tree: e8199b90cc3bb68f865d198d0d2d67f2f221f469 [path history] [tgz]
  1. component_release/
  2. Source/
  4. igvpkrn_g11_icllp.c
  5. igvpkrn_g11_icllp.h
  6. media_srcs.cmake

Media Driver Open Source Kernel

Step1: Building IGA (Intel Graphics Assembler)

  1. Download or clone IGC (Intel Graphics Compiler)

  2. Chdir into ‘intel-graphics-compiler’ (or any other workspace folder of choice)

    It should read the following folder strucutre:

    workspace |- visa |- IGC |- inc |- 3d |- skuwa

  3. Chdir into IGA sub-component

   cd visa/iga
  1. Create build directory
    mkdir build
  1. Change into build directory
    cd build
  1. Run cmake
   cmake ../
  1. Run make to build IGA project
  1. Get the output executable “iga64” in IGAExe folder

Step2: Building the other post processing tools

  1. Download or clone Tool

  2. Chdir into “Tools/MediaDriverTools/GenKrnBin”

  3. Create build directory

   mkdir build
  1. Change into build directory
   cd build
  1. Run cmake
   cmake ../
  1. Run make to build GenKrnBin project
  1. Get the output executable “GenKrnBin” in build folder

  2. Chdir into “Tools/MediaDriverTools/KernelBinToSource”

  3. Create build directory

    mkdir build
  1. Change into build directory

    cd build

  2. Run cmake

    cmake ../
  1. Run make to build KernelBinToSource project
  1. Get the output executable “KernelBinToSource” in build folder

  2. Chdir into “Tools/MediaDriverTools/KrnToHex_IGA”

  3. Create build directory

    mkdir build
  1. Change into build directory
    cd build
  1. Run cmake
    cmake ../
  1. Run make to build KrnToHex_IGA project
  1. Get the output executable “KrnToHex_IGA” in build folder

Step3: Building the kernel asm code to igvpkrn_g11_icllp.c and igvpkrn_g11_icllp.h

  1. Download or clone Driver source code

  2. Chdir into “./agnostic/gen11_icllp/vp/kernel”

  3. Create compile directory

   mkdir compile
  1. Copy tool biniary (GenKrnBin, KernelBinToSource and KrnToHex_IGA) from step2 to compile folder

  2. Create IGA directory

   mkdir IGA
  1. Copy tool biniary (iga64) from step1 to IGA folder

  2. Chdir into “./agnostic/gen11_icllp/vp/kernel”

  3. run script to generate igvpkrn_g11_icllp.c and igvpkrn_g11_icllp.h