mb->list_offset[LIST_1]; l++)
for(k = 0; k < listXsize[l]; k++)
listX[l][k]->chroma_vector_adjustment= 0;
* \brief
* computation of prediction list (including biprediction) cost
void list_prediction_cost(int list, int block, int mode, RD_PARAMS enc_mb, int bmcost[5], signed char best_ref[2])
short ref;
int mcost;
int cur_list = list < BI_PRED ? enc_mb.list_offset[list] : enc_mb.list_offset[LIST_0];
//--- get cost and reference frame for forward prediction ---
if (list < BI_PRED)
for (ref=0; ref < listXsize[cur_list]; ref++)
if (!img->checkref || list || ref==0 || (input->RestrictRef && CheckReliabilityOfRef (block, list, ref, mode)))
// limit the number of reference frames to 1 when switching SP frames are used
if((!input->sp2_frame_indicator && !input->sp_output_indicator)||
((input->sp2_frame_indicator || input->sp_output_indicator) && (img->type!=P_SLICE && img->type!=SP_SLICE))||
((input->sp2_frame_indicator || input->sp_output_indicator) && ((img->type==P_SLICE || img->type==SP_SLICE) &&(ref==0))))
mcost = (input->rdopt
? REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], ref, cur_list)
: (int) (2 * enc_mb.lambda_me[Q_PEL] * imin(ref, 1)));
mcost += motion_cost[mode][list][ref][block];
if (mcost < bmcost[list])
bmcost[list] = mcost;
best_ref[list] = (signed char)ref;
else if (list == BI_PRED)
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)
int weight_sum = wbp_weight[0][(int) best_ref[LIST_0]][(int) best_ref[LIST_1]][0] + wbp_weight[1][(int) best_ref[LIST_0]][(int) best_ref[LIST_1]][0];
if (weight_sum < -128 || weight_sum > 127)
bmcost[list] = INT_MAX;
bmcost[list] = (input->rdopt
? (REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], (short)best_ref[LIST_0], cur_list)
+ REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], (short)best_ref[LIST_1], cur_list + LIST_1))
: (int) (2 * (enc_mb.lambda_me[Q_PEL] * (imin((short)best_ref[LIST_0], 1) + imin((short)best_ref[LIST_1], 1)))));
bmcost[list] += BIDPartitionCost (mode, block, (short)best_ref[LIST_0], (short)best_ref[LIST_1], enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL]);
bmcost[list] = (input->rdopt
? (REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], (short)best_ref[LIST_0], cur_list)
+ REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], (short)best_ref[LIST_1], cur_list + LIST_1))
: (int) (2 * (enc_mb.lambda_me[Q_PEL] * (imin((short)best_ref[LIST_0], 1) + imin((short)best_ref[LIST_1], 1)))));
bmcost[list] += BIDPartitionCost (mode, block, (short)best_ref[LIST_0], (short)best_ref[LIST_1], enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL]);
bmcost[list] = (input->rdopt
? (REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], 0, cur_list)
+ REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], 0, cur_list + LIST_1))
: (int) (4 * enc_mb.lambda_me[Q_PEL]));
bmcost[list] += BPredPartitionCost(mode, block, 0, 0, enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], !(list&1));
int compute_ref_cost(RD_PARAMS enc_mb, int ref, int list)
return WEIGHTED_COST(enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL],((listXsize[enc_mb.list_offset[list]] <= 1)? 0:refbits[ref]));
* \brief
* Determination of prediction list based on simple distortion computation
void determine_prediction_list(int mode, int bmcost[5], signed char best_ref[2], signed char *best_pdir, int *cost, short *bi_pred_me)
if ((!input->BiPredMotionEstimation) || (mode != 1))
//--- get prediction direction ----
if (bmcost[LIST_0] <= bmcost[LIST_1]
&& bmcost[LIST_0] <= bmcost[BI_PRED])
*best_pdir = 0;
*cost += bmcost[LIST_0];
else if (bmcost[LIST_1] <= bmcost[LIST_0]
&& bmcost[LIST_1] <= bmcost[BI_PRED])
*best_pdir = 1;
*cost += bmcost[LIST_1];
*best_pdir = 2;
*cost += bmcost[BI_PRED];
