blob: 292ea4f80a70f84f9eed9b0d9668fef3750f5606 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edsbalancer
import (
corepb ""
xdsclient ""
var (
testClusterNames = []string{"test-cluster-1", "test-cluster-2"}
testSubZones = []string{"I", "II", "III", "IV"}
testEndpointAddrs []string
const testBackendAddrsCount = 12
func init() {
for i := 0; i < testBackendAddrsCount; i++ {
testEndpointAddrs = append(testEndpointAddrs, fmt.Sprintf("%d.%d.%d.%d:%d", i, i, i, i, i))
balancergroup.DefaultSubBalancerCloseTimeout = time.Millisecond
// One locality
// - add backend
// - remove backend
// - replace backend
// - change drop rate
func (s) TestEDS_OneLocality(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, nil, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = edsb.updateState
// One locality with one backend.
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
sc1 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Ready)
// Pick with only the first backend.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotSCSt, _ := p1.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !cmp.Equal(gotSCSt.SubConn, sc1, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got %v, want SubConn=%v", gotSCSt, sc1)
// The same locality, add one more backend.
clab2 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab2.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:2], nil)
sc2 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Ready)
// Test roundrobin with two subconns.
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{sc1, sc2}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p2)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// The same locality, delete first backend.
clab3 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab3.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
scToRemove := <-cc.RemoveSubConnCh
if !cmp.Equal(scToRemove, sc1, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("RemoveSubConn, want %v, got %v", sc1, scToRemove)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(scToRemove, connectivity.Shutdown)
// Test pick with only the second subconn.
p3 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotSCSt, _ := p3.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !cmp.Equal(gotSCSt.SubConn, sc2, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got %v, want SubConn=%v", gotSCSt, sc2)
// The same locality, replace backend.
clab4 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab4.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:3], nil)
sc3 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc3, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc3, connectivity.Ready)
scToRemove = <-cc.RemoveSubConnCh
if !cmp.Equal(scToRemove, sc2, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("RemoveSubConn, want %v, got %v", sc2, scToRemove)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(scToRemove, connectivity.Shutdown)
// Test pick with only the third subconn.
p4 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotSCSt, _ := p4.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !cmp.Equal(gotSCSt.SubConn, sc3, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got %v, want SubConn=%v", gotSCSt, sc3)
// The same locality, different drop rate, dropping 50%.
clab5 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], []uint32{50})
clab5.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:3], nil)
// Picks with drops.
p5 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
_, err := p5.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
// TODO: the dropping algorithm needs a design. When the dropping algorithm
// is fixed, this test also needs fix.
if i < 50 && err == nil {
t.Errorf("The first 50%% picks should be drops, got error <nil>")
} else if i > 50 && err != nil {
t.Errorf("The second 50%% picks should be non-drops, got error %v", err)
// The same locality, remove drops.
clab6 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab6.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:3], nil)
// Pick without drops.
p6 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotSCSt, _ := p6.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !cmp.Equal(gotSCSt.SubConn, sc3, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got %v, want SubConn=%v", gotSCSt, sc3)
// 2 locality
// - start with 2 locality
// - add locality
// - remove locality
// - address change for the <not-the-first> locality
// - update locality weight
func (s) TestEDS_TwoLocalities(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, nil, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = edsb.updateState
// Two localities, each with one backend.
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
sc1 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Ready)
// Add the second locality later to make sure sc2 belongs to the second
// locality. Otherwise the test is flaky because of a map is used in EDS to
// keep localities.
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
sc2 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Ready)
// Test roundrobin with two subconns.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{sc1, sc2}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p1)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Add another locality, with one backend.
clab2 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab2.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
clab2.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
clab2.AddLocality(testSubZones[2], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:3], nil)
sc3 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc3, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc3, connectivity.Ready)
// Test roundrobin with three subconns.
