blob: b9fc7086cf2b52a19437c7e0a01fc5f1f5fa5ca4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright ©2020 The Gonum Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package window
import (
var windowTests = []struct {
name string
fn func([]float64) []float64
fnCmplx func([]complex128) []complex128
want []float64
name: "Rectangular", fn: Rectangular, fnCmplx: RectangularComplex,
want: []float64{
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
name: "Sine", fn: Sine, fnCmplx: SineComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.164595, 0.324699, 0.475947, 0.614213, 0.735724, 0.837166, 0.915773, 0.969400, 0.996584,
0.996584, 0.969400, 0.915773, 0.837166, 0.735724, 0.614213, 0.475947, 0.324699, 0.164595, 0.000000,
name: "Lanczos", fn: Lanczos, fnCmplx: LanczosComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.115514, 0.247646, 0.389468, 0.532984, 0.669692, 0.791213, 0.889915, 0.959492, 0.995450,
0.995450, 0.959492, 0.889915, 0.791213, 0.669692, 0.532984, 0.389468, 0.247646, 0.115514, 0.000000,
// This case tests Lanczos for a NaN condition. The Lanczos NaN condition is k=(N-1)/2, that is when N is odd.
name: "LanczosOdd", fn: Lanczos, fnCmplx: LanczosComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.109292, 0.233872, 0.367883, 0.504551, 0.636620, 0.756827, 0.858394, 0.935489, 0.983632,
0.983632, 0.935489, 0.858394, 0.756827, 0.636620, 0.504551, 0.367883, 0.233872, 0.109292, 0.000000,
name: "Triangular", fn: Triangular, fnCmplx: TriangularComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.105263, 0.210526, 0.315789, 0.421053, 0.526316, 0.631579, 0.736842, 0.842105, 0.947368,
0.947368, 0.842105, 0.736842, 0.631579, 0.526316, 0.421053, 0.315789, 0.210526, 0.105263, 0.000000,
name: "Hann", fn: Hann, fnCmplx: HannComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.027091, 0.105430, 0.226526, 0.377257, 0.541290, 0.700848, 0.838641, 0.939737, 0.993181,
0.993181, 0.939737, 0.838641, 0.700848, 0.541290, 0.377257, 0.226526, 0.105430, 0.027091, 0.000000,
name: "BartlettHann", fn: BartlettHann, fnCmplx: BartlettHannComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.045853, 0.130653, 0.247949, 0.387768, 0.537696, 0.684223, 0.814209, 0.916305, 0.982186,
0.982186, 0.916305, 0.814209, 0.684223, 0.537696, 0.387768, 0.247949, 0.130653, 0.045853, 0.000000,
name: "Hamming", fn: Hamming, fnCmplx: HammingComplex,
want: []float64{
0.08, 0.104924, 0.176995, 0.288404, 0.427077, 0.577986, 0.72478, 0.85155, 0.944558, 0.993726,
0.993726, 0.944558, 0.85155, 0.72478, 0.577986, 0.427077, 0.288404, 0.176995, 0.104924, 0.08,
name: "Blackman", fn: Blackman, fnCmplx: BlackmanComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.010223, 0.045069, 0.114390, 0.226899, 0.382381, 0.566665, 0.752034, 0.903493, 0.988846,
0.988846, 0.903493, 0.752034, 0.566665, 0.382381, 0.226899, 0.114390, 0.045069, 0.010223, 0.000000,
name: "BlackmanHarris", fn: BlackmanHarris, fnCmplx: BlackmanHarrisComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000060, 0.002018, 0.012795, 0.046450, 0.122540, 0.256852, 0.448160, 0.668576, 0.866426, 0.984278,
0.984278, 0.866426, 0.668576, 0.448160, 0.256852, 0.122540, 0.046450, 0.012795, 0.002018, 0.000060,
name: "Nuttall", fn: Nuttall, fnCmplx: NuttallComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.001706, 0.011614, 0.043682, 0.117808, 0.250658, 0.441946, 0.664015, 0.864348, 0.984019,
0.984019, 0.864348, 0.664015, 0.441946, 0.250658, 0.117808, 0.043682, 0.011614, 0.001706, 0.000000,
name: "BlackmanNuttall", fn: BlackmanNuttall, fnCmplx: BlackmanNuttallComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000363, 0.002885, 0.015360, 0.051652, 0.130567, 0.266629, 0.457501, 0.675215, 0.869392, 0.984644,
0.984644, 0.869392, 0.675215, 0.457501, 0.266629, 0.130567, 0.051652, 0.015360, 0.002885, 0.000363,
name: "FlatTop", fn: FlatTop, fnCmplx: FlatTopComplex,
want: []float64{
-0.000421, -0.003687, -0.017675, -0.045939, -0.070137, -0.037444, 0.115529, 0.402051, 0.737755, 0.967756,
