Switch from sync.Pool to a per-tree freelist.

Done for a couple reasons, but the big one is that trees may have different
sized nodes.
1 file changed
tree: a10826ebefd69f74408f11b23c7d69c60b145ed2
  1. btree.go
  2. btree_mem.go
  3. btree_test.go
  5. README.md

BTree implementation for Go

This package provides an in-memory B-Tree implementation for Go, useful as a an ordered, mutable data structure.

The API is based off of the wonderful http://godoc.org/github.com/petar/GoLLRB/llrb, and is meant to allow btree to act as a drop-in replacement for gollrb trees.

See http://godoc.org/github.com/google/btree for documentation.