| This is the context-free grammar for Emboss. Terminal symbols are in `"quotes"` |
| or are named in `CamelCase`; nonterminal symbols are named in `snake_case`. The |
| term `<empty>` to the right of the `->` indicates an empty production (a rule |
| where the left-hand-side may be parsed from an empty string). |
| |
| This listing is auto-generated from the grammar defined in `module_ir.py`. |
| |
| Note that, unlike in many languages, comments are included in the grammar. This |
| is so that comments can be handled more easily by the autoformatter; comments |
| are ignored by the compiler. This is distinct from *documentation*, which is |
| included in the IR for use by documentation generators. |
| |
| ```shell |
| module -> comment-line* doc-line* import-line* |
| attribute-line* type-definition* |
| type-definition -> bits |
| | enum |
| | external |
| | struct |
| struct -> "struct" type-name |
| delimited-parameter-definition-list? |
| ":" Comment? eol struct-body |
| struct-body -> Indent doc-line* attribute-line* |
| type-definition* struct-field-block |
| Dedent |
| struct-field-block -> <empty> |
| | conditional-struct-field-block |
| struct-field-block |
| | unconditional-struct-field |
| struct-field-block |
| unconditional-struct-field -> anonymous-bits-field-definition |
| | field |
| | inline-bits-field-definition |
| | inline-enum-field-definition |
| | inline-struct-field-definition |
| | virtual-field |
| virtual-field -> "let" snake-name "=" expression |
| Comment? eol field-body? |
| field-body -> Indent doc-line* attribute-line* Dedent |
| expression -> choice-expression |
| choice-expression -> logical-expression |
| | logical-expression "?" |
| logical-expression ":" |
| logical-expression |
| logical-expression -> and-expression |
| | comparison-expression |
| | or-expression |
| or-expression -> comparison-expression |
| or-expression-right+ |
| or-expression-right -> or-operator comparison-expression |
| or-operator -> "||" |
| comparison-expression -> additive-expression |
| | additive-expression |
| equality-expression-right+ |
| | additive-expression |
| greater-expression-right-list |
| | additive-expression inequality-operator |
| additive-expression |
| | additive-expression |
| less-expression-right-list |
| less-expression-right-list -> equality-expression-right* |
| less-expression-right |
| equality-or-less-expression-right* |
| equality-or-less-expression-right -> equality-expression-right |
| | less-expression-right |
| less-expression-right -> less-operator additive-expression |
| less-operator -> "<" |
| | "<=" |
| inequality-operator -> "!=" |
| greater-expression-right-list -> equality-expression-right* |
| greater-expression-right |
| equality-or-greater-expression-right* |
| equality-or-greater-expression-right -> equality-expression-right |
| | greater-expression-right |
| greater-expression-right -> greater-operator additive-expression |
| greater-operator -> ">" |
| | ">=" |
| equality-expression-right -> equality-operator additive-expression |
| equality-operator -> "==" |
| additive-expression -> times-expression |
| additive-expression-right* |
| additive-expression-right -> additive-operator times-expression |
| additive-operator -> "+" |
| | "-" |
| times-expression -> negation-expression |
| times-expression-right* |
| times-expression-right -> multiplicative-operator |
| negation-expression |
| multiplicative-operator -> "*" |
| negation-expression -> additive-operator bottom-expression |
| | bottom-expression |
| bottom-expression -> "(" expression ")" |
| | boolean-constant |
