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  1. demo/
  2. plots/
  4. BUILD.bazel

Differentially Private K-means Clustering (Experimental)

This library provides a differentially private k-means clustering algorithm. This algorithm uses the central model of differential privacy.

High-Level Algorithm

The clustering algorithm consists of:

  1. Tree construction using the data and a locality-sensitive hash function.

  2. Private coreset generation from the tree to produce a weighted private dataset.

  3. Nonprivate k-means on the private coreset to generate k private centers.

Tree Construction

A prefix tree is generated based on the hash value of the datapoints. Each node of the tree consists of a hash_prefix and nonprivate_points which is the subset of points which hash to the hash_prefix.

Besides the general rules of prefix trees, the rules for generating the tree are as follows:

  • Node are only branched if the private count of nonprivate_points is at least min_num_points_in_branching_node.

  • Nodes besides the root node are only present in the tree if the private count of nonprivate_points is at least min_num_points_in_node.

  • The maximum depth of the tree is max_depth.

The parameters mentioned above are set automatically by the algorithm, but can be overridden if desired by passing in a custom clustering_params.TreeParam.

Private Coreset Generation

The weighted private coreset consists of a (coreset_point, coreset_weight) for each leaf of the tree:

  • coreset_point: differentially private average of the nonprivate_points of the leaf

  • coreset_weight: differentially private count of nonprivate_points of the leaf

The distribution of noise added during different operations in the clustering algorithm can be controlled by passing in a custom clustering_params.PrivacyCalculatorMultiplier. This is used by the algorithm's mechanism calibration. See clustering_params.PrivacyCalculatorMultiplier for details.

Note: clustering_params.PrivacyBudgetSplit is deprecated. Use clustering_params.PrivacyCalculatorMultiplier instead.


The entry point to our algorithm is clustering.private_lsh_clustering().

Basic Parameters

  • datapoints: numpy array where each row is a datapoint. For the current iteration of the algorithm, centering this data around the origin beforehand may provide performance improvements.

  • radius: bound on the distance of each point from the origin in datapoints.

  • k: number of clusters to divide the data into.

  • epsilon, delta: differential privacy parameters.

Note: Additional parameters for fine-tuning are available in


  • result.centers: Differentially private cluster centers.

  • result.labels: Indices of the closest center for each datapoint. Provided for convenience, these are nonprivate.

  • result.loss: The k-means objective with respect to the centers, i.e., sum of squared distances of the data to their closest center. Provided for convenience, this is nonprivate.

Basic Usage

data = clustering_params.Data(datapoints, radius)
differential_privacy_param = clustering_params.DifferentialPrivacyParam(epsilon, delta)
result: clustering.ClusteringResult = clustering.private_lsh_clustering(k, data, privacy_param)


demo/ presents sample code for using the clustering library on a synthetically generated dataset. The clustering algorithm is run several times (i) for various choices of k for a fixed value of epsilon and (ii) for various choices of epsilon for a fixed value of k. For each run, the code reports the k-means loss and several clustering quality metrics, related to how well the clusters reflect the ground truth labels.

Note: Computation of the k-means loss and the clustering quality metrics are done non-privately, just for the purposes of this demo.

Synthetic dataset generation

The synthetic dataset is generated by sampling from a mixture of Gaussian distributions, where each mixture component corresponds to a cluster and each cluster center is sampled from a uniform distribution in a Euclidean ball centered at zero. Finally, the points are clipped to a specified radius.

Running the demo

Run with Bazel

For running the example using Bazel, you need to have Bazel installed. Once that is done, run the following from the learning/ directory:

bazel build clustering:all
bazel run clustering/demo:clustering_demo -- [options]

Run via

For the second option, you will need the setuptools package installed. To ensure this, you may run

pip install --upgrade setuptools

Then, to demonstrate our example, run the following from the learning/ directory:

python install
python clustering/demo/

We test this library on Linux with Python version 3.9. If you experience any problems, please file an issue on GitHub, also for other platforms or Python versions.

The following options are available:

  • num_points: number of points in synthetic dataset.

  • dim: dimension of points in synthetic dataset.

  • num_clusters: number of clusters in synthetic dataset.

  • cluster_ratio: parameter controlling the ratio of distances between points in different vs. same cluster.

  • radius: radius of ball in which all points in synthetic dataset lie.

  • fixed_epsilon: value of epsilon when experimenting with varying k.

  • k_to_try: list of k values to use when experimenting with varying k.

  • fixed_k: value of k when experimenting with varying epsilon.

  • epsilon_to_try: list of epsilon values to use when experimenting with varying epsilon.

  • use_mechanism_calibration: whether to use the experimental mechanism calibration for noise parameters.

Benchmark Comparisons

These benchmarks compare the normalized k-means objective (average squared distances of the data to their closest center) for this algorithm against the nonprivate sklearn KMeans and private implementations of IBM diffprivlib Kmeans and the accompanying code for the paper Differentially Private Clustering in High-Dimensional Euclidean Spaces from ICML 2017 (dp-clustering-icml17).

For each benchmark dataset we consider, we evaluate each of the above algorithms for various values of k with fixed choice of privacy parameters (epsilon = 1.0 and delta = 1e-6). We run each algorithm 20 times on each dataset. In all the plots below, the solid curves denote the mean over the 20 runs, and the shaded region denotes the 25-75 percentile range.

Note: dp-clustering-icml17 works in the setting of pure differential privacy, namely delta = 0. Also, the privacy parameters are irrelevant for the non-private sklearn KMeans.

Note: IBM diffprivlib Kmeans takes in an upper bound on the infinity norm of allowed data points, whereas dp-clustering-icml17 takes in both the radius and the infinity norm. For purposes of benchmarking, we compute these values exactly (non-privately) for each dataset.

Synthetic Dataset

We generate a synthetic dataset consisting of 100,000 data points in 100 dimensions sampled from a mixture of 64 Gaussians (with standard deviation 0.0125 per dimension) with centers sampled uniformly in a sphere centered at the origin with radius 0.875 so that the entire dataset has radius approximately 1; points falling outside are projected to the sphere. The code for generating this dataset can be found here.

Plot varying k in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] for fixed epsilon = 1.0 and delta = 1e-6
Synthetic vary k plot

Neural Embeddings of MNIST dataset

We use the penultimate layer of a convolutional neural network trained on the images of handwritten digits in the MNIST training dataset (consisting of 60,000 points), to generate 40-dimensional embeddings for these images.

Plot varying k in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] for fixed epsilon = 1.0 and delta = 1e-6
MNIST-embed vary k plot

UCI Letter Recognition Dataset

Dataset on Letter Recognition (from UC Irvine repository of datasets) contains 20,000 instances of 16 primitive numerical attributes of black-and-white rectangular pixel displays containing one of the 26 capital letters in the English alphabet in 20 different fonts (with images randomly distorted to create unique data points). This dataset was (non-privately) centered before evaluating the algorithms.

Plot varying k in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] for fixed epsilon = 1.0 and delta = 1e-6
UCI-letter vary k plot

UCI Gas Emissions Dataset

Dataset on Gas Turbine CO and NOx Emissions (from UC Irvine repository of datasets) contains 36,733 instances of 11 sensor measures aggregated over one hour (by means of average or sum) from a gas turbine, for the purpose of studying flue gas emissions, namely CO and NOx (NO + NO2). This dataset was (non-privately) centered before evaluating the algorithms.

Plot varying k in [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64] for fixed epsilon = 1.0 and delta = 1e-6
UCI-emissions vary k plot