tree: a782b8e959fb36ba0f1cf027482bb014b0312e8e [path history] [tgz]
  1. go.mod
  2. go.sum
  3. grpc.go
  4. main.go


This tool generates Go language bindings of services in protobuf definition files for gRPC. For usage information, please see our quick start guide.

Service implementation and registration

NOTE: service registration has changed from the previous version of the code generator. Please read this section carefully if you are migrating.

To register your service handlers with a gRPC server, first implement the methods as either functions or methods on a struct. Examples:

// As a function:

func unaryEcho(ctx context.Context, req *pb.EchoRequest) (*pb.EchoResponse, error) {
     // Echo.UnaryEcho implementation

// As a struct + method:

type myEchoService struct {
     // ...fields used by this service...

func (s *myEchoService) UnaryEcho(ctx context.Context, req *pb.EchoRequest) (*pb.EchoResponse, error) {
     // Echo.UnaryEcho implementation

Then create an instance of the generated Service struct type and initialize the handlers which have been implemented:

func main() {
     // ...

     // As a function:
     echoService := pb.EchoService{
          UnaryEcho: unaryEcho,
          // etc

     // As a struct+method:
     mes := &myEchoService{...}
     echoService := pb.EchoService{
          UnaryEcho: mes.UnaryEcho,
          // etc

     // ...

Finally, pass this Service instance to the generated Register function:

     pb.RegisterEchoService(grpcServer, echoService)

Migration from legacy version

Older versions of protoc-gen-go-grpc and protoc-gen-go with the grpc plugin used a different method to register services. With that method, it was only possible to register a service implementation that was a complete implementation of the service. It was also possible to embed an Unimplemented implementation of the service, which was also generated and returned an UNIMPLEMENTED status for all methods.

Generating the legacy API

To avoid the need to update existing code, an option has been added to the code generator to produce the legacy API alongside the new API. To use it:

# Example 1: with OPTS set to common options for protoc-gen-go and
# protoc-gen-go-grpc
protoc --go_out=${OPTS}:. --go-grpc_out=${OPTS},gen_unstable_server_interfaces=true:. *.proto

# Example 2: if no special options are needed
protoc --go_out=:. --go-grpc_out=gen_unstable_server_interfaces=true:. *.proto

The use of this legacy API is NOT recommended. It was discontinued as it results in compilation breakages when new methods are added to services, which is a backward-compatible change in all other languages supported by gRPC. With the newer API, newly-added methods will return an UNIMPLEMENTED status.

Updating existing code

To convert your existing code using the previous code generator, please refer to the following example:

type myEchoService{
     // ...fields used by this service...
// ... method handler implementation ...

func main() {
     // ...

     // OLD:
     pb.RegisterEchoServer(grpcServer, &myEchoService{})

     // NEW:
     es := &myEchoService{}
     pb.RegisterEchoService(grpcServer, pb.EchoService{
        UnaryEcho: es.UnaryEcho,
        // enumerate all methods in EchoService implemented by myEchoService...

     // ...