Add hinted version of Tibetan Bold v1.00.

Note: These were run through ttx by autofix. TTX builds more compact
tables than what were in the drops and what was previously in the
repo.  The ttx decompilation is the same except for the autofix
modifications (vendor url in name table, ulUnicodeRanges in os/2
table).  This accounts for the significant size differences in some
tables in the existing Tibetan fonts, there are no functional
differences except for the two small autofix changes.


    size: 716728 vs 709040 (7688 bytes smaller)
    tables: changed GDEF(-7632), cmap(-60), name(+2), 1 other
    size differs but revision number is the same
    size: 400876 vs 393132 (7744 bytes smaller)
    tables: changed GDEF(-7112), glyf(-617), cmap(-60), name(+46), 2 others
    size differs but revision number is the same
    size: 430160 vs 421868 (8292 bytes smaller)
    tables: changed GDEF(-7632), glyf(-605), cmap(-60), name(+2), 2 others
    size differs but revision number is the same
4 files changed
tree: b17e4bb928fc58c4516acce11947d534998b6cdb
  1. alpha/
  2. hinted/
  3. unhinted/


Noto fonts

Noto's goal is providing a beautiful reading experience for everyone and for all languages. With visual harmony when multiple languages share a page. With multiple styles and weights, and Freely available to all.

Currently, Noto covers all major languages of the world and many others, including European, African, Middle Eastern, Indic, South and Southeast Asian, Central Asian, American, and East Asian languages. Several minority and historical languages are also supported.

Support for Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean was first added in July 2014.

You can preview and download the Noto fonts at

Noto fonts are open source. Noto Sans CJK is published under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1. All other Noto fonts are published under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Use unhinted fonts for Android and Mac (Android and Mac ignore hinting information embedded in fonts). Use hinted fonts for other platforms.


All Noto fonts are included in this repository, except for:

Tools used for testing fonts are in nototools.

Noto was moved from Google Code to github in June 2015. A historical copy of the old monolithic repo is at noto-monolithic

Development and user discussions happen on noto-font Google Group.


  • 2015-06-08: Noto project moved from Google Code to github!

  • 2015-04-20: Noto Sans CJK Version 1.002 released!

  • 2015-03-30: Noto Sans Oriya and and a new design for Armenian fonts released!

  • 2014-10-23: Experimental version of Noto Nastaliq Urdu released!

Have fun!
Google Internationalization Team