blob: 4225900de4c0df99bdaa39b7eb934bfaf0888a05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
package pubsublite
import (
pb ""
fmpb ""
// TopicConfig describes the properties of a Google Pub/Sub Lite topic.
// See for more information
// about how topics are configured.
type TopicConfig struct {
// The full path of a topic.
Name TopicPath
// The number of partitions in the topic. Must be at least 1. Cannot be
// changed after creation.
PartitionCount int64
// Publish throughput capacity per partition in MiB/s.
// Must be >= 4 and <= 16.
PublishCapacityMiBPerSec int32
// Subscribe throughput capacity per partition in MiB/s.
// Must be >= 4 and <= 32.
SubscribeCapacityMiBPerSec int32
// The provisioned storage, in bytes, per partition. If the number of bytes
// stored in any of the topic's partitions grows beyond this value, older
// messages will be dropped to make room for newer ones, regardless of the
// value of `RetentionDuration`.
PerPartitionBytes int64
// How long a published message is retained. If unset, messages will be
// retained as long as the bytes retained for each partition is below
// `PerPartitionBytes`.
RetentionDuration optional.Duration
func (tc *TopicConfig) toProto() *pb.Topic {
topicpb := &pb.Topic{
Name: tc.Name.String(),
PartitionConfig: &pb.Topic_PartitionConfig{
Count: tc.PartitionCount,
Dimension: &pb.Topic_PartitionConfig_Capacity_{
Capacity: &pb.Topic_PartitionConfig_Capacity{
PublishMibPerSec: tc.PublishCapacityMiBPerSec,
SubscribeMibPerSec: tc.SubscribeCapacityMiBPerSec,
RetentionConfig: &pb.Topic_RetentionConfig{
PerPartitionBytes: tc.PerPartitionBytes,
if tc.RetentionDuration != nil {
duration := optional.ToDuration(tc.RetentionDuration)
if duration >= 0 {
topicpb.RetentionConfig.Period = ptypes.DurationProto(duration)
return topicpb
func protoToTopicConfig(t *pb.Topic) (*TopicConfig, error) {
name, err := ParseTopicPath(t.GetName())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pubsublite: invalid topic name %q in topic config", t.GetName())
partitionCfg := t.GetPartitionConfig()
retentionCfg := t.GetRetentionConfig()
topic := &TopicConfig{
Name: name,
PartitionCount: partitionCfg.GetCount(),
PublishCapacityMiBPerSec: partitionCfg.GetCapacity().GetPublishMibPerSec(),
SubscribeCapacityMiBPerSec: partitionCfg.GetCapacity().GetSubscribeMibPerSec(),
PerPartitionBytes: retentionCfg.GetPerPartitionBytes(),
// An unset retention period proto denotes "infinite retention".
if retentionCfg.Period != nil {
period, err := ptypes.Duration(retentionCfg.Period)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pubsublite: invalid retention period in topic config: %v", err)
topic.RetentionDuration = period
return topic, nil
// InfiniteRetention is sentinel used when updating topic configs to clear a
// retention duration (i.e. retain messages as long as there is available
// storage).
const InfiniteRetention = time.Duration(-1)
// TopicConfigToUpdate specifies the properties to update for a topic.
type TopicConfigToUpdate struct {
// The full path of the topic to update. Required.
Name TopicPath
// If non-zero, will update the publish throughput capacity per partition.
PublishCapacityMiBPerSec int32
// If non-zero, will update the subscribe throughput capacity per partition.
SubscribeCapacityMiBPerSec int32
// If non-zero, will update the provisioned storage per partition.
PerPartitionBytes int64
// If specified, will update how long a published message is retained. To
// clear a retention duration (i.e. retain messages as long as there is
// available storage), set this to `pubsublite.InfiniteRetention`.
