blob: 9d7f67f1e1d1300ec55c197ee81df4201c39f6c2 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
* next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
* of the Software.
* \file va_enc_av1.h
* \brief AV1 encoding API
* This file contains the \ref api_enc_av1 "AV1 encoding API".
#ifndef VA_ENC_AV1_H
#define VA_ENC_AV1_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h>
* \defgroup api_enc_av1 AV1 encoding API
* This AV1 encoding API supports 8-bit/10bit 420 format only.
* @{
/** \brief Attribute value for VAConfigAttribEncAV1.
* This attribute decribes the supported features of an AV1
* encoder configuration.
* All of the field values in this attribute are VA_FEATURE_* values,
* indicating support for the corresponding feature.
typedef union _VAConfigAttribValEncAV1 {
struct {
* \brief Use 128x128 superblock.
* Allows setting use_128x128_superblock in the SPS.
uint32_t support_128x128_superblock : 2;
* \brief Intra filter.
* Allows setting enable_filter_intra in the SPS.
uint32_t support_filter_intra : 2;
* \brief Intra edge filter.
* Allows setting enable_intra_edge_filter in the SPS.
uint32_t support_intra_edge_filter : 2;
* \brief Interintra compound.
* Allows setting enable_interintra_compound in the SPS.
uint32_t support_interintra_compound : 2;
* \brief Masked compound.
* Allows setting enable_masked_compound in the SPS.
uint32_t support_masked_compound : 2;
* \brief Warped motion.
* Allows setting enable_warped_motion in the SPS.
uint32_t support_warped_motion : 2;
* \brief Palette mode.
* Allows setting palette_mode in the PPS.
uint32_t support_palette_mode : 2;
* \brief Dual filter.
* Allows setting enable_dual_filter in the SPS.
uint32_t support_dual_filter : 2;
* \brief Jnt compound.
* Allows setting enable_jnt_comp in the SPS.
uint32_t support_jnt_comp : 2;
* \brief Refrence frame mvs.
* Allows setting enable_ref_frame_mvs in the SPS.
uint32_t support_ref_frame_mvs : 2;
* \brief Super resolution.
* Allows setting enable_superres in the SPS.
uint32_t support_superres : 2;
* \brief Restoration.
* Allows setting enable_restoration in the SPS.
uint32_t support_restoration : 2;
* \brief Allow intraBC.
* Allows setting allow_intrabc in the PPS.
uint32_t support_allow_intrabc : 2;
* \brief Cdef channel strength.
* Allows setting cdef_y_strengths and cdef_uv_strengths in PPS.
uint32_t support_cdef_channel_strength : 2;
/** \brief Reserved bits for future, must be zero. */
uint32_t reserved : 4;
} bits;
uint32_t value;
} VAConfigAttribValEncAV1;
/** \brief Attribute value for VAConfigAttribEncAV1Ext1. */
typedef union _VAConfigAttribValEncAV1Ext1 {
struct {
* \brief Fields indicate which types of interpolation filter are supported.
* (interpolation_filter & 0x01) == 1: eight_tap filter is supported, 0: not.
* (interpolation_filter & 0x02) == 1: eight_tap_smooth filter is supported, 0: not.
* (interpolation_filter & 0x04) == 1: eight_sharp filter is supported, 0: not.
* (interpolation_filter & 0x08) == 1: bilinear filter is supported, 0: not.
* (interpolation_filter & 0x10) == 1: switchable filter is supported, 0: not.
uint32_t interpolation_filter : 5;
* \brief segmentId block size accepted.
* Application need to send seg_id_block_size in PPS equal or larger than this value.
* one bit represent one block size defined as VA_SEGID_BLOCKXXXX
* should be (1 << VA_SEGID_BLOCKXXX | 1 << VA_SEGID_BLOCKXXX ... )
uint32_t min_segid_block_size_accepted : 8;
* \brief Type of segment feature supported.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x01) == 1: SEG_LVL_ALT_Q is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x02) == 1: SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_V is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x04) == 1: SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_Y_H is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x08) == 1: SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_U is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x10) == 1: SEG_LVL_ALT_LF_V is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x20) == 1: SEG_LVL_REF_FRAME is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x40) == 1: SEG_LVL_SKIP is supported, 0: not.
