Differential Privacy

For a general introduction to differential privacy, check the top-level docs.

All of our algorithms inherit from the Algorithm base class; you can find more details about the API there.

Here's a minimal example showing how to compute the count of some data:

#include "algorithms/count.h"

// Epsilon is a configurable parameter. A lower value means more privacy but
// less accuracy.
double count(const vector<double>& vals, double epsilon) {
  // Construct the Count object to run on double inputs.
  std::unique_ptr<differential_privacy::Count<double>> count =

  // Compute the count and get the result.
  differential_privacy::Output result = count->Result(v.begin(), v.end());

  // GetValue can be used to extract the value from an Output (or Input)
  // protobuf. For count, this is always an int value.
  return differential_privacy::GetValue<int>(result);


All of our algorithms assume one input element per user. All of a user's contributions should be reduced to a single input element before being passed to our algorithms.

Error codes

Our libraries use Abseil error codes for the following circumstances:

  • UNIMPLEMENTED indicates the functionality is not yet supported by the library.
  • INVALID_ARGUMENT indicates that an argument was improperly set. This includes parameters that are nonsensical (e.g., epsilon < 0, delta < 0), not provided, or will not produce useful output (e.g., epsilon = 0, delta = 1). In other cases, parameters may be theoretically valid, but outside the range that the machine can support (e.g., sensitivity / epsilon would make the geometric distribution overflow, the difference between the upper and lower bound is larger than the maximum representable double).
  • FAILED_PRECONDITION generally indicates that there is not enough data to perform the desired computation.
  • INTERNAL indicates the input data is malformed, invalid, missing, or other problems with merging. This likely indicates that the library is being used incorrectly.