0.967756, 0.737755, 0.402051, 0.115529, -0.037444, -0.070137, -0.045939, -0.017675, -0.003687, -0.000421,
name: "Gaussian{0.3}.Transform", fn: Gaussian{0.3}.Transform, fnCmplx: Gaussian{0.3}.TransformComplex,
want: []float64{
0.003866, 0.011708, 0.031348, 0.074214, 0.155344, 0.287499, 0.470444, 0.680632, 0.870660, 0.984728,
0.984728, 0.870660, 0.680632, 0.470444, 0.287499, 0.155344, 0.074214, 0.031348, 0.011708, 0.003866,
name: "Gaussian{0.5}.Transform", fn: Gaussian{0.5}.Transform, fnCmplx: Gaussian{0.5}.TransformComplex,
want: []float64{
0.135335, 0.201673, 0.287499, 0.392081, 0.511524, 0.638423, 0.762260, 0.870660, 0.951361, 0.994475,
0.994475, 0.951361, 0.870660, 0.762260, 0.638423, 0.511524, 0.392081, 0.287499, 0.201673, 0.135335,
name: "Gaussian{1.2}.Transform", fn: Gaussian{1.2}.Transform, fnCmplx: Gaussian{1.2}.TransformComplex,
want: []float64{
0.706648, 0.757319, 0.805403, 0.849974, 0.890135, 0.925049, 0.953963, 0.976241, 0.991381, 0.999039,
0.999039, 0.991381, 0.976241, 0.953963, 0.925049, 0.890135, 0.849974, 0.805403, 0.757319, 0.706648,
name: "Tukey{1}.Transform", fn: Tukey{1}.Transform, fnCmplx: Tukey{1}.TransformComplex,
want: []float64{ // Hann window case.
0.000000, 0.027091, 0.105430, 0.226526, 0.377257, 0.541290, 0.700848, 0.838641, 0.939737, 0.993181,
0.993181, 0.939737, 0.838641, 0.700848, 0.541290, 0.377257, 0.226526, 0.105430, 0.027091, 0.000000,
name: "Tukey{0}.Transform", fn: Tukey{0}.Transform, fnCmplx: Tukey{0}.TransformComplex,
want: []float64{ // Rectangular window case.
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
name: "Tukey{0.5}.Transform", fn: Tukey{0.5}.Transform, fnCmplx: Tukey{0.5}.TransformComplex,
want: []float64{
0.000000, 0.105430, 0.377257, 0.700847, 0.939737, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000,
1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000, 0.939737, 0.700847, 0.377257, 0.105429, 0.000000,
func TestWindows(t *testing.T) {
const tol = 1e-6
for _, test := range windowTests {
t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
src := make([]float64, len(test.want))
for i := range src {
src[i] = 1
dst := test.fn(src)
if !floats.EqualApprox(dst, test.want, tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for window function %q:\ngot:%#.6v\nwant:%#v",, dst, test.want)
for i := range src {
src[i] = 1
vals := NewValues(test.fn, len(src))
dst = vals.Transform(src)
if !floats.EqualApprox(dst, test.want, tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for lookup window function %q:\ngot:%#.6v\nwant:%#.6v",, dst, test.want)
for i := range src {
src[i] = 1
dst = make([]float64, len(src))
vals.TransformTo(dst, src)
if !floats.EqualApprox(dst, test.want, tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for lookup window function %q:\ngot:%#.6v\nwant:%#.6v",, dst, test.want)
func TestWindowsComplex(t *testing.T) {
const tol = 1e-6
for _, test := range windowTests {
t.Run("Complex", func(t *testing.T) {
src := make([]complex128, len(test.want))
for i := range src {
src[i] = complex(1, 1)
dst := test.fnCmplx(src)
if !equalApprox(dst, test.want, tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for window function %q:\ngot:%#.6v\nwant:%#.6v",, dst, test.want)
for i := range src {
src[i] = complex(1, 1)
vals := NewValues(test.fn, len(src))
dst = vals.TransformComplex(src)
if !equalApprox(dst, test.want, tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for lookup window function %q:\ngot:%#.6v\nwant:%#.6v",, dst, test.want)
for i := range src {
src[i] = complex(1, 1)
dst = make([]complex128, len(src))
vals.TransformComplexTo(dst, src)
if !equalApprox(dst, test.want, tol) {
t.Errorf("unexpected result for lookup window function %q:\ngot:%#.6v\nwant:%#.6v",, dst, test.want)
func equalApprox(seq1 []complex128, seq2 []float64, tol float64) bool {
if len(seq1) != len(seq2) {
return false
for i := range seq1 {
if !scalar.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(real(seq1[i]), seq2[i], tol, tol) {
return false
if !scalar.EqualWithinAbsOrRel(imag(seq1[i]), seq2[i], tol, tol) {
return false
return true