*bi_pred_me = 0;
//--- get prediction direction ----
if (bmcost[LIST_0] <= bmcost[LIST_1]
&& bmcost[LIST_0] <= bmcost[BI_PRED]
&& bmcost[LIST_0] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L0]
&& bmcost[LIST_0] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L1])
*best_pdir = 0;
*cost += bmcost[LIST_0];
//best_ref[LIST_1] = 0;
else if (bmcost[LIST_1] <= bmcost[LIST_0]
&& bmcost[LIST_1] <= bmcost[BI_PRED]
&& bmcost[LIST_1] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L0]
&& bmcost[LIST_1] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L1])
*best_pdir = 1;
*cost += bmcost[LIST_1];
//best_ref[LIST_0] = 0;
else if (bmcost[BI_PRED] <= bmcost[LIST_0]
&& bmcost[BI_PRED] <= bmcost[LIST_1]
&& bmcost[BI_PRED] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L0]
&& bmcost[BI_PRED] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L1])
*best_pdir = 2;
*cost += bmcost[BI_PRED];
//best_ref[LIST_1] = 0;
else if (bmcost[BI_PRED_L0] <= bmcost[LIST_0]
&& bmcost[BI_PRED_L0] <= bmcost[LIST_1]
&& bmcost[BI_PRED_L0] <= bmcost[BI_PRED]
&& bmcost[BI_PRED_L0] <= bmcost[BI_PRED_L1])
*best_pdir = 2;
*cost += bmcost[BI_PRED_L0];
*bi_pred_me = 1;
best_ref[LIST_1] = 0;
best_ref[LIST_0] = 0;
*best_pdir = 2;
*cost += bmcost[BI_PRED_L1];
*bi_pred_me = 2;
best_ref[LIST_1] = 0;
best_ref[LIST_0] = 0;
* \brief
* RD decision process
void compute_mode_RD_cost(int mode,
Macroblock *currMB,
RD_PARAMS enc_mb,
double *min_rdcost,
double *min_rate,
int i16mode,
short bslice,
short *inter_skip)
//--- transform size ---
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = input->Transform8x8Mode==2
? (mode >= 1 && mode <= 3)
|| (mode == 0 && bslice && active_sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag)
|| ((mode == P8x8) && (enc_mb.valid[4]))
: 0;
//store_coding_state (cs_cm); // RD
SetModesAndRefframeForBlocks (mode);
// Encode with coefficients
img->NoResidueDirect = 0;
if ((input->FastCrIntraDecision )
|| (currMB->c_ipred_mode == DC_PRED_8 || (IS_INTRA(currMB) )))
if (RDCost_for_macroblocks (enc_mb.lambda_md, mode, min_rdcost, min_rate, i16mode))
//Rate control
if (input->RCEnable)
if(mode == P8x8)
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag == 1 ? tr8x8.mpr8x8 : tr4x4.mpr8x8);
rc_store_diff(img->opix_x, img->opix_y, pred);
store_macroblock_parameters (mode);
if(input->rdopt == 2 && mode == 0 && input->EarlySkipEnable)
// check transform quantized coeff.
if(currMB->cbp == 0)
*inter_skip = 1;
// Go through transform modes.
// Note that if currMB->cbp is 0 one could choose to skip 8x8 mode
// although this could be due to deadzoning decisions.
//if (input->Transform8x8Mode==1 && currMB->cbp!=0)
if (input->Transform8x8Mode==1)
//=========== try mb_types 1,2,3 with 8x8 transform ===========
if ((mode >= 1 && mode <= 3) && currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag == 0)
//try with 8x8 transform size
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 1;
//=========== try DIRECT-MODE with 8x8 transform ===========
else if (mode == 0 && bslice && active_sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag && currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag == 0)
//try with 8x8 transform size
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 1;
//=========== try mb_type P8x8 for mode 4 with 4x4/8x8 transform ===========
else if ((mode == P8x8) && (enc_mb.valid[4]) && (currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag == 0))
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 1; //check 8x8 partition for transform size 8x8
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 0;
// Encode with no coefficients. Currently only for direct. This could be extended to all other modes as in example.
