blob: f103a9c0ca885d519a0b18e589e268b4990d85c9 [file] [log] [blame]
'use strict';
import _ from 'lodash';
import File from 'vinyl';
import gulp from 'gulp';
import merge from 'merge-stream';
import sprity from 'sprity';
import svgSprite from 'gulp-svg-sprite';
import through2 from 'through2';
import { humanize, titleize } from 'underscore.string';
/** Names of directories containing icons. */
/** Standard PNG colors. */
const PNG_COLORS = [
* Generates PNG sprites and their corresponding CSS files for each category of
* icon, and places them in `sprites/css-sprite`.
* TODO(shyndman): Add support for double density sprites.
gulp.task('png-sprites', () =>
.map(([ category, color ]) =>
src: `./${ category }/1x_web/*_${ color }_24dp.png`,
style: `sprite-${ category }-${ color }.css`,
name: `sprite-${ category }-${ color }`,
engine: 'sprity-gm',
orientation: 'left-right'
* Generates CSS and Symbol-based SVG sprites for each category, and places
* them in `sprites/svg-sprite`.
gulp.task('svg-sprites', () =>
.map((category) =>
gulp.src(`./${ category }/svg/production/*_24px.svg`)
* Generates a file to allow the consumption of the icon font by Iconjar
* (
gulp.task('iconjar', () =>
/** Runs all tasks. */
gulp.task('default', ['png-sprites', 'svg-sprites', 'iconjar']);
* Returns a stream that transforms between our icon font's codepoint file
* and an Iconjar ijmap.
function generateIjmap(ijmapPath) {
return through2.obj((codepointsFile, encoding, callback) => {
const ijmap = {
icons: codepointsToIjmap(codepointsFile.contents.toString())
callback(null, new File({
path: ijmapPath,
contents: new Buffer(JSON.stringify(ijmap), 'utf8')
function codepointsToIjmap(codepoints) {
return _(codepoints)
.split('\n') // split into lines
.reject(_.isEmpty) // remove empty lines
.reduce((codepointMap, line) => { // build up the codepoint map
let [ name, codepoint ] = line.split(' ');
codepointMap[codepoint] = { name: titleize(humanize(name)) };
return codepointMap;
}, {});
* Returns the SVG sprite configuration for the specified category.
function getSvgSpriteConfig(category) {
return {
shape: {
dimension: {
maxWidth: 24,
maxHeight: 24
mode: {
css : {
bust: false,
dest: './',
sprite: `./svg-sprite-${ category }.svg`,
example: {
dest: `./svg-sprite-${ category }.html`
render: {
css: {
dest: `./svg-sprite-${ category }.css`
symbol : {
bust: false,
dest: './',
sprite: `./svg-sprite-${ category }-symbol.svg`,
example: {
dest: `./svg-sprite-${ category }-symbol.html`
* Returns the catesian product of categories and colors.
function getCategoryColorPairs() {
.map((category) =>, () => category), PNG_COLORS))
.flatten() // flattens 1 level