blob: 5c59bb0ffa4a0cf1fc11ad06f4e970870fa8375b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
* distribute, sub license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
* the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the
* next paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions
* of the Software.
* \file va_prot.h
* \brief Protected content API.
* This file contains the \ref api_prot "Protected content API".
#ifndef VA_PROT_H
#define VA_PROT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* \defgroup api_prot Protected content API
* @{
* \section prolouge Prolouge
* Video streaming is ubiquitous and the support for video streaming is widely
* available across client open systems such as PCs, MACs, Chromebooks etc. and
* closed systems such as settop box, smart TVs, DVDs etc. By default,
* video streaming is not considered premium due to various constraints such as
* resolution, quality, production cost etc. but recently streaming of premium
* video(1080p+) has become norm. The streaming of premium video in open systems
* such as PCs, MACs, Chromebooks etc. makes video particularly susceptible to
* piracy (due to non-video playback usages of such systems) resulting in
* millions of dollars of loss to content creators.
* Digital Rights Management(DRM) has been proposed to stop piracy of premium
* video streams across a wide spectrum. There are some known open/closed DRM
* standards such as [Widevine by Google](,
* [PlayReady by Microsoft](,
* [FairPlay by Apple](,
* [Merlin by Sony](, etc... Each DRM
* standard has its properties but all DRM standards support a common
* mechanism. This common mechanism involves cryptographical method for
* authenticating the client system, delivering bitstream and required
* cryptographic assets to client system and then cryptographically processing
* bitstream in client system. The cryptographic methods used in these steps
* are asymmetric such as RSA, DH etc. and symmetric such as AES CTR, CBC etc.
* encryption mechanisms. The authentication of client system, delivery of
* bitstream and cryptographic assets to client system is performed using
* asymmetric cryptographic mechanism while bitstream is encrypted and processed
* using symmetric cryptographic. In DRM world, authentication of client system,
* delivery of bitstream and required cryptographic assets to client system is
* loosely called provisioning and license acquisition while the processing of
* cryptographically secure bitstream is divided as video decryption/decoding,
* audio decryption/playback, video display. Besides DRM standards, Video/Audio
* bitstream encryption standard such as
* [Common Encryption Standard(CENC)](
* provides a mechanism to normalize bitstream encryption methods across vendors
* while providing flexibility.
* \section DRM Pipeline
* Most DRM standards execute the following deep pipeline to playback
* contents on client systems from streaming servers - provisioning uses
* provisioning servers, licence aquisition uses license servers, video
* bitstream delivery uses content servers and decryption/decoding, audio
* bitstream delivery uses content servers and decyption/playback,
* display/playback. The system level HWDRM sequence diagram is following -
* ![HWDRM sequence diagram](
* and HWDRM pipeline view is following -
* ![HWDRM pipeline view](
* \section LibVA Protected Content APIs
* The LibVA Protected APIs are designed to enable DRM capabilities or
* facilitate isolated communicaiton with TEE.
* The VAEntrypointProtectedTEEComm is to define interfaces for Application
* to TEE direct communication to perform various TEE centric operations
* such as standalone provisioning of platform at factory or provisioning
* TEE for other usages, providing TEE capabilities etc.
* The VAEntrypointProtectedContent is to define interfaces for protected
* video playback using HWDRM. This entry point co-ordinates assets across
* TEE/GPU/Display for HWDRM playback.
* The difference between Protected Content and Protected TEE Communication
* is that Protected Content Entrypoint does not provide isolated entry
* point for TEE and invokes TEE only from HWDRM perspective.
* Protected Content Entrypoint
* The most of DRM standards execute following deep pipeline to playback
* contents on client systems from streaming servers - provisioning uses
* provisioning servers, licence aquisition uses license servers, video
* bitstream delivery uses content servers and decryption/decoding, audio
* bitstream delivery uses content servers and decyption/playback,
* display/playback.
* The Provisioning and License aquisition implementations are Independent
* Hardware Vendor (IHV) specific but most IHVs use some form of Trusted
* Execution Environment (TEE) to prepare client platform or system for DRM
* content playback. The provisioning operations use provisioning servers (as
* instructed in DRM standard) and client system TEE. The communication between
* provisioning servers and client system TEE uses asymmetic cryptographic
* mechanism. This step provides a way to establish root-of-trust between
* client system and streaming servers. Once root-of-trust is established then
* client system requests for license aquisition for a particular streaming
* title. The license aquisition involves communication between licensing
* servers and TEE using asymmetic cryptographic mechanism. At end of this step,
* client system TEE has required assets to decrypt/decode. Although these
* communication does not direcly involve video aspect of GPU but **facilitate
* GPU required assets to playback premium contents**.
