blob: eb7722e0de88539a82c5a7ab76ce81712e9cfb93 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Error definitions.
# Each error definition consists of an error message section, followed by one or
# more examples of that error. The examples are used to train the parser to
# recognize the error.
# Each error example should contain the token '$ERR' immediately before the
# token on which the error is triggered.
# An example may optionally contain the token '$ANY'. If so, the corresponding
# error message will be used as a default message for parser errors which occur
# in the corresponding parser state. This is roughly equivalent to repeating
# the example with every erroneous token in place of the '$ANY'.
A name is required for a struct field.
# First example.
struct Foo:
0 [+1] UInt $ERR # Missing name (end of struct).
# Second example -- error on newline token, not comment token.
struct Foo:
0 [+1] UInt $ERR
Module attributes must appear before type definitions.
struct Foo:
0 [+1] UInt field
$ERR [attrib: VALUE] # Attribute after types.
A type name must be CamelCase.
struct $ERR foo: # snake_case
struct $ERR FOO: # SHOUTY
struct $ERR Foo_: # Not a valid identifier
bits $ERR foo:
bits $ERR FOO:
bits $ERR Foo_:
enum $ERR foo:
enum $ERR FOO:
enum $ERR Foo_:
external $ERR foo:
external $ERR FOO:
external $ERR Foo_:
bits Type:
bits $ERR foo:
bits Type:
bits $ERR FOO:
bits Type:
bits $ERR Foo_:
bits Type:
struct $ERR foo:
bits Type:
struct $ERR FOO:
bits Type:
struct $ERR Foo_:
bits Type:
enum $ERR foo:
bits Type:
enum $ERR FOO:
bits Type:
enum $ERR Foo_:
bits Type:
external $ERR foo:
bits Type:
external $ERR FOO:
bits Type:
external $ERR Foo_:
Expected type name.
struct $ERR $ANY
bits $ERR $ANY
enum $ERR $ANY
external $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
bits $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
struct $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
enum $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
external $ERR $ANY
Expected ':' after type name.
struct Type $ERR $ANY
bits Type $ERR $ANY
enum Type $ERR $ANY
external Type $ERR $ANY
Expected end of line.
struct Type: $ERR $ANY
bits Type: $ERR $ANY
enum Type: $ERR $ANY
external Type: $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
enum Type: $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
struct Type: $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
external Type: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
enum Type: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
external Type: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
bits Type: $ERR $ANY
bits Type:
if false: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
if false: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
0 [+0] bits: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
if false:
0 [+0] bits: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
0 [+0] enum name: $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
if false:
0 [+0] enum name: $ERR $ANY
Expected documentation, an import, a module attribute, or a type at top level.
Expected an import, a module attribute, or a type definition.
-- doc
Expected an import, a module attribute, or a type definition.
import "string" as name
Imports should follow the form 'import "file_name.emb" as name'.
import $ERR $ANY
import "string" $ERR $ANY
import "string" as $ERR $ANY
An import statement must be on its own line.
import "string" as name $ERR $ANY
Expected inline type definition or field definition.
struct Type:
external Type:
Nested type definitions must come before fields.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR struct
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR enum
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR bits
Type documentation must come before fields.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR -- doc
Expected field definition.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
Expected documentation, attribute, or enum value for inline enum.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] enum name:
Attributes must be of the form '[name: value]', '[(domain) name: value]', or '[$default name: value]'
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name [name: $ERR $ANY
[( $ERR $ANY
[(name $ERR $ANY
[(name) $ERR $ANY
[$default $ERR $ANY
[name $ERR $ANY
[name: $ERR $ANY
[name: VALUE $ERR $ANY
[name: false $ERR $ANY
[name: name $ERR $ANY
[name: "string" $ERR $ANY
[name: Type $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 $ERR $ANY
Expected a variable, constant, or expression.
# The top-of-stack parser states here are common to expression parsing; the
# module-attribute prefix is just the shortest prefix that gets to an
# expression.
[name: ( $ERR $ANY
# Yes, '((' puts the parser in a slightly different state than '('.
# Fortunately, '(((' and on are equivalent to '(('.
[name: (( $ERR $ANY
[name: + $ERR $ANY
[name: - $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 != ( $ERR $ANY
struct Type:
Documentation must come before any enumeration values.
enum Type:
$ERR -- doc
Attributes must come before any enumeration values.
enum Type:
$ERR [attribute: value]
Expected 'NAME = value' pair.
enum Type:
Documentation must come before attributes.