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want = []balancer.SubConn{sc1, sc2, sc3}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p2)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Remove first locality.
clab3 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab3.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
clab3.AddLocality(testSubZones[2], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:3], nil)
scToRemove := <-cc.RemoveSubConnCh
if !cmp.Equal(scToRemove, sc1, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("RemoveSubConn, want %v, got %v", sc1, scToRemove)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(scToRemove, connectivity.Shutdown)
// Test pick with two subconns (without the first one).
p3 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want = []balancer.SubConn{sc2, sc3}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p3)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Add a backend to the last locality.
clab4 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab4.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
clab4.AddLocality(testSubZones[2], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:4], nil)
sc4 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc4, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc4, connectivity.Ready)
// Test pick with two subconns (without the first one).
p4 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
// Locality-1 will be picked twice, and locality-2 will be picked twice.
// Locality-1 contains only sc2, locality-2 contains sc3 and sc4. So expect
// two sc2's and sc3, sc4.
want = []balancer.SubConn{sc2, sc2, sc3, sc4}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p4)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Change weight of the locality[1].
clab5 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab5.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 2, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
clab5.AddLocality(testSubZones[2], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:4], nil)
// Test pick with two subconns different locality weight.
p5 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
// Locality-1 will be picked four times, and locality-2 will be picked twice
// (weight 2 and 1). Locality-1 contains only sc2, locality-2 contains sc3 and
// sc4. So expect four sc2's and sc3, sc4.
want = []balancer.SubConn{sc2, sc2, sc2, sc2, sc3, sc4}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p5)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// Change weight of the locality[1] to 0, it should never be picked.
clab6 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab6.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 0, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
clab6.AddLocality(testSubZones[2], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[2:4], nil)
// Changing weight of locality[1] to 0 caused it to be removed. It's subconn
// should also be removed.
// NOTE: this is because we handle locality with weight 0 same as the
// locality doesn't exist. If this changes in the future, this removeSubConn
// behavior will also change.
scToRemove2 := <-cc.RemoveSubConnCh
if !cmp.Equal(scToRemove2, sc2, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("RemoveSubConn, want %v, got %v", sc2, scToRemove2)
// Test pick with two subconns different locality weight.
p6 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
// Locality-1 will be not be picked, and locality-2 will be picked.
// Locality-2 contains sc3 and sc4. So expect sc3, sc4.
want = []balancer.SubConn{sc3, sc4}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p6)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
// The EDS balancer gets EDS resp with unhealthy endpoints. Test that only
// healthy ones are used.
func (s) TestEDS_EndpointsHealth(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, nil, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = edsb.updateState
// Two localities, each 3 backend, one Healthy, one Unhealthy, one Unknown.
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:6], &testutils.AddLocalityOptions{
Health: []corepb.HealthStatus{
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[6:12], &testutils.AddLocalityOptions{
Health: []corepb.HealthStatus{
var (
readySCs []balancer.SubConn
newSubConnAddrStrs []string
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
addr := <-cc.NewSubConnAddrsCh
newSubConnAddrStrs = append(newSubConnAddrStrs, addr[0].Addr)
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc, connectivity.Ready)
readySCs = append(readySCs, sc)
wantNewSubConnAddrStrs := []string{
sortStrTrans := cmp.Transformer("Sort", func(in []string) []string {
out := append([]string(nil), in...) // Copy input to avoid mutating it.
return out
if !cmp.Equal(newSubConnAddrStrs, wantNewSubConnAddrStrs, sortStrTrans) {
t.Fatalf("want newSubConn with address %v, got %v", wantNewSubConnAddrStrs, newSubConnAddrStrs)
// There should be exactly 4 new SubConns. Check to make sure there's no
// more subconns being created.
select {
case <-cc.NewSubConnCh:
t.Fatalf("Got unexpected new subconn")
case <-time.After(time.Microsecond * 100):
// Test roundrobin with the subconns.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := readySCs
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p1)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
func (s) TestClose(t *testing.T) {
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(nil, nil, nil, nil)
// This is what could happen when switching between fallback and eds. This
// make sure it doesn't panic.
// TestEDS_EmptyUpdate covers the cases when eds impl receives an empty update.
// It should send an error picker with transient failure to the parent.
func (s) TestEDS_EmptyUpdate(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, nil, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = edsb.updateState
// The first update is an empty update.
// Pick should fail with transient failure, and all priority removed error.
perr0 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, err := perr0.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, errAllPrioritiesRemoved) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got error %v, want error %v", err, errAllPrioritiesRemoved)
// One locality with one backend.
