blob: 289dbf8e3d09d18a782cd1e06e57fcf077f3c1c1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===----RTLs/amdgpu/utils/UtilitiesRTL.h ------------------------- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// RTL Utilities for AMDGPU plugins
#include <cstdint>
#include "Shared/Debug.h"
#include "omptarget.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Error.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/AMDGPUMetadataVerifier.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/ELF.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/MsgPackDocument.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBufferRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
using namespace llvm::ELF;
namespace llvm {
namespace omp {
namespace target {
namespace plugin {
namespace utils {
// The implicit arguments of COV5 AMDGPU kernels.
struct AMDGPUImplicitArgsTy {
uint32_t BlockCountX;
uint32_t BlockCountY;
uint32_t BlockCountZ;
uint16_t GroupSizeX;
uint16_t GroupSizeY;
uint16_t GroupSizeZ;
uint8_t Unused0[46]; // 46 byte offset.
uint16_t GridDims;
uint8_t Unused1[190]; // 190 byte offset.
// Dummy struct for COV4 implicitargs.
struct AMDGPUImplicitArgsTyCOV4 {
uint8_t Unused[56];
uint32_t getImplicitArgsSize(uint16_t Version) {
? sizeof(AMDGPUImplicitArgsTyCOV4)
: sizeof(AMDGPUImplicitArgsTy);
/// Parse a TargetID to get processor arch and feature map.
/// Returns processor subarch.
/// Returns TargetID features in \p FeatureMap argument.
/// If the \p TargetID contains feature+, FeatureMap it to true.
/// If the \p TargetID contains feature-, FeatureMap it to false.
/// If the \p TargetID does not contain a feature (default), do not map it.
StringRef parseTargetID(StringRef TargetID, StringMap<bool> &FeatureMap) {
if (TargetID.empty())
return llvm::StringRef();
auto ArchFeature = TargetID.split(":");
auto Arch = ArchFeature.first;
auto Features = ArchFeature.second;
if (Features.empty())
return Arch;
if (Features.contains("sramecc+")) {
FeatureMap.insert(std::pair<StringRef, bool>("sramecc", true));
} else if (Features.contains("sramecc-")) {
FeatureMap.insert(std::pair<StringRef, bool>("sramecc", false));
if (Features.contains("xnack+")) {
FeatureMap.insert(std::pair<StringRef, bool>("xnack", true));
} else if (Features.contains("xnack-")) {
FeatureMap.insert(std::pair<StringRef, bool>("xnack", false));
return Arch;
/// Check if an image is compatible with current system's environment.
bool isImageCompatibleWithEnv(const __tgt_image_info *Info,
StringRef EnvTargetID) {
llvm::StringRef ImageTargetID(Info->Arch);
// Compatible in case of exact match.
if (ImageTargetID == EnvTargetID) {
DP("Compatible: Exact match \t[Image: %s]\t:\t[Env: %s]\n",,;
return true;
// Incompatible if Archs mismatch.
StringMap<bool> ImgMap, EnvMap;
StringRef ImgArch = utils::parseTargetID(ImageTargetID, ImgMap);
StringRef EnvArch = utils::parseTargetID(EnvTargetID, EnvMap);
// Both EnvArch and ImgArch can't be empty here.
if (EnvArch.empty() || ImgArch.empty() || !ImgArch.contains(EnvArch)) {
DP("Incompatible: Processor mismatch \t[Image: %s]\t:\t[Env: %s]\n",,;
return false;
// Incompatible if image has more features than the environment,
// irrespective of type or sign of features.
if (ImgMap.size() > EnvMap.size()) {
DP("Incompatible: Image has more features than the Environment \t[Image: "
"%s]\t:\t[Env: %s]\n",,;
return false;
// Compatible if each target feature specified by the environment is
// compatible with target feature of the image. The target feature is
// compatible if the iamge does not specify it (meaning Any), or if it
// specifies it with the same value (meaning On or Off).