[name: VALUE]
$ERR -- doc
enum Type:
[name: "string"]
$ERR -- doc
external Type:
[name: "string"]
$ERR -- doc
struct Type:
[name: "string"]
$ERR -- doc
bits Type:
[name: "string"]
$ERR -- doc
Imports must come before module attributes.
[name: VALUE]
$ERR import
Expected an attribute or a type definition.
[name: VALUE]
Expected documentation or attribute for field. (Wrong indent?)
struct Type :
VALUE [+0] Type name
Documentation must come before nested types.
struct Type:
enum Type:
$ERR -- doc
Attributes must come before nested types.
struct Type:
enum Type:
$ERR [
Expected nested type or field definition.
struct Type:
enum Type:
Documentation must come before field definitions.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR -- doc
Attributes must come before field definitions.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR [
Nested types must come before field definitions.
struct Type :
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR enum
struct Type :
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR struct
struct Type :
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR bits
struct Type :
VALUE [+0] Type name
$ERR external
Expected field definition.
struct Type :
VALUE [+0] Type name
Expected attribute or end of line.
struct Type:
VALUE [+0] Type name [name: VALUE] $ERR $ANY
Module documentation must come before imports.
import "string" as name
$ERR -- doc
Body of a type definition must be non-empty and indented.
bits Type:
external Type:
struct Type:
enum Type:
Expected documentation, attribute, nested type, or field definition.
bits Type:
struct Type:
Expected documentation or attribute.
external Type:
Expected documentation, attribute, or enumeration value.
enum Type:
Enumerations may not contain subtypes.
enum Type:
$ERR bits
enum Type:
$ERR struct
enum Type:
$ERR external
enum Type:
$ERR enum
Expected operator or closing parenthesis.
[name: (name $ERR $ANY
[name: (VALUE $ERR $ANY
[name: (false $ERR $ANY
[name: (0 $ERR $ANY
[name: ((false) $ERR $ANY
Expected arithmetic operator or closing parenthesis.
[name: (0 != 0 $ERR $ANY
[name: (0 != VALUE $ERR $ANY
[name: (0 != false $ERR $ANY
Expected arithmetic operator or end of attribute.
[name: 0 != VALUE $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 != 0 $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 != false $ERR $ANY
Expected operator or '.'.
[name: 0 != name $ERR $ANY
Expected operator or closing parenthesis; enumerated values do not have subfields.
[name: (VALUE $ERR .
Expected name.
[name: Type. $ERR $ANY
Field locations must be of the form 'start [+length]'. Missing '+'?
struct Foo:
0 [ $ERR 0
struct Foo:
0 [ $ERR name
struct Foo:
struct Foo:
0 [ $ERR Type
struct Foo:
0 [ $ERR 0
struct Foo:
0 [ $ERR name
struct Foo:
struct Foo:
0 [ $ERR Type
Right operand must be an expression.
[name: 0 * $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 + $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 - $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 == $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 != $ERR $ANY
[name: VALUE * $ERR $ANY
[name: VALUE + $ERR $ANY
[name: VALUE - $ERR $ANY
[name: VALUE == $ERR $ANY
[name: VALUE != $ERR $ANY
Attribute must appear on its own line.
[name: false] $ERR $ANY
Expected subtype or enumeration name.
[name: (Type. $ERR $ANY
Attribute missing closing ']'.
[name: (0) $ERR
Expected operator or end of attribute.
[name: (0) $ERR $ANY
Expected subfield name.
[name: (name. $ERR $ANY
[name: name. $ERR $ANY
[name: 0 == name. $ERR $ANY
Expected expression for size of field.
struct Foo:
0 [+ $ERR $ANY
Unexpected enum name; possibly incorrect indentation.
enum Type:
Space is required after '--'.
enum Type:
$ERR --No space
Expected documentation or next value.
enum Type:
Expected '=' after enumerated name.
enum Type:
Parentheses are required to mix '&&' and '||'.
struct Foo:
if a && b && c $ERR ||
struct Foo:
if a || b || c $ERR &&
Greater-than comparisons may only be chained with equality and greater-than.
struct Foo:
if a > b $ERR <
struct Foo:
if a > b $ERR <=
Less-than comparisons may only be chained with equality and less-than.
struct Foo:
if a < b $ERR >
struct Foo:
if a < b $ERR >=
Chained or nested choice operations ('?:') require explicit parentheses.
struct Foo:
if a ? b : c $ERR ?
struct Foo:
if a ? b $ERR ?
Virtual fields are not allowed in anonymous 'bits' constructs; place them in the enclosing type.
struct Foo:
0 [+1] bits:
$ERR let x = 0