blob: 38162d109ffa9ef9613f16422210d52648206e0d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package edsbalancer
import (
xdsinternal ""
xdsclient ""
var (
testServiceName = "test/foo"
testEDSClusterName = "test/service/eds"
// Given a list of resource names, verifies that EDS requests for the same are
// received at the fake server.
func verifyExpectedRequests(fc *fakeclient.Client, resourceNames ...string) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
for _, name := range resourceNames {
if name == "" {
// ResourceName empty string indicates a cancel.
if err := fc.WaitForCancelEDSWatch(ctx); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("timed out when expecting resource %q", name)
return nil
resName, err := fc.WaitForWatchEDS(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("timed out when expecting resource %q, %p", name, fc)
if resName != name {
return fmt.Errorf("got EDS request for resource %q, expected: %q", resName, name)
return nil
// TestClientWrapperWatchEDS verifies that the clientWrapper registers an
// EDS watch for expected resource upon receiving an update from the top-level
// edsBalancer.
// The test does the following:
// * Starts a fake xDS server.
// * Creates a clientWrapper.
// * Sends updates with different edsServiceNames and expects new watches to be
// registered.
func (s) TestClientWrapperWatchEDS(t *testing.T) {
xdsC := fakeclient.NewClientWithName(testBalancerNameFooBar)
cw := newXDSClientWrapper(nil, nil)
defer cw.close()
t.Logf("Started xDS client wrapper for endpoint %s...", testServiceName)
// Update with an non-empty edsServiceName should trigger an EDS watch for
// the same.
cw.handleUpdate(&EDSConfig{EDSServiceName: "foobar-1"}, attributes.New(xdsinternal.XDSClientID, xdsC))
if err := verifyExpectedRequests(xdsC, "foobar-1"); err != nil {
// Also test the case where the edsServerName changes from one non-empty
// name to another, and make sure a new watch is registered. The previously
// registered watch will be cancelled, which will result in an EDS request
// with no resource names being sent to the server.
cw.handleUpdate(&EDSConfig{EDSServiceName: "foobar-2"}, attributes.New(xdsinternal.XDSClientID, xdsC))
if err := verifyExpectedRequests(xdsC, "", "foobar-2"); err != nil {
// TestClientWrapperHandleUpdateError verifies that the clientWrapper handles
// errors from the edsWatch callback appropriately.
// The test does the following:
// * Creates a clientWrapper.
// * Creates a fakeclient.Client and passes it to the clientWrapper in attributes.
// * Verifies the clientWrapper registers an EDS watch.
// * Forces the fakeclient.Client to invoke the registered EDS watch callback with
// an error. Verifies that the wrapper does not invoke the top-level
// edsBalancer with the received error.
func (s) TestClientWrapperHandleUpdateError(t *testing.T) {
edsRespChan := testutils.NewChannel()
newEDS := func(update xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate, err error) {
edsRespChan.Send(&edsUpdate{resp: update, err: err})
cw := newXDSClientWrapper(newEDS, nil)
defer cw.close()
xdsC := fakeclient.NewClient()
cw.handleUpdate(&EDSConfig{EDSServiceName: testEDSClusterName}, attributes.New(xdsinternal.XDSClientID, xdsC))
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
gotCluster, err := xdsC.WaitForWatchEDS(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchEndpoints failed with error: %v", err)
if gotCluster != testEDSClusterName {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchEndpoints() called with cluster: %v, want %v", gotCluster, testEDSClusterName)
watchErr := errors.New("EDS watch callback error")
xdsC.InvokeWatchEDSCallback(xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate{}, watchErr)
// The callback is called with an error, expect no update from edsRespChan.
// TODO: check for loseContact() when errors indicating "lose contact" are
// handled correctly.
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
gotUpdate, err := edsRespChan.Receive(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("edsBalancer failed to get edsUpdate %v", err)
update := gotUpdate.(*edsUpdate)
if !cmp.Equal(update.resp, (xdsclient.EndpointsUpdate{})) || update.err != watchErr {
t.Fatalf("want update {nil, %v}, got %+v", watchErr, update)
// TestClientWrapperGetsXDSClientInAttributes verfies the case where the
// clientWrapper receives the xdsClient to use in the attributes section of the
// update.
func (s) TestClientWrapperGetsXDSClientInAttributes(t *testing.T) {
cw := newXDSClientWrapper(nil, nil)
defer cw.close()
xdsC1 := fakeclient.NewClient()
cw.handleUpdate(&EDSConfig{EDSServiceName: testEDSClusterName}, attributes.New(xdsinternal.XDSClientID, xdsC1))
// Verify that the eds watch is registered for the expected resource name.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultTestTimeout)
defer cancel()
gotCluster, err := xdsC1.WaitForWatchEDS(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchEndpoints failed with error: %v", err)
if gotCluster != testEDSClusterName {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchEndpoints() called with cluster: %v, want %v", gotCluster, testEDSClusterName)
// Pass a new client in the attributes. Verify that the watch is
// re-registered on the new client, and that the old client is not closed
// (because clientWrapper only closes clients that it creates, it does not
// close client that are passed through attributes).
xdsC2 := fakeclient.NewClient()
cw.handleUpdate(&EDSConfig{EDSServiceName: testEDSClusterName}, attributes.New(xdsinternal.XDSClientID, xdsC2))
gotCluster, err = xdsC2.WaitForWatchEDS(ctx)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchEndpoints failed with error: %v", err)
if gotCluster != testEDSClusterName {
t.Fatalf("xdsClient.WatchEndpoints() called with cluster: %v, want %v", gotCluster, testEDSClusterName)
if err := xdsC1.WaitForClose(ctx); err != context.DeadlineExceeded {
t.Fatalf("clientWrapper closed xdsClient received in attributes")