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* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* limitations under the License.
// Package edsbalancer contains EDS balancer implementation.
package edsbalancer
import (
xdsclient ""
const (
edsName = "eds_experimental"
var (
newEDSBalancer = func(cc balancer.ClientConn, enqueueState func(priorityType, balancer.State), xdsClient *xdsClientWrapper, logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger) edsBalancerImplInterface {
return newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, enqueueState, xdsClient, logger)
func init() {
type edsBalancerBuilder struct{}
// Build helps implement the balancer.Builder interface.
func (b *edsBalancerBuilder) Build(cc balancer.ClientConn, _ balancer.BuildOptions) balancer.Balancer {
x := &edsBalancer{
cc: cc,
closed: grpcsync.NewEvent(),
grpcUpdate: make(chan interface{}),
xdsClientUpdate: make(chan *edsUpdate),
childPolicyUpdate: buffer.NewUnbounded(),
x.logger = prefixLogger((x))
x.client = newXDSClientWrapper(x.handleEDSUpdate, x.logger)
x.edsImpl = newEDSBalancer(, x.enqueueChildBalancerState, x.client, x.logger)
return x
func (b *edsBalancerBuilder) Name() string {
return edsName
func (b *edsBalancerBuilder) ParseConfig(c json.RawMessage) (serviceconfig.LoadBalancingConfig, error) {
var cfg EDSConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(c, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to unmarshal balancer config %s into EDSConfig, error: %v", string(c), err)
return &cfg, nil
// edsBalancerImplInterface defines the interface that edsBalancerImpl must
// implement to communicate with edsBalancer.
// It's implemented by the real eds balancer and a fake testing eds balancer.
type edsBalancerImplInterface interface {
// handleEDSResponse passes the received EDS message from traffic director to eds balancer.
handleEDSResponse(edsResp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate)
// handleChildPolicy updates the eds balancer the intra-cluster load balancing policy to use.
handleChildPolicy(name string, config json.RawMessage)
// handleSubConnStateChange handles state change for SubConn.
handleSubConnStateChange(sc balancer.SubConn, state connectivity.State)
// updateState handle a balancer state update from the priority.
updateState(priority priorityType, s balancer.State)
// close closes the eds balancer.
// edsBalancer manages xdsClient and the actual EDS balancer implementation that
// does load balancing.
// It currently has only an edsBalancer. Later, we may add fallback.
type edsBalancer struct {
cc balancer.ClientConn // *xdsClientConn
closed *grpcsync.Event
logger *grpclog.PrefixLogger
// edsBalancer continuously monitor the channels below, and will handle events from them in sync.
grpcUpdate chan interface{}
xdsClientUpdate chan *edsUpdate
childPolicyUpdate *buffer.Unbounded
client *xdsClientWrapper // may change when passed a different service config
config *EDSConfig // may change when passed a different service config
edsImpl edsBalancerImplInterface
// run gets executed in a goroutine once edsBalancer is created. It monitors updates from grpc,
// xdsClient and load balancer. It synchronizes the operations that happen inside edsBalancer. It
// exits when edsBalancer is closed.
func (x *edsBalancer) run() {
for {
select {
case update := <-x.grpcUpdate:
case update := <-x.xdsClientUpdate:
case update := <-x.childPolicyUpdate.Get():
u := update.(*balancerStateWithPriority)
x.edsImpl.updateState(u.priority, u.s)
case <-x.closed.Done():
// handleErrorFromUpdate handles both the error from parent ClientConn (from CDS
// balancer) and the error from xds client (from the watcher). fromParent is
// true if error is from parent ClientConn.
// If the error is connection error, it should be handled for fallback purposes.
// If the error is resource-not-found:
// - If it's from CDS balancer (shows as a resolver error), it means LDS or CDS
// resources were removed. The EDS watch should be canceled.
// - If it's from xds client, it means EDS resource were removed. The EDS
// watcher should keep watching.
// In both cases, the sub-balancers will be closed, and the future picks will
// fail.
func (x *edsBalancer) handleErrorFromUpdate(err error, fromParent bool) {
x.logger.Warningf("Received error: %v", err)
if xdsclient.ErrType(err) == xdsclient.ErrorTypeResourceNotFound {
if fromParent {
// This is an error from the parent ClientConn (can be the parent
// CDS balancer), and is a resource-not-found error. This means the
// resource (can be either LDS or CDS) was removed. Stop the EDS
// watch.
func (x *edsBalancer) handleGRPCUpdate(update interface{}) {
switch u := update.(type) {
case *subConnStateUpdate:
x.edsImpl.handleSubConnStateChange(, u.state.ConnectivityState)
case *balancer.ClientConnState:
x.logger.Infof("Receive update from resolver, balancer config: %+v", u.BalancerConfig)
cfg, _ := u.BalancerConfig.(*EDSConfig)
if cfg == nil {
// service config parsing failed. should never happen.
if err := x.client.handleUpdate(cfg, u.ResolverState.Attributes); err != nil {
x.logger.Warningf("failed to update xds clients: %v", err)
if x.config == nil {
x.config = cfg
// We will update the edsImpl with the new child policy, if we got a
// different one.
if !cmp.Equal(cfg.ChildPolicy, x.config.ChildPolicy) {
if cfg.ChildPolicy != nil {
x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy(cfg.ChildPolicy.Name, cfg.ChildPolicy.Config)
} else {
x.edsImpl.handleChildPolicy(roundrobin.Name, nil)
x.config = cfg
case error:
x.handleErrorFromUpdate(u, true)
// unreachable path
x.logger.Errorf("wrong update type: %T", update)
func (x *edsBalancer) handleXDSClientUpdate(update *edsUpdate) {
if err := update.err; err != nil {
x.handleErrorFromUpdate(err, false)
type subConnStateUpdate struct {
sc balancer.SubConn
state balancer.SubConnState
func (x *edsBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(sc balancer.SubConn, state balancer.SubConnState) {
update := &subConnStateUpdate{
sc: sc,
state: state,
select {
case x.grpcUpdate <- update:
case <-x.closed.Done():
func (x *edsBalancer) ResolverError(err error) {
select {
case x.grpcUpdate <- err:
case <-x.closed.Done():
func (x *edsBalancer) UpdateClientConnState(s balancer.ClientConnState) error {
select {
case x.grpcUpdate <- &s:
case <-x.closed.Done():
return nil
type edsUpdate struct {
resp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate
err error
func (x *edsBalancer) handleEDSUpdate(resp xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate, err error) {
select {
case x.xdsClientUpdate <- &edsUpdate{resp: resp, err: err}:
case <-x.closed.Done():
type balancerStateWithPriority struct {
priority priorityType
s balancer.State
func (x *edsBalancer) enqueueChildBalancerState(p priorityType, s balancer.State) {
priority: p,
s: s,
func (x *edsBalancer) Close() {