blob: d582048fda0975c5f016edae035cddd950f0909b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package resolver
import (
xdsclient ""
type actionWithAssignedName struct {
// cluster:weight, "A":40, "B":60
clustersWithWeights map[string]uint32
// clusterNames, without weights, sorted and hashed, "A_B_"
clusterNames string
// The assigned name, clusters plus a random number, "A_B_1"
assignedName string
// randomNumber is the number appended to assignedName.
randomNumber int64
// newActionsFromRoutes gets actions from the routes, and turns them into a map
// keyed by the hash of the clusters.
// In the returned map, all actions don't have assignedName. The assignedName
// will be filled in after comparing the new actions with the existing actions,
// so when a new and old action only diff in weights, the new action can reuse
// the old action's name.
// from
// {B:60, A:40}, {A:30, B:70}, {B:90, C:10}
// to
// A40_B60_: {{A:40, B:60}, "A_B_", ""}
// A30_B70_: {{A:30, B:70}, "A_B_", ""}
// B90_C10_: {{B:90, C:10}, "B_C_", ""}
func newActionsFromRoutes(routes []*xdsclient.Route) map[string]actionWithAssignedName {
newActions := make(map[string]actionWithAssignedName)
for _, route := range routes {
var clusterNames []string
for n := range route.Action {
clusterNames = append(clusterNames, n)
// Sort names to be consistent.
clustersOnly := ""
clustersWithWeight := ""
for _, c := range clusterNames {
// Generates A_B_
clustersOnly = clustersOnly + c + "_"
// Generates A40_B60_
clustersWithWeight = clustersWithWeight + c + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(route.Action[c]), 10) + "_"
if _, ok := newActions[clustersWithWeight]; !ok {
newActions[clustersWithWeight] = actionWithAssignedName{
clustersWithWeights: route.Action,
clusterNames: clustersOnly,
return newActions
// updateActions takes a new map of actions, and updates the existing action map in the resolver.
// In the old map, all actions have assignedName set.
// In the new map, all actions have no assignedName.
// After the update, the action map is updated to have all actions from the new
// map, with assignedName:
// - if the new action exists in old, get the old name
// - if the new action doesn't exist in old
// - if there is an old action that will be removed, and has the same set of
// clusters, reuse the old action's name
// - otherwise, generate a new name
func (r *xdsResolver) updateActions(newActions map[string]actionWithAssignedName) {
if r.actions == nil {
r.actions = make(map[string]actionWithAssignedName)
// Delete actions from existingActions if they are not in newActions. Keep
// the removed actions in a map, with key as clusterNames without weights,
// so their assigned names can be reused.
existingActions := r.actions
actionsRemoved := make(map[string][]string)
for actionHash, act := range existingActions {
if _, ok := newActions[actionHash]; !ok {
actionsRemoved[act.clusterNames] = append(actionsRemoved[act.clusterNames], act.assignedName)
delete(existingActions, actionHash)
// Find actions in newActions but not in oldActions. Add them, and try to
// reuse assigned names from actionsRemoved.
if r.usedActionNameRandomNumber == nil {
r.usedActionNameRandomNumber = make(map[int64]bool)
for actionHash, act := range newActions {
if _, ok := existingActions[actionHash]; !ok {
if assignedNamed, ok := actionsRemoved[act.clusterNames]; ok {
// Reuse the first assigned name from actionsRemoved.
act.assignedName = assignedNamed[0]
// If there are more names to reuse after this, update the slice
// in the map. Otherwise, remove the entry from the map.
if len(assignedNamed) > 1 {
actionsRemoved[act.clusterNames] = assignedNamed[1:]
} else {
delete(actionsRemoved, act.clusterNames)
existingActions[actionHash] = act
// Generate a new name.
act.randomNumber = r.nextAssignedNameRandomNumber()
act.assignedName = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", act.clusterNames, act.randomNumber)
existingActions[actionHash] = act
// Delete entry from nextIndex if all actions with the clusters are removed.
remainingRandomNumbers := make(map[int64]bool)
for _, act := range existingActions {
remainingRandomNumbers[act.randomNumber] = true
r.usedActionNameRandomNumber = remainingRandomNumbers
var grpcrandInt63n = grpcrand.Int63n
func (r *xdsResolver) nextAssignedNameRandomNumber() int64 {
for {
t := grpcrandInt63n(math.MaxInt32)
if !r.usedActionNameRandomNumber[t] {
return t
// getActionAssignedName hashes the clusters from the action, and find the
// assigned action name. The assigned action names are kept in r.actions, with
// the clusters name hash as map key.
// The assigned action name is not simply the hash. For example, the hash can be
// "A40_B60_", but the assigned name can be "A_B_0". It's this way so the action
// can be reused if only weights are changing.
func (r *xdsResolver) getActionAssignedName(action map[string]uint32) string {
var clusterNames []string
for n := range action {
clusterNames = append(clusterNames, n)
// Hash cluster names. Sort names to be consistent.
clustersWithWeight := ""
for _, c := range clusterNames {
// Generates hash "A40_B60_".
clustersWithWeight = clustersWithWeight + c + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(action[c]), 10) + "_"
// Look in r.actions for the assigned action name.
if act, ok := r.actions[clustersWithWeight]; ok {
return act.assignedName
r.logger.Warningf("no assigned name found for action %v", action)
return ""