for (const auto &ImgFeature : ImgMap) {
auto EnvFeature = EnvMap.find(ImgFeature.first());
if (EnvFeature == EnvMap.end() ||
(EnvFeature->first() == ImgFeature.first() &&
EnvFeature->second != ImgFeature.second)) {
DP("Incompatible: Value of Image's non-ANY feature is not matching with "
"the Environment's non-ANY feature \t[Image: %s]\t:\t[Env: %s]\n",,;
return false;
// Image is compatible if all features of Environment are:
// - either, present in the Image's features map with the same sign,
// - or, the feature is missing from Image's features map i.e. it is
// set to ANY
DP("Compatible: Target IDs are compatible \t[Image: %s]\t:\t[Env: %s]\n",,;
return true;
struct KernelMetaDataTy {
uint64_t KernelObject;
uint32_t GroupSegmentList;
uint32_t PrivateSegmentSize;
uint32_t SGPRCount;
uint32_t VGPRCount;
uint32_t SGPRSpillCount;
uint32_t VGPRSpillCount;
uint32_t KernelSegmentSize;
uint32_t ExplicitArgumentCount;
uint32_t ImplicitArgumentCount;
uint32_t RequestedWorkgroupSize[3];
uint32_t WorkgroupSizeHint[3];
uint32_t WavefronSize;
uint32_t MaxFlatWorkgroupSize;
namespace {
/// Reads the AMDGPU specific per-kernel-metadata from an image.
class KernelInfoReader {
KernelInfoReader(StringMap<KernelMetaDataTy> &KIM) : KernelInfoMap(KIM) {}
/// Process ELF note to read AMDGPU metadata from respective information
/// fields.
Error processNote(const object::ELF64LE::Note &Note, size_t Align) {
if (Note.getName() != "AMDGPU")
return Error::success(); // We are not interested in other things
assert(Note.getType() == ELF::NT_AMDGPU_METADATA &&
"Parse AMDGPU MetaData");
auto Desc = Note.getDesc(Align);
StringRef MsgPackString =
StringRef(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(, Desc.size());
msgpack::Document MsgPackDoc;
if (!MsgPackDoc.readFromBlob(MsgPackString, /*Multi=*/false))
return Error::success();
AMDGPU::HSAMD::V3::MetadataVerifier Verifier(true);
if (!Verifier.verify(MsgPackDoc.getRoot()))
return Error::success();
auto RootMap = MsgPackDoc.getRoot().getMap(true);
if (auto Err = iterateAMDKernels(RootMap))
return Err;
return Error::success();
/// Extracts the relevant information via simple string look-up in the msgpack
/// document elements.
Error extractKernelData(msgpack::MapDocNode::MapTy::value_type V,
std::string &KernelName,
KernelMetaDataTy &KernelData) {
if (!V.first.isString())
return Error::success();
const auto isKey = [](const msgpack::DocNode &DK, StringRef SK) {
return DK.getString() == SK;
const auto getSequenceOfThreeInts = [](msgpack::DocNode &DN,
uint32_t *Vals) {
assert(DN.isArray() && "MsgPack DocNode is an array node");
auto DNA = DN.getArray();
assert(DNA.size() == 3 && "ArrayNode has at most three elements");
int i = 0;
for (auto DNABegin = DNA.begin(), DNAEnd = DNA.end(); DNABegin != DNAEnd;
++DNABegin) {
Vals[i++] = DNABegin->getUInt();
if (isKey(V.first, ".name")) {
KernelName = V.second.toString();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".sgpr_count")) {
KernelData.SGPRCount = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".sgpr_spill_count")) {
KernelData.SGPRSpillCount = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".vgpr_count")) {
KernelData.VGPRCount = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".vgpr_spill_count")) {
KernelData.VGPRSpillCount = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".private_segment_fixed_size")) {
KernelData.PrivateSegmentSize = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".group_segement_fixed_size")) {