| | builtin-reference |
| | constant-reference |
| | field-reference |
| | function-name "(" argument-list ")" |
| | numeric-constant |
| numeric-constant -> Number |
| argument-list -> <empty> |
| | expression comma-then-expression* |
| comma-then-expression -> "," expression |
| function-name -> "$lower_bound" |
| | "$max" |
| | "$present" |
| | "$upper_bound" |
| field-reference -> snake-reference field-reference-tail* |
| field-reference-tail -> "." snake-reference |
| snake-reference -> builtin-field-word |
| | snake-word |
| snake-word -> SnakeWord |
| builtin-field-word -> "$max_size_in_bits" |
| | "$max_size_in_bytes" |
| | "$min_size_in_bits" |
| | "$min_size_in_bytes" |
| | "$size_in_bits" |
| | "$size_in_bytes" |
| constant-reference -> constant-reference-tail |
| | snake-reference "." |
| constant-reference-tail |
| constant-reference-tail -> constant-word |
| | type-word "." constant-reference-tail |
| | type-word "." snake-reference |
| type-word -> CamelWord |
| constant-word -> ShoutyWord |
| builtin-reference -> builtin-word |
| builtin-word -> "$is_statically_sized" |
| | "$static_size_in_bits" |
| boolean-constant -> BooleanConstant |
| and-expression -> comparison-expression |
| and-expression-right+ |
| and-expression-right -> and-operator comparison-expression |
| and-operator -> "&&" |
| snake-name -> snake-word |
| inline-struct-field-definition -> field-location "struct" snake-name |
| abbreviation? ":" Comment? eol |
| struct-body |
| abbreviation -> "(" snake-word ")" |
| field-location -> expression "[" "+" expression "]" |
| inline-enum-field-definition -> field-location "enum" snake-name |
| abbreviation? ":" Comment? eol |
| enum-body |
| enum-body -> Indent doc-line* attribute-line* |
| enum-value+ Dedent |
| enum-value -> constant-name "=" expression doc? |
| Comment? eol enum-value-body? |
| enum-value-body -> Indent doc-line* Dedent |
| doc -> Documentation |
| constant-name -> constant-word |
| inline-bits-field-definition -> field-location "bits" snake-name |
| abbreviation? ":" Comment? eol |
| bits-body |
| bits-body -> Indent doc-line* attribute-line* |
| type-definition* bits-field-block |
| Dedent |
| bits-field-block -> <empty> |
| | conditional-bits-field-block |
| bits-field-block |
| | unconditional-bits-field |
| bits-field-block |
| unconditional-bits-field -> unconditional-anonymous-bits-field |
| | virtual-field |
| unconditional-anonymous-bits-field -> field |
| | inline-bits-field-definition |
| | inline-enum-field-definition |
| conditional-bits-field-block -> "if" expression ":" Comment? eol Indent |
| unconditional-bits-field+ Dedent |
| field -> field-location type snake-name |
| abbreviation? attribute* doc? Comment? |
| eol field-body? |
| attribute -> "[" attribute-context? "$default"? |
| snake-word ":" attribute-value "]" |
| attribute-value -> expression |
| | string-constant |
| string-constant -> String |
| attribute-context -> "(" snake-word ")" |
| type -> type-reference delimited-argument-list? |
| type-size-specifier? |
| array-length-specifier* |
| array-length-specifier -> "[" "]" |
| | "[" expression "]" |
| type-size-specifier -> ":" numeric-constant |
| delimited-argument-list -> "(" argument-list ")" |
| type-reference -> snake-word "." type-reference-tail |
| | type-reference-tail |
| type-reference-tail -> type-word |
| | type-word "." type-reference-tail |
| anonymous-bits-field-definition -> field-location "bits" ":" Comment? eol |
| anonymous-bits-body |
| anonymous-bits-body -> Indent attribute-line* |
| anonymous-bits-field-block Dedent |
