tomllib – Tomli in the standard library

Tomli was added to the Python standard library in Python 3.11.

Relevant links:

Converting Tomli to tomllib

Sync status

tomllib in CPython commit matches Tomli commit

Steps to convert

  • Move everything in tomli:src/tomli to cpython:Lib/tomllib. Exclude py.typed.

  • Remove __version__ = ... line from cpython:Lib/tomllib/

  • Move everything in tomli:tests to cpython:Lib/test/test_tomllib. Exclude the following test data dirs recursively:

    • tomli:tests/data/invalid/_external/
    • tomli:tests/data/valid/_external/
  • Create cpython:Lib/test/test_tomllib/

    import unittest
    from . import load_tests
  • Add the following to cpython:Lib/test/test_tomllib/

    import os
    from import load_package_tests
    def load_tests(*args):
        return load_package_tests(os.path.dirname(__file__), *args)

    Also change import tomli as tomllib to import tomllib.

  • In cpython:Lib/tomllib/ replace __fp with fp and __s with s. Add the / to load and loads function signatures.