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
sc1 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Ready)
// Pick with only the first backend.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotSCSt, _ := p1.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotSCSt.SubConn, sc1) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got %v, want SubConn=%v", gotSCSt, sc1)
// Pick should fail with transient failure, and all priority removed error.
perr1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, err := perr1.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(err, errAllPrioritiesRemoved) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got error %v, want error %v", err, errAllPrioritiesRemoved)
// Handle another update with priorities and localities.
sc2 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Ready)
// Pick with only the first backend.
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
gotSCSt, _ := p2.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if !reflect.DeepEqual(gotSCSt.SubConn, sc2) {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got %v, want SubConn=%v", gotSCSt, sc2)
// Create XDS balancer, and update sub-balancer before handling eds responses.
// Then switch between round-robin and test-const-balancer after handling first
// eds response.
func (s) TestEDS_UpdateSubBalancerName(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, nil, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = edsb.updateState
t.Logf("update sub-balancer to test-const-balancer")
edsb.handleChildPolicy("test-const-balancer", nil)
// Two localities, each with one backend.
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc, connectivity.Ready)
p0 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, err := p0.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if err != testutils.ErrTestConstPicker {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got err %+v, want err %+v", err, testutils.ErrTestConstPicker)
t.Logf("update sub-balancer to round-robin")
edsb.handleChildPolicy(roundrobin.Name, nil)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
sc1 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Ready)
sc2 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Ready)
// Test roundrobin with two subconns.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want := []balancer.SubConn{sc1, sc2}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p1)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
t.Logf("update sub-balancer to test-const-balancer")
edsb.handleChildPolicy("test-const-balancer", nil)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
scToRemove := <-cc.RemoveSubConnCh
if !cmp.Equal(scToRemove, sc1, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) &&
!cmp.Equal(scToRemove, sc2, cmp.AllowUnexported(testutils.TestSubConn{})) {
t.Fatalf("RemoveSubConn, want (%v or %v), got %v", sc1, sc2, scToRemove)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(scToRemove, connectivity.Shutdown)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
sc := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc, connectivity.Ready)
p2 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, err := p2.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if err != testutils.ErrTestConstPicker {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got err %q, want err %q", err, testutils.ErrTestConstPicker)
t.Logf("update sub-balancer to round-robin")
edsb.handleChildPolicy(roundrobin.Name, nil)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
sc3 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc3, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc3, connectivity.Ready)
sc4 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc4, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc4, connectivity.Ready)
p3 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
want = []balancer.SubConn{sc3, sc4}
if err := testutils.IsRoundRobin(want, subConnFromPicker(p3)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, err)
func init() {
// A test balancer that updates balancer.State inline when handling ClientConn
// state.
type testInlineUpdateBalancerBuilder struct{}
func (*testInlineUpdateBalancerBuilder) Build(cc balancer.ClientConn, opts balancer.BuildOptions) balancer.Balancer {
return &testInlineUpdateBalancer{cc: cc}
func (*testInlineUpdateBalancerBuilder) Name() string {
return "test-inline-update-balancer"
type testInlineUpdateBalancer struct {
cc balancer.ClientConn
func (tb *testInlineUpdateBalancer) ResolverError(error) {
panic("not implemented")
func (tb *testInlineUpdateBalancer) UpdateSubConnState(balancer.SubConn, balancer.SubConnState) {
var errTestInlineStateUpdate = fmt.Errorf("don't like addresses, empty or not")
func (tb *testInlineUpdateBalancer) UpdateClientConnState(balancer.ClientConnState) error {{
ConnectivityState: connectivity.Ready,
Picker: &testutils.TestConstPicker{Err: errTestInlineStateUpdate},
return nil
func (*testInlineUpdateBalancer) Close() {
// When the child policy update picker inline in a handleClientUpdate call
// (e.g., roundrobin handling empty addresses). There could be deadlock caused
// by acquiring a locked mutex.
func (s) TestEDS_ChildPolicyUpdatePickerInline(t *testing.T) {
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, nil, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = func(p priorityType, state balancer.State) {
// For this test, euqueue needs to happen asynchronously (like in the
// real implementation).