* (segment_feature_support & 0x80) == 1: SEG_LVL_GLOBALMV is supported, 0: not.
uint32_t segment_feature_support : 8;
/** \brief Reserved bits for future, must be zero. */
uint32_t reserved : 11;
} bits;
uint32_t value;
} VAConfigAttribValEncAV1Ext1;
/** \brief Attribute value for VAConfigAttribEncAV1Ext2. */
typedef union _VAConfigAttribValEncAV1Ext2 {
struct {
* \brief Tile size bytes minus1.
* Specify the number of bytes needed to code tile size supported.
* This value need to be set in frame header obu.
uint32_t tile_size_bytes_minus1 : 2;
* \brief Tile size bytes minus1.
* Specify the fixed number of bytes needed to code syntax obu_size.
uint32_t obu_size_bytes_minus1 : 2;
* \brief tx_mode supported.
* (tx_mode_support & 0x01) == 1: ONLY_4X4 is supported, 0: not.
* (tx_mode_support & 0x02) == 1: TX_MODE_LARGEST is supported, 0: not.
* (tx_mode_support & 0x04) == 1: TX_MODE_SELECT is supported, 0: not.
uint32_t tx_mode_support : 3;
* \brief Max tile num minus1.
* Specify the max number of tile supported by driver.
uint32_t max_tile_num_minus1 : 13;
/** \brief Reserved bits for future, must be zero. */
uint32_t reserved : 12;
} bits;
uint32_t value;
} VAConfigAttribValEncAV1Ext2;
* \brief Packed header types specific to AV1 encoding.
* Types of packed headers generally used for AV1 encoding.
typedef enum {
* \brief Packed Sequence Parameter Set (SPS).
* The corresponding packed header data buffer shall contain the
* complete sequence_header_obu() syntax element.
VAEncPackedHeaderAV1_SPS = VAEncPackedHeaderSequence,
* \brief Packed Picture Parameter Set (PPS).
* The corresponding packed header data buffer shall contain the
* complete frame_header_obu() syntax element.
VAEncPackedHeaderAV1_PPS = VAEncPackedHeaderPicture,
} VAEncPackedHeaderTypeAV1;
* \brief AV1 Encoding Sequence Parameter Buffer Structure.
* This structure conveys sequence level parameters.
typedef struct _VAEncSequenceParameterBufferAV1 {
/** \brief AV1 profile setting.
* value range [0..2].
uint8_t seq_profile;
/** \brief Level Setting of current operation point.
* value range [0..23].
uint8_t seq_level_idx;
/** \brief Tier Setting of current operation point.
* value range [0..1].
uint8_t seq_tier;
/** \brief Indicates whether or not the encoding is in dyadic hierarchical GOP structure.
* value range [0..1].
uint8_t hierarchical_flag;
/** \brief Period between intra_only frames. */
uint32_t intra_period;
/** \brief Period between I/P frames.
* For hierarchical structure, this is the anchor frame distance.
uint32_t ip_period;
/* \brief RC related fields. RC modes are set with VAConfigAttribRateControl. */
/* For AV1, CBR implies HRD conformance and VBR implies no HRD conformance. */
* \brief Initial bitrate set for this sequence in CBR or VBR modes.
* This field represents the initial bitrate value for CBR mode or
* initial max bitrate value for VBR mode in this sequence.
* i.e. if the encoder pipeline was created with a #VAConfigAttribRateControl
* attribute set to either \ref VA_RC_CBR or \ref VA_RC_VBR.
* The bitrate can be modified later on through
* #VAEncMiscParameterRateControl buffers.
uint32_t bits_per_second;
union {
struct {
/** \brief Still picture encoding, no inter frame referencing. */
uint32_t still_picture : 1;
/** \brief Force using 128x128 or 64x64 Supper block */
uint32_t use_128x128_superblock : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_filter_intra : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_intra_edge_filter : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_interintra_compound : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_masked_compound : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_warped_motion : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_dual_filter : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_order_hint : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_jnt_comp : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_ref_frame_mvs : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_superres : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_cdef : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t enable_restoration : 1;
/** \brief Sepcify number of bits for every channel(Y, U or V). */
uint32_t bit_depth_minus8 : 3;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t subsampling_x : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t subsampling_y : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t mono_chrome : 1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t reserved_bits : 12;
} bits;
uint32_t value;
} seq_fields;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..7].
uint8_t order_hint_bits_minus_1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero */
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_HIGH];
} VAEncSequenceParameterBufferAV1;
#define VA_AV1_SEG_LVL_MAX 8
* \brief Segment parameters
typedef struct _VAEncSegParamAV1 {
union {
struct {
/** \brief Indicates if segmentation is enabled in the current frame.
