chore(all): update all (#924)

[![WhiteSource Renovate](](

This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Type | Update | Change |
| []( | require | minor | `v0.78.0` -> `v0.79.0` |
| []( | require | digest | `9bb9049` -> `cd4f82c` |
| []( | require | digest | `8fe3ee5` -> `07df6a1` |
| []( | require | digest | `9728d6b` -> `fc591d9` |


### Release Notes


### [`v0.79.0`](

[Compare Source](

##### Features

-   **apigateway:** start generating apiv1 ([#&#8203;3726]( ([66046da](
-   **channel:** addition of billing_account field on Plan. docs: clarification that valid address lines are required for all customers. ([d4246aa](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** allow to disable webhook invocation per request ([d4246aa](
-   **dialogflow/cx:** allow to disable webhook invocation per request ([44c6bf9](
-   **dialogflow:** Add CCAI API ([18c88c4](
-   **documentai:** remove the translation fields in document.proto. ([18c88c4](
-   **documentai:** Update documentai/v1beta3 protos: add support for boolean normalized value ([529925b](
-   **internal/godocfx:** keep some cross links on same domain ([#&#8203;3767]( ([77f76ed](
-   **internal:** add ability to regenerate one module's docs ([#&#8203;3777]( ([dc15995](
-   **metastore:** added support for release channels when creating service ([18c88c4](
-   **metastore:** Publish Dataproc Metastore v1alpha API ([18c88c4](
-   **metastore:** start generating apiv1alpha ([#&#8203;3747]( ([359312a](
-   **metastore:** start generating apiv1beta ([#&#8203;3788]( ([2977095](
-   **secretmanager:** added topic field to Secret ([f1323b1](

##### Bug Fixes

-   **analytics/admin:** add `` OAuth2 scope to the list of acceptable scopes for all read only methods of the Admin API docs: update the documentation of the `update_mask` field used by Update() methods ([f1323b1](
-   **apigateway:** Provide resource definitions for service management and IAM resources ([18c88c4](
-   **functions:** Fix service namespace in grpc_service_config. ([7811a34](
-   **internal/godocfx:** prevent index out of bounds when pkg == mod ([#&#8203;3768]( ([3d80b4e](
-   **internal/godocfx:** use correct anchor links ([#&#8203;3738]( ([919039a](
-   **internal:** fix Bash syntax ([#&#8203;3779]( ([3dd245d](
-   **tables:** use area120tables_v1alpha1.yaml as api-service-config ([#&#8203;3759]( ([b130ec0](



### Renovate configuration

:date: **Schedule**: "before 3am on Monday" (UTC).

:vertical_traffic_light: **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

:recycle: **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

:ghost: **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired.


 - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box


This PR has been generated by [WhiteSource Renovate]( View repository job log [here](
2 files changed
tree: ea20eb1428c971f8c18f60a88c8b6804ec248e49
  1. .github/
  2. abusiveexperiencereport/
  3. acceleratedmobilepageurl/
  4. accessapproval/
  5. accesscontextmanager/
  6. adexchangebuyer/
  7. adexchangebuyer2/
  8. adexchangeseller/
  9. adexperiencereport/
  10. admin/
  11. admob/
  12. adsense/
  13. adsensehost/
  14. alertcenter/
  15. analytics/
  16. analyticsadmin/
  17. analyticsdata/
  18. analyticsreporting/
  19. androiddeviceprovisioning/
  20. androidenterprise/
  21. androidmanagement/
  22. androidpublisher/
  23. apigateway/
  24. apigee/
  25. appengine/
  26. appsactivity/
  27. appstate/
  28. area120tables/
  29. artifactregistry/
  30. assuredworkloads/
  31. bigquery/
  32. bigqueryconnection/
  33. bigquerydatatransfer/
  34. bigqueryreservation/
  35. bigtableadmin/
  36. billingbudgets/
  37. binaryauthorization/
  38. blogger/
  39. books/
  40. calendar/
  41. chat/
  42. chromemanagement/
  43. chromepolicy/
  44. chromeuxreport/
  45. civicinfo/
  46. classroom/
  47. cloudasset/
  48. cloudbilling/
  49. cloudbuild/
  50. cloudchannel/
  51. cloudcommerceprocurement/
  52. clouddebugger/
  53. clouderrorreporting/
  54. cloudfunctions/
  55. cloudidentity/
  56. cloudiot/
  57. cloudkms/
  58. cloudprivatecatalog/
  59. cloudprivatecatalogproducer/
  60. cloudprofiler/
  61. cloudresourcemanager/
  62. cloudscheduler/
  63. cloudsearch/
  64. cloudshell/
  65. cloudtasks/
  66. cloudtrace/
  67. commentanalyzer/
  68. composer/
  69. compute/
  70. consumersurveys/
  71. container/
  72. containeranalysis/
  73. content/
  74. customsearch/
  75. datacatalog/
  76. dataflow/
  77. datafusion/
  78. datalabeling/
  79. datamigration/
  80. dataproc/
  81. datastore/
  82. deploymentmanager/
  83. dfareporting/
  84. dialogflow/
  85. digitalassetlinks/
  86. discovery/
  87. displayvideo/
  88. dlp/
  89. dns/
  90. docs/
  91. documentai/
  92. domains/
  93. domainsrdap/
  94. doubleclickbidmanager/
  95. doubleclicksearch/
  96. drive/
  97. driveactivity/
  98. eventarc/
  99. examples/
  100. factchecktools/
  101. fcm/
  102. file/
  103. firebase/
  104. firebasedatabase/
  105. firebasedynamiclinks/
  106. firebasehosting/
  107. firebaseml/
  108. firebaseremoteconfig/
  109. firebaserules/
  110. firestore/
  111. fitness/
  112. fusiontables/
  113. games/
  114. gamesconfiguration/
  115. gameservices/
  116. gamesmanagement/
  117. genomics/
  118. gmail/
  119. gmailpostmastertools/
  120. google-api-go-generator/
  121. googleapi/
  122. groupsmigration/
  123. groupssettings/
  124. healthcare/
  125. homegraph/
  126. iam/
  127. iamcredentials/
  128. iap/
  129. identitytoolkit/
  130. idtoken/
  131. indexing/
  132. integration-tests/
  133. internal/
  134. iterator/
  135. jobs/
  136. kgsearch/
  137. language/
  138. lib/
  139. libraryagent/
  140. licensing/
  141. lifesciences/
  142. localservices/
  143. logging/
  144. managedidentities/
  145. manufacturers/
  146. memcache/
  147. metastore/
  148. mirror/
  149. ml/
  150. monitoring/
  151. mybusinessaccountmanagement/
  152. networkconnectivity/
  153. networkmanagement/
  154. notebooks/
  155. oauth2/
  156. ondemandscanning/
  157. option/
  158. osconfig/
  159. oslogin/
  160. pagespeedonline/
  161. partners/
  162. people/
  163. playablelocations/
  164. playcustomapp/
  165. playmoviespartner/
  166. plus/
  167. plusdomains/
  168. policysimulator/
  169. policytroubleshooter/
  170. poly/
  171. privateca/
  172. prod_tt_sasportal/
  173. proximitybeacon/
  174. pubsub/
  175. pubsublite/
  176. qpxexpress/
  177. realtimebidding/
  178. recommendationengine/
  179. recommender/
  180. redis/
  181. remotebuildexecution/
  182. replicapool/
  183. replicapoolupdater/
  184. reseller/
  185. retail/
  186. run/
  187. runtimeconfig/
  188. safebrowsing/
  189. sasportal/
  190. script/
  191. searchconsole/
  192. secretmanager/
  193. securitycenter/
  194. servicebroker/
  195. serviceconsumermanagement/
  196. servicecontrol/
  197. servicedirectory/
  198. servicemanagement/
  199. servicenetworking/
  200. serviceusage/
  201. serviceuser/
  202. sheets/
  203. siteverification/
  204. slides/
  205. smartdevicemanagement/
  206. sourcerepo/
  207. spanner/
  208. spectrum/
  209. speech/
  210. sql/
  211. sqladmin/
  212. storage/
  213. storagetransfer/
  214. streetviewpublish/
  215. sts/
  216. support/
  217. surveys/
  218. tagmanager/
  219. tasks/
  220. testing/
  221. texttospeech/
  222. toolresults/
  223. tpu/
  224. tracing/
  225. trafficdirector/
  226. transcoder/
  227. translate/
  228. transport/
  229. urlshortener/
  230. vault/
  231. vectortile/
  232. verifiedaccess/
  233. videointelligence/
  234. vision/
  235. webfonts/
  236. webmasters/
  237. webrisk/
  238. websecurityscanner/
  239. workflowexecutions/
  240. workflows/
  241. youtube/
  242. youtubeanalytics/
  243. youtubereporting/
  244. .gitignore
  245. .hgtags
  246. api-list.json
  247. AUTHORS
  251. doc.go
  253. go.mod
  254. go.sum
  255. header_test.go
  256. LICENSE
  257. NOTES
  260. synth.metadata
  263. TODO
  264. tools.go

Google APIs Client Library for Go

Getting Started

$ go get
$ go get
$ go get
... etc ...

and using:

package main

import (


func main() {
        ctx := context.Background()
        svc, err := urlshortener.NewService(ctx)
        // ...


Go Reference

These are auto-generated Go libraries from the Google Discovery Service's JSON description files.

Due to the auto-generated nature of this collection of libraries they may contain breaking changes from one release to the next. The generator itself and the code it produces are considered beta for this reason.

These client libraries are officially supported by Google. However, the libraries are considered complete and are in maintenance mode. This means that we will address critical bugs and security issues but will not add any new features.

If you're working with Google Cloud Platform APIs such as Datastore or Pub/Sub, please use the Cloud Client Libraries for Go instead. These are the new and idiomatic Go libraries targeted specifically at Google Cloud Platform Services.


By default, each API will use Google Application Default Credentials for authorization credentials used in calling the API endpoints. This will allow your application to run in many environments without requiring explicit configuration.

// import ""
client, err := sheets.NewService(ctx)

To authorize using a JSON key file, pass option.WithCredentialsFile to the NewService function of the desired package. For example:

client, err := sheets.NewService(ctx, option.WithCredentialsFile("path/to/keyfile.json"))

You can exert more control over authorization by using the package to create an oauth2.TokenSource. Then pass option.WithTokenSource to the NewService function:

tokenSource := ...
svc, err := sheets.NewService(ctx, option.WithTokenSource(tokenSource))

More information

For some more information related to all of the generated clients please read through our package documentation.