| anonymous-bits-field-block -> <empty> |
| | conditional-anonymous-bits-field-block |
| anonymous-bits-field-block |
| | unconditional-anonymous-bits-field |
| anonymous-bits-field-block |
| conditional-anonymous-bits-field-block -> "if" expression ":" Comment? eol Indent |
| unconditional-anonymous-bits-field+ |
| Dedent |
| conditional-struct-field-block -> "if" expression ":" Comment? eol Indent |
| unconditional-struct-field+ Dedent |
| eol -> "\n" comment-line* |
| delimited-parameter-definition-list -> "(" parameter-definition-list ")" |
| parameter-definition-list -> <empty> |
| | parameter-definition |
| parameter-definition-list-tail* |
| parameter-definition-list-tail -> "," parameter-definition |
| parameter-definition -> snake-name ":" type |
| type-name -> type-word |
| external -> "external" type-name ":" Comment? eol |
| external-body |
| external-body -> Indent doc-line* attribute-line* Dedent |
| enum -> "enum" type-name ":" Comment? eol |
| enum-body |
| bits -> "bits" type-name |
| delimited-parameter-definition-list? |
| ":" Comment? eol bits-body |
| attribute-line -> attribute Comment? eol |
| import-line -> "import" string-constant "as" |
| snake-word Comment? eol |
| doc-line -> doc Comment? eol |
| comment-line -> Comment? "\n" |
| ``` |
| |
| The following productions are automatically generated to handle zero-or-more, |
| one-or-more, and zero-or-one repeated lists (`foo*`, `foo+`, and `foo?` |
| nonterminals) in LR(1). They are included for completeness, but may be ignored |
| if you just want to understand the grammar. |
| |
| ```shell |
| "$default"? -> <empty> |
| | "$default" |
| Comment? -> <empty> |
| | Comment |
| abbreviation? -> <empty> |
| | abbreviation |
| additive-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | additive-expression-right |
| additive-expression-right* |
| and-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | and-expression-right |
| and-expression-right* |
| and-expression-right+ -> and-expression-right |
| and-expression-right* |
| array-length-specifier* -> <empty> |
| | array-length-specifier |
| array-length-specifier* |
| attribute* -> <empty> |
| | attribute attribute* |
| attribute-context? -> <empty> |
| | attribute-context |
| attribute-line* -> <empty> |
| | attribute-line attribute-line* |
| comma-then-expression* -> <empty> |
| | comma-then-expression |
| comma-then-expression* |
| comment-line* -> <empty> |
| | comment-line comment-line* |
| delimited-argument-list? -> <empty> |
| | delimited-argument-list |
| delimited-parameter-definition-list? -> <empty> |
| | delimited-parameter-definition-list |
| doc-line* -> <empty> |
| | doc-line doc-line* |
| doc? -> <empty> |
| | doc |
| enum-value* -> <empty> |
| | enum-value enum-value* |
| enum-value+ -> enum-value enum-value* |
| enum-value-body? -> <empty> |
| | enum-value-body |
| equality-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | equality-expression-right |
| equality-expression-right* |
| equality-expression-right+ -> equality-expression-right |
| equality-expression-right* |
| equality-or-greater-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | equality-or-greater-expression-right |
| equality-or-greater-expression-right* |
| equality-or-less-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | equality-or-less-expression-right |
| equality-or-less-expression-right* |
| field-body? -> <empty> |
| | field-body |
| field-reference-tail* -> <empty> |
| | field-reference-tail |
| field-reference-tail* |
| import-line* -> <empty> |
| | import-line import-line* |
