imp(CLI): uses clap to parse command line

This commit re-introduces `clap` as a dependency and removes `docopt`.
There are a few motivating factors:

- When `cargo-outdated` was originally created, it used `clap`
- When `cargo` became a dependency of `cargo-oudated` the CLI parser was
  changed to `docopt` because that's what `cargo` used.
- Since that time, `cargo` has changed it's CLI parser to `clap`
- [`docopt` has been effectively unmaintained for  years](, which is also noted in the README

This commit shaves ~31 seconds off the compile time on my CPU (Intel i9-9980HK). I
haven't dug into this, but I'm assuming because it's able to re-use the
`clap` compiled as for both `cargo-oudated` and `cargo` in the dep graph
(more on this below). It also seems to have removed some duplicate deps
with different versions.

Why use clap 2.x instead of clap 3.x or Structopt? Because that's what
`cargo` is using so we are able to re-use the compilation between. This
would still be the case with Structopt, however with clap v3 on the
horizon (fingers crossed) I'd prefer to just upgrade at that point
instead of worry about any differences. Plus any gains in compile time
would be reversed by using Structopt's Custom Derive (same with clap v3
6 files changed
tree: f00a7c60c48cb48e977f066be0d2514f5641f20c
  1. .cargo/
  2. .github/
  3. src/
  4. .clog.toml
  5. .gitignore
  6. bors.toml
  7. Cargo.lock
  8. Cargo.toml
  12. justfile
  15. rustfmt.toml


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A cargo subcommand for displaying when Rust dependencies are out of date


cargo-outdated is for displaying when dependencies have newer versions available.

How it works

The functionality of cargo-outdated largely depends on the cargo builtin command cargo update.

To retrieve the list of available SemVer compatible dependencies, cargo-outdated firstly creates a temporary workspace, then executes cargo update against it, finally compares the temporary dependency tree with the original one.

Similarly, to check the latest dependencies, cargo-outdated replaces the SemVer requirements of direct dependencies with wildcards then goes through the same process.


Once installed (see below) running cargo outdated in a project directory looks like the following:

$ cargo outdated
Name             Project  Compat  Latest   Kind         Platform
----             -------  ------  ------   ----         --------
clap             2.20.0   2.20.5  2.26.0   Normal       ---
clap->bitflags   0.7.0    ---     0.9.1    Normal       ---
clap->libc       0.2.18   0.2.29  Removed  Normal       ---
clap->term_size  0.2.1    0.2.3   0.3.0    Normal       ---
clap->vec_map    0.6.0    ---     0.8.0    Normal       ---
num_cpus         1.6.0    ---     1.6.2    Development  ---
num_cpus->libc   0.2.18   0.2.29  0.2.29   Normal       ---
pkg-config       0.3.8    0.3.9   0.3.9    Build        ---
term             0.4.5    ---     0.4.6    Normal       ---
term_size->libc  0.2.18   0.2.29  0.2.29   Normal       cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))


The latest version of cargo-outdated can be installed or updated with cargo install:

cargo install --locked cargo-outdated


cargo install --locked --git


Follow these instructions to compile cargo-outdated, then skip down to Installation.

  1. Ensure you have current version of cargo and Rust installed
  2. Clone the project $ git clone && cd cargo-outdated
  3. Build the project $ cargo build --release
  4. Once complete, the binary will be located at target/release/cargo-outdated

Installation and Usage

All you need to do is place cargo-outdated somewhere in your $PATH. Then run cargo outdated anywhere in your project directory. For full details see below.

Linux / OS X

You have two options, place cargo-outdated into a directory that is already located in your $PATH variable (To see which directories those are, open a terminal and type echo "${PATH//:/\n}", the quotation marks are important), or you can add a custom directory to your $PATH

Option 1 If you have write permission to a directory listed in your $PATH or you have root permission (or via sudo), simply copy the cargo-outdated to that directory # sudo cp cargo-outdated /usr/local/bin

Option 2 If you do not have root, sudo, or write permission to any directory already in $PATH you can create a directory inside your home directory, and add that. Many people use $HOME/.bin to keep it hidden (and not clutter your home directory), or $HOME/bin if you want it to be always visible. Here is an example to make the directory, add it to $PATH, and copy cargo-outdated there.

Simply change bin to whatever you'd like to name the directory, and .bashrc to whatever your shell startup file is (usually .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .zshrc)

mkdir ~/bin
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
cp cargo-outdated ~/bin
source ~/.bashrc


This library depends on OpenSSL. On MacOS a newer version of OpenSSL than is installed by default is needed. This can be installed with Homebrew via brew install openssl or openssl can be vendored in with --features vendored-openssl. Learn more about building OpenSSL here,


On Windows 7/8 you can add directory to the PATH variable by opening a command line as an administrator and running

setx path "%path%;C:\path\to\cargo-outdated\binary"

Otherwise, ensure you have the cargo-outdated binary in the directory which you operating in the command line from, because Windows automatically adds your current directory to PATH (i.e. if you open a command line to C:\my_project\ to use cargo-outdated ensure cargo-outdated.exe is inside that directory as well).


There are a few options for using cargo-outdated which should be somewhat self explanatory.

Displays information about project dependency versions

    cargo outdated [options]

    -a, --aggressive            Ignores channels for latest updates
    -h, --help                  Prints help information
        --format FORMAT         Output formatting [default: list]
                                [values: list, json]
    -i, --ignore DEPENDENCIES   Comma separated list of dependencies to not print in the output
    -x, --exclude DEPENDENCIES  Comma separated list of dependencies to exclude from building
    -q, --quiet                 Suppresses warnings
    -R, --root-deps-only        Only check root dependencies (Equivalent to --depth=1)
    -V, --version               Prints version information
    -v, --verbose ...           Use verbose output
    -w, --workspace             Checks updates for all workspace members rather than
                                only the root package
        --color COLOR           Coloring: auto, always, never [default: auto]
                                [values: auto, always, never]
    -d, --depth NUM             How deep in the dependency chain to search
                                (Defaults to all dependencies when omitted)
        --exit-code NUM         The exit code to return on new versions found [default: 0]
        --features FEATURES     Space-separated list of features
    -m, --manifest-path FILE    Path to the Cargo.toml file to use
                                (Defaults to Cargo.toml in project root)
    -p, --packages PKGS         Packages to inspect for updates
    -r, --root ROOT             Package to treat as the root package


cargo-outdated is released under the terms of either the MIT or Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE-MIT or LICENSE-APACHE file for the details.