Added alternative flamegraph implementation that can show callers. (#716)

Add an experimental flame-graph implementation. It can be selected in
pprof's web interface using the new "Flame (experimental)" menu entry.
At some point this new implementation may become the default.

The new view is similar to flame-graph view. But it can show caller
information as well. This should allow it to satisfy many users of
Graph and Peek views as well.

Let's illustrate with an example. Suppose we have profile data that
consists of the following stacks:

1000	main -> foo -> malloc
2000	main -> bar -> malloc

When main is selected, both the old and new views show:

[-------------------3000 main---------------------]
[---1000 foo-----] [----------2000 bar------------]
[---1000 malloc--] [----------2000 malloc---------]

But suppose now the user selects the right-most malloc slot.
The old view will show just the path leading to that malloc:

[----------2000 main-----------]
[----------2000 bar------------]
[----------2000 malloc---------]

The new view will however show a flame-graph view that grows
upwards that displays the call stacks leading to malloc:

[---1000 main----] [----------2000 main-----------]
[---1000 foo-----] [----------2000 bar------------]
[-------------------3000 malloc-------------------]

This caller display is useful when trying to determine expensive
callers of function.

A list of important differences between the new view and flame graphs:

New view pros:

1.  Callers are shown, e.g., all paths leading to malloc.
2.  Shows self-cost clearly with a different saturation.
3.  Font size is adjusted to fit more text into boxes.
4.  Highlighting on hover shows other occurrences of a function.
5.  Search works more like other views.
6.  Pivot changes are reflected in browser history (so back and forward
    buttons can be used to navigate between different selections).
7.  Allows eventual removal of the D3 dependency, which may make
    integrations into various environments easier.
8.  Colors provide higher contrast between foreground and background.

New view cons:

1.  There are small differences in how things look and feel.
2.  Color-scheme is very different.
3.  Change triggered by selecting a new entry is not animated.
18 files changed
tree: 38b959188d648ddd15fc6438906cc5c428023a22
  1. .github/
  2. doc/
  3. driver/
  4. fuzz/
  5. internal/
  6. profile/
  7. proto/
  8. third_party/
  9. .gitattributes
  10. .gitignore
  14. go.mod
  15. go.sum
  17. pprof.go

Github Action CI Codecov Go Reference


pprof is a tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data.

pprof reads a collection of profiling samples in profile.proto format and generates reports to visualize and help analyze the data. It can generate both text and graphical reports (through the use of the dot visualization package).

profile.proto is a protocol buffer that describes a set of callstacks and symbolization information. A common usage is to represent a set of sampled callstacks from statistical profiling. The format is described on the proto/profile.proto file. For details on protocol buffers, see

Profiles can be read from a local file, or over http. Multiple profiles of the same type can be aggregated or compared.

If the profile samples contain machine addresses, pprof can symbolize them through the use of the native binutils tools (addr2line and nm).

This is not an official Google product.

Building pprof


To build and install it:

go install

The binary will be installed $GOPATH/bin ($HOME/go/bin by default).

Basic usage

pprof can read a profile from a file or directly from a server via http. Specify the profile input(s) in the command line, and use options to indicate how to format the report.

Generate a text report of the profile, sorted by hotness:

% pprof -top [main_binary] profile.pb.gz
    main_binary:  Local path to the main program binary, to enable symbolization
    profile.pb.gz: Local path to the profile in a compressed protobuf, or
                   URL to the http service that serves a profile.

Generate a graph in an SVG file, and open it with a web browser:

pprof -web [main_binary] profile.pb.gz

Run pprof on interactive mode:

If no output formatting option is specified, pprof runs on interactive mode, where reads the profile and accepts interactive commands for visualization and refinement of the profile.

pprof [main_binary] profile.pb.gz

This will open a simple shell that takes pprof commands to generate reports.
Type 'help' for available commands/options.

Run pprof via a web interface

If the -http flag is specified, pprof starts a web server at the specified host:port that provides an interactive web-based interface to pprof. Host is optional, and is “localhost” by default. Port is optional, and is a random available port by default. -http=":" starts a server locally at a random port.

pprof -http=[host]:[port] [main_binary] profile.pb.gz

The preceding command should automatically open your web browser at the right page; if not, you can manually visit the specified port in your web browser.

Using pprof with Linux Perf

pprof can read files generated by the Linux perf tool by using the perf_to_profile program from the perf_data_converter package.

Viewing disassembly on Windows

To view disassembly of profiles collected from Go programs compiled as Windows executables, the executable must be built with go build -buildmode=exe. LLVM or GCC must be installed, so required tools like addr2line and nm are available to pprof.

Further documentation

See doc/ for more detailed end-user documentation.

See for contribution documentation.

See proto/ for a description of the profile.proto format.