blob: 7d52e013b727b27cbd88551422433534129fa7c7 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
# Changes
## [0.8.0]( (2023-01-04)
### Features
* **dataflow:** Add REST client ([06a54a1](
## [0.7.0]( (2022-09-21)
### Features
* **dataflow:** rewrite signatures in terms of new types for betas ([9f303f9](
## [0.6.0]( (2022-09-19)
### Features
* **dataflow:** start generating proto message types ([563f546](
## [0.5.1]( (2022-07-12)
### Documentation
* **dataflow:** corrected the Dataflow job name regex ([1732e43](
## [0.5.0]( (2022-06-29)
### Features
* **dataflow:** start generating REST client for beta clients ([25b7775](
## [0.4.0]( (2022-03-28)
### Features
* **dataflow:** Add the ability to plumb environment capabilities through v1beta3 protos. ([b01c037](
## [0.3.0]( (2022-02-23)
### Features
* **dataflow:** set versionClient to module version ([55f0d92](
## [0.2.0]( (2022-02-14)
### Features
* **dataflow:** add file for tracking version ([17b36ea](
## v0.1.0
This is the first tag to carve out dataflow as its own module. See
[Add a module to a multi-module repository](