| or-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | or-expression-right or-expression-right* |
| or-expression-right+ -> or-expression-right or-expression-right* |
| parameter-definition-list-tail* -> <empty> |
| | parameter-definition-list-tail |
| parameter-definition-list-tail* |
| times-expression-right* -> <empty> |
| | times-expression-right |
| times-expression-right* |
| type-definition* -> <empty> |
| | type-definition type-definition* |
| type-size-specifier? -> <empty> |
| | type-size-specifier |
| unconditional-anonymous-bits-field* -> <empty> |
| | unconditional-anonymous-bits-field |
| unconditional-anonymous-bits-field* |
| unconditional-anonymous-bits-field+ -> unconditional-anonymous-bits-field |
| unconditional-anonymous-bits-field* |
| unconditional-bits-field* -> <empty> |
| | unconditional-bits-field |
| unconditional-bits-field* |
| unconditional-bits-field+ -> unconditional-bits-field |
| unconditional-bits-field* |
| unconditional-struct-field* -> <empty> |
| | unconditional-struct-field |
| unconditional-struct-field* |
| unconditional-struct-field+ -> unconditional-struct-field |
| unconditional-struct-field* |
| ``` |
| |
| The following regexes are used to tokenize input into the corresponding symbols. |
| Note that the `Indent`, `Dedent`, and `EndOfLine` symbols are generated using |
| separate logic. |
| |
| Pattern | Symbol |
| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------ |
| `\[` | `"["` |
| `\]` | `"]"` |
| `\(` | `"("` |
| `\)` | `")"` |
| `\:` | `":"` |
| `\=` | `"="` |
| `\+` | `"+"` |
| `\-` | `"-"` |
| `\*` | `"*"` |
| `\.` | `"."` |
| `\?` | `"?"` |
| `\=\=` | `"=="` |
| `\!\=` | `"!="` |
| `\&\&` | `"&&"` |
| `\|\|` | `"||"` |
| `\<` | `"<"` |
| `\>` | `">"` |
| `\<\=` | `"<="` |
| `\>\=` | `">="` |
| `\,` | `","` |
| `\$static_size_in_bits` | `"$static_size_in_bits"` |
| `\$is_statically_sized` | `"$is_statically_sized"` |
| `\$max` | `"$max"` |
| `\$present` | `"$present"` |
| `\$upper_bound` | `"$upper_bound"` |
| `\$lower_bound` | `"$lower_bound"` |
| `\$size_in_bits` | `"$size_in_bits"` |
| `\$size_in_bytes` | `"$size_in_bytes"` |
| `\$max_size_in_bits` | `"$max_size_in_bits"` |
| `\$max_size_in_bytes` | `"$max_size_in_bytes"` |
| `\$min_size_in_bits` | `"$min_size_in_bits"` |
| `\$min_size_in_bytes` | `"$min_size_in_bytes"` |
| `\$default` | `"$default"` |
| `struct` | `"struct"` |
| `bits` | `"bits"` |
| `enum` | `"enum"` |
| `external` | `"external"` |
| `import` | `"import"` |
| `as` | `"as"` |
| `if` | `"if"` |
| `let` | `"let"` |
| `EmbossReserved[A-Za-z0-9]*` | `BadWord` |
| `emboss_reserved[_a-z0-9]*` | `BadWord` |
| `EMBOSS_RESERVED[_A-Z0-9]*` | `BadWord` |
| `"(?:[^"\n\\]\|\\[n\\"])*"` | `String` |
| `[0-9]+` | `Number` |
| `[0-9]{1,3}(?:_[0-9]{3})*` | `Number` |
| `0x[0-9a-fA-F]+` | `Number` |
| `0x_?[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4}(?:_[0-9a-fA-F]{4})*` | `Number` |
| `0x_?[0-9a-fA-F]{1,8}(?:_[0-9a-fA-F]{8})*` | `Number` |
| `0b[01]+` | `Number` |
| `0b_?[01]{1,4}(?:_[01]{4})*` | `Number` |
| `0b_?[01]{1,8}(?:_[01]{8})*` | `Number` |
| `true\|false` | `BooleanConstant` |
| `[a-z][a-z_0-9]*` | `SnakeWord` |
| `[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*` | `ShoutyWord` |
| `[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*` | `CamelWord` |
| `-- .*` | `Documentation` |
| `--$` | `Documentation` |
| `--.*` | `BadDocumentation` |
| `\s+` | *no symbol emitted* |
| `#.*` | `Comment` |
| `[0-9][bxBX]?[0-9a-fA-F_]*` | `BadNumber` |
| `[a-zA-Z_$0-9]+` | `BadWord` |
| |
| The following 534 keywords are reserved, but not used, by Emboss. They may not |