//if (mode < P8x8 && (*inter_skip == 0) && enc_mb.valid[mode] && currMB->cbp && (currMB->cbp&15) != 15 && !input->nobskip)
if ( bslice && mode == 0 && (*inter_skip == 0) && enc_mb.valid[mode]
&& currMB->cbp && (currMB->cbp&15) != 15 && !input->nobskip)
img->NoResidueDirect = 1;
if (RDCost_for_macroblocks (enc_mb.lambda_md, mode, min_rdcost, min_rate, i16mode))
//Rate control
if (input->RCEnable)
store_macroblock_parameters (mode);
* \brief
* Mode Decision for an 8x8 sub-macroblock
void submacroblock_mode_decision(RD_PARAMS enc_mb,
RD_8x8DATA *dataTr,
Macroblock *currMB,
int ***cofACtr,
int *have_direct,
short bslice,
int block,
int *cost_direct,
int *cost,
int *cost8x8_direct,
int transform8x8)
int64 curr_cbp_blk;
double min_rdcost, rdcost = 0.0;
int j0, i0, j1, i1;
int i,j, k;
int min_cost8x8, index;
int mode;
int direct4x4_tmp, direct8x8_tmp;
int bmcost[5] = {INT_MAX};
int cnt_nonz = 0;
int dummy;
int best_cnt_nonz = 0;
int maxindex = (transform8x8) ? 2 : 5;
int pix_x, pix_y;
int block_x, block_y;
int lambda_mf[3];
static int fadjust[16][16], fadjustCr[2][16][16];
int ***fadjustTransform = transform8x8? img->fadjust8x8 : img->fadjust4x4;
int ****fadjustTransformCr = transform8x8? img->fadjust8x8Cr : img->fadjust4x4Cr;
int lumaAdjustIndex = transform8x8? 2 : 3;
int chromaAdjustIndex = transform8x8? 0 : 2;
short pdir;
short bi_pred_me;
signed char best_pdir = 0;
signed char best_ref[2] = {0, -1};
int best_nz_coeff[2][2];
//--- set coordinates ---
j0 = ((block>>1)<<3);
j1 = (j0>>2);
i0 = ((block&0x01)<<3);
i1 = (i0>>2);
for(j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
best_nz_coeff[i][j] = img->nz_coeff[img->current_mb_nr][i1 + i][j1 + j] = 0;
if (transform8x8)
currMB->luma_transform_size_8x8_flag = 1; //switch to transform size 8x8
//--- store coding state before coding ---
store_coding_state (cs_cm);
for (min_cost8x8=INT_MAX, min_rdcost=1e30, index=(bslice?0:1); index<maxindex; index++)
mode = b8_mode_table[index];
*cost = 0;
if (enc_mb.valid[mode] && (transform8x8 == 0 || mode != 0 || (mode == 0 && active_sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag)))
curr_cbp_blk = 0;
if (mode==0)
//--- Direct Mode ---
if (!input->rdopt )
direct4x4_tmp = 0;
direct8x8_tmp = 0;
direct4x4_tmp = GetDirectCost8x8 ( block, &direct8x8_tmp);
if ((direct4x4_tmp==INT_MAX)||(*cost_direct==INT_MAX))
*cost_direct = INT_MAX;
if (transform8x8)
*cost8x8_direct = INT_MAX;
*cost_direct += direct4x4_tmp;
if (transform8x8)
*cost8x8_direct += direct8x8_tmp;
(*have_direct) ++;
if (transform8x8)
case 1: // Mixture of 8x8 & 4x4 transform
if((direct8x8_tmp < direct4x4_tmp) || !(enc_mb.valid[5] && enc_mb.valid[6] && enc_mb.valid[7]))
*cost = direct8x8_tmp;
*cost = direct4x4_tmp;
case 2: // 8x8 Transform only
*cost = direct8x8_tmp;
default: // 4x4 Transform only
*cost = direct4x4_tmp;
if (input->Transform8x8Mode==2)
*cost = INT_MAX;
*cost = direct4x4_tmp;
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
block_y = img->block_y+(block&2);
best_ref[LIST_0] = direct_ref_idx[LIST_0][block_y][block_x];
