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# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# limitations under the License.
"""Tests for lr1."""
import collections
import unittest
from compiler.front_end import lr1
from compiler.util import parser_types
def _make_items(text):
"""Makes a list of lr1.Items from the lines in text."""
return frozenset([lr1.Item.parse(line.strip()) for line in text.splitlines()])
Token = collections.namedtuple("Token", ["symbol", "source_location"])
def _tokenize(text):
""""Tokenizes" text by making each character into a token."""
result = []
for i in range(len(text)):
result.append(Token(text[i], parser_types.make_location(
(1, i + 1), (1, i + 2))))
return result
def _parse_productions(text):
"""Parses text into a grammar by calling Production.parse on each line."""
return [parser_types.Production.parse(line) for line in text.splitlines()]
# Example grammar 4.54 from Aho, Sethi, Lam, Ullman (ASLU) p263.
_alsu_grammar = lr1.Grammar("S", _parse_productions("""S -> C C
C -> c C
C -> d"""))
# Item sets corresponding to the above grammar, ASLU pp263-264.
_alsu_items = [
_make_items("""S' -> . S, $
S -> . C C, $
C -> . c C, c
C -> . c C, d
C -> . d, c
C -> . d, d"""),
_make_items("""S' -> S ., $"""),
_make_items("""S -> C . C, $
C -> . c C, $
C -> . d, $"""),
_make_items("""C -> c . C, c
C -> c . C, d
C -> . c C, c
C -> . c C, d
C -> . d, c
C -> . d, d"""),
_make_items("""C -> d ., c
C -> d ., d"""),
_make_items("""S -> C C ., $"""),
_make_items("""C -> c . C, $
C -> . c C, $
C -> . d, $"""),
_make_items("""C -> d ., $"""),
_make_items("""C -> c C ., c
C -> c C ., d"""),
_make_items("""C -> c C ., $"""),
# ACTION table corresponding to the above grammar, ASLU p266.
_alsu_action = {
(0, "c"): lr1.Shift(3, _alsu_items[3]),
(0, "d"): lr1.Shift(4, _alsu_items[4]),
(1, lr1.END_OF_INPUT): lr1.Accept(),
(2, "c"): lr1.Shift(6, _alsu_items[6]),
(2, "d"): lr1.Shift(7, _alsu_items[7]),
(3, "c"): lr1.Shift(3, _alsu_items[3]),
(3, "d"): lr1.Shift(4, _alsu_items[4]),
(4, "c"): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("C", ("d",))),
(4, "d"): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("C", ("d",))),
(5, lr1.END_OF_INPUT): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("S", ("C", "C"))),
(6, "c"): lr1.Shift(6, _alsu_items[6]),
(6, "d"): lr1.Shift(7, _alsu_items[7]),
(7, lr1.END_OF_INPUT): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("C", ("d",))),
(8, "c"): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("C", ("c", "C"))),
(8, "d"): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("C", ("c", "C"))),
(9, lr1.END_OF_INPUT): lr1.Reduce(parser_types.Production("C", ("c", "C"))),
# GOTO table corresponding to the above grammar, ASLU p266.
_alsu_goto = {(0, "S"): 1, (0, "C"): 2, (2, "C"): 5, (3, "C"): 8, (6, "C"): 9,}
def _normalize_table(items, table):
"""Returns a canonical-form version of items and table, for comparisons."""
item_to_original_index = {}
for i in range(len(items)):
item_to_original_index[items[i]] = i
sorted_items = items[0:1] + sorted(items[1:], key=sorted)
original_index_to_index = {}
for i in range(len(sorted_items)):
original_index_to_index[item_to_original_index[sorted_items[i]]] = i
updated_table = {}
for k in table:
new_k = original_index_to_index[k[0]], k[1]
new_value = table[k]
if isinstance(new_value, int):
new_value = original_index_to_index[new_value]
elif isinstance(new_value, lr1.Shift):
new_value = lr1.Shift(original_index_to_index[new_value.state],
updated_table[new_k] = new_value
return sorted_items, updated_table
class Lr1Test(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for lr1."""