go edsb.updateState(p, state)
edsb.handleChildPolicy("test-inline-update-balancer", nil)
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
p0 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
_, err := p0.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if err != errTestInlineStateUpdate {
t.Fatalf("picker.Pick, got err %q, want err %q", err, errTestInlineStateUpdate)
func (s) TestDropPicker(t *testing.T) {
const pickCount = 12
var constPicker = &testutils.TestConstPicker{
SC: testutils.TestSubConns[0],
tests := []struct {
name string
drops []*dropper
name: "no drop",
drops: nil,
name: "one drop",
drops: []*dropper{
newDropper(xdsclient.OverloadDropConfig{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 2}),
name: "two drops",
drops: []*dropper{
newDropper(xdsclient.OverloadDropConfig{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 3}),
newDropper(xdsclient.OverloadDropConfig{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 2}),
name: "three drops",
drops: []*dropper{
newDropper(xdsclient.OverloadDropConfig{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 3}),
newDropper(xdsclient.OverloadDropConfig{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 4}),
newDropper(xdsclient.OverloadDropConfig{Numerator: 1, Denominator: 2}),
for _, tt := range tests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
p := newDropPicker(constPicker, tt.drops, nil)
// scCount is the number of sc's returned by pick. The opposite of
// drop-count.
var (
scCount int
wantCount = pickCount
for _, dp := range tt.drops {
wantCount = wantCount * int(dp.c.Denominator-dp.c.Numerator) / int(dp.c.Denominator)
for i := 0; i < pickCount; i++ {
_, err := p.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if err == nil {
if scCount != (wantCount) {
t.Errorf("drops: %+v, scCount %v, wantCount %v", tt.drops, scCount, wantCount)
func (s) TestEDS_LoadReport(t *testing.T) {
// We create an xdsClientWrapper with a dummy xdsClientInterface which only
// implements the LoadStore() method to return the underlying load.Store to
// be used.
loadStore := load.NewStore()
lsWrapper := &loadStoreWrapper{}
cw := &xdsClientWrapper{
loadWrapper: lsWrapper,
cc := testutils.NewTestClientConn(t)
edsb := newEDSBalancerImpl(cc, nil, cw, nil)
edsb.enqueueChildBalancerStateUpdate = edsb.updateState
backendToBalancerID := make(map[balancer.SubConn]internal.LocalityID)
// Two localities, each with one backend.
clab1 := testutils.NewClusterLoadAssignmentBuilder(testClusterNames[0], nil)
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[0], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[:1], nil)
sc1 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc1, connectivity.Ready)
locality1 := internal.LocalityID{SubZone: testSubZones[0]}
backendToBalancerID[sc1] = locality1
// Add the second locality later to make sure sc2 belongs to the second
// locality. Otherwise the test is flaky because of a map is used in EDS to
// keep localities.
clab1.AddLocality(testSubZones[1], 1, 0, testEndpointAddrs[1:2], nil)
sc2 := <-cc.NewSubConnCh
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Connecting)
edsb.handleSubConnStateChange(sc2, connectivity.Ready)
locality2 := internal.LocalityID{SubZone: testSubZones[1]}
backendToBalancerID[sc2] = locality2
// Test roundrobin with two subconns.
p1 := <-cc.NewPickerCh
// We expect the 10 picks to be split between the localities since they are
// of equal weight. And since we only mark the picks routed to sc2 as done,
// the picks on sc1 should show up as inProgress.
wantStoreData := []*load.Data{{
Cluster: testClusterNames[0],
Service: "",
LocalityStats: map[string]load.LocalityData{
locality1.String(): {RequestStats: load.RequestData{InProgress: 5}},
locality2.String(): {RequestStats: load.RequestData{Succeeded: 5}},
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
scst, _ := p1.Pick(balancer.PickInfo{})
if scst.Done != nil && scst.SubConn != sc1 {
gotStoreData := loadStore.Stats(testClusterNames[0:1])
if diff := cmp.Diff(wantStoreData, gotStoreData, cmpopts.EquateEmpty(), cmpopts.IgnoreFields(load.Data{}, "ReportInterval")); diff != "" {
t.Errorf("store.stats() returned unexpected diff (-want +got):\n%s", diff)