tests: Return NULL if you can't get VADisplay

This patch should not change the outcome as m_vaDisplay is NULL for
each failed vaGetDisplayDRM().

This is minor code readability improvement. Another approach would be
to break the loop when we find a valid VADisplay.

While at it, remove the empty line before variable declaration which
is not common in the majority of the source code.

Signed-off-by: Victor Toso <victortoso@redhat.com>
1 file changed
tree: c910beb1f96a3913390919ecd220a3ccf1db006a
  1. common/
  2. decode/
  3. encode/
  4. putsurface/
  5. test/
  6. vainfo/
  7. videoprocess/
  8. .travis.yml
  9. Android.mk
  10. autogen.sh
  11. configure.ac
  15. Makefile.am
  16. NEWS
  17. README.md

Stories in Ready Build Status Coverity Scan Build Status

#Libva-utils Project

libva-utils is a collection of utilities and examples to exercise VA-API in accordance with the libva project. --enable-tests (default = no) provides a suite of unit-tests based on Google Test Framework. A driver implementation is necessary to properly operate.

VA-API is an open-source library and API specification, which provides access to graphics hardware acceleration capabilities for video processing. It consists of a main library and driver-specific acceleration backends for each supported hardware vendor.

If you would like to contribute to libva, check our Contributing guide.

We also recommend taking a look at the ‘janitorial’ bugs in our list of open issues as these bugs can be solved without an extensive knowledge of libva-utils.

We would love to help you start contributing!

The libva-utils development team can be reached via our mailing list and on IRC in channel ##intel-media on Freenode.

We also use #Slack and host VAAPI Media Slack Team. You can signup by submitting your email address to our Slack Team invite page.

Slack complements our other means of communication. Pick the one that works best for you!