RetentionDuration optional.Duration
func (tc *TopicConfigToUpdate) toUpdateRequest() *pb.UpdateTopicRequest {
updatedTopic := &pb.Topic{
Name: tc.Name.String(),
PartitionConfig: &pb.Topic_PartitionConfig{
Dimension: &pb.Topic_PartitionConfig_Capacity_{
Capacity: &pb.Topic_PartitionConfig_Capacity{
PublishMibPerSec: tc.PublishCapacityMiBPerSec,
SubscribeMibPerSec: tc.SubscribeCapacityMiBPerSec,
RetentionConfig: &pb.Topic_RetentionConfig{
PerPartitionBytes: tc.PerPartitionBytes,
var fields []string
if tc.PublishCapacityMiBPerSec > 0 {
fields = append(fields, "partition_config.capacity.publish_mib_per_sec")
if tc.SubscribeCapacityMiBPerSec > 0 {
fields = append(fields, "partition_config.capacity.subscribe_mib_per_sec")
if tc.PerPartitionBytes > 0 {
fields = append(fields, "retention_config.per_partition_bytes")
if tc.RetentionDuration != nil {
fields = append(fields, "retention_config.period")
duration := optional.ToDuration(tc.RetentionDuration)
// An unset retention period proto denotes "infinite retention".
if duration >= 0 {
updatedTopic.RetentionConfig.Period = ptypes.DurationProto(duration)
return &pb.UpdateTopicRequest{
Topic: updatedTopic,
UpdateMask: &fmpb.FieldMask{Paths: fields},
// DeliveryRequirement specifies when a subscription should send messages to
// subscribers relative to persistence in storage.
type DeliveryRequirement int32
const (
// UnspecifiedDeliveryRequirement represents and unset delivery requirement.
UnspecifiedDeliveryRequirement = DeliveryRequirement(pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig_DELIVERY_REQUIREMENT_UNSPECIFIED)
// DeliverImmediately means the server will not not wait for a published
// message to be successfully written to storage before delivering it to
// subscribers.
DeliverImmediately = DeliveryRequirement(pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig_DELIVER_IMMEDIATELY)
// DeliverAfterStored means the server will not deliver a published message to
// subscribers until the message has been successfully written to storage.
// This will result in higher end-to-end latency, but consistent delivery.
DeliverAfterStored = DeliveryRequirement(pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig_DELIVER_AFTER_STORED)
// SubscriptionConfig describes the properties of a Google Pub/Sub Lite
// subscription, which is attached to a topic.
// See for more
// information about how subscriptions are configured.
type SubscriptionConfig struct {
// The full path of a subscription.
Name SubscriptionPath
// The name of the topic this subscription is attached to. This cannot be
// changed after creation.
Topic TopicPath
// Whether a message should be delivered to subscribers immediately after it
// has been published or after it has been successfully written to storage.
DeliveryRequirement DeliveryRequirement
func (sc *SubscriptionConfig) toProto() *pb.Subscription {
return &pb.Subscription{
Name: sc.Name.String(),
Topic: sc.Topic.String(),
DeliveryConfig: &pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig{
DeliveryRequirement: pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig_DeliveryRequirement(sc.DeliveryRequirement),
func protoToSubscriptionConfig(s *pb.Subscription) (*SubscriptionConfig, error) {
name, err := ParseSubscriptionPath(s.GetName())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pubsublite: invalid subscription name %q in subscription config", s.GetName())
topic, err := ParseTopicPath(s.GetTopic())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("pubsublite: invalid topic name %q in subscription config", s.GetTopic())
return &SubscriptionConfig{
Name: name,
Topic: topic,
DeliveryRequirement: DeliveryRequirement(s.GetDeliveryConfig().GetDeliveryRequirement().Number()),
}, nil
// SubscriptionConfigToUpdate specifies the properties to update for a
// subscription.
type SubscriptionConfigToUpdate struct {
// The full path of the subscription to update. Required.
Name SubscriptionPath
// If non-zero, updates the message delivery requirement.
DeliveryRequirement DeliveryRequirement
func (sc *SubscriptionConfigToUpdate) toUpdateRequest() *pb.UpdateSubscriptionRequest {
updatedSubs := &pb.Subscription{
Name: sc.Name.String(),
DeliveryConfig: &pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig{
DeliveryRequirement: pb.Subscription_DeliveryConfig_DeliveryRequirement(sc.DeliveryRequirement),
var fields []string
if sc.DeliveryRequirement > 0 {
fields = append(fields, "delivery_config.delivery_requirement")
return &pb.UpdateSubscriptionRequest{
Subscription: updatedSubs,
UpdateMask: &fmpb.FieldMask{Paths: fields},