Minor fixes of path template for Go.

- adds doc comments
- adds a 'MustCompile' function similar to regexp.MustCompile(),
  this will be useful because PathTemplate is usually be global
  variables in the generated files.

Change-Id: Iee9de220c951576d36a7e771fe4232c64493ace3
1 file changed
tree: f110558cfb9af53d616cff2d92544d400884e3fc
  1. gax.go
  2. gax_test.go
  3. option.go
  4. option_test.go
  5. path_template.go
  6. path_template_test.go
  7. README.md

GAX: Google API eXtension

GAX provides the utilities for gRPC-based API client libraries.