* To support DRM standard requirements in playback pipeline, OSes and HWs
* incorporate various methods to protect full playback pipeline. These
* methods of protection could be SW based or HW based. The SW based protection
* mechanism of DRMs is called SWDRM while HW based protection mechanism is
* called HWDRM. There is no previous support in LibVA to support either DRM
* mechanism.
* For DRM capabilities, APIs inolve creation of protected session to
* communicate with TEE and then using these protected sessions to process
* video/audio data. The philophashy behind these API is to leverage existing
* LibVA infrastructure as much as possible.
* Note: TEE could be any secure HW device such as ME-FW or FPGA Secure
* Enclave or NPU Secure Enclave. There are 2 concepts here – TEE Type such
* as ME-FW or FPGA or NPU; TEE Type Client such as for AMT or HDCP or
* something else etc.
* \section description Detailed Description
* The Protected content API provides a general mechanism for opening
* protected session with TEE and if required then \ref priming GPU/Display.
* The behavior of protected session API depends on parameterization/
* configuration of protected session. Just for TEE tasks, protected
* session is parameterized/configured as TEE Communication while for
* HWDRM, protected session is parameterized/confgured as Protected
* Content.
* TEE Communication Entrypoint
* With TEE Communication parameterization/configuration, client
* executes TEE workloads in TEE with TEE Communication protected
* session.
* Protected Content Entrypoint
* With Protected Content parameterization/configuration, client
* executes HWDRM playback workloads HW accelerating protected video
* content decryption/decoding with protected content session.
* Before calling vaCreateProtectedSession, VAConfigID is obtained using
* existing libva mechanism to determine configuration parameters of
* protected session. The VAConfigID is determined in this way so that
* Protected Session implementation aligns with existing libva implementation.
* After obtaining VAConfigID, Protected Session needs to be created but
* note this is a session and not a context. Refer VAProtectedSessionID
* for more details.
* Note:- Protected session represents session object that has all security
* information needed for Secure Enclave to operate certain operations.
* \subsection priming Priming
* Priming is used to refer various types of initializations. For example,
* if license acquisition is being performed then priming means that TEE is
* already provisioned aka TEE has some sort of "cryptographic" whitelist of
* servers that TEE will use to do license acquisition for video playback. If
* HWDRM video playback is being performed then priming means that HWDRM
* eco-system TEE/GPU/Display has proper keys to do proper video playback etc.
* Protected content API uses the following paradigm for protected content
* session:
* - \ref api_pc_caps
* - \ref api_pc_setup
* - \ref api_pc_exec
* - \ref api_pc_attach
* \subsection api_pc_caps Query for supported cipher mode, block size, mode
* Checking whether protected content is supported can be performed with
* vaQueryConfigEntrypoints() and the profile argument set to
* #VAProfileProtected. If protected content is supported, then the list of
* returned entry-points will include #VAEntrypointProtectedContent
* \code
* VAEntrypoint *entrypoints;
* int i, num_entrypoints, supportsProtectedContent = 0;
* num_entrypoints = vaMaxNumEntrypoints();
* entrypoints = malloc(num_entrypoints * sizeof(entrypoints[0]);
* vaQueryConfigEntrypoints(va_dpy, VAProfileProtected, entrypoints,
* &num_entrypoints);
* for (i = 0; !supportsProtectedContent && i < num_entrypoints; i++) {
* if (entrypoints[i] == VAEntrypointProtectedContent)
* supportsProtectedContent = 1;
* }
* \endcode
* Then, the vaGetConfigAttributes() function is used to query the protected
* session capabilities.
* \code
* VAConfigAttrib attribs;
* attribs[0].type = VAConfigAttribProtectedContentCipherAlgorithm;
* attribs[1].type = VAConfigAttribProtectedContentCipherBlockSize;
* attribs[2].type = VAConfigAttribProtectedContentCipherMode;
* attribs[3].type = VAConfigAttribProtectedContentCipherSampleType;
* attribs[4].type = VAConfigAttribProtectedContentUsage;
* vaGetConfigAttributes(va_dpy, VAProfileProtected,
* VAEntrypointProtectedContent, attribs, 5);
* if ((attribs[1].value & VA_PC_CIPHER_AES) == 0) {
* // not find desired cipher algorithm
* assert(0);
* }
* if ((attribs[2].value & VA_PC_BLOCK_SIZE_128) == 0) {
* // not find desired block size
* assert(0);
* }
* if ((attribs[3].value & VA_PC_CIPHER_MODE_CBC) == 0) {
* // not find desired counter mode
* assert(0);
* }
* if ((attribs[4].value & VA_PC_SAMPLE_TYPE_SUBSAMPLE) == 0) {
* // not find desired sample type
* assert(0);
* }
* if ((attribs[5].value & VA_PC_USAGE_WIDEVINE) == 0) {
* // not find desired usage
* assert(0);
* }
* \endcode
* \subsection api_pc_setup Set up a protected content session
* TEE Communication Entrypoint
* The protected content session provides a TEE session that is used to extract
* TEE information. This information could be used to peform TEE operations.