* If disabled, all the below parameters in the structure should
* be set to 0, and ignored by driver.
uint8_t segmentation_enabled : 1;
* When segmentation_enabled equals 1 and segment_number > 0,
* this parameter equals 1 indicates the segmentation map may
* come from application, and that "Segment map data buffer"
* should be provided with populated segment_id. If equals 0,
* segmentation map should be inherited from a reference frame
* (specified by \c primary_ref_frame). When segmentation_enabled or
* segment_number equals 0, this parameter should be set to 0
* and ignored by driver.
uint8_t segmentation_update_map : 1;
* When segmentation_update_map equals 1, this parameter equaling 1
* indicates segment id per block will be determined either from
* reference frame or from app. Equaling 0 means segment id per block
* will come from app. When segmentation_temporal_update equals 0,
* this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint8_t segmentation_temporal_update : 1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint8_t reserved : 5;
} bits;
uint8_t value;
} seg_flags;
* If segmentation_enabled equals 1, this parameter indicates
* the number of segments conveyed through VAAPI. In this case,
* if segment_number equals 0, it will force the driver to determine
* how many segments would be created as well as the segmentation map
* to be generated. Also the driver shall write the segmentation_params()
* syntax in the uncompressed header at \c bit_offset_segmentation (back-annotation).
* In application, the rest parameters in this structure should be all
* set to 0 and ignored by driver. And app should NOT send the
* "Segment map data buffer". In packed uncompressed header
* bitstream, app should write syntax element segmentation_enabled
* as 0 and segmentation_params() should be only 1-bit-long.
* If segment_number > 0, and segmentation_update_map = 1, app should provide
* the "Segment map data buffer" and populate the rest of the
* current data structure. And that underline encoder would honor
* the segmentation parameters feature_data[0..segment_number-1][]
* and feature_mask[0..segment_number-1], etc.
* Value range [0..8].
uint8_t segment_number;
/** \brief segment parameters.
* feature_data[][] is equivalent to variable FeatureData[][] in spec,
* which is after clip3() operation.
* Clip3(x, y, z) = (z<x)? x : ((z > y)? y : z);
* The limit is defined in Segmentation_Feature_Max[ SEG_LVL_MAX ] = {
* MAX_LOOP_FILTER, 7, 0, 0 }
int16_t feature_data[VA_AV1_MAX_SEGMENTS][VA_AV1_SEG_LVL_MAX];
/** \brief Bit field to indicate each feature is enabled or not per
* segment_id. Each bit is the feature_id.
uint8_t feature_mask[VA_AV1_MAX_SEGMENTS];
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_LOW];
} VAEncSegParamAV1;
* \brief Segment map data buffer.
* This buffer is optional depending on the value of av1_segments.segmentation_enabled.
* If av1_segments.segmentation_enabled in the picture parameters equals 1,
* and RateControlMethod is not CQP and this surface is not provided by App,
* the encoder will determine the per block segmentation map. In this case,
* App should not provide the segmentation parameter data structure
* in frame header as well. If av1_segments.segmentation_enabled equals 1
* and the segmentation map buffer is provided, app should embed the
* segmentation info in frame header, populate the VAEncSegParamAV1 structure with
* #VAEncMacroblockMapBufferType and the driver as well as the underline encoder
* should honor what is given by the app.
typedef struct _VAEncSegMapBufferAV1 {
/** \brief Segment map data size. */
uint32_t segmentMapDataSize;
* \brief Segment map.
* Size of this map is indicated by \ref segmentMapDataSize and each element
* in this map contains the segment id of a particular block.
* The element is indexed by raster scan order.
* The value of each entry should be in the range [0..7], inclusive.
uint8_t *pSegmentMap;
} VAEncSegMapBufferAV1;
typedef enum {
/** \brief Identity transformation, 0-parameter. */
VAAV1EncTransformationIdentity = 0,
/** \brief Translational motion, 2-parameter. */
VAAV1EncTransformationTranslation = 1,
/** \brief Simplified affine with rotation + zoom only, 4-parameter. */
VAAV1EncTransformationRotzoom = 2,
/** \brief Affine, 6-parameter. */
VAAV1EncTransformationAffine = 3,
/** \brief Transformation count. */
} VAEncTransformationTypeAV1;
typedef struct _VAEncWarpedMotionParamsAV1 {
/** \brief Specify the type of warped motion. */
VAEncTransformationTypeAV1 wmtype;
/** \brief Specify warp motion parameters.