| be used as field, type, or enum value names. |
| |
| `INT16_MIN` `INT32_C` `INT32_MAX` `INT32_MIN` `INT64_C` `INT64_MAX` `INT64_MIN` |
| `M_2_PI` `M_2_SQRTPI` `M_3PI_4` `M_E` `M_INVLN2` `M_IVLN10` `M_LN10` `M_LN2` |
| `M_LN2HI` `M_LN2LO` `M_LOG10E` `M_LOG2E` `M_LOG2_E` `M_PI` `M_PI_2` `M_PI_4` |
| `M_SQRT1_2` `M_SQRT2` `M_SQRT3` `M_SQRTPI` `M_TWOPI` `NAN` `NDEBUG` `NSInteger` |
| `NSNumber` `NSObject` `NULL` `None` `ONCE_FLAG_INIT` `OVERFLOW` `PLOSS` |
| `abstract` `acos` `acosh` `after` `alignas` `alignof` `and` `and_eq` `andalso` |
| `asin` `asinh` `asm` `assert` `atan` `atan2` `atanh` |
| `atomic_compare_exchange_strong` `atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit` |
| `atomic_compare_exchange_weak` `atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit` |
| `atomic_exchange` `atomic_exchange_explicit` `atomic_fetch_add` |
| `atomic_fetch_add_explicit` `atomic_fetch_and` `atomic_fetch_and_explicit` |
| `atomic_fetch_or` `atomic_fetch_or_explicit` `atomic_fetch_sub` |
| `atomic_fetch_sub_explicit` `atomic_fetch_xor` `atomic_fetch_xor_explicit` |
| `atomic_init` `atomic_is_lock_free` `atomic_load` `atomic_load_explicit` |
| `atomic_store` `atomic_store_explicit` `auto` `band` `become` `begin` `bitand` |
| `bitor` `bnot` `bool` `boolean` `bor` `box` `break` `bsl` `bsr` `bxor` `byte` |
| `carg` `case` `catch` `cbrt` `ceil` `chan` `char` `char16_t` `char32_t` `cimag` |
| `class` `classdef` `compl` `complex` `concept` `cond` `conj` `const` |
| `const_cast` `constexpr` `continue` `copysign` `cos` `cosh` `cproj` `crate` |
| `creal` `decltype` `def` `default` `defer` `del` `delete` `div` `do` `double` |
| `dynamic_cast` `elif` `else` `elseif` `end` `erf` `erfc` `errno` `except` `exec` |
| `exp` `exp2` `explicit` `expm1` `export` `extends` `extern` `fabs` `fallthrough` |
| `fdim` `final` `finally` `float` `floor` `fma` `fmax` `fmin` `fmod` `fn` `for` |
| `fortran` `fpclassify` `frexp` `friend` `from` `fun` `func` `function` `global` |
| `go` `goto` `hypot` `ilogb` `imaginary` `impl` `implementation` `implements` |
| `in` `inline` `instanceof` `int` `interface` `is` `isfinite` `isgreater` |
| `isgreaterequal` `isinf` `isless` `islessequal` `islessgreater` `isnan` |
| `isnormal` `isunordered` `kill_dependency` `lambda` `ldexp` `lgamma` `llrint` |
| `llround` `log` `log10` `log1p` `log2` `logb` `long` `loop` `lrint` `lround` |
| `macro` `map` `match` `math_errhandling` `mod` `move` `mut` `mutable` |
| `namespace` `native` `nearbyint` `new` `nextafter` `nexttoward` `noexcept` |
| `nonatomic` `nonlocal` `noreturn` `not` `not_eq` `null` `nullptr` `of` |
| `offsetof` `operator` `or` `or_eq` `orelse` `otherwise` `override` `package` |
| `parfor` `pass` `persistent` `pow` `print` `priv` `private` `proc` `property` |
| `protected` `protocol` `pub` `public` `pure` `raise` `range` `readonly` |
| `readwrite` `receive` `ref` `register` `reinterpret_cast` `rem` `remainder` |
| `remquo` `requires` `restrict` `retain` `rethrow` `return` `rint` `round` |
| `scalbln` `scalbn` `select` `self` `setjmp` `short` `signbit` `signed` `sin` |
| `sinh` `sizeof` `spmd` `sqrt` `static` `static_assert` `static_cast` `stderr` |
| `stdin` `stdout` `strictfp` `strong` `super` `switch` `synchronized` `tan` |
| `tanh` `template` `tgamma` `this` `thread_local` `throw` `throws` `trait` |
| `transient` `trunc` `try` `type` `typedef` `typeid` `typename` `typeof` `union` |
| `unsafe` `unsafe_unretained` `unsigned` `unsized` `use` `using` `va_arg` |
| `va_copy` `va_end` `va_start` `var` `virtual` `void` `volatile` `wchar_t` `weak` |