def test_parse_lr1item(self):
self.assertEqual(lr1.Item.parse("S' -> . S, $"),
lr1.Item(parser_types.Production(lr1.START_PRIME, ("S",)),
0, lr1.END_OF_INPUT, "S"))
def test_symbol_extraction(self):
self.assertEqual(_alsu_grammar.terminals, set(["c", "d", lr1.END_OF_INPUT]))
self.assertEqual(_alsu_grammar.nonterminals, set(["S", "C",
set(["c", "d", "S", "C", lr1.END_OF_INPUT,
def test_items(self):
self.assertEqual(set(_alsu_grammar._items()[0]), frozenset(_alsu_items))
def test_terminal_nonterminal_production_tables(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
self.assertEqual(parser.terminals, _alsu_grammar.terminals)
self.assertEqual(parser.nonterminals, _alsu_grammar.nonterminals)
def test_action_table(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
norm_items, norm_action = _normalize_table(parser.item_sets, parser.action)
test_items, test_action = _normalize_table(_alsu_items, _alsu_action)
self.assertEqual(norm_items, test_items)
self.assertEqual(norm_action, test_action)
def test_goto_table(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
norm_items, norm_goto = _normalize_table(parser.item_sets, parser.goto)
test_items, test_goto = _normalize_table(_alsu_items, _alsu_goto)
self.assertEqual(norm_items, test_items)
self.assertEqual(norm_goto, test_goto)
def test_successful_parse(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
loc = parser_types.parse_location
s_to_c_c = parser_types.Production.parse("S -> C C")
c_to_c_c = parser_types.Production.parse("C -> c C")
c_to_d = parser_types.Production.parse("C -> d")
lr1.Reduction("S", [lr1.Reduction("C", [
Token("c", loc("1:1-1:2")), lr1.Reduction(
"C", [Token("c", loc("1:2-1:3")),
[Token("c", loc("1:3-1:4")), lr1.Reduction(
"C", [Token("d", loc("1:4-1:5"))],
c_to_d, loc("1:4-1:5"))], c_to_c_c,
loc("1:3-1:5"))], c_to_c_c, loc("1:2-1:5"))
], c_to_c_c, loc("1:1-1:5")), lr1.Reduction(
"C", [Token("c", loc("1:5-1:6")),
lr1.Reduction("C", [Token("d", loc("1:6-1:7"))], c_to_d,
loc("1:6-1:7"))], c_to_c_c, loc("1:5-1:7"))],
s_to_c_c, loc("1:1-1:7")),
lr1.Reduction("S", [
lr1.Reduction("C", [Token("d", loc("1:1-1:2"))], c_to_d, loc(
"1:1-1:2")), lr1.Reduction("C", [Token("d", loc("1:2-1:3"))],
c_to_d, loc("1:2-1:3"))
], s_to_c_c, loc("1:1-1:3")), parser.parse(_tokenize("dd")).parse_tree)
def test_parse_with_no_source_information(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
s_to_c_c = parser_types.Production.parse("S -> C C")
c_to_d = parser_types.Production.parse("C -> d")
lr1.Reduction("S", [
lr1.Reduction("C", [Token("d", None)], c_to_d, None),
lr1.Reduction("C", [Token("d", None)], c_to_d, None)
], s_to_c_c, None),
parser.parse([Token("d", None), Token("d", None)]).parse_tree)
def test_failed_parses(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
self.assertEqual(None, parser.parse(_tokenize("d")).parse_tree)
self.assertEqual(None, parser.parse(_tokenize("cccd")).parse_tree)
self.assertEqual(None, parser.parse(_tokenize("")).parse_tree)
self.assertEqual(None, parser.parse(_tokenize("cccdc")).parse_tree)
def test_mark_error(self):
parser = _alsu_grammar.parser()
self.assertIsNone(parser.mark_error(_tokenize("cccdc"), None,
"missing last d"))
self.assertIsNone(parser.mark_error(_tokenize("d"), None, "missing last C"))