best_ref[LIST_1] = direct_ref_idx[LIST_1][block_y][block_x];
best_pdir = direct_pdir[block_y][block_x];
} // if (mode==0)
//======= motion estimation for all reference frames ========
lambda_mf[F_PEL] = (input->CtxAdptLagrangeMult == 0)
? enc_mb.lambda_mf[F_PEL] :(int)(enc_mb.lambda_mf[F_PEL] * lambda_mf_factor);
lambda_mf[H_PEL] = (input->CtxAdptLagrangeMult == 0)
? enc_mb.lambda_mf[H_PEL] :(int)(enc_mb.lambda_mf[H_PEL] * lambda_mf_factor);
lambda_mf[Q_PEL] = (input->CtxAdptLagrangeMult == 0)
? enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL] :(int)(enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL] * lambda_mf_factor);
PartitionMotionSearch (mode, block, lambda_mf);
//--- get cost and reference frame for LIST 0 prediction ---
bmcost[LIST_0] = INT_MAX;
list_prediction_cost(LIST_0, block, mode, enc_mb, bmcost, best_ref);
//store LIST 0 reference index for every block
block_x = img->block_x+(block&1)*2;
block_y = img->block_y+(block&2);
for (j = block_y; j< block_y + 2; j++)
for (i = block_x; i < block_x + 2; i++)
enc_picture->ref_idx [LIST_0][j][i] = best_ref[LIST_0];
enc_picture->ref_pic_id[LIST_0][j][i] =
if (bslice)
//--- get cost and reference frame for LIST 1 prediction ---
bmcost[LIST_1] = INT_MAX;
bmcost[BI_PRED] = INT_MAX;
list_prediction_cost(LIST_1, block, mode, enc_mb, bmcost, best_ref);
// Compute bipredictive cost between best list 0 and best list 1 references
list_prediction_cost(BI_PRED, block, mode, enc_mb, bmcost, best_ref);
//--- get prediction direction ----
determine_prediction_list(mode, bmcost, best_ref, &best_pdir, cost, &bi_pred_me);
//store backward reference index for every block
for (j = block_y; j< block_y + 2; j++)
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][j][block_x], best_ref[LIST_0], 2 * sizeof(char));
memset(&enc_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][j][block_x], best_ref[LIST_1], 2 * sizeof(char));
} // if (bslice)
best_pdir = 0;
*cost = bmcost[LIST_0];
} // if (mode!=0)
if (input->rdopt)
//--- get and check rate-distortion cost ---
rdcost = RDCost_for_8x8blocks (&cnt_nonz, &curr_cbp_blk, enc_mb.lambda_md,
block, mode, best_pdir, best_ref[LIST_0], best_ref[LIST_1]);
if (*cost!=INT_MAX)
*cost += (REF_COST (enc_mb.lambda_mf[Q_PEL], B8Mode2Value (mode, best_pdir),
enc_mb.list_offset[(best_pdir<1?LIST_0:LIST_1)]) - 1);
//--- set variables if best mode has changed ---
if ( ( input->rdopt && rdcost < min_rdcost)
|| (!input->rdopt && *cost < min_cost8x8))
min_cost8x8 = *cost;
min_rdcost = rdcost;
dataTr->part8x8mode [block] = mode;
dataTr->part8x8pdir [block] = best_pdir;
dataTr->part8x8fwref[block] = best_ref[LIST_0];
dataTr->part8x8bwref[block] = best_ref[LIST_1];
img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr].b8mode[block] = mode;
for(j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
best_nz_coeff[i][j]= cnt_nonz ? img->nz_coeff[img->current_mb_nr][i1 + i][j1 + j] : 0;
//--- store number of nonzero coefficients ---
best_cnt_nonz = cnt_nonz;
if (input->rdopt)
//--- store block cbp ---