* wm.wmmat[] corresponds to gm_params[][] in spec.
* Details in AV1 spec section 5.9.24 or refer to libaom code
int32_t wmmat[8];
/** \brief Valid or invalid on affine set. */
uint8_t invalid;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_LOW];
} VAEncWarpedMotionParamsAV1;
* \brief Reference frame control.
* Suggest which frame to be used as reference along with preferred search order.
* search_idx#: index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame will be included
* in the reference list if value in range [1..7]. Invalid when value is 0.
* The order of the search_idx# indicates the preferred search order.
typedef union {
struct {
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx0 : 3;
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx1 : 3;
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx2 : 3;
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx3 : 3;
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx4 : 3;
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx5 : 3;
* \brief Value used as index into ref_frame_idx[] to indicate that frame
* will be included in the reference list.
* valid value range: [1..7], invalid when value is 0.
uint32_t search_idx6 : 3;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t Reserved : 11;
} fields;
uint32_t value;
} VARefFrameCtrlAV1;
* \brief AV1 Encoding Picture Parameter Buffer Structure.
* This structure conveys picture level parameters.
typedef struct _VAEncPictureParameterBufferAV1 {
/** \brief AV1 encoder may support SupRes and dynamic scaling function.
* For SupRes, underline encoder is responsible to do downscaling.
* For dynamic scaling, app should provide the scaled raw source.
/** \brief Raw source frame width in pixels. */
uint16_t frame_width_minus_1;
/** \brief Raw source frame height in pixels. */
uint16_t frame_height_minus_1;
/** \brief Surface to store reconstructed frame, not used for enc only case. */
VASurfaceID reconstructed_frame;
/** \brief Buffer to store coded data. */
VABufferID coded_buf;
/** \brief Reference frame buffers.
* Each entry of the array specifies the surface index of the picture
* that is referred by current picture or will be referred by any future
* picture. The valid entries take value from 0 to 127, inclusive.
* Non-valid entries, those do not point to pictures which are referred
* by current picture or future pictures, should take value 0xFF.
* Other values are not allowed.
* Application should update this array based on the refreshing
* information expected.
VASurfaceID reference_frames[8];
/** \brief Reference index list.
* Contains a list of indices into refernce_frames[].
* Indice with refernce frames range: [LAST_FRAME - LAST_FRAME,
* #define LAST_FRAME 1
* #define LAST2_FRAME 2
* #define LAST3_FRAME 3
* #define GOLDEN_FRAME 4
* #define BWDREF_FRAME 5
* #define ALTREF_FRAME 6
* #define ALTREF2_FRAME 7
* value range [0..7].
uint8_t ref_frame_idx[7];
/** \brief When hierarchical_level_plus1 > 0, hierarchical_level_plus1-1 indicates
* the current frame's level. If VAEncMiscParameterTemporalLayerStructure
* is valid (number_of_layers >0), hierarchical_level_plus1 shouldn't larger than number_of_layers.
uint8_t hierarchical_level_plus1;
/** \brief primary reference frame.
* Index into reference_frames[]
* segment id map, context table, etc. come from the reference
* frame pointed by this index.
* value range [0..7].
uint8_t primary_ref_frame;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint8_t order_hint;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint8_t refresh_frame_flags;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint8_t reserved8bits1;
/** \brief Suggest which frames to be used as references.
* see struct #VARefFrameCtrl for details.
VARefFrameCtrlAV1 ref_frame_ctrl_l0;
VARefFrameCtrlAV1 ref_frame_ctrl_l1;
union {
struct {
/** \brief frame type.
* 0: key_frame.
* 1: inter_frame.
* 2: intra_only frame.
* 3: switch_frame (app needs to set error_resilient_mode = 1,
* refresh_frame_flags, etc approperately.).
uint32_t frame_type : 2;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t error_resilient_mode : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t disable_cdf_update : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t use_superres : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t allow_high_precision_mv : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t use_ref_frame_mvs : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t disable_frame_end_update_cdf : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t reduced_tx_set : 1;
/** \brief For single tile group, app may choose to use one frame obu
* to replace one frame header obu + one tile group obu.
* Invalid if num_tile_groups_minus1 > 0.
uint32_t enable_frame_obu : 1;
/** \brief Indicate the current frame will be used as a long term reference. */
uint32_t long_term_reference : 1;
/** \brief If the encoded frame will not be referred by other frames,
* its recon may not be generated in order to save memory bandwidth.
uint32_t disable_frame_recon : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t allow_intrabc : 1;
/** \brief Equal to 1 indicates that intra blocks may use palette encoding.