# Marking an already-marked error with the same error code should succeed.
self.assertIsNone(parser.mark_error(_tokenize("d"), None, "missing last C"))
# Marking an already-marked error with a different error code should fail.
parser.mark_error(_tokenize("d"), None, "different message"),
r"^Attempted to overwrite existing error code 'missing last C' with "
r"new error code 'different message' for state \d+, terminal \$$")
"Input successfully parsed.",
parser.mark_error(_tokenize("dd"), None, "good parse"))
parser.mark_error(_tokenize("x"), None, "wrong location"),
"error occurred on x token, not end of input.")
parser.mark_error([], _tokenize("x")[0], "wrong location"),
"error occurred on $ token, not x token.")
parser.mark_error([lr1.ANY_TOKEN], lr1.ANY_TOKEN, "default error"))
# Marking an already-marked error with the same error code should succeed.
parser.mark_error([lr1.ANY_TOKEN], lr1.ANY_TOKEN, "default error"))
# Marking an already-marked error with a different error code should fail.
parser.mark_error([lr1.ANY_TOKEN], lr1.ANY_TOKEN, "default error 2"),
r"^Attempted to overwrite existing default error code 'default error' "
r"with new error code 'default error 2' for state \d+$")
"missing last d", parser.parse(_tokenize("cccdc")).error.code)
self.assertEqual("missing last d", parser.parse(_tokenize("dc")).error.code)
self.assertEqual("missing last C", parser.parse(_tokenize("d")).error.code)
self.assertEqual("default error", parser.parse(_tokenize("z")).error.code)
"missing last C", parser.parse(_tokenize("ccccd")).error.code)
self.assertEqual(None, parser.parse(_tokenize("ccc")).error.code)
def test_grammar_with_empty_rhs(self):
grammar = lr1.Grammar("S", _parse_productions("""S -> A B
A -> a A
A ->
B -> b"""))
parser = grammar.parser()
def test_grammar_with_reduce_reduce_conflicts(self):
grammar = lr1.Grammar("S", _parse_productions("""S -> A c
S -> B c
A -> a
B -> a"""))
parser = grammar.parser()
self.assertEqual(len(parser.conflicts), 1)
# parser.conflicts is a set
for conflict in parser.conflicts:
for action in conflict.actions:
self.assertTrue(isinstance(action, lr1.Reduce))
def test_grammar_with_shift_reduce_conflicts(self):
grammar = lr1.Grammar("S", _parse_productions("""S -> A B
A -> a
A ->
B -> a
B ->"""))
parser = grammar.parser()
self.assertEqual(len(parser.conflicts), 1)
# parser.conflicts is a set
for conflict in parser.conflicts:
reduces = 0
shifts = 0
for action in conflict.actions:
if isinstance(action, lr1.Reduce):
reduces += 1
elif isinstance(action, lr1.Shift):
shifts += 1
self.assertEqual(1, reduces)
self.assertEqual(1, shifts)
def test_item_str(self):
"a -> b c ., d",
str(lr1.make_item(parser_types.Production.parse("a -> b c"), 2, "d")))
"a -> b . c, d",
str(lr1.make_item(parser_types.Production.parse("a -> b c"), 1, "d")))
"a -> . b c, d",
str(lr1.make_item(parser_types.Production.parse("a -> b c"), 0, "d")))
"a -> ., d",
str(lr1.make_item(parser_types.Production.parse("a ->"), 0, "d")))
def test_conflict_str(self):
self.assertEqual("Conflict for 'A' in state 12: R vs S",
str(lr1.Conflict(12, "'A'", ["R", "S"])))
self.assertEqual("Conflict for 'A' in state 12: R vs S vs T",
str(lr1.Conflict(12, "'A'", ["R", "S", "T"])))
if __name__ == "__main__":