Differential Privacy Accounting

This directory contains tools for tracking differential privacy budgets, available as part of the Google differential privacy library. Currently, it provides an implementation of Privacy Loss Distributions (PLDs) which can help compute an accurate estimate of the total ε, δ across multiple executions of differentially private aggregations. Our implementation currently supports Laplace mechanisms, Gaussian mechanisms and randomized response. More detailed definitions and references can be found in our supplementary pdf document.

We test this library on Linux with Python version 3.6.1. If you experience any issues, please file a bug report, also for other platforms or Python versions.


We provide basic examples on how to use the library in privacy_loss_distribution_basic_example.py. There are two ways to run this, either via Bazel or after installing the library using setup.py.

Run via Bazel

For running the example using Bazel, you need to have Bazel installed. Once that is done, run:

bazel build dp_accounting:all
bazel run dp_accounting:privacy_loss_distribution_basic_example

If you are using python other than 3.6, you may need to add the flag --//dp_accounting:python_version=x.x to make Bazel build works. For example, if your python version is 3.7.1, you may need to run

bazel build dp_accounting:all --//dp_accounting:python_version=3.7
bazel run dp_accounting:privacy_loss_distribution_basic_example --//dp_accounting:python_version=3.7

Run via setup.py

For the second option, you will need the setuptools package installed. To ensure this, you may run

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Then, to demonstrate our example, run:

python setup.py install
python dp_accounting/privacy_loss_distribution_basic_example.py