* Otherwise disable palette encoding.
uint32_t palette_mode_enable : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t allow_screen_content_tools : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint32_t force_integer_mv : 1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t reserved : 16;
} bits;
uint32_t value;
} picture_flags;
/** \brief Block size for each Segment ID in Segment Map.
* should be \c VA_SEGID_BLOCK_XXXX;
uint8_t seg_id_block_size;
/** \brief Number of tile groups minus 1.
* value range [0..255].
uint8_t num_tile_groups_minus1;
/** \brief Temporal id of the frame.*/
uint8_t temporal_id;
/** \brief Deblock filter parameters.
* value range [0..63].
uint8_t filter_level[2];
uint8_t filter_level_u;
uint8_t filter_level_v;
union {
struct {
/** \brief Sharpness level for deblock filter.
* value range [0..7].
uint8_t sharpness_level : 3;
uint8_t mode_ref_delta_enabled : 1;
uint8_t mode_ref_delta_update : 1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint8_t reserved : 3;
} bits;
uint8_t value;
} loop_filter_flags;
/** \brief Super resolution scale denominator.
* value range [9..16].
uint8_t superres_scale_denominator;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint8_t interpolation_filter;
/** \brief Loop filter ref deltas.
* value range [-63..63].
int8_t ref_deltas[8];
/** \brief Loop filter mode deltas.
* value range [-63..63].
int8_t mode_deltas[2];
/** \brief Quantization params. */
uint8_t base_qindex;
int8_t y_dc_delta_q;
int8_t u_dc_delta_q;
int8_t u_ac_delta_q;
int8_t v_dc_delta_q;
int8_t v_ac_delta_q;
/** \brief Min value for base q index for BRC.
* value range [1..255].
uint8_t min_base_qindex;
/** \brief Max value for base q index for BRC.
* value range [1..255].
uint8_t max_base_qindex;
/** \brief Quantization matrix. */
union {
struct {
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint16_t using_qmatrix : 1;
/** \brief Following parameters only valid when using_qmatrix == 1. */
uint16_t qm_y : 4;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint16_t qm_u : 4;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name. */
uint16_t qm_v : 4;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint16_t reserved : 3;
} bits;
uint16_t value;
} qmatrix_flags;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint16_t reserved16bits1;
union {
struct {
/** \brief Specify whether quantizer index delta values are present.
* value range [0..1]. */
uint32_t delta_q_present : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..3]. */
uint32_t delta_q_res : 2;
/** \brief Specify whether loop filter delta values are present.
* value range [0..1]. */
uint32_t delta_lf_present : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..3]. */
uint32_t delta_lf_res : 2;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..1]. */
uint32_t delta_lf_multi : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* 0: ONLY_4X4;
* 3: Invalid.
uint32_t tx_mode : 2;
/** \brief Indicates whether to use single or compound reference prediction.
* 3: Invalid.
* Value 2 means driver make decision to use single reference or compound reference.
uint32_t reference_mode : 2;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..1].
uint32_t skip_mode_present : 1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t reserved : 20;
} bits;
uint32_t value;
} mode_control_flags;
/** \brief Segmentation parameters. */
VAEncSegParamAV1 segments;
/** \brief Number of tile columns. */
uint8_t tile_cols;
/** \brief Number of tile rows. */
uint8_t tile_rows;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint16_t reserved16bits2;
/** \brief The last tile column or row size needs to be derived. */
uint16_t width_in_sbs_minus_1[63];
uint16_t height_in_sbs_minus_1[63];
/** \brief specify which tile to use for the CDF update.
* value range [0..127]*/
uint16_t context_update_tile_id;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..3].
uint8_t cdef_damping_minus_3;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..3].
uint8_t cdef_bits;
/** \brief CDEF Y strengths.
* value range [0..63]*/
uint8_t cdef_y_strengths[8];
/** \brief CDEF UV strengths.
* value range [0..63]*/
uint8_t cdef_uv_strengths[8];
union {
struct {
/** \brief Restoration type for Y frame.
* value range [0..3].
uint16_t yframe_restoration_type : 2;
/** \brief Restoration type for Cb frame.
* value range [0..3].
uint16_t cbframe_restoration_type : 2;
/** \brief Restoration type for Cr frame.
