module: | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# Copyright 2019 Google LLC' 1:1-1:28 | |
"\n" '\n' 1:1-1:28 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '#' 2:1-2:2 | |
"\n" '\n' 2:1-2:2 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");' 3:1-3:66 | |
"\n" '\n' 3:1-3:66 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.' 4:1-4:67 | |
"\n" '\n' 4:1-4:67 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# You may obtain a copy of the License at' 5:1-5:42 | |
"\n" '\n' 5:1-5:42 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '#' 6:1-6:2 | |
"\n" '\n' 6:1-6:2 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '#' 7:1-7:50 | |
"\n" '\n' 7:1-7:50 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '#' 8:1-8:2 | |
"\n" '\n' 8:1-8:2 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software' 9:1-9:70 | |
"\n" '\n' 9:1-9:70 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,' 10:1-10:68 | |
"\n" '\n' 10:1-10:68 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.' 11:1-11:75 | |
"\n" '\n' 11:1-11:75 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and' 12:1-12:70 | |
"\n" '\n' 12:1-12:70 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment?: | |
Comment '# limitations under the License.' 13:1-13:33 | |
"\n" '\n' 13:1-13:33 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment? | |
"\n" '\n' 14:1-14:1 | |
comment-line* | |
doc-line*: | |
doc-line: | |
doc: | |
Documentation '-- This is a simple, real-world example structure.' 15:1-15:51 | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 15:51-16:1 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment? | |
"\n" '\n' 16:1-16:1 | |
comment-line* | |
doc-line* | |
import-line* | |
attribute-line*: | |
attribute-line: | |
attribute: | |
"[" '[' 17:1-17:2 | |
attribute-context? | |
"$default"?: | |
"$default" '$default' 17:2-17:10 | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'byte_order' 17:11-17:21 | |
":" ':' 17:21-17:22 | |
attribute-value: | |
string-constant: | |
String '"LittleEndian"' 17:23-17:37 | |
"]" ']' 17:37-17:38 | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 17:38-17:38 | |
comment-line* | |
attribute-line*: | |
attribute-line: | |
attribute: | |
"[" '[' 18:1-18:2 | |
attribute-context?: | |
attribute-context: | |
"(" '(' 18:2-18:3 | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'cpp' 18:3-18:6 | |
")" ')' 18:6-18:7 | |
"$default"? | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'namespace' 18:8-18:17 | |
":" ':' 18:17-18:18 | |
attribute-value: | |
string-constant: | |
String '"emboss::test"' 18:19-18:33 | |
"]" ']' 18:33-18:34 | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 18:34-20:1 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment? | |
"\n" '\n' 19:1-19:1 | |
comment-line*: | |
comment-line: | |
Comment? | |
"\n" '\n' 20:1-20:1 | |
comment-line* | |
attribute-line* | |
type-definition*: | |
type-definition: | |
struct: | |
"struct" 'struct' 21:1-21:7 | |
type-name: | |
type-word: | |
CamelWord 'LogFileStatus' 21:8-21:21 | |
delimited-parameter-definition-list? | |
":" ':' 21:21-21:22 | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 21:22-21:22 | |
comment-line* | |
struct-body: | |
Indent ' ' 22:1-22:3 | |
doc-line* | |
attribute-line* | |
type-definition* | |
struct-field-block: | |
unconditional-struct-field: | |
field: | |
field-location: | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '0' 22:3-22:4 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"[" '[' 22:6-22:7 | |
"+" '+' 22:7-22:8 | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '4' 22:8-22:9 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"]" ']' 22:9-22:10 | |
type: | |
type-reference: | |
type-reference-tail: | |
type-word: | |
CamelWord 'UInt' 22:13-22:17 | |
delimited-argument-list? | |
type-size-specifier? | |
array-length-specifier* | |
snake-name: | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'file_state' 22:25-22:35 | |
abbreviation? | |
attribute* | |
doc? | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 22:35-22:35 | |
comment-line* | |
field-body? | |
struct-field-block: | |
unconditional-struct-field: | |
field: | |
field-location: | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '4' 23:3-23:4 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"[" '[' 23:6-23:7 | |
"+" '+' 23:7-23:8 | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '12' 23:8-23:10 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"]" ']' 23:10-23:11 | |
type: | |
type-reference: | |
type-reference-tail: | |
type-word: | |
CamelWord 'UInt' 23:13-23:17 | |
delimited-argument-list? | |
type-size-specifier?: | |
type-size-specifier: | |
":" ':' 23:17-23:18 | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '8' 23:18-23:19 | |
array-length-specifier*: | |
array-length-specifier: | |
"[" '[' 23:19-23:20 | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '12' 23:20-23:22 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"]" ']' 23:22-23:23 | |
array-length-specifier* | |
snake-name: | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'file_name' 23:25-23:34 | |
abbreviation? | |
attribute* | |
doc? | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 23:34-23:34 | |
comment-line* | |
field-body? | |
struct-field-block: | |
unconditional-struct-field: | |
field: | |
field-location: | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '16' 24:3-24:5 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"[" '[' 24:6-24:7 | |
"+" '+' 24:7-24:8 | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '4' 24:8-24:9 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"]" ']' 24:9-24:10 | |
type: | |
type-reference: | |
type-reference-tail: | |
type-word: | |
CamelWord 'UInt' 24:13-24:17 | |
delimited-argument-list? | |
type-size-specifier? | |
array-length-specifier* | |
snake-name: | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'file_size_kb' 24:25-24:37 | |
abbreviation? | |
attribute* | |
doc? | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 24:37-24:37 | |
comment-line* | |
field-body? | |
struct-field-block: | |
unconditional-struct-field: | |
field: | |
field-location: | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '20' 25:3-25:5 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"[" '[' 25:6-25:7 | |
"+" '+' 25:7-25:8 | |
expression: | |
choice-expression: | |
logical-expression: | |
comparison-expression: | |
additive-expression: | |
times-expression: | |
negation-expression: | |
bottom-expression: | |
numeric-constant: | |
Number '4' 25:8-25:9 | |
times-expression-right* | |
additive-expression-right* | |
"]" ']' 25:9-25:10 | |
type: | |
type-reference: | |
type-reference-tail: | |
type-word: | |
CamelWord 'UInt' 25:13-25:17 | |
delimited-argument-list? | |
type-size-specifier? | |
array-length-specifier* | |
snake-name: | |
snake-word: | |
SnakeWord 'media' 25:25-25:30 | |
abbreviation? | |
attribute* | |
doc? | |
Comment? | |
eol: | |
"\n" '\n' 25:30-25:30 | |
comment-line* | |
field-body? | |
struct-field-block | |
Dedent '' 26:1-26:1 | |
type-definition* | |