KernelData.GroupSegmentList = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".reqd_workgroup_size")) {
getSequenceOfThreeInts(V.second, KernelData.RequestedWorkgroupSize);
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".workgroup_size_hint")) {
getSequenceOfThreeInts(V.second, KernelData.WorkgroupSizeHint);
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".wavefront_size")) {
KernelData.WavefronSize = V.second.getUInt();
} else if (isKey(V.first, ".max_flat_workgroup_size")) {
KernelData.MaxFlatWorkgroupSize = V.second.getUInt();
return Error::success();
/// Get the "amdhsa.kernels" element from the msgpack Document
Expected<msgpack::ArrayDocNode> getAMDKernelsArray(msgpack::MapDocNode &MDN) {
auto Res = MDN.find("amdhsa.kernels");
if (Res == MDN.end())
return createStringError(inconvertibleErrorCode(),
"Could not find amdhsa.kernels key");
auto Pair = *Res;
assert(Pair.second.isArray() &&
"AMDGPU kernel entries are arrays of entries");
return Pair.second.getArray();
/// Iterate all entries for one "amdhsa.kernels" entry. Each entry is a
/// MapDocNode that either maps a string to a single value (most of them) or
/// to another array of things. Currently, we only handle the case that maps
/// to scalar value.
Error generateKernelInfo(msgpack::ArrayDocNode::ArrayTy::iterator It) {
KernelMetaDataTy KernelData;
std::string KernelName;
auto Entry = (*It).getMap();
for (auto MI = Entry.begin(), E = Entry.end(); MI != E; ++MI)
if (auto Err = extractKernelData(*MI, KernelName, KernelData))
return Err;
KernelInfoMap.insert({KernelName, KernelData});
return Error::success();
/// Go over the list of AMD kernels in the "amdhsa.kernels" entry
Error iterateAMDKernels(msgpack::MapDocNode &MDN) {
auto KernelsOrErr = getAMDKernelsArray(MDN);
if (auto Err = KernelsOrErr.takeError())
return Err;
auto KernelsArr = *KernelsOrErr;
for (auto It = KernelsArr.begin(), E = KernelsArr.end(); It != E; ++It) {
if (!It->isMap())
continue; // we expect <key,value> pairs
// Obtain the value for the different entries. Each array entry is a
// MapDocNode
if (auto Err = generateKernelInfo(It))
return Err;
return Error::success();
// Kernel names are the keys
StringMap<KernelMetaDataTy> &KernelInfoMap;
} // namespace
/// Reads the AMDGPU specific metadata from the ELF file and propagates the
/// KernelInfoMap
Error readAMDGPUMetaDataFromImage(MemoryBufferRef MemBuffer,
StringMap<KernelMetaDataTy> &KernelInfoMap,
uint16_t &ELFABIVersion) {
Error Err = Error::success(); // Used later as out-parameter
auto ELFOrError = object::ELF64LEFile::create(MemBuffer.getBuffer());
if (auto Err = ELFOrError.takeError())
return Err;
const object::ELF64LEFile ELFObj = ELFOrError.get();
ArrayRef<object::ELF64LE::Shdr> Sections = cantFail(ELFObj.sections());
KernelInfoReader Reader(KernelInfoMap);
// Read the code object version from ELF image header
auto Header = ELFObj.getHeader();
ELFABIVersion = (uint8_t)(Header.e_ident[ELF::EI_ABIVERSION]);
DP("ELFABIVERSION Version: %u\n", ELFABIVersion);
for (const auto &S : Sections) {
if (S.sh_type != ELF::SHT_NOTE)
for (const auto N : ELFObj.notes(S, Err)) {
if (Err)
return Err;
// Fills the KernelInfoTabel entries in the reader
if ((Err = Reader.processNote(N, S.sh_addralign)))
return Err;
return Error::success();
} // namespace utils
} // namespace plugin
} // namespace target
} // namespace omp
} // namespace llvm