Partition Selection (Truncated Geometric Thresholding)

Many data analysis operations can be expressed as a GROUP BY query on an unbounded set of partitions, followed by a per-partition aggregation. To make such a query differentially private, adding noise to each aggregation is not enough: we also need to make sure that the set of partitions released is itself differentially private.

For the common case where each user contributes a record to exactly one partition, an optimal $$(\varepsilon,\delta)$$-differentially private mechanism for publishing or dropping partitions is described in In the paper, it is also shown that the optimal mechanism can be closely approximated by adding noise drawn from a truncated geometric distribution to the raw count of unique users in a partition, and then thresholding the noisy count. This library includes implementations of the mechanism in C++ and Go. A simple Python implementation and visualization is also provided in this Google Colab notebook.

In addition to the raw algorithm, Privacy-On-Beam wraps partition selection as one component of an end-to-end differentially private data pipeline. Privacy-On-Beam also guarantees differential privacy in the case when users contribute to multiple partitions by splitting the privacy budget across these contributions. However, this is not guaranteed to be optimal in the sense of maximizing the number of partitions reported.