* value range [0..3].
uint16_t crframe_restoration_type : 2;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..2].
uint16_t lr_unit_shift : 2;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..1].
uint16_t lr_uv_shift : 1;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint16_t reserved : 7;
} bits;
uint16_t value;
} loop_restoration_flags;
/** \brief Global motion. */
VAEncWarpedMotionParamsAV1 wm[7];
* Offset in bits for syntax base_q_idx in packed frame header bit stream
* from the start of the packed header data.
* In BRC mode, this parameter should be set and driver will update base_q_idx in
* uncompressed header according to this offset.
* In CQP mode, this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t bit_offset_qindex;
* Offset in bits for syntax segmentation_enabled of frame header OBU
* in packed frame header bit stream from the start of the packed header data.
* Valid only in auto segmentation mode. Other than that, this parameter
* should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t bit_offset_segmentation;
* Offset in bits for syntax loop_filter_params() in packed frame
* header bit stream from the start of the packed header data.
* In BRC mode, this parameter should be set and driver will update filter params
* in packed frame header according to this offset.
* In CQP mode, this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t bit_offset_loopfilter_params;
* In BRC mode, underline encoder should generate the approperiate
* CDEF values and write back into uncompressed header. And app
* should provide default CDEF values in packed header. This parameter
* should point to the starting bit of cdef_params() syntax structure
* in packed header.
* In CQP mode, this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t bit_offset_cdef_params;
* In BRC mode, this parameter indicates the actual bit usage of
* cdef_params() syntax structure in packed uncompressed header.
* In CQP mode, this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t size_in_bits_cdef_params;
* Offset in bytes for syntax obu_size of frame header OBU in packed
* frame header bit stream from the start of the packed header. The frame
* header OBU size depends on the encoded tile sizes. It applies to both
* Frame Header OBU and Frame OBU if obu_size needs to be updated by
* underline encoder. Otherwise, app can set it to 0 and ignored by driver.
* In BRC mode, obu_size needs to be updated and this parameter should be set.
* In CQP mode, obu_size needs to be updated if \c enable_frame_obu == 1. Otherwise
* this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t byte_offset_frame_hdr_obu_size;
* Frame header OBU bit stream size in bits. The frame header obu packed bit
* stream contains an obu header, a 4-byte long obu_size field, frame_header_obu()
* syntax chain, and a trailing bit if not inside a frame obu. If \c enable_frame_obu == 1,
* the value should include and up to the last bit of frame_header_obu() and
* excluding the bits generated by byte_alignment(). If \c enable_frame_obu == 0,
* the value should include and up to the trailing bit at the end of the frame
* header obu. The size will be used by encoder to calculate the final frame
* header size after bit shifting due to auto segmentation.
* In CQP mode, this parameter should be set to 0 and ignored by driver.
uint32_t size_in_bits_frame_hdr_obu;
/** \brief Tile Group OBU header */
union {
struct {
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..1].
uint8_t obu_extension_flag : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..1].
uint8_t obu_has_size_field : 1;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..7].
uint8_t temporal_id : 3;
/** \brief Corresponds to AV1 syntax element of the same name.
* value range [0..2].
uint8_t spatial_id : 2;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint8_t reserved : 1;
} bits;
uint8_t value;
} tile_group_obu_hdr_info;
/** \brief The number of frames skipped prior to the current frame.
* It includes only the skipped frames that were not counted before.
* App may generate the "show_existing_frame" short frame header OBUs
* and send to driver with the next frame. Default value 0.
uint8_t number_skip_frames;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint16_t reserved16bits3;
/** \brief Indicates the application forced frame size change in bytes.
* When the value is positive, the frame size is reduced. Otherwise, the frame
* size increases. The parameter can be used when application skips frames with
* setting of NumSkipFrames. And application can also use it for other scenarios
* such as inserting "show_existing_frame" at very end of the sequence.
int32_t skip_frames_reduced_size;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_HIGH];
} VAEncPictureParameterBufferAV1;
* \brief Tile Group Buffer.
typedef struct _VAEncTileGroupBufferAV1 {
/** \brief Tile group start location.
* The position of the first tile in current tile group
* in raster scan order across the frame.
* value range [0..127].
uint8_t tg_start;
/** \brief Tile group end location.
* The position of the last tile in current tile group
* in raster scan order across the frame.
* value range [0..127].
uint8_t tg_end;
/** \brief Reserved bytes for future use, must be zero. */
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_LOW];
} VAEncTileGroupBufferAV1;
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* VA_ENC_AV1_H */