* Protected Content Entrypoint
* The protected content session can be attached to VA decode/encode/vp context
* to do decryption/protection in the pipeline.
* Before creating a protected content session, it needs to create a config
* first via vaCreateConfig(). Then using this config id to create a protected
* content session via vaCreateProtectedSession().
* The general control flow is demonstrated by the following pseudo-code:
* \code
* // Create config
* VAConfigID config_id;
* attribs[0].value = VA_PC_CIPHER_AES;
* attribs[1].value = VA_PC_BLOCK_SIZE_128;
* attribs[2].value = VA_PC_CIPHER_MODE_CBC;
* attribs[3].value = VA_PC_SAMPLE_TYPE_SUBSAMPLE;
* attribs[4].value = VA_PC_USAGE_WIDEVINE;
* va_status = vaCreateConfig(va_dpy, VAProfileProtected,
* VAEntrypointProtectedContent, attribs, 5, &config_id);
* CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateConfig");
* \endcode
* Once the config is set up, we can create protected content session via
* \code
* // Create a protected session
* VAProtectedSessionID crypto_session;
* va_status = vaCreateProtectedSession(va_dpy, config_id, &crypto_session);
* CHECK_VASTATUS(va_status, "vaCreateProtectedSession");
* \endcode
* \subsection api_pc_exec TEE communication via vaProtectedSessionExecute()
* TEE Communication Entrypoint
* App needs to communicate with TEE to get TEE information or \ref priming
* "prime" TEE with information that will be utilized for future TEE
* operations/tasks.
* Protected Content Entrypoint
* Before starting decryption/encryption operation in GPU, app may need to
* communicate with TEE to get encrypted assets for \ref priming HWDRM pipeline
* for decryption. App need to call vaProtectedSessionExecute() to get this
* asset. The following pseudo-code demonstrates getting session assets via
* vaProtectedSessionExecute() as an example.
* In this example, the vaCreateBuffer is called with exec_buffer mainly becasue TEE
* Communication Entrypoint buffers are CPU bound and buffer size is small enough to
* have extra copy operation without impacting performance.
* \code
* uint32_t app_id = 0xFF;
* VABufferID buffer;
* VAProtectedSessionExecuteBuffer exec_buff = {0};
* exec_buff.function_id = GET_SESSION_ID;
* = nullptr;
* exec_buff.input.data_size = 0;
* = &app_id;
* exec_buff.output.max_data_size = sizeof(app_id);
* va_status = vaCreateBuffer(
* va_dpy,
* crypto_session,
* (VABufferType) VAProtectedSessionExecuteBufferType,
* sizeof(exec_buff),
* 1,
* &exec_buff,
* &buffer);
* va_status = vaProtectedSessionExecute(va_dpy, crypto_session, buffer);
* vaDestroyBuffer(va_dpy, buffer);
* \endcode
* \subsection api_pc_attach Attach/Detach protected content session to the VA
* context which want to enable/disable decryption/protection
* Protected content session is attached to VA decode/encode/vp context to
* enable protected decoding/encoding/video processing per frame or entire
* stream. If protected session attached per frame then application has 2
* options for decoding/encoding skip processing i.e. accomodating clear
* frames - 1. Application could do detach after each frame is processed
* to process clear frame 2. Application could remains attached to decode/
* encode session but specify enryption byte length to 0.
* The video processing does not has option #2 mainly because API does
* not provide skip processing.
* \code
* vaAttachProtectedSession(va_dpy, decode_ctx, crypto_session);
* foreach (iteration) {
* vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, surface);
* ...
* vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, &buf_id1, 1);
* vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, &buf_id2, 1);
* // Buffer holding encryption parameters, i.e. VAEncryptionParameterBufferType buffer
* vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, &buf_id_enc_param, 1);
* ...
* vaEndPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx);
* }
* vaDetachProtectedSession(va_dpy, decode_ctx);
* \endcode
* or it could be frame-by-frame attaching/detaching as following:
* \code
* foreach (iteration) {
* if (encrypted)
* vaAttachProtectedSession(va_dpy, decode_ctx, crypto_session);
* vaBeginPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, surface);
* ...
* vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, &buf_id1, 1);
* vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, &buf_id2, 1);
* // Buffer holding encryption parameters, i.e. VAEncryptionParameterBufferType buffer
* vaRenderPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx, &buf_id_enc_param, 1);
* ...
* vaEndPicture(va_dpy, decode_ctx);
* if (encrypted)
* vaDetachProtectedSession(va_dpy, decode_ctx);
* // check encrypted variable for next frame
* }
* \endcode
* ProtectedSessions and Contexts
* According to #VAContextID, Context represents a "virtual" video decode,
* encode or video processing pipeline. Surfaces are render targets for a given
* context. The data in the surfaces are not accessible to the client except if
* derived image is supported and the internal data format of the surface is
* implementation specific. Application can create a video decode, encode or
* processing context which represents a "virtualized" hardware device.
* Since Protected Session does not virtualize any HW device or build any
* pipeline but rather accessorize existing virtualized HW device or pipeline
* to operate in protected mode so we decided to create separate function.
* Beside this, a virtualized HW device or pipeline could own several protected
* sessions and operate in those protected modes without ever re-creating
* virtualization of HW device or re-building HW pipeline (an unique protected
* environment multiplexing capability in Intel HW).
* The returned protected_session represents a notion of Host and TEE clients
* while representing protection status in GPU and Display.
* Both contexts and protected sessions are identified by unique IDs and its
* implementation specific internals are kept opaque to the clients
typedef VAGenericID VAProtectedSessionID;
/** \brief TEE Execucte Function ID. */
typedef enum _VA_TEE_EXEC_FUNCTION_ID {
/** \brief Input/Output buffer of VAProtectedSessionExecuteBuffer */
typedef struct _VAProtectedSessionBuffer {
* This is used when this buffer refer to output buffer. The maximum size of
* data that the driver can return in the output buffer. It is not used for
* input buffer.
uint32_t max_data_size;
* If it is used for input buffer, it is the size of the input data. If it is
* used for output buffer, it is the returns size of the output data written
* by the driver.
uint32_t data_size;
* data pointer of this buffer
void *data;
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_LOW];
} VAProtectedSessionBuffer;
/** \brief Buffer for vaProtectedSessionExecute() */
typedef struct _VAProtectedSessionExecuteBuffer {
/** \brief Specify the function to execute. It is IHV's implementation
* specific */
uint32_t function_id;
/** \brief Input buffer */
VAProtectedSessionBuffer input;
/** \brief Output buffer */
VAProtectedSessionBuffer output;
/** \brief Return the result of this function. The status result is IHV's
* implementation specific */
uint32_t status;
uint32_t va_reserved[VA_PADDING_LOW];
} VAProtectedSessionExecuteBuffer;
* \brief Create a protected session
* Create a protected session
* @param[in] dpy the VA display
* @param[in] config_id configuration for the protected session
* @param[out] protected_session created protected session id upon return
VAStatus vaCreateProtectedSession(VADisplay dpy, VAConfigID config_id,
VAProtectedSessionID *protected_session);
* \brief Destroy a protected session
* Destroy a protected session
* @param[in] dpy the VA display
* @param[in] protected_session protected session to be destroyed
VAStatus vaDestroyProtectedSession(VADisplay dpy,
VAProtectedSessionID protected_session);
* \brief Attach a protected content session to VA context
* Attach a protected content session to the context to enable
* decryption/protection
* @param[in] dpy the VA display
* @param[in] id the VA decode/encode/vp context
* @param[in] protected_session the protected session to attach
VAStatus vaAttachProtectedSession(VADisplay dpy, VAGenericID id,
VAProtectedSessionID protected_session);
* \brief Detach the protected content session from the VA context
* Detach protected content session of the context to disable
* decryption/protection
* @param[in] dpy the VA display
* @param[in] id TEE client id to be detached
VAStatus vaDetachProtectedSession(VADisplay dpy, VAGenericID id);
* \brief Execute provides a general mechanism for TEE client tasks execution.
* vaProtectedSessionExecute provides a mechanism for TEE clients to execute
* specific tasks. The implementation may differ between IHVs.
* This is a synchronous API.
* @param[in] dpy the VA display
* @param[in] protected_session the protected session
* @param[in,out] buf_id the VA buffer
VAStatus vaProtectedSessionExecute(VADisplay dpy,
VAProtectedSessionID protected_session,
VABufferID buf_id);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* VA_PROT_H */