cbp_blk8x8 &= (~(0x33 << (((block>>1)<<3)+((block%2)<<1)))); // delete bits for block
cbp_blk8x8 |= curr_cbp_blk;
//--- store coefficients ---
for (k=0; k< 4; k++)
for (j=0; j< 2; j++)
memcpy(&cofACtr[k][j][0],&img->cofAC[block][k][j][0], 65 * sizeof(int));
//--- store reconstruction and prediction ---
for (j=j0; j<j0+8; j++)
pix_y = img->pix_y + j;
for (i=i0; i<i0+8; i++)
pix_x = img->pix_x + i;
dataTr->rec_mbY8x8[j][i] = enc_picture->imgY[pix_y][pix_x];
dataTr->mpr8x8[j][i] = img->mpr[j][i];
if(img->type==SP_SLICE && (!si_frame_indicator))
dataTr->lrec[j][i]=lrec[pix_y][pix_x]; // store the coefficients for primary SP slice
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
for (j=j0; j<j0+8; j++)
memcpy(&fadjust[j][i0], &fadjustTransform[0][j][i0], 8 * sizeof(int));
if (input->AdaptRndChroma)
int j0_cr = (j0 * img->mb_cr_size_y) / MB_BLOCK_SIZE;
int i0_cr = (i0 * img->mb_cr_size_x) / MB_BLOCK_SIZE;
for (j=j0_cr; j<j0_cr+(img->mb_cr_size_y >> 1); j++)
memcpy(&fadjustCr[0][j][i0_cr], &fadjustTransformCr[0][0][j][i0_cr], (img->mb_cr_size_x >> 1) * sizeof(int));
memcpy(&fadjustCr[1][j][i0_cr], &fadjustTransformCr[0][1][j][i0_cr], (img->mb_cr_size_x >> 1) * sizeof(int));
//--- store best 8x8 coding state ---
if (block < 3)
store_coding_state (cs_b8);
} // if (rdcost <= min_rdcost)
//--- re-set coding state as it was before coding with current mode was performed ---
reset_coding_state (cs_cm);
} // if ((enc_mb.valid[mode] && (transform8x8 == 0 || mode != 0 || (mode == 0 && active_sps->direct_8x8_inference_flag)))
} // for (min_rdcost=1e30, index=(bslice?0:1); index<6; index++)
for(j = 0; j <= 1; j++)
for(i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
img->nz_coeff[img->current_mb_nr][i1 + i][j1 + j] = best_nz_coeff[i][j];
if (!transform8x8)
dataTr->cost8x8 += min_cost8x8;
if (!input->rdopt)
if (transform8x8)
dataTr->cost8x8 += min_cost8x8;
mode = dataTr->part8x8mode[block];
pdir = dataTr->part8x8pdir[block];
mode = dataTr->part8x8mode[block];
pdir = dataTr->part8x8pdir[block];
curr_cbp_blk = 0;
best_cnt_nonz = LumaResidualCoding8x8 (&dummy, &curr_cbp_blk, block, pdir,
(pdir==0||pdir==2?mode:0), (pdir==1||pdir==2?mode:0), dataTr->part8x8fwref[block], dataTr->part8x8bwref[block]);
cbp_blk8x8 &= (~(0x33 << (((block>>1)<<3)+((block%2)<<1)))); // delete bits for block
cbp_blk8x8 |= curr_cbp_blk;
//--- store coefficients ---
for (k=0; k< 4; k++)
for (j=0; j< 2; j++)
memcpy(cofACtr[k][j],img->cofAC[block][k][j],65 * sizeof(int));
//--- store reconstruction and prediction ---
for (j=j0; j<j0+2* BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&dataTr->rec_mbY8x8[j][i0], &enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y + j][img->pix_x + i0], 2* BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof (imgpel));
memcpy(&dataTr->mpr8x8[j][i0], &img->mpr[j][i0], 2* BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof (imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator))
memcpy(&dataTr->lrec[j][i0],&lrec[img->pix_y+j][img->pix_x+i0],2*BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(int)); // store coefficients for primary SP slice
//----- set cbp and count of nonzero coefficients ---
if (best_cnt_nonz)
cbp8x8 |= (1 << block);
cnt_nonz_8x8 += best_cnt_nonz;
if (!transform8x8)
if (block<3)
//===== re-set reconstructed block =====
j0 = 8*(block >> 1);
i0 = 8*(block & 0x01);
for (j=j0; j<j0 + 2 * BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&enc_picture->imgY[img->pix_y + j][img->pix_x], dataTr->rec_mbY8x8[j], 2 * BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(imgpel));
if(img->type==SP_SLICE &&(!si_frame_indicator))
memcpy(&lrec[img->pix_y + j][img->pix_x], dataTr->lrec[j],2*BLOCK_SIZE*sizeof(imgpel)); // reset the coefficients for SP slice
} // if (block<3)
//======= save motion data for 8x8 partition for transform size 8x8 ========
StoreNewMotionVectorsBlock8x8(0, block, dataTr->part8x8mode[block], dataTr->part8x8fwref[block], dataTr->part8x8bwref[block], dataTr->part8x8pdir[block], bslice);
//===== set motion vectors and reference frames (prediction) =====
SetRefAndMotionVectors (block, dataTr->part8x8mode[block], dataTr->part8x8pdir[block], dataTr->part8x8fwref[block], dataTr->part8x8bwref[block]);
//===== set the coding state after current block =====
//if (transform8x8 == 0 || block < 3)
if (block < 3)
reset_coding_state (cs_b8);
if (img->AdaptiveRounding)
for (j=j0; j<j0+2 * BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
memcpy(&fadjustTransform [lumaAdjustIndex][j][i0], &fadjust[j][i0], 2 * BLOCK_SIZE * sizeof(int));
if (input->AdaptRndChroma)
int j0_cr = (j0 * img->mb_cr_size_y) >> MB_BLOCK_SHIFT;
int i0_cr = (i0 * img->mb_cr_size_x) >> MB_BLOCK_SHIFT;
for (j=j0_cr; j<j0_cr+(img->mb_cr_size_y >> 1); j++)
memcpy(&fadjustTransformCr[chromaAdjustIndex][0][j][i0_cr], &fadjustCr[0][j][i0_cr], (img->mb_cr_size_x >> 1) * sizeof(int));
memcpy(&fadjustTransformCr[chromaAdjustIndex][1][j][i0_cr], &fadjustCr[1][j][i0_cr], (img->mb_cr_size_x >> 1) * sizeof(int));
* \brief
* Checks whether a primary SP slice macroblock was encoded as I16
int check_for_SI16()
int i,j;
return 0;
return 1;
void get_initial_mb16x16_cost()
Macroblock* currMB = &img->mb_data[img->current_mb_nr];
if (currMB->mb_available_left && currMB->mb_available_up)
mb16x16_cost = (mb16x16_cost_frame[img->current_mb_nr - 1] +
mb16x16_cost_frame[img->current_mb_nr - (img->width>>4)] + 1)/2.0;
else if (currMB->mb_available_left)
mb16x16_cost = mb16x16_cost_frame[img->current_mb_nr - 1];
else if (currMB->mb_available_up)
mb16x16_cost = mb16x16_cost_frame[img->current_mb_nr - (img->width>>4)];
lambda_mf_factor = mb16x16_cost < CALM_MF_FACTOR_THRESHOLD ? 1.0 : sqrt(mb16x16_cost / (CALM_MF_FACTOR_THRESHOLD * img->lambda_mf_factor[img->type][img->qp]));
void adjust_mb16x16_cost(int cost)
mb16x16_cost = (double) cost;
mb16x16_cost_frame[img->current_mb_nr] = mb16x16_cost;
lambda_mf_factor = (mb16x16_cost < CALM_MF_FACTOR_THRESHOLD)
? 1.0
: sqrt(mb16x16_cost / (CALM_MF_FACTOR_THRESHOLD * img->lambda_mf